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Hakuoki Reimeiroku: Shinpachi Side Story

A story from before the events of Kyoto Winds. The 'Baka Trio' is back at it again! Shinpachi got the guys freaked out with his unusually motivated attitude, leading them to have quite an unpredictable day.

Translated Video



The Roshigumi's morning always begins with rigorous training.

Shinpachi Nagakura:

"Come on everyone, hurry up and wake up! Wash your faces and head to Mibu Temple for practice!"

I went around pulling the covers off of every single one of the sleeping worriers and waking them up.

Heisuke Toudou:

"Geez, what gives? Getting all worked up so early in the morning..."

After having his futon torn away from him, Heisuke glared at me with resentful eyes.

Shinpachi Nagakura:

"Of course I’d be excited. We have set an example for the new recruits."

"I'll be waiting at Mibu Temple! Once you're ready, get your ass over there!"

~Next Scene~

After talking to the warriors at the base, I hurried ahead to Mibu Temple.

And then…

I immediately began practicing swordsmanship with the assembled warriors.

Shinpachi Nagakura:

"Come on, come at me with all you got!"

The new recruits still have a long way to go when it comes to swordsmanship.

But we need them ready to get used to real combat as soon as possible.

It's gonna be a challenge!

Shinpachi Nagakura:

"All right, morning practice is over! Now go wash off your sweat, it's time for breakfast! Dismissed!"

After training, the warriors returned to Yagi residence together...

Leaving only Heisuke, Sano, and me behind.

Shinpachi Nagakura:

“Heisuke, Sano, what’s wrong? If you don’t get back quickly, the food will get cold.”

Even though I urged them on, they didn’t budge.

Heisuke Toudou:

"...Hey Shinpachi, did you eat something funky recently?"

Shinpachi Nagakura:

"Whaddya talking about? How rude, this is how I always acted."

Sanosuke Harada:

"You liar. I have never seen you be this motivated when it comes to work. You only get this motivated when you’re messing around."

As expected, Sano has a pretty good intuition. Probably because we’ve been friends for so long.

Shinpachi Nagakura:

"Oh well, I guess I'll explain it to you later."

"Anyway, let's hurry back. It's time for food!"

Dragging the two of them along, as they were giving me a suspicious look, we returned to the Yagi residence.

~Next Scene~

The taste of the food itself is the same as usual, but...

Maybe it's because I'm in such a good mood today, but the food tastes even better than usual.

Shinpachi Nagakura:

"Man, what a meal. Now then, it’s time to clean up. I'll clean up your guys’ trays as well."

When I tried to carry out the trays we had used for breakfast…

Sanosuke Harada:

“…You can clean up later, so just explain. What got you acting so enthusiastic today?”

Shinpachi Nagakura:

"That again? I'll explain it later..."

Heisuke Toudou:

"Tell us now! The way you’ve been so enthusiastic today is disturbing!"

Disturbing, huh… that's a pretty harsh way of putting it.

It would be one thing if I had no motivation, but I don't get why they’re complaining about me being motivated.

I was secretly pretty annoyed by how rude they were about it...

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"...Can't you at least explain what’s going on?"

"You were grinning the whole time during breakfast… it was pretty creepy."

Even Ryunosuke started chiming in.

They're all just so rude.

Shinpachi Nagakura:

"Really? You don't know? If you remember what happened the other day, I’m sure you’ll get it right away."

Then everyone looked at each other and tilted their heads in confusion.

Shinpachi Nagakura:

"It’s finally here! Our long-awaited paycheck has finally come!"

Everyone slapped their knees in understanding.

Sanosuke Harada:

"Oh, that's right. I see, so you're pretty excited about your first paycheck, huh."

Sano, that guy...

He looked at me as if I were a kid getting excited about his first pocket money.

Of course, I'm happy to get my paycheck, and it's not like I don't feel excited at all...

But that's not the only reason I'm happy. 

I took out a book from the luggage in the corner of the room and showed it to everyone.


Shinpachi Nagakura:

"Of course, I’ve another reason to be excited! Check this out!"

Everyone's eyes widened when they saw the book I presented to them.

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"What's that? The handwriting is so messy... Were you the one who wrote this, Nagakura?"

I answered Ryunosuke's question with pride.

Shinpachi Nagakura:

"That's right! I call it the 'Shinpachi Nagakura Secret Kyoto Travel Guide'!"

Heisuke Toudou:

"Is this guidebook one that has information about famous temples and shrines? You're surprisingly diligent, Shin."

Heisuke doesn't seem all that interested when he says that...

I don't want them to lump me in with some random tourist.

Shinpachi Nagakura:

"You idiot, we're not monks, so nothing is interesting about looking at something like that."

"It’s a list of good shops, delicious restaurants, and liquor stores in Shimabara."

I gathered this information on my day off by asking around various shops and locals, so there's no way I could be wrong.

The recommendations of the locals are the most reliable after all.

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"...Your passion is on a completely different level than when you're at work. Where does that enthusiasm come from?"

This guy...

He makes it sound as if I don't take my job seriously.

I'm also taking my duties seriously.

Mainly practicing swordsmanship,  practicing more swordsmanship, and so on.

But that's not all...

Shinpachi Nagakura:

"This is also part of our duties! We have to take the new recruits out on our days off and give them a treat."

When I said that with emphasis, Sano nodded, although he did not seem completely convinced.

Sanosuke Harada:

"...Well, it's certainly necessary to reward new recruits."

Shinpachi Nagakura:

"Right? As expected of you Sano, you get it."

I carefully tucked the travel guidebook I had painstakingly created into my breast pocket.

~End Picture~

Shinpachi Nagakura:

"So, why don't you guys tag along with me? I won't let you lose out."

They both seemed unsure of what to do...

Heisuke Toudou:

"Well, whatever! Before I got my salary, I couldn't even eat outside."

Sanosuke Harada:

"I don't have anything to do today, so I'll join you."

That's how it should be.

As expected of Sano and Heisuke, I knew they’d go along with it.

Shinpachi Nagakura:

"Yeah, come on! You’re coming too, right Ryuunosuke?"

Ryuunosuke's eyes widened as if he never expected to be invited.

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"I can join you guys?"

Shinpachi Nagakura:

"Of course! I'll be heading out soon, so get ready."

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"Oh, wait a minute. I'll get it ready right away."

After saying that, Ryunosuke hurried to the Maekawa residence.

~Next Scene~

And so, with my handmade travel guide in hand, we set out to sightsee in Kyoto…

Shinpachi Nagakura:

"Huh?! The store's already gone out of business?"

"Of course not! I was so excited to finally be able to come!"

However the result was a complete disappointment, and I collapsed.

Sanosuke Harada:

"...Well, I've heard it's hard to stay in the customer service business."

Sano says it with a smug look on his face, but…

Shinpachi Nagakura:

"Even if you say that, I can't accept it!"

I guess it can't be helped if the restaurant had gone out of business like this one is now....

However, the other restaurants we visited today either didn't live up to their reputation, or the staff were rude.

What's worse, some restaurants didn't even let us in because they didn't accept first-time customers.

What was supposed to be a fun sightseeing trip through Kyoto, ended up being a disastrous experience.

It wasn't supposed to be like this...!

On our way home, as I was filled with despair, Ryunosuke spoke up as he looked up at the evening sky.

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"...You’re sure the places we visited today were chosen by asking the locals, right?"

"So why did we always end up at these empty stores?"

Heisuke Toudou:

"Probably ‘cause the locals dislike Shinpachi."

I'm sure Heisuke was just joking, but... 

In the current situation, I can't just let it go.

Shinpachi Nagakura:

"That can't be true! I haven't done anything to deserve your dislike!"

Heisuke Toudou:

"Then why did all the stores we went to suck?"

Shinpachi Nagakura:

"How the hell would I know? Ask the people who told me!"

Sanosuke Harada:

"Keep it down you guys. Don’t worry Shinpachi, you're the most popular person in Kyoto."

Sano talks like he's scolding a couple of spoiled brats.

What the hell is happening today? This isn't just a bad day.

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"So, what are we going to do after this? Are we going back to the barracks?"

Shinpachi Nagakura:

"No, that's–"

Just as I was starting to get worked up again...

Sanosuke Harada:

"Let's go to another restaurant to wash it down. One of the warriors who is from around here told me about a great restaurant."

Everyone was excited by Sano's sudden proposal.

Heisuke Toudou:

"As expected of Sano! We can always rely on you!"

Sanosuke Harada:

"Hey Shinpachi, you’ll be coming too, right?"

Well, I have no reason to refuse...

Still, I can't accept this result.

Because this means I have absolutely nothing good to offer.

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"Nagakura? What's up? Are you not coming?"

Shinpachi Nagakura:

"I-I'm coming! Of course I'm coming too!"

Sanosuke Harada:

"Alright then, this way. It's going to start getting crowded soon, so let's hurry."

That jerk, Sano, always gets to show off.

Next time, I'll definitely show him up!


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