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Hakuoki Reimeiroku: Yamazaki Side Story

A story from before the events of Kyoto Winds. A mysterious figure has been stopped roaming around at night and has both Ryuunosuke and Yamazaki freaked out (both for VERY different reasons).

Translated Video



The humid rainy season had finally come to an end, and summer was drawing closer day by day.

I heard that summers in Kyoto are harsher than the summers in Osaka where I grew up...

To be honest, I was feeling a little melancholic.

Then, one night, Ibuki and I were called to Vice-commander Hijikata's room.

It was a muggy night as usual, but the atmosphere in this room was clearly different.

I could guess what was on the Vice-commander’s mind…

He's surely thinking only about outwitting Serizawa, the current head of the Roshigumi.

As a member of the Watch, I have to help the Vice-commander as much as I can.

Susumu Yamazaki:

"We've been quietly investigating the movements of the newly recruited warriors,"

"but so far, it seems that none of them have been acting strangely."

Our role as the Watch is to find out about incidents occurring within the unit and the condition of its warriors.

If an enemy spy has infiltrated, we must report this to the Vice-commander as soon as possible.

The Vice-commander looked lost in thought for a short while, and then…

Toshizo Hijikata:

"Okay, you can step back. From now on, please be sure to stay vigilant."

Susumu Yamazaki:

"Understood, then..."

After bowing to the Vice-commander, I tried to leave the room, but…

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"Ah... Please hold on  a sec."

Ibuki suddenly cried out.

Toshizo Hijikata:

"What is it? Is there something else?"

In response to the Vice-commander's question, Ibuki looks somewhat uneasy and lowers his eyes.

And then…

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"Well... I might just be reading too much into things."

Toshizo Hijikata:

"……Into what?"

The Vice-commander frowned at this meaningful introduction.

What on earth is this about?

Eventually, Ibuki spoke, gazing at the Vice-commander.

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"The new recruits were saying they saw a strange figure in the barracks yard at night."

Susumu Yamazaki:


The moment I heard Ibuki's words, I thought my breath would stop.

Toshizo Hijikata:

"What's the matter, Yamazaki? Do you know something?"

Susumu Yamazaki:

"N-no... It's nothing."

As expected of the Vice-commander.

To think that he noticed my momentary emotional turmoil.

Fortunately, it seems he had no intention of pursuing this any further.

He stared at me for a while, then turned his gaze back to Ibuki.

Toshizo Hijikata:

"...Maybe they saw one of the warriors going to the bathroom in the middle of the night."

Ibuki tilts his head in dissatisfaction with the conclusion the Vice-commander has tentatively reached.

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"You think so? But then it's not some ghost, who could it have been..."

But it seems there isn't enough solid evidence to continue digging any further...

Ibuki didn't say a word after that.

The Vice-commander then looked back and forth between me and Ibuki, then…

Toshizo Hijikata:

"Okay then, you two can head back. Let me know if anything else happens."

Susumu Yamazaki:

"Understood, then... Let's go, Ibuki."

I urged Ibuki to stand up and guided him out of the Vice Captain's room.

Perhaps it was because he was freed from the indescribable tension that had been hanging over the Vice-commander's room...

Ibuki stretched slightly.

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"...But still, I wonder what it really is. That shadow thing I mean."

Susumu Yamazaki:

"...Y- yeah."

It was as if he had taken me by surprise and brought up the subject from earlier, and I was unintentionally shaken.

Could it be that Ibuki had noticed something...?

No, Ibuki wasn't the type to ask indirect questions like this.

Susumu Yamazaki:

"...As the Vice-commander said earlier, it must have seen a corps member or someone from the Yagi residence."

He answered calmly, but Ibuki didn't seem convinced.

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"Maybe, but then wouldn't they’ve noticed each other?"

Susumu Yamazaki:

"It's dark outside, with only the stars to light the place. No one would’ve been able to see each other's face."

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"Yeah, but still..."

Ibuki continues to press on, however…

Susumu Yamazaki:


I glared at him as I called his name, and he looked a little taken aback.

Susumu Yamazaki:

"Such foolish ghost stories should not be spread among the warriors."

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"What do you mean, not it’s not some stupid story I-"

Perhaps mistaking it for an insult, Ibuki raised his voice a little.

Susumu Yamazaki:

"I'm telling you to refrain from making statements that could lead to misunderstandings."

"The new members of the Roshigumi are all of different social standing and backgrounds."

"What good would it do for us to spread rumors that could upset those members?"

I don't mean to speak so overbearingly, but...

I don't want him to pry any further into the details of the figure.

Ibuki seems fed up with this…

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"...I get it. As long as it's not like some shady character sneaking in, I don't care."

Susumu Yamazaki:

"I'm sorry for speaking so rudely, but I..."

Ibuki then raised one hand and ended the conversation.

Then he just walked away to the entrance.

It was getting late, so he probably wanted to go back to the Maekawa residence and rest.

Susumu Yamazaki:

"...Maybe I should have thought a bit more about my phrasing."

As Ibuki's presence faded away, I couldn't help but say those words.

But this is bad.

I couldn't believe that a corps member had seen me.

The number of corps members will likely increase in the future, so I'll have to be even more careful from now on.

Thinking about this, I headed to the room assigned to the Watch.

~Next Scene~

After lighting the lantern...

I removed the ceiling paneling.

Then I took out a black kimono from a box hidden in the attic.

When I put the kimono on, I felt an indescribable sense of elation.

Susumu Yamazaki:

"...When I put on this outfit, I feel more serious."

I stretched my arms and legs slightly, then...

I drew my sword from its sheath and took a stance.

Nobody can know about this just yet...

I'm sure the Vice-commander would understand.

For now, I must train for the day when I will be on duty in this outfit.

As I sheathed my sword as was lost in thought–

I suddenly heard the sound of the sliding door opening behind me.

I hastily turned around, and there was…

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"Hey, Yamazaki, about earlier..."

Ibuki was about to speak but froze the moment he caught sight of me.

His eyes widened in shock, and he opened his mouth to shout something.

–No, I won’t let you!


The moment I thought that, I pinned Ibuki down and blocked his mouth.

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"Ugh...! Let go...!"

Ibuki struggles to escape from my arms, but...

I skillfully fend him off and restrain his movements.

Susumu Yamazaki:

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you go. I don't want you to go around telling others what you saw."

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:


Susumu Yamazaki:

"I'll let you go if you promise not to reveal anything about what you just saw… So, how about it?" 

"I don't want to be rough with you since you’re a fellow member."

Ibuki glared at me with a suspicious look in his eyes for a while.

But then…

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"F-fine, I get it! I won't say a word to the others. Are you satisfied now?"

I breathed a sigh of relief when I finally heard words of surrender.

Susumu Yamazaki:

"...I’ll keep you to your word."

~End Picture~

After telling him that, I released him.

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"...So what’s up with that strange getup?"

Susumu Yamazaki:

"There's nothing strange about it. I look perfectly normal for a Watch member."

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"What?! What do you mean?! I thought you were dressing up for a festival or something!"

Ibuki says in surprise.

Susumu Yamazaki:

"It’s absolutely nothing strange! Watch members hide in the darkness, working secretly for the Corps." 

"There couldn't be a more suitable outfit for us."

I was being serious, but Ibuki sighed, looking unconvinced.

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"You say that, you just want to play ninja, don't you?"

Just before Ibuki finished speaking, I drew my sword and made a move.

He looked shocked and his throat was trembling, but then…

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"Oi, watch it with that thing! Don't just pull out your sword out of nowhere!"

Susumu Yamazaki:

"Watch what you say. Don’t make any misconceptions."

Ibuki muttered quietly to himself, "I don't think it's a misunderstanding..."

Perhaps fearing that he would be faced with another sword threat if he said anything unnecessary, he didn't say anything more.


Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"... Besides, if you're dressed like that as part of your duties as the Watch, there's no need to keep it a secret."

Susumu Yamazaki:

"Well, that’s..."

I couldn't immediately think of how to respond.

Of course, I was proud that I had nothing to be ashamed of about my actions.

Susumu Yamazaki:

"...Right now, the Roshigumi has just been formed, and everyone is busy."

"It would be better to wait until the time is right to reveal the truth."

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"What do you mean, when the time is ripe..."

Ibuki was so shocked he couldn't speak and his shoulders slumped.

Susumu Yamazaki:

"Ibuki, will you keep quiet about this?"

Ryuunosuke Ibuki:

"...Yeah, yeah, I will. I don't have any interest in telling other people secrets."

"Well, good night then. Make sure you don't go out into the courtyard in the middle of the night or get seen by the other members."

After saying that, Ibuki left the room.

...Does the fact that he took the trouble to come here means that he had something to ask of me?

–Well, never mind.

I'll ask him about it tomorrow.

Eventually, I took another look at my appearance in my Azuma ninja outfit.

Susumu Yamazaki:

"It's a pity, but... I can't stay like this forever."

There's no telling if someone might come to visit again, just like before.

Susumu Yamazaki:

"I won't be working in this outfit for now, though..."

Still, I'm sure this outfit will come in handy someday.

With this conviction in my heart, I began to get changed.


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