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Hakuoki Reimeiroku: Sannan Side Story

A story from before the events of Kyoto Winds. After having visited Hijikata, Sannan spots a suspicious-looking Ibuki and decides to follow him to see what he's up to.

Translated Video



It had already been about four months since we left Edo and began our activities as the Roshigumi in Kyoto…

Keisuke Sannan:

"... I'm sorry to bother you this late, Hijikata. Do you have a moment?"

After I called out, I heard a reply from inside.

Toshizo Hijikata:

"Sannan? It’s fine, come in."

Responding to a voice coming from the other side of the shoji screen, I quietly opened the door.

Hijikata stopped writing a document and turned to look my way.

He seemed very tired, probably because he hadn't slept properly for the past few days.

Normally I would tell him to get some rest, but...

Keisuke Sannan:

"Sorry I'm late. I've finished checking the documents you asked for."

Saying this, I handed over the documents that Hijikata had been giving me.

Toshizo Hijikata:

"Thanks for that. So, what did you think?"

Keisuke Sannan:

"It should be fine this time around..."

After hearing my answer, Hijikata's eyebrows quirked in relief.

Toshizo Hijikata:

"...I'm glad that's the case. It's a waste of time to have to redo these documents so many times."

Keisuke Sannan:

"People of the samurai family are very particular about appearances and formalities."

"I know this is difficult, but for the sake of the future, please get used to it."

Hijikata shrugged his shoulders playfully, however...

Judging from his expression, he didn't seem particularly upset.

He probably thinks of this as a way to give Kondo a boost, so it wouldn’t be too much of a bother.

And I felt the same way.

Keisuke Sannan:

"I’m sure you are aware, but now is the critical moment."

Using Serizawa's connections, he was able to make connections with the Aizu clan, but...

Being unfamiliar with exchanging paperwork, he had more documents rejected than he could count.

It must have been tough to overcome that and to be able to receive a salary from the Aizu clan.

While the other party is probably keeping an eye on the current political situation in Kyoto...

And thinking about how to make use of us.

Suddenly, I noticed Hijikata blinking sleepily.

I had finished my business, so I probably shouldn't stay too long.

Keisuke Sannan:

"...Well then, I will be turning in."

"You should as well, Hijikata, you need to rest. You'll have a busy day again tomorrow."

Toshizo Hijikata:

"Please go easy on me. See you tomorrow."

After our usual light-hearted exchange, I left Hijikata's room.

Anyway, I have to get up early tomorrow, so I guess it's time to get some rest.

Thinking that, I was about to head back to my room when…

Keisuke Sannan:


I stop in my tracks as I see a figure moving in the dark.

Is that... Ibuki?

What on earth is he doing out this late at night?

At this time of day, he should have been back at the Maekawa residence by now…

Keisuke Sannan:

"What are you doing here, Ibuki?"

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:


The moment I called out to him, he looked shocked and froze.

Then, after a moment of silence, he seemed to be struggling with how to respond.

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"No-nothing in particular...! I was just thinking about heading back. So well, I'm off now!"

With those words, he ran away from me as if he was fleeing.

His behavior was rather suspicious.

What on earth could he be up to?

So I decided to secretly follow him.

~Next Sense~

Hiding in the shadows, I followed Ibuki...

Even after leaving the gate of the Yagi residence, Ibuki didn't go back to the Maekawa residence.

He just stood there, looking around restlessly.

What on earth was he planning to do here?

Could it be that Serizawa had told him to do something...?

Just as I began to have such suspicions– 

I heard the sound of footsteps approaching from a distance.

Ibuki heard it as well and...

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"Hey, try to keep it down. It looks like Sannan and the others are still awake."

Suddenly, the people who had made the footsteps stopped in their tracks as if they were in trouble. 

And then…

Heisuke Toudou:

"Sorry, sorry. It's been a while since I last went out drinking, so I got a bit cocky."

When Ibuki heard that, his eyes widened again.

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"I told you to keep it down, didn’t I?!"

After saying that, he looked around again.

It seemed that Nagakura and Harada had returned home with Toudou.

Where on earth had they been out this late at night...

There seemed to be no need to go out of my way to question them.

After making sure once more that there was no sign of anyone nearby, Ibuki spoke.

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"...Anyway, why did I have to help you guys break curfew?"

Shinpachi Nagakura:

"You idiot, there's no way we could break curfew without some help."

Sanosuke Harada:

"That's right. Sannan in particular has an extremely keen intuition when it comes to these sorts of things..."

Keisuke Sannan:

"Oh, and what exactly do you mean by that?"

I asked as I emerged from the shadows.

Heisuke Toudou:

"Ugh, Sannan...!"

At that moment, everyone’s expressions became tense.

Keisuke Sannan:

"'That’s no way to greet somebody."

"What on earth were you guys doing out this late at night?"

"You all know there's a curfew, right?"

Sanosuke Harada:

"Well, that's, how should I put it..."

Of the three, Harada is particularly bad at lying.

He looks at the others, questioning how they should answer.

Keisuke Sannan:

"Did you go out to Shimabara?"

"You must have had a great time, being able to enjoy some delicious alcohol."

"However, you do know that's not why we came to negotiate with the Aizu clan, right?"

Then Nagakura and the others hurriedly began to make excuses.

Shinpachi Nagakura:

"You’re wrong, Sannan! You misunderstand! We weren't just going out drinking...!"

Heisuke Toudou:

"That's right! This is all for the Roshigumi!"

I knew it was just a desperate excuse, but…

Keisuke Sannan:

"Oh? Is that so? Please, elaborate."

At this, Nagakura and Toudou visibly started to look away...

Heisuke Toudou:

"W- well, uhm... someone dropped their wallet, so I helped them look for it!"

Sanosuke Harada:

"Yeah, that's right! Also, I need to gather information in Shimabara for the Roshigumi...!"

...If they had given me a more clever excuse, I might have let it go.

Keisuke Sannan:

"I see, so that's what it was. I understand now."

The moment they heard those words, the three of them visibly relaxed.

Heisuke Toudou:

"See, I knew you’d understand! I expected nothing less of you, Sannan!"

Toudou spoke in a cheerful tone, as if he had been lucky enough to escape with his life.


Keisuke Sannan:

"If what you just said is true, then there are a few things I need to confirm."

Shinpachi Nagakura:


The three of them looked awkward as they heard what I said.

Keisuke Sannan:

"First of all, Toudou, it's wonderful that you were kind to someone who lost their wallet."

"I hope you will continue to set an example for the other corps members."

"Ah yes... how about using your days off to help townspeople in need?"

Heisuke Toudou:

"W-wait a second! Why would I do that–"

Keisuke Sannan:

"Oh, don't you want to be kind to people? Or were those words just now a lie?"

When I question him, Toudou is unable to argue and falls silent.

Keisuke Sannan:

"And Nagakura. I understand that you gathered information in Shimabara."

"Can you tell me in detail what information you gathered?"

I asked, looking at Nagakura through my glasses.

Several beads of sweat began to form on his forehead.

Shinpachi Nagakura:

"Huh? Umm... I was certainly gathering information, but..."

"I don't know if it would be useful to you, Sannan..."

Then Harada, who had been silent up until then, suddenly blurted out as if he couldn't bear to watch any longer.

Sanosuke Harada:

"Heisuke, Shinpachi, maybe it's time to give up?"

"No matter how hard we try, we'll never be able to fool Sannan."

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"That's right. And won’t coming up with bad excuses make things only worse for you guys?"

Keisuke Sannan:

"...You two seem to understand the situation quite well."

"Well, since you're here, let's have a nice long talk."

~End Picture~

Afterward, I took the three reluctant men into a room...

I gave them a detailed lecture on the mindset of the Roshigumi.

I wondered if someday they would become aware of their responsibilities as senior officers.

...For the time being, the outlook was not particularly bright.


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