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Naran: Final Chapter - Faraway Future

Here is the translation for the R18 version of Koezaru wa Akai Hana: Naran's Final Chapter Faraway Future.

Translated Video



Select: Options ⇀ Events ⇀ Naran⇀ BEST END遙かなる未来


“...Is this the last of our guests for today?”

Even though I turn 25 this year, consciously I still feel like an inexperienced girl. 

Despite this, I don’t know why many men come to me for relationship advice.


(But thanks to that, I feel like I’m getting a lot older…)

Rumors spawn more rumors… and now my room has become a “mental health clinic”, as Naran calls it.

However, in reality it’s a consultation center.

Since I’m very tight-lipped, I think it’s a good place to come and complain, even if I do say so myself.

These rumors have even reached the assembly, and just last year, I was singled out for “guiding ideology.”

I’m just listening and giving what I think is a fair answer, but it was terrible reputational damage.


(Well, I guess if there are any soldiers who actually change their minds, it would cause problems for the assembly.) 

Most of the people who come to me for relationship advice are young men and women who are relatively flexible in their thinking. They also have a passion for not letting old laws and pressures get in the way.

So, even though I did not intend to induce them to think in our direction, if I told them the truth about the painful feelings of the women, many men sympathized with me and changed their minds.

But the times are changing, whether I want it to or not. Even without my activities, people would have noticed sooner or later.

Just what is the real enemy in these times?

Even Shalu, who must have escaped safely, would have been happy to see Nasla’s current situation.


(It would be nice if the assembly was as flexible as these young people. They never listen to anyone at all.)

I recall the time when I was held captive on suspicion of being a political offender.

The reason why I don’t feel bitter is that I remember everyone’s kindness at the same time.


(What would have happened if everyone hadn’t protected me?)

I was saved by King Touya, the Rus women, and most surprisingly of all, the military commanders.

They said things like, “I took Madam Naala’s advice seven years ago, and thanks to that I was able to get married.”

They used to be underlings, but now they’re all digging into the upper echelons, so the flow of time is terrifying.

Seven years ago, I never would have imagined that a consultation center that started out of nowhere would hear fruit like this.

As a result, so many powerful people sided with me that the assembly had to give up.

Aside from the occasional assassin sent to kill me, things are pretty peaceful. 

Ah, well, I’m glad I learned how to wield a sword.


“Mmm… Maybe I’ll have a drink until Naran comes home.”

With so many visitors I’m a bit tired of talking. I stretch out and lean up against the window sill.


“A full moon…”

Every time that golden circle appears, I’m reminded of the oath from that night.

Maybe the reason why my emotions haven’t faded at all is because it’s combined with the impressive sight of the full moon.

It’s been seven years since Naran and I exchanged vows as comrades and became husband and wife. …It feels both long, and short, as the flow of time is mysterious.


(I guess we’re going to grow old this way, keeping our feelings bottled up.)

But I don’t feel sad about that. With the man I love by my side, we’re moving together towards a significant goal.

It’s been a tumultuous few years, but recently I’ve come to think that this is a good life.


(Though to be honest, it is pretty sad.)

I guess I’ve become brazen enough to use the word “sad”.

With the exception of my constant worry… Well, lately I’ve become a bit defiant.

It may be selfish or shallow, but love is love and can’t be helped. Once I accepted my feelings, I felt strangely refreshed.

Now I can be next to Naran with a sense of peace and calm, and people who have seen us have even called us a “mature couple”.


(This is why people even regard me as the one wearing the pants, even though we’re about the same age.)

“I’ll rejuvenate myself once here, as a woman.”


“Ah, that’s no good. If you do that, then young foolish men, like I used to be, will come running to you.”


“Ah! Welcome home, Naran. You’re back early today.”

I was so happy that I ran over with a trot. Looking up at his slightly higher face, he gently patted me on the head.


“I’m home. I'm back because today’s a special day.”

Since then, as he had declared, Naran had steadily risen in the world through his bloody efforts.

A year ago, when the country across the sea invaded again, he performed as well as the war god Suren, and impressed the people around him.

Even excluding my personal bias towards him, I think he’s become as strong as anyone else, both mentally and physically.

So mesmerized by the presence of my wonderful husband, I almost missed what he had said, so I hastily asked.


“What’s so special about today?”


“What do you think?”


“Aw, don’t tease me.”

As I said this, looking closer, I noticed that Naran had Suren’s keepsake wrapped around his head.

He’d always hung it on the wall and treasured it like a painting, so I wonder what brought about this change of heart.

Naran notices my gaze and smiles softly.


“I just thought it was about time.”


“Hmm, did you set some kind of deadline for yourself?”


“Deadline… rather, it was more like a goal. If I make it this far, I should be able to carry his sentiments entrusted to me.”


“This far?”


“Yeah. I’ve been saving it for this day.”

Seems like something really good happened to him today.

As I was confused and tilted my head, Naran suddenly knelt down and took my hand.


“...Today, I’ve been appointed as the military commander.”


“R-really?! That’s great, Naran!”

“Your performance last year was truly remarkable.”


“Yeah. I think that’s probably a big part of it.”

In the past, even Suren achieved military success by fighting off invaders. It’s quite a coincidence that he would be appointed to the highest position for the same reason.


(No… it’s not a coincidence. It’s the result of Naran’s hard work.)

“I’m sure Suren would be happy for you as well.”


“So tonight… I can finally say it.”


“? Say what…?”


“...Naala. Please become my wife, for real.”




“Now, I can finally be with you forever. If we have a child, I’ll be given the right.”


“! Wait, so… that’s why you haven’t touched me for seven years?”

“Because if we had a child before you became an aristocrat, I’d have to marry someone else…?”


“I thought I’d prepared myself, but enduring for seven years has been unimaginably unbearable.”


“But, seven years ago you said you didn’t love me anymore…”


“Yes, I said that what was in my heart wasn’t love. And what I’m talking about goes far beyond love.”

“I truly love you. I have wanted all of you, but I have held myself back.”  




“If you don’t understand, I’ll say it again. Naala, I love you more than anything or anyone in the world.”

“So I want you to take my hand, this time as my wife.”


“...Your stubbornness is almost refreshing.”


“Haha, once a man decides something, he should see it through to the end. …I learned that from my brother.”


“I don’t think even Suren could match the strength of your convictions. Seven years… Seven years.”

Too much time has passed to create a sweet atmosphere instantly after being told of his feelings.

Suppressing my surging feeling of joy, I spoke in a slightly pouty manner.

After all of the twists and turns, this much can be forgiven.


“What would you have done if I chose a different man in the meantime?”


“I thought I’d be fine with that if it made you happy.”

“But, if you stayed by my side until I gained my rights… I was determined to propose to you at that time, fair and square.”


“...I thought you didn’t see me as a woman.”


“There’s no way, even hypothetically, I could ask someone I felt that way about to marry me. I’ve become this strong because I felt you’re the only one I wanted.”

“...Naala. Will you give me a reward for being so patient?”

He hugs your waist and puts a finger on your chin. When my face turned upward, his soft lips met mine.



Unlike the roughness from seven years ago, it is filled with an enveloping gentleness.

Just as my jaw relaxed from the comfort, his hot tongue parted my lips and entered.


"F-fu… haa..."

The undulating tip of his tongue traced the rows of my teeth and smoothed over the roof of my mouth.

I was irritated by the slow movement, and the root of my tongue tingled.


“Mm, ha… Naran…”


"When you call me like that, I won’t be able to control myself..."

Naran's tongue intertwines with my begging tongue. I was slowly savored from the base to the tip, and my breath gradually increased.

Even though we've only kissed each other, my body felt hot.

As I let out an excited sigh, saliva dripped from the gap between my lips. Naran licked up the dripping drops and stroked my mouth deeper and stronger.


“Mm… ah…”


“You’re so lovely, Naala.”

As he turned his face towards me, his sweet voice made me almost faint.

Naran's arms supporting me were reassuring, but I felt frustrated as it seemed like I was the only one catching up.


"H-hmm… you somehow seem better than back then… Did you practice?"


"I've held you countless times inside my head, but that’s all."


“I-Is that so?”


"Yeah. When we were eating together, or when we were talking next to each other… Whenever I saw your cute lips and tongue, I always wanted to eat you like this."

"Did you know? You have a very elegant way of eating. That's why I can't really see inside, so when I do see it sometimes... I get so excited..."


“You say some astonishing things..."


"I guess so. All men react when the girl they like is around."

"Just like this……"

Suddenly, I felt something pressed against my lower waist, and I realized that there was something hard there.

My cheeks suddenly became hot and I looked down, but then he pressed his lips against my ear.



His damp tongue traces the hollows of each ear.

A grating, obscene sound echoed right next to my skull. He licked my eardrum, making me tremble involuntarily.




“…Come here."

My weak body was led to the bed.

As we lay down hugging each other, I could hear Naran's pounding heartbeat.



It felt like proof of our mutual love and it made me happy.

I hugged him tightly, and Naran returned it with the same strength.


"Can I take it off...?"


"Y-you don't have to ask."


“Haha, sorry. I've never experienced anything like this, except for that one time in the bathroom. So I'm worried if I don't ask... What parts do you dislike, what parts feel good, etc..."

He whispered as it trailed down my neck and unclasped my jacket.

I felt like a fruit being peeled as each layer was carefully removed. I become embarrassed when Naran treats me like this.


“Well, it looks like you got everything under control.”


"That's not true. Look..."

After taking off his clothes, Naran took my hand and placed it on his bare chest.

I felt his heart beating violently behind his muscles, and my body relaxed a little.


“Do you think I can stay calm even though my seven-year-long wish has finally come true?”


"People who are truly panicked don't report it themselves... like me."

Feeling a little frustrated that I was alone and shy, I reached out to touch Naran's underwear.

As I stroked his cock through his cloth, he felt even harder.


"N-no, hold on. I've decided that we'll have fun together tonight."

Naran said in a gentle tone and took off all his clothes.

And when he lay down on the bed underneath me…



"So now I have to make you feel good too..."


“Huh? ….Ah!”

Naran's lips touch between my opened legs. I tried to close them reflexively, but his hand gently stopped me.

The thought of my private parts being exposed right in front of Naran made me feel so embarrassed that my face felt like it was on fire.


“My wish has finally come true, so show me everything. Let me lick all your cute parts..."


“Ah! Mmm…!”


"Hmm...hey, which do you prefer, here or here...?"

The tip of his tongue exposed the petals and licked my sensitive bud and its surroundings.

When he asked me this while I was being caressed, even his breath became a stimulus and made the skin of my whole body stand out.


"J-just... don't ask... Ah!"


“Even when you were with my big brother, did you shake here like this...?”


"H, ahh... why did you do that..."


"...Because I'm jealous."

His honest words resonate in my heart. Even though I think it's childish that I'm happy to be jealous, I just can't control my heart.

I felt as if my senses were being squeezed by his love, and my lower abdomen convulsed in response.


"You’re getting wet..."

As if to mock me, he scoops up the honey with his fingertips, and blood rushes to my face. When I looked away in embarrassment, Naran's stuff appeared right in front of me.

His penis was dark red and looked like it was about to burst. I gulped at the lewd sight and couldn't help but stare.


"Naala, shall we feel good together...?"



Naran's hips swayed, and I realized what he was trying to say. After I hesitated in embarrassment, I took the plunge and pressed my lips to his manhood.

The moment I touched the tip, the hard, taut rod jumped.


"Ah… it feels so good…”

I was happy to hear how he felt. I wanted him to feel even better, so I took him in with my whole mouth.


“Mm… ha… ngh…”

However, I felt embarrassed in this position and I wasn’t very good at it. As if sensing this, Naran moaned.


"It's okay. It's dark and you can't see, so there’s no need to be embarrassed."

It's true that the night was now shrouded in darkness, but the moonlight was brighter than usual and the wax light was flickering.

I was so worried that I couldn't move, but suddenly my bud was sucked strongly.


“Hiya!? Ah!


"Sorry, sorry, I can't see very well, so my bad."


"I know you can see just fine… Ah!"

After this was repeated several times, my cries of protest turned into cries of disapproval.

As if being guided by Naran, who was leaning forward a little, I timidly took him into my mouth.


“Mmm… ah… ha”

Cleaning it with the inside of my cheek and working it up and down while sliding the mucous membrane. I licked away the bitter taste I occasionally felt and traced the protruding veins with the tip of my tongue.


“I’m going to touch you inside…”

Maybe it was on purpose or maybe he’s just being shy. But the fact that he kept asking for my approval made me feel even more embarrassed. I couldn't help but be conscious of the places he said he would touch.

When Naran's finger parted my opening and slowly entered me, the honey that was inside me came spilling out.


“Ah, hah…!”


“It’s overflowing…”

While rubbing the inside with his fingers, he sucks out the bud.


“M-mm… mm!!”

As I was chasing only my own pleasure, the thing in my mouth moved as if protesting.

Even though I know I shouldn't, my mouth almost stops moving.

Still, I managed not to let go and continued to move my jaw up and down.


"Y-you're pretty good at it... so good... I just might..."


"Hmm, hmm! Ah, too...hi…” 

The heat gradually built up in my lower back, and I couldn't stand it anymore.

When I turned around with teary eyes, Naran, who had swallowed his saliva, spoke up in a desperate voice.


"I'm almost at my limit... Come here..."

I sat up and touched his outstretched arm. He took my hand and we laid down, hugging each other again.



"...Can I put it in?"


“Geez, are you really gonna keep asking me?”

I can't help but think it's pretty mean of him to come this far and still have to ask for permission.

As I responded with a sulky voice filled with shame, his lips came down next to my ear... and a voice husky with lust blew into my mouth.


"If I don't do this, I'm afraid I might mess up. I'm worried that I'll destroy you with all the feelings I've built up..."


"...I don't mind making a mess, so please give yourself to me quickly. I've always wanted to become one with you as well..."


"You’re horrible. I tried so hard to suppress it..."

I thought the hard tip pushed my entrance wider, but in the next moment, I was pushed forward with my hips.

My whole body went limp as I felt something I hadn't felt in a long time.


"Ah!? Aaah...!"


"I-I won't be able to hold back anymore..."

The area, which Naran’s tongue and fingers had teased, easily swallowed his taut shaft.

When I wrapped it all the way to the root, I was filled with an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

–I have finally become one with Naran, the person I longed for so much.

Tears of joy roll down my temples.


"! Sorry. I guess it must have hurt..."


"N-no, that's not it… I was just so happy when I thought about finally becoming one with the person I love..."



Perhaps in response to my words, the heat inside me swelled even more. Feeling a man's desire for the first time in seven years feels just as strong, and it makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

I shake gently as if to release my twitching cavity.


"So tight..., haa, haa, are you, alright...?"


"N-n-uh... I-I’m fine, so... move more... ah-n-more... let me feel you."


"T-that's really cruel... If you provoke me like that, I might... lose control..."


"I wasn’t trying to provoke you… hey!"

I was thrust into the deep end, and my vision flickered for a moment.

My cervix twitched from the excessive stimulation and stuck to the glans as if trying to swallow the heat.

When a hard part is squeezed around it, it spits out honey as if its cavity has been broken.


"Ah! Aah! Nah!"

Burnt with desire, my hips sway on their own. My legs wrapped around Naran's waist as I unconsciously tightened my insides.

I pulled him closer to me as if begging him to go deeper.


"Ah... your insides are so tight... Does it feel good for you too...?"


"Ah! Ah, yes... it feels good...! It feels incredible, Naran...!"



Suddenly, Naran stops moving.

I was about to move out of frustration, but Naran's hand grabbed my waist and stopped me.


"N-no, why...!"


"Fu-, haa, haa, haa...sorry... it just feels so good that I almost came..."

Still inside me, I felt him trembling and convulsing. Apparently, he held back from climaxing.

However, despite stopping halfway, it did not wither, rather it seemed to grow as if to show dissatisfaction.


"Geez… y-you could have let it all out..."


“But that would’ve been a waste… I just want to enjoy this a little longer…”

I was rocked gently again. Because the movement had slowed down, the lewd wet sounds could be heard even louder.


"Haa, our fluids are getting mixed together... it's all messy..."

As if to prove his words, my insides were kneaded and torn.

Every time Naran moved, a mixture of nectar and semen spilled out of the opening of my cavity, making lewd, squishing noises.


"Ah, ah, mm… my insides… are completely filled with you."


"Y-you dummy… please don't say such cute things… if you keep this up ...haa… I won’t be able to hold...!"

"If you tighten it this much... I can’t.."

When he said that, I became conscious of the opposite, and my insides wriggled as if they were being constricted. Immediately, his heat swells.

His shaft stretched to its limits, rubbed my vagina roughly, making my hairs stand on its end, and it feels incredibly good.


"Ah, ah...! Naran... Naran!"

I was so in love with the way it was spasming as if it might burst that I held on tight, tensing my lower abdomen.

As the pressure inside her became even stronger, Nalan bucked his hips against hers, letting out a lustful moan.


"Uh... Naala... I love you, Naala...!"


"Hi! Anh, ah...!"


"Fuck, ah... I’m... cumming...!"

As he dug deeply, a sharp light flickered in the back of my mind. My inner thighs twitched as I felt myself being pushed to orgasm, and at the same time, Naran's body released its desire.

The depths of her stomach rippled with pleasure, and I moved, trying to swallow more semen deeper.


"Haa... haa, haa, haaaa..."

"...Amazing, so much came out. If this keeps up, I think we might have a child soon..."

He whispered while still inside me, making my insides tremble again. Naran sighed in satisfaction and rocked his hips a few times.


“Ah, haa… no, d-don’t… I-I just came.”


"I know… you’ve been convulsing a lot..."


"N-n... Stop teasing me."


“Well, I’m just so happy… It’s like I’m still dreaming, doing this with you…”


"Hehe... did you feel so good that you thought it was a dream?"


"Yeah… I can probably do it three more times tonight."


"What!? Three times!?"

No matter how excited I am that we are finally together, I can't do it three more times.

It's been a long time since I've done this, so I've used up all my mental strength.

As I questioned him with my eyes, Naran whispered to me with a big smile on his face.


"Well, you know, we're still young."


“T-that’s not a reason… ah!?”

While I was still protesting, the thing inside grew larger again, causing my words to jump around.

Even though he had just finished, it felt like he was getting harder than before.


"D-don’t tell me... are you serious?"


"Yeah.....I'm super serious."


“Nnn… mmm… wait!”

Naran:“...Not happening, I’ve been waiting for seven years, so I can’t wait any longer.”

“So… desire me, Naala. Say you love me.”



We intertwined our fingers to melt the rising heat. I feel like I can't breathe as my feelings grow.



I would probably have told him even if he had not asked for it.


“...I love you, Nalan.”

Feeling the heat seeping into my body, I picture the future in my head.

Naran and I will have a child that will carry on our will, and that child will also weave love, and become someone’s hope… that kind of future.

…And this is a love that will undoubtedly continue on to children across time, just like the great river that flows through our continent.


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