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Naran: Melting Words

Here is the translation for the R18 version of Koezaru wa Akai Hana: Naran's scene Melting Words 2.

Translated Video



Select: Options ⇀ Events ⇀ Naran ⇀ 落ける言葉2

Finally the morning came, after a mostly sleepless night. I squint my puffy eyes in the dazzling morning sun.


(No one likes being compared to someone else…)

Regret has been swirling around in my head since last night.

The more I tried to sleep, the more I saw Naran’s sad face, keeping me awake.


(I have to apologize to Naran…)

But apologies need reason and explanations. And then I’d have to explain the emotions contained in those words.

For Naran, My feelings must be nothing more than a burden…


(Even so, I still have to apologize to him…)

I was completely unprepared, but I stepped out with renewed determination.

~Next Scene~


(He’s usually training in the garden around this time…)

Naran trains his sword skills early in the morning every day before going to the military.

Taking a guess and peeking out there, as expected, I found him out there swinging his sword.

I follow the beads of sweat running over his supple muscles with my eyes and fall in love with him for a brief moment.


(...! Ah, now is not the time for this…)

I scold myself and walk up to him.

Nalan turned around when he noticed my footsteps and I almost stopped breathing as soon as our eyes met.

Trying to look calm, I consciously relax my tense facial muscles.


“Good morning, Naran.”


“Good morning.”

Apparently he’s not angry anymore. Seeing his soft smile, I was about to apologize, when…


“Ah… I’m sorry about yesterday. Leaving so suddenly and all.”


“Ah, no, I’m the one…”

He turned the tables on me with his apology, causing the words I was about to say to get stuck in my throat.

With his words having murdered my momentum, and as I tried to speak up, he turned around as if busy.


“Sorry, I’ve got an early start this morning. I’m probably going to finish late tonight, so you should go on to sleep.”

The topic was blatantly dropped and I was stunned to see Naran’s back as he ran off.

It’s as if he doesn’t want me to touch him.


(Do you not even want to talk to me anymore…?)

Once again, regret weighs heavy on my head and heart.

Ah… I could just fall to the ground and cry.


(This is not the time to be wishy-washy.)

Even if it's a sham, we are a married couple, so we can’t be so awkward around each other.

I slapped my cheek with my palm to rouse my body and soul, which was about to sink into the ground.

~Next scene~


“Naran, you idiot”

We didn’t talk to each other for such a long time that, instead of an apology, a curse came out of my mouth.

Even days later, Naran was still quite busy.

When I tried to chase him down and talk to him, he ran away from me for a variety of reasons.


(It’s true that he is busy, but…)

(You could at least let me give you my excuse…)

I don’t know what to do, and the time just goes on and on.

Having dinner alone feels so bland that I start to eat less and less.


“But I can’t just leave it…”

Considering my physical condition, I couldn’t leave it behind, so I ate it to wash it down with the wine that was on the table. As I kept repeating this, my vision gradually became blurry….


(Despite my confidence in my drinking capacity…)

Maybe it’s because I didn’t get enough sleep, and drank without eating much. My vision wavered, and my hand shook as I held the cup.


(...Tonight, I wouldn’t mind too much if I drank…)

While I hesitate to indulge myself in alcohol, there’s also a part of me that thinks that escaping to alcohol once in a while isn’t so bad.

After finishing my meal, I continued to gulp down a cup of wine one after another.


“It’s like I’m lovesick…”

I was in fact suffering from distorted emotions.

What unites us as a couple for the sake of our dreams is not romantic love, but a sense of duty. At least, that’s how Naran feels about me.

Perhaps the most important thing for Naran now is to live a life that’s worthy of his brother.

So hugs but… no kisses.

And yet I have fallen in love with my husband.


“How fruitless…”

I’m stuck on the concept. Putting it into words made me feel worse, so I emptied the contents of my cup.


(Uhh… the world is spinning…)

I shook my head to wake myself up, which made me feel even more woozy. Unable to endure it, I plopped down on the desk and felt nauseous.


(This is really bad. …I should cool my head…)

I stumbled when I got up to open the window to sober myself up. As soon as I put my hand on the desk it tilted awkwardly, unable to bear the one-sided load.

Before I knew it, I was tumbling with the plate and liquor on top of the desk.



Immediately after the loud noise, the door opened and Naran jumped in.

He always calls my name before entering the room, but tonight he seemed to be more flustered than usual.


“This is…”

Blindside by the disaster on the floor, he wondered just what was going on.

When his eyes met mine as I sat up, his eyebrows lowered in a puzzled manner.


“Ah, Naran, come in.”


“Are you… quite drunk?”


“Ahh, should I not be?”


“I didn’t say that, but…”


“Hehe, sorry ‘bout that. I put my hand down, and then I fell down…”

As I staggered, trying to clean up the broken plate, Naran rushed over to me.


“It’s fine, I got it.”


“I can do it myself.”


“No, you’re just going to injure yourself picking up shards in your current condition. I’ll clean up, so you sit down.”


“...I’m sorry.”


“I’d much rather hear “thank you” here.”

Naran’s hands wrapped around my shoulders as he picked me up.

With dazed steps, I stood up and was led to a nearby chair, where I collapsed into a sitting position.


“Could you have a seat and wait a bit?”



I nodded, and the tip of my nose came into contact with his black hair. Naran is just that close. He’s peering at me out of concern.


(Naran won’t run away from me…)

I was both so happy and so sad that I found tears forming in my eyes.

With my moist eyes, I stare into his brown eyes, as if pleading.


“I’m sorry about the other day… It’s not what you think.”




“I want you to know that at least. I hate not being able to talk to you.”


“...I’m sorry too. I really have been busy, but I guess I made you feel lonely.”

A kiss fell on my fingertips and I felt my body temperature rise with the heat.

Softly touching the inside of his lips, I feel numb all over, as if the alcohol has made my senses go haywire.


“Be a good girl.”


“Hmm, you’re treating me like a kid.”


“Drunks are the same as children.”

Laughing as he spoke, Naran went back to cleaning up the broken plate.

I look vaguely at Naran’s back, listening to the sound of debris being cleared away.


(Being such a bother to Naran… What am I doing?)

Beginning to feel apologetic for sitting still, I found that I could no longer sit still.

Driven by the feeling that I have to clean up after myself, I get up with vigor.


“I really should…”

The words “clean up” didn’t come out. My head was heavier than I thought, and I couldn’t hang in there.



“Why did you get up, all of a sudden…? Do you feel sick?”


“Now, I just… I’m not drunk. That’s why I can take care of myself.”


“Ah… Yeah, all drunks say that.”


“I’m not drunk…”


“Yeah yeah. But I’m glad you didn’t get hurt. My wife unexpectedly can’t hold her liquor.”


“...No way! I don’t have a drinking problem…!”


“Haha, okay, okay.”

He laughed at me. I cry, feeling ashamed at the thought that Naran might have been taken aback by my disgraceful behavior.


(No… If I’m drunk and crying, I’ll be even more annoying…)

My own hand, which I move, feels fuzzy, as if it’s swollen up.

So when I rubbed my wet eyes, my face was kind of sticky…


“? I wonder what this is…”


“Ah, that’s the alcohol from when you first fell.”

Touching it again, my body felt wet all over. If this is all alcohol, then yeah, it must be quite a lot.



I feel like the alcohol smell coming off my clothes is going to get me even more drunk. I can’t stand being so unsightly like this.

Thinking with my sluggish head, I felt the urgency to get undressed as soon as possible.


“Wa… wait, wait! You can’t get undressed here.”

I was about to take off my upper garment when he grabbed my wrist vigorously.

I think in a wobbly, hazy, spinning world. Why is Naran so impatient here…?


“? Why?”



“Ah, well… I mean, you can’t. If you want to take your clothes off, let me go out into the corridor…”



And then he’ll leave me again. Do I have to spend another night shivering with loneliness?


“No! You can’t go!”



Clinging to him reflexively, I buried my face in Naran’s chest.

I didn’t want to bother him, but the power of alcohol has made me quite selfish.


“Don’t go…”




(Ah, Naran’s scent, it’s been so long…)

As I rubbed my cheeks against the comfort, I felt my sticky clothes heavy on me again.

Come to think of it, I’m still drenched in alcohol.




“?! Wait a minute!”

He muttered against my sticky body, but Naran seemed to think that I was going to throw up.

He looked cute and funny, so flustered, so I held onto him even tighter.



I don’t want to bother him. Then again, I do.

I have to let go of him. Then again, I don’t want to.

Conflicting feelings go round and round in a distorted world.


“Could you let me go for a minute? If you’re not feeling well, I’ll go get some water…”



I let out a deep breath as I hugged him tightly.

I was preparing myself for Naran to toss me aside in disgust, but instead, I felt his hand caressing my back.


“Okay. I’ll go with you, so let’s go to the bathroom. You’ll catch a cold if you don’t change clothes.”

He holds me up before I can react to his words.

My swaying vision only seemed to accelerate my intoxication even more, so I closed my eyes tightly.


“Don’t worry, I won’t drop you. Well, you might not find me to be as dependable as my brother was…”

Before I can say that’s not the case, my body sways, and I reflexively close my mouth.

~Next Scene~


“Whew, we’re here.”

I’m gently lowered into the washroom and lift my heavy eyelids.

I tried to stand up on my own, but I couldn’t get any strength in my legs at all.


“Are you okay?”



It seems that I’m not alright. I feel more drunk than when I was in the room, perhaps because of all the shaking when he carried me.

Looking through my hazy view, I managed to figure out that this was the bathroom.


(Why am I in the bathtub…?)

(Oh yeah, in order to change clothes and wash my sticky body…)

(So, I gotta get undressed…)

As I go to remove my clothes, I hear a panicked voice next to me.


“I’ll be waiting outside. Call me if you need anything.”


(He’s… leaving…?)

Instantly, I felt a fierce loneliness and I clung to his legs as he tried to leave.

I shook my head in defiance, like a small child, and the world turned even more.




“B… But…”



I glared at him with my eyes.

Naran opened and closed his mouth several times in annoyance, then let out a long sigh.


“Haah… okay fine, you win.”

“I’ll turn around, so once you’ve washed up and changed clothes, let me know.”

It’s too much trouble to even open my mouth anymore, so I bend my neck forward to convey my consent.



Steam rises, and I can’t tell the front from the back. I feel like even the world has turned upside-down.


(For now, I need to take a hot bath…)

I splash the hot water from the bathtub on my face. My thoughts get clearer, perhaps because of the heat, or because of the steam.

Next, I filled the tub with hot water, but it felt heavier than usual and I dropped it.

My chest hurts. I was out of breath. When I was dazed for a while, I heard a worried voice from behind me.




“Mmm…? Ah, come to think of it…”


“I can’t imagine that you’d forgotten that I’m still here, right?”


“Hehe, I just remembered.”


“Really, what a terrible wife. Here I am…”

The last part was too quiet to hear.

His sulking voice seemed lovely, and I hugged him curled up back.


“Hehe, are you sulking, Naran?”


“...?! Are… are you naked right now?!”


“Ah, oh, yeah.”


“Oh yeah?!”

Feeling Naran’s warmth made me feel better, as if my body was floating in a fluffy cloud.

I close my eyes, entranced by the happiness of being surrounded by the smell of the one I love.




“! Are you sleeping?”


“I am not… am not…”

I want to be surrounded by Naran’s smell and touch forever.

I closed my eyes in a happy mood, and a sudden feeling of drowsiness came over me.


"Ha, I guess it can’t be helped… I'll help you wash up, but if you don't like it, let me know."


“There’s no way I’d hate it…”



"Okay... then, let's get started."

He touched me with a sense of trepidation. Perhaps he was nervous, but his hands on my shoulders didn't move for a while.






“Ah, carefully, carefully…”

Just when I thought I heard him recite some sort of spell, a bold movement suddenly caressed my skin, catching me off guard.

As my chest was panting at the mercy of his strong yet gentle movements, his hand moved into my armpit. My skin trembles at the feel of his fingertips running down my sides.




"Oh, sorry. I'm trying not to look at you too much, so I guess I touched somewhere strange."


"No, it’s... It felt good..."



Naran's hand felt bigger than I had realized when I had my eyes closed.


"Your hands… are so big. Like a man's..."


"That's because they are."


“Oh, yeah. I know. I realized it some time ago.''


"…Is that so.”



Even though I had an answer, I didn't think deeply about the content.

As I was laughing and feeling happy, Naran’s soap-covered hands slid down my back.

His scrubbing was a little too hard, and a strange sensation arose.


“...Ah… mm…”


“…I finished washing your back.”


"Thank you…"


“Well, I want to wash the front too… is that okay?”



He gently pulled me towards him and I rested my weight on Naran's chest.


(It feels like Naran is hugging me)


As I closed my eyes in comfort, I felt a hard presence against my back.


(This is…)

I tried to think of what it could possibly be. When I realized its true identity, I felt my lower abdomen tightened.

–A man's desire that has entered my body many times. The part of me that felt this twitched.


(I wonder if it’s because of me that it became like this)

I'd be happy if that's the case. When I reached out my hand on the impulse of pleasure, my shoulder was grabbed painfully and he pulled me away from my body.


“Wha-what are you doing?”


"What… I’m touching you?"


"That's...umm, that's not good..."

Naran rejected me. If your mind can't think of much, that fact alone will make you feel bad.

As I looked down in sadness, a panicked voice followed.


“Ah, you see, men have a lot of trouble..."


"Is it really that big of a deal? I thought Naran was excited too, so I was happy..."


“Does that mean… that you are excited too...?"

The world is still spinning round and round.

Maybe I'm in a dream. A happy dream to be honest.

When I thought about that, it became easier to speak up.


"Yeah. When I thought that you, the person I love, was excited because of me, I got even more excited..."

“But it seems I was mistaken.”


"...You’re not. All I can think about right now is you."






"I'm so happy... Please Naran, look at me more, touch me more..."

I want to touch Naran. I want to kiss him. Driven by my desire, I search for his lips with misty eyes.


"Hehe, I found it..."

I run my palm over his face and confirm what I'm looking for. When I felt the soft touch on my fingertips, I felt myself take a breath.

I approached him as if being drawn in by him, just before touching his lips–


"Ah, we shouldn’t..."

When he looked away, my elated mood sank.


“Naran… do you hate me?


"...Because you're my big brother's precious person. Right now, I don't have the right to touch you yet."

Narang still sees me as his brother's wife.

Tears formed in the corner of my eyes as I was reminded once again.


"I knew it, I guess you only married me out of a sense of duty..."


"That's not true!"

His sudden booming voice made me flinch.

Naran pressed his forehead against my shoulder, and after a pause, he let out a groan.


"B-but... it's no good. If we did it now, I... I don't know what I might do…”


“What you might do?




“So, it’s fine as long as I don’t touch your lips…?”

I touched his bare arm, and this time he didn't refuse. It makes me happy and I continue to enjoy the feel of it on his skin.


“You’ve gotten wet too...”

My palm, wet with hot water, moistens Naran's dry skin.


“You shouldn’t, Naala...”


“Naran, you keep telling me to stop.”

"But I want to touch you..."



His silence was a sign of approval. And I gratefully accept it.

But when I put my palm on his chest, he pushed me back, albeit modestly.

He keeps turning me down and it's frustrating.



I don't know what I should do to touch Naran's bare skin more.

As I was observing him casually, I noticed what I had felt in my buttocks earlier - the ecstasy that had increased in mass and was pushing up against the fabric.


(Looks painful...)


“!? Hold on...! ”

Without much thought, I reach for it on impulse. When I pulled down Naran's underwear, his penis jumped out with force.


"So big..."



When I stared at it, the tip bounced as if it could no longer bear my gaze.


“Please wait...!"


“Not happening.”


As I placed my hand on it, I could faintly hear him swallowing his saliva above me. The sound encouraged me and I put my lips to his tip.

I kissed him, first lightly, then with more vigor.


"Naala... don’t..."

The voice that leaked out was weaker than when he first refused me.

Gaining momentum, I included the tip again and this time I pushed my tongue against it. As I continued to mindlessly lick it, a bitter taste spread on my tongue.


“Mm… ha…”

As I searched for the source, I found a spot where it was oozing out. I licked it off and inserted the tip of my tongue into the pour.


"Aka...! Haa... ugh!"

I didn't feel any resistance anymore. I felt my body temperature rise as I thought that Naran had completely accepted this act.

I'm so happy that I move my tongue like crazy.


“Ha… Naala.”


"...Say my name more."

I like it when Naran calls me by name. Perhaps because he used to be called his sister-in-law, when he calls me by my name, I could strongly feel the change in our relationship.


"Please, keep calling my name..."



~End Picture~

As he called my name, he picked me up and hugged me tightly.

As I approached him in a dream-like state, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.



I love Naran. I don’t care what others say. Surrounded by that scent, I was intoxicated with supreme happiness.


“I want to feel you more.”

I wanted to feel Naran's bare skin, so I put my hand under his clothes and touched him. Then in turn I took his jacket from him.

He held me close again, and our bare skin rubbed against each other.




"Naran's skin feels good. Does it feel good for you too...?"


“Yeah… it feels really good.”


“Thank goodness…”

I was so happy that I pressed my body against him, and the thing between us became even more assertive.


(Now that I think about it, I had stopped halfway through.)

His cock was erect as if begging for it to be released as soon as possible. So I bent over and took it into my palm again.




Wrap your lips and tongue around it, being careful not to stick your teeth out. When I gently moved it up and down, a deep, long sigh escaped from Naran's mouth.


"H-haa...ku...haa, haa..."

Naran's heavy breathing and the sound of wet sucking and slurping noises echo through the bathroom.

Hearing, taste, touch... I felt desire in all of them, and my body gradually started to heat up.


“M-mm… ha”

I felt a pain between my upper legs and started to twist my legs together.

As they moved, my secret parts rubbed together and slipped smoothly, creating new stimulation. It's so wet that I could tell without even touching it.

Naran slipped his hand onto my buttocks, which were swaying lewdly, and let out a small groan.


"It's not fair if I’m the only one feeling good..."

~End Picture~



Naran picked me up and my body was floating through the air and then laid down on the floor.

Before I could struggle, my lower limbs were split apart, and my private parts, exposed to the air, twitched.

Naran's throat rumbles, and his admiring voice leaks out.





With words of praise, I fall into the illusion that my deepest secrets have been revealed.

As I endured his gaze, Naran's hard shaft was pressed against my trembling bud.


"...Tell me if it hurts."


“Uh? Ah…!”


My engorged labia wrapped around Naran's.

When we moved in close contact with each other without any gaps, our sensitive areas were squeezed and rubbed, creating unbearable stimulation.


"When I am doing this, it feels like I am inside you..."


"Nn-ku... ah...!"

As he said, I feel like my insides are being rubbed even though he’s not even inside me.

As Naran's movements became faster, my pleasure deepened, and the back of my eyes flickered.

The sound of honey being kneaded and kneading licks me from the depths of my ears.


“Ah, mm, aaah…!”


"Aaah... it's like a dream. To see you so disheveled in my arms..."


"Nah… no, I… I’m becoming weird...!"


"It's okay... g-get even weirder... I've always wanted to hear that voice..."

"Ever since I heard your voice in your big brother's arms… I can't remember how many times I've imagined it..."

"How many times have I tainted you in my head?"


"Hi, ah, hi... hmmm, ah...!"

The constant stimulation makes the surrounding scenery and even the view in front of me blurry.

Wanting to confirm its existence, I put pressure on my thighs, and the thing I felt against my bud twitched as if it would burst.


"Huh! H-ha… hmm… sorry, but… I’m about to..."


"Ah!? Ah, nah...!"

My bud was rubbed with something that was stretched to the limit as if it was about to burst.

As an extremely strong pleasure ran down my spine, honey overflowed from the depths of my cavity.


"Yay... ah, aaaaaaaa!!!"



My head goes blank and I can't help but feel refreshed. I was sweating so much that I thought all the sweat glands in my body were open, and my strong inner thighs were twitching.


“Ha… ha, ha, ha…”

Hot droplets sprinkled on the lower abdomen. I guided my fingers through it and smiled in relief.

It makes me happy to feel that what was poured into me expressed his feelings for me.




(Naran... I love you...)

That's what I thought, but I couldn’t bring myself to say it out loud. I was too exhausted to open my mouth or move my eyelids.

~End Picture~


"Eh... Naala? Naala!?"

I could hear Naran's panicked voice, but I couldn't open my eyes as I felt my consciousness fading.

His voice calling me became a lullaby, and I fell into a deep sleep …

~Next Scene~

I wake up to the brightness of the morning sun. I couldn't stay asleep and when I got up, my head was throbbing.



I feel really unwell this morning. Thinking this, I press my temple and stand up.



As I was getting ready for the day, I noticed something strange.

I had no recollection of putting on this nightgown myself.


"How did…?"

I tilted my head and slowly pulled together the threads of my memory… I vividly remembered yesterday's obscene behavior.

Last night, I was in the bathroom with Naran…



(What should I do? How on earth am I going to face him...)

"Okay, okay, let's calm down. First, let's eat breakfast together… and then..."

I'm spinning around the room like I've been chased by a dog.

After a few laps, I stepped on the ground and screamed.


"Oh my gosh! I'm such an idiot! Why am I like this..."

The power of alcohol is terrifying. This is exactly what it means to drink but not be drunk.


“Naran must obviously have been shocked...”

Little did I know that in the morning my worries would be in vain.


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1 Comment

Jul 15

Thanks so much! I’m cheering for you!

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