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Hakuoki Reimeiroku: Souma Side Story

A story from before the events of Kyoto Winds, about the meeting between two young men and the origins of a certain picture.

Translated Video



Kazue Souma:

"Um... It should be somewhere around here..."

I took out a piece of paper from my pocket and opened it to confirm the written address.

It's been a long time since I've been to Edo, so I don't really know my way around.

Although I’m trying to find a destination based on the written address…

Kazue Souma:

"Ah... I'm sorry!"

Because I was walking while looking at a piece of paper, I bumped into someone.

Not good. At this rate, I seem to cause trouble for others...

For now, let's ask for directions at a nearby store.

Kazue Souma:

"The shopkeeper said it was here, but... is it really the right place?"

No, he has no reason to lie to me...

There are rows of rather poorly built tenement houses.

I can't imagine an ukiyo-e artist living in a place like this...

I stand in front of the building written on the piece of paper and call out.

Kazue Souma:

"Excuse me, I'm a messenger from the Kasama domain. Is anyone here?"

After calling out to the other side of the entrance door, it stayed quiet for a while.

Then the sliding door opens and a person appears from inside.

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

“You're from the Kasama domain...?”

Kazue Souma:

"That right, I'm Kazue Souma from the Kasama domain. Are you master Ibuki?"

Then the man scratched his head with an embarrassing look.

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"I wouldn't call myself a 'master' just yet."

"Anyway, come in. I've prepared some of the sketches you asked for."

Prompted by a blunt gesture, I walked inside the building.

The room was filled with the peculiar smell of paint.

Judging from the state of the room, this man doesn't seem to have it easy...

Perhaps this is what the painter's life is like.

Ibuki brings some paintings from the back of the room.

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

“You asked me to do a scenery of swordsmanship training, right?”

"I have drawn a few rough sketches, but please choose which one you like most."

I looked at the paintings that he had displayed in front of me.

All the pictures he displayed depict a young man practicing swordsmanship.

Kazue Souma:

"Hmm... I see."

I carefully inspected each picture that was presented to me.

Although they are just sketches, they are all quite impressive.

Kazue Souma:

"Personally, I think this one is the best. Please proceed with the work with this picture."

I chose a picture and handed it to Ibuki.

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"...I see, I thought so. I also actually thought that this one would be best."

Kazue Souma:

"Is that so?"

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"That’s right. Of course none of these paintings are lacking..."

"But I can tell when a picture will be good before you finish it."

Kazue Souma:

"I see... That's what it is."

I rarely have the opportunity to exchange words with an artist...

So I had no way of knowing what they were thinking when they were painting.

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"...I understand. Well then, I will carve the woodblock with this picture."

"I'll let the Kasama Domain know when it's finished, so please wait until then."

Kazue Souma:

"Please do."

The Kasama domain ordered illustrations for a book aimed at the younger children of samurai...

Its purpose is to encourage swordsmanship and the training of the mind and body.

It seemed that young people would rather read a book with illustrations than a book with only words.

That’s why this time they had decided to add illustrations .

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"...Even so, I was interested in why you're asking an unnamed painter like me to work often."

“Does the Kasama domain have considerable curiosity for unknown painters?”

Kazue Souma:


I wasn't sure how to answer.

The Kasama domain should have the budget for a famous painter...

But why did they end up asking this young painter to do it instead?

…I don't know the circumstances around their decision.

Seeing me struggle to come up with an answer, he could guess what was going on...

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"... Well, I won't pry."

"I'm also having a hard time making a living, so I'm grateful that you're giving me a job."

Kazue Souma:

"... If you say so, we’re glad to help. Besides–"

I picked up the picture he showed me earlier.

Kazue Souma:

"Your paintings are powerful. In particular, the scenery of swordsmanship training makes me feel like I was there..."

"It looks like someone who knows a lot about swordsmanship drew it."

"You may be unknown now, but I'm sure you will become a famous painter someday."

Then Ibuki looked away embarrassed.

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"... Flattering you won't get anything."

Kazue Souma:

"I'm not trying to flatter you. I'm not very good at flattery."

I just giving him my honest opinion

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"...Come to think of it, I haven't even served you tea yet. Please wait right here."

After that, he disappears behind the shoji door as if escaping.

…Maybe I said too much?

As I was thinking that while waiting for the tea, I casually looked around the room.

The room is carelessly littered with drawings that look like they were failed drawings or sketches.

As a painter, it’s only natural that he draws a huge number of pictures.

Kazue Souma:


Among the paintings, one caught my eye that was clearly different from the rest.

It depicted a white-haired demon standing majestically in a landscape painted in red and black.

It caught my eye in an instant, and I unintentionally reached out to it.

When I looked at it up close, I was overwhelmed by a strange and ominous force.

Kazue Souma:

"Is this kimono from... Kanadehon Chushingura? No, he's wearing Asagi's haori so that can’t be it..."

If I remember correctly, I've heard that there is a ronin formed corps in Kyoto that wears light blue haori.

I think they are called the shinsen-something...

As I was deep in thought...

The shoji door opens, and Ibuki returns to the room.

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting. It may not be the best tea, but-"

He suddenly froze mind sentence when he saw the picture in my hand.

And then...

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"You! Why do you have that picture...!"

Kazue Souma:

"I'm sorry for looking around without permission. But as soon as I saw it, I was intrigued..."

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"That's fine, now give it back!"

The teacup in Ibuki's hand tumbled onto the tatami.

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"Ah... Hot!"

Kazue Souma:

"Are you alright!?"

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"No, I'm fine. Rather than that, give that back...!"

Ibuki seemed to have no time to worry about the spilled teacup, and tried to approach me.

Kazue Souma:

"Please hold up. There’s something I want to ask you about this painting."

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"What do you want to know about it? It's just scribbles, it's not worth anything!"

Earlier, when he showed me the pictures I had requested, he was totally calm...

I wonder if he really doesn't want anyone to see this painting.

Kazue Souma:

"Scribbles....? I think it's much more powerful and well-made than the drawings from before."

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"What are you talking about? Just give it back!"

I should have returned it immediately...

But still, I was curious, so I asked.

Kazue Souma:

"This picture isn't about Chushingura, is it? Is it about the Shinsengumi... the ronin group from Kyoto, right?"

The moment I asked that, Ibuki almost stopped breathing.

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"No! It's not Shinsengumi!"

Kazue Souma:

"But this light blue haori is from the Shinsengumi, isn't it?"

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

“Do you know the Shinsengumi!?”

Kazue Souma:

"I've heard of them."

"They’re a group of thugs who cut down ronin in order to make a name for themselves."

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"...Yeah, I heard similar rumors, so I tried to draw them from my imagination."

It's a common practice to depict historical heroes as transformed yokai...

For an ukiyo-e artist, it may not be such an outlandish idea.

Kazue Souma:

"Is that so, that's why I drew him as a demon-like figure?"

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"Y-Yeah, that's right. Now that's enough... give it back!"


I faced Ibuki head-on as he tried to retrieve the painting.

Kazue Souma:

"...Ibuki. Can I keep this picture?"

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"Huh!? Why are you so drawn to that picture?"

Kazue Souma:

"I don't know why, but I really like it"

"Besides, I thought that this Enma-like fearsomeness would work as a good talisman against evil."

"Of course, I won't take it for free. I'll pay you properly."

Ibuki was staring at me with a dumbfounded expression.

But eventually....

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"It’s like an Enma amulet, huh?... Haha..."

"...You really like it alot, don’t you."

"It's fine. It's just some sketch I drew for fun, so you can have it for free."

Kazue Souma:

"Really? Thanks alot!"

Ryunosuke Ibuki:

"But don't show or talk to anyone about it."

"If it's known that I drew the Shinsengumi as demons, I'm afraid I'll be in big trouble."

Kazue Souma:

"Oh, I understand. I'm just going to use this as my personal amulet."

I put the picture Ibuki gave me in my pocket.

Of course, at this point, I had no idea what was still to come...

I had no way of knowing that the person depicted in this painting was Kamo Serizawa, the first head of the Shinsengumi.

Nonetheless, I was fascinated by this painting...

Maybe it was a calling from deep inside telling me about what fate had instore for me in the not so distant future.


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