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Nohl: Beginning of Dinner

Here is the translation for the R18 version of Koezaru wa Akai Hana: Nohl's scene Beginning of Dinner 3.

⚠DISCLOSURE: Please keep in mind the content warnings of this scene which are: Public Play, Verbal Humiliation.

Translated Video



Select: Options ⇀ Events ⇀ Nohl⇀ 晩餐の始まり3

One day, a few days after that day.


“Is that true?”


“You really are quite doubting.”


“But, if it’s true, that’s really amazing!”

The report brought by Nohl delighted my heart. I took a deep breath to calm my uplifting spirit.


“Are you really that excited?”


“It’s exciting for me at least.”

Apparently, Nohl kept his promise to me.

It seems that he secretly contacted neighboring countries, and planned to invite women to Nasla from other countries.

One of the small nations that responded said that they would send an emissary to Nasla.


(He really did keep his promise…)

He’d told me that I won, but I didn’t actually know if he was working as he said he would.

If he hadn’t, it wouldn’t be out of the question for him to break a verbal promise.

Somewhere in my heart, I had prepared myself for him to avoid the whole thing.


(But… he kept up his end of the deal.)

What I have been hoping for may come true. I want to bounce around with a feeling of intense joy.

When I took another breath to calm myself down, I apologized internally for the anxiety I had regarding Nohl.


“...Thank you, Nohl.”


“You won the bet, so this is a natural right. Therefore, gratitude is not needed.”


“Even still, I’m happy.”


“Were you thinking of me as trash who would not keep my promise?”

Probably because of his experiences of having promises broken, Nohl treats people who break promises as trach.

Recalling what I’ve observed so far, I haven’t seen him break any promises.


“...I’m sorry.”


“For what?”


“I underestimated you. I thought that it wouldn’t be surprising if you broke your promise.”


“Though we may be a married couple with the same purpose, we are from enemy countries, so it’s quite natural to think so. On the contrary, if you hadn’t prepared yourself for that possibility, you’d be disqualified as my wife.”


“But, I watched you every day, so I should know your beliefs, but I still doubted you, I think that’s rude, regardless of being enemies or allies.


“...Hmm, so you watched me every day?”

His lake-colored eyes narrowed. His quiet voice produced a sew appeal that rang in my eardrums.

Suddenly my heart rate jumped as I could feel the blood racing through my veins.


“Well, it’s natural to see you as we live in the same room.”

I’ve been very weird these days. Whenever I see those eyes, my heart starts to race.

I wanted to stop as I might run out of breath, but his thin, well-shaped lips touched my earlobe without hesitation.


“So you watched me, thought about me enough to understand my disposition…?”


“...I mean, isn’t it normal to observe the behavior of your trading partner?”


“Please tell me how you were looking at me. Let’s start with the mornings…”


“Why… why do we…”


“If you want to apologize for your disrespect, then you can tell me at least this much, right?”


“Fine, I understand.”

“First, when you wake up in the morning and you’re in the room, you burn your favorite incense. With your eyes closed in that scent, you…”

It’s very beautiful. Unlike when he’s facing me, he seems to be more relaxed, and just a little bit sexy.

With his eyes closed, standing next to the window in the morning sun, I thought that he was as beautiful as a spirit.

However, this is a secret, as I sneaked peeks from under the covers. Saying it would be embarrassing.


“I what…?”



A voice mixed with a sigh is pushed into my ear canal, rushing me. I can feel my violently beating heart in my mouth, as my words are pushed from the back of my throat.


“You… look beautiful.”


 “You like my figure that much?”  


“...I think it’s beautiful, so I don’t hate it.”


“I see. You are intrigued by me because my appearance is peculiar to you.”


“Maybe that’s it…?”

This felt like a guided cross-examination. While thinking in the corner of my head, that beautiful and peculiar face approached me.



Nohl:“...Perhaps, now with various conditions overlapping, you are seeing an illusion.”


“An illusion?”

What’s he getting at? His fingers, quite slender for a man, addressed my questioning lips.

Even his gesture to silence is seductive, killing my voice.


“Well, considering how things began, everything may seem to be an illusion. Perhaps you should let yourself be pulled in by that illusion.”

I don’t understand what he means, but I’m shaken. My heart is racing, and it’s getting harder and harder to see with my eyes at close range.


“Go ahead and fall in. If you do, I will dote upon you, enough to make you melt…”


“Wh… what?!”


At the moment when I could no longer stand the excitement and my lips opened, the lips which had been speaking at a precariously close distance overlapped with mine without warning.

With his arm, he turned me around and brought me in by the waist, our bodies in close contact.

I opened my mouth wide to protest, but then his lips fell in even deeper.


“Nnngh! Mmm…”

An elaborate kiss, one of which I had never experienced before. While I was dumbfounded, my tongue was swept away by skillful movements. 


“Relax more… yes… that’s a good girl…”

A sweet voice, reminiscent of a gentle teacher, numbed my brain. I was robbed of the energy to resist.

I was slowly licked, from the smooth part on the back to the noisy taste buds, and a mysterious numbness ran down my spine.


“Mmm… ahh… Nohl…”

I wanted to complain, but for some reason, I called out his name.

Perhaps his darting tongue has driven me crazy, and I can only respond with a sweet voice.

Raising my eyelids a little, my gaze met with Nohl, who also had opened his eyes.

His tongue thrust in deeper as if rebuking what he saw.


“Guu… mmm…”

I had trouble breathing, and the saliva that had been accumulating spilled from the corners of my mouth. Nohl’s tongue wiped it away.


“...Apparently, I need to teach you everything, starting with kissing.”

With my difficulty breathing my thoughts were clouded. I raised my face while I panted, and I was drawn in by my waist again.


“Ah… ah… why…this…”

My lips that were asking the meaning of these actions were closed with a light kiss. After a few pecks, this time something other than suffocating clouded my thoughts.

My lips were gently sucked, and my knees trembled.


“...Why? I can hear something strange.”



Because he was whispering between kisses, it was like I could but yet could not hear him.

The words he spoke melted in my head.


“You are mine. I don’t need a reason to love you, do I?”


“Mmm… this is being loved?”


“What else would you call it…?”

At the moment when it was confirmed, I felt an ache in the back of my chest. This is odd. It’s almost like I’m happy.

For Nohl, it wouldn’t be out of the question for him to cherish one of his toys, so to be happy about that, it’s ridiculous.

…So, that’s not it. I’m not happy. This is an illusion, because I’m lost.

~End Picture~


“I’d like to ask you about afternoon and night… but I don’t think you can take it, so we shall save that for next time.”

He finally let go of me, and I felt relieved… The loneliness mixed with relief is probably due to confusion.

Looking down with my hot face, I heard a voice filled with joy.


“I shall be looking forward to tonight.”

~Next Scene~

I would learn what he meant by those words at night.


“Banquet with the emissary?”


“Yes. It has been pushed ahead to tonight.”


“This really is sudden.”

It must be nerve-wracking to have dinner with someone with political ties.


(Political work really is difficult.)

The fate of the Rus women depends on this as well, so it’s important for me too.

However, since I can’t be involved in political affairs, it’s kind of like someone else’s business.

I was vaguely imagining the banquet scene that way, but the following words caused my eyes to widen.


“Therefore, please accompany me.”




He nodded, as if it were natural.


“Um, but… if I go with my short hair, your negotiations won’t be successful.”




“Why… I mean, generally speaking, short-haired women are considered ugly, right?”

Nohl:“That’s quite a negative way of thinking.”


“I’d like you to say that it’s a prudent way of thinking.”

“You don’t want to be despised by a foreign country as a man with an ugly wife.”

No matter what my personal opinion may be, customs are customs. We may need to worry about appearances in public.


(I don’t mind being ridiculed, but I don’t want to interfere with Nohl’s work…) 



He placed his elbow at his stomach, and put his chin in his hand.

I got a bad feeling looking at that. As I know from observing him, this is what he does when he’s planning something.


“If you’re worried about that, then I shall make you beautiful.”


“...What do you mean?”

I’m skeptical of the smile directed at me. It’s suspicious. Very suspicious.


“The more you break the conventions of beauty, the more beautiful you are.”

He extends his hand, and I feel like I want to run away in the opposite direction.

However, his condition of “not disobeying him” hung heavy on my head.

…But before that, internally I was slowly losing the urge to defy that devilish smile.

~Next Scene~


“...Nohl, did you prepare this?”

At Nohl’s instructions, the room became as spectacular as an exhibition, though I had no idea where everything came from.

I was casually excited about the beautiful costumes and jewels in front of me. 



Costumes finely embroidered with gold and silver threads and jewels that shine dazzlingly tempt me.

Things shone as I took them into my hands.


“I guess you are a woman after all. You can’t help but gush with beautiful things in front of you.”

He giggled at me, and I glared back in regret.


“What. Got any complaints?”


“No. I like straightforward women.”

Nohl, as he approached, switched his gaze between me and the costumes lined up. Perhaps he was thinking about which one best suited me.


“...These are nice outfits, but I don’t think they’ll look good on me. Especially with this hair…”


“Then, let’s put on a little makeup before trying the outfits on.”


“Huh, make-up?"


“Your facial features are well organized, but adding some color to it will make the outfit look even better. It would be enough to compensate for your hair.”




“Please sit down there.”

This preparation is necessary so that I don’t hold Nohl back. I can't go against him here.

Giving up, I did as told and sat in the chair near me.


“Well then, let’s start applying.”

Upon those words, he took out a wooden bowl and began kneading something inside.

With his scooping motion, Nohl’s fingertips became faintly dyed red.

Just as I was thinking that the contrast with his white skin was beautiful, Nohl’s face approached,



I was taken aback, remembering the kiss this morning.


“I can’t apply makeup if you don’t sit still.”


“Yeah, but…”


“Look this way. We do not have time.”



That peculiar, beautiful face was before me.

Long eyelashes. Blue eyes that are clearer than the sky. Each one seems to be a delicate work of art, and I’m impressed by Nohl’s beauty.


“...Your skin is quite delicate and beautiful.”



His big hands touched my skin, and I realized that this kind of beauty could also be achieved by a man.

His fingertips that traced my cheeks felt a little cold, which felt good.


(Or, maybe my cheeks were running hot…)

The more aware I became of the touched area, the hotter I felt in those places.

To distract myself, I dared to ask trivial questions.


“What are you applying?”


“It’s blush.”


“This is a first for me.”


“Your skin is white, so this gives you more complexion.”

His knowledge of makeup… of course has nothing to do with being a political assistant, so I’m impressed by his abundance of knowledge. His dexterity would put other women to shame.


“I shall apply lipstick, so please look this way.”


“Like this?”


“Part your lips slightly.”

After raising my chin, Nohl’s fingertips slid across my lips. Perhaps trying to apply it carefully, he slightly touched the inside of my lips.

Tracing the soft mucous membrane, my body froze for a moment.



Fortunately, my reaction seems to have gone unnoticed. His fingertips left my lips after applying the lipstick.


“We’re finished.”


“...Thank you.”

Looking into the mirror, I was surprised at how I changed.



My skin was whiter than usual, smooth, and my cheeks were slightly red.

My lips were colored beautifully red, and looked more mature than usual.


“...Where did you learn how to do makeup?”

Well, since this is Nohl, who “ate up all the fruit”, he would have had plenty of opportunity to practice.

Imagining that, my chest tightened with a strange pain.

I shouldn’t care about what kind of woman Nohl has slept with in the past, so why do I have these stupid feelings?


“Now, let’s change into the outfit I prepared for you.”

He presented the outfit without caring about how I felt about it. It was a bold outfit with an open chest.


“It’s lovely, but…”


“Are you dissatisfied with my choice?”


“No, but…”


“Then hurry up and disrobe.”


“Huh?! Now?!”


“Oh… have you forgotten our contract?”




“We don’t have much time. Hurry.”


“I… I got it.”

I hesitated, but this wasn’t the first time I’d been naked in front of Nohl. Why do I feel embarrassed about it now?

…I calm my chest, which is in agony with shame.


(Ah, well… at least he doesn’t have to stare at me anymore…) 

As I awkwardly stiffened, his eyes told me to “hurry up”.

In these times, Nohl doesn’t forgive me until I follow his orders.

I know that, unfortunately, so I made up my mind, and bit my lip.

I let go of my shame as I exhaled a big breath.


“...There, I took it off.”


“Your wrap as well.”



I took it off silently, as I didn’t have the energy to resist anymore. The sound of the wrap falling on the floor felt distant.

As I did this, of course Nohl was staring at me. With a half-tired head, I wondered if he would ever tire of looking so much.


“...It’s off.”

While I was changing clothes, I heard a noise at the edge of my field of vision. Apparently, he took out a different makeup tool.

Unable to make eye contact, I don’t know what he’s doing.


“This balm makes your skin look beautiful. As the outfit has a wide open chest and back, let’s apply it to the visible areas of your skin.”


(Oh, I haven't even put my coat on yet...)

Before I could protest, the balm was applied to his palm, and then placed at my neck as he slid down.



Although he was just applying balm to me, it still gave me goosebumps.

Reaching the end of my neck, beads of balm that had fallen down to his fingertips slipped down my cleavage. His fingers chased after it.


“I must apply the balm thoroughly.”



His finger sent down my cleavage repeatedly.

He applied the product painstakingly, and then, as if to check the shape, he circled halfway around the bottom of my breast.

The soft outline was broken down, and it swayed with his movements.




“I’m just applying balm.”

My breasts had begun to get used to being shaken, and with the added pressure, they were changing shape to suit Nohl's pleasure.

Unable to bear watching, I turned my eyes away, but my attention was focused all the more on it.

Even though they weren't being touched, the tips of my breasts began to stick out.




“Oh, is something the matter?”

His deliberate way of speaking irritated me. I wanted to complain, but saying it with my nipples erect like this wouldn't have any effect.

Just as I was feeling frustrated, he started to stimulate my pointed nipples, kneading them as if they were being played with.



My nostrils were affected by the fragrant aroma, and the friction sound of the rubbing violated my ear holes.

Nohl moved his palms exaggeratedly, creating an obscene flapping sound on my skin that wouldn’t have been made with normal movements.

Influenced by the sense of smell, touch, and sound, my head gradually became numb.


“I’m only seriously applying balm to you… to react like this, you’re quite the bad girl.”




“No? If not, then what is this?”

My nipples became even harder as they were being teased. My whole body trembled as he pinched my engorged nipples.

Next time, I wonder how relentless his fiddling will be.

Thinking about it caused my body to run hot.


“Oh, I must apply it to your arms as well.”



His fingertips flowed along my arm, and I suddenly let out a stupid voice.

It’s embarrassing. And it seems like he was expecting this.



“Oh? Would you rather I be touching somewhere else?”



Feeling regretful, I tried to respond in a cold voice, but my chest where he teased me ached, complained with dissatisfaction.

His palms ran down my back and towards my lower body as I endured.


“Hey, you don’t have to do my legs. They’ll be hidden by the dress.”


“Oh, you did not notice? The dress has quite a large slit at the hem. Therefore, we should apply it to your legs as well.”




“Sit on the bed.”

He gave an order while applying more balm to his palm. As my head went numb, I couldn’t think of any good counterarguments, so I did as I was told.

As my hips sank into the bed, Nohl knelt in front of me. He held one of my feet and stroked slowly from my toes.



I muffle a voice while looking down at the top of Nohl’s head. Seeing him kneel, a position I’d never seen him in, also gave me a strange, uplifting feeling.

Moreover, because of the slimy balm, I felt like I was doing something indecent.


“You don’t have to be so thorough…”


“If I am not careful, your dress will be ruined.”

His detailed movements, applying it to each and every pore only made it more sensitive.

My skin trembles no matter what he does now, even his normal hands start to look mysterious.


“Huh… Ah…”

The voice that leaked out was surprisingly sweet.

I closed my mouth in a hurry with my hands, but I couldn’t undo the sound that came out. Hearing my voice, Nohl's spine rose, and his palm slid up my inner thigh.

He ran his hands back and forth around the base of my legs, a sensitive area, with an exaggerated movement.



It was getting harder to hold back my voice at this point. As his fingernails dug lightly into the soft part at my base, my unspent secret place began to ache and I felt like crying.

I wanted this hellish pleasure to end quickly. But I also wanted the comfort of my hot skin...

Conflicting desires alternated between one another, making my head spin.



When he massaged my tight spots, my legs opened even though I hadn't been told to.

Suddenly, I tried to close them, but Nohl's shoulder stopped me.




"...It's wet."


"Of course it’s wet..."


"Because of all this...?"

He peered at me so closely I could feel his breath. His gaze pierced me, and my whole body felt like it was burning. My face turned red with shame.


“S-stop looking…”


"Sure, as you wish."

My request was easily granted, and I felt both relieved and disappointed...

As I frowned with mixed feelings, I suddenly felt heat on my petals.





"Instead of looking at it, I’ll just taste it..."

I had never expected to be kissed there.

I had started to close my thighs in surprise, but Nohl's hands grabbed them and stopped them.

The tip of his sharp tongue parted the petals and smoothly slid along them.


“No! Ah, stop it…!”


"Hm... Please don't struggle."

Nohl grabbed my waist tightly, holding me down so I couldn't escape.

Sucking my already swollen bud noisily.



An intense sensation I had never felt before ran up my spine. All at once, I lost the will to resist, and the strength drained from my legs.


"Hmm... Really, we're about to have a dinner party, and yet you're overflowing like this..."


"Ah, ah! Stop...! Hmph!"

Once my resistance had subsided, he began to soften my bud. I arched my back in response to the tingling stimulation, and then he took it in between his lips and handled it.

Then, as if by surprise, he started to lick me gently, leaving me at his mercy.


"Ahh, ahh! Please... stop, I’m begging you...!"

I shiver as I feel nectar spurting out from deep inside my body.

I was so embarrassed, but I couldn't help enjoying it. As I become aware of this, the nectar starts to overflow even more.


"N-no... Ahh, ah...!"


"...You’re overflowing again. At this rate, you will never get cleaned up."

"If that's the case, don't stimulate me," were words I wanted to say but turned into moans. In addition to the kisses with his lips, he traced the petals with the pads of his fingers.


"Ah, haa... that's it..."


"You don't seem to dislike it at all. Look, you're drooling and looking like you want something..."

The opening of my vagina was caressed as if to warn me of my lewdness. Stimulated, it roars greedily, just as Nohl had said.

The inside of my vagina starts to wriggle on its own, calling out to him to go deeper.


"Is this really what you wanted...?"


"Ah! Ah, no, don't put it in... nooooo!"

His fingertips which had been tickling my entrance made a lewd squishing sound as they entered.

Perhaps because the outside had been teased so much, my insides began to swell with impatience. As if to soothe them, the walls were slowly caressed and spread.


"Let’s see, where is your most sensitive spot... Ah, I guess it's here."


"Huh?! Ahh! Stop, stop, no!"

When the tip of his finger grazed a certain spot, a painful sensation shot up to the top of my head. Every pore in my body opened and sweat began to flow profusely.

With each push, I shivered like a fish that had been pulled up onto land.


"Ah, ahh, not... there, ahh... ahh, please, stop...!"

My breathing grew faster and faster, and the back of my eyes was getting hot. Tears are blocking my vision.

Before I knew it, the number of fingers inside had increased to two, and they were rubbing my sensitive spot with an almost relentless urge.

I was frightened of the sensation of being pushed up into some unknown place. I was almost there... on the verge of reaching the peak of pleasure.

~Picture End~


"Oh, come to think of it, we were in the middle of getting ready. Since you also seem to want us to stop, shall we stop here?"



Suddenly, he pulled out his fingers, and I looked down in shock. The man there had a calm, composed face, in stark contrast to my breathless self.

I felt like crying, and bit my lower lip tightly.


"What's wrong? I thought you wanted me to stop?"



My yearning flesh tingled and ached. I want to twist my hips and rub the flesh inside myself. The more I feel that urge, the more my body twitches and spasms.

Just a little more stimulation would make me feel better, but I couldn't get that little bit.

This torturous hell was driving my mind crazy…



Please, undo me, thrust into me, make me come - a lewd wish is rising to the top of my throat.

Ah, it hurts. I want to say it. I want it to end.

If I say it, Nohl will surely smile a devilish smile and give me the greatest pleasure ever.


“Ah… ah…”

But how could I say something so embarrassing? "Make me come" was just too lewd, as the parts of my body that had yet to taste a man twitched.


"You look so eager. Ah, perhaps you want this...?"




Nohl’s stiff penis was held up right in front of me. His beautiful face could easily be mistaken for that of a woman, but his strength was beyond my imagination.

The numerous veins stand out in different ways, eloquently expressing his heat and hardness.



I swallowed. I realized that it wasn't out of disgust, but excitement, and the embarrassment made me want to die.

My mind might have exploded.

After all, the moment that a maiden's fear flickered across my mind was only for a brief moment.



Why do I have such an urge to reach out for Nohl's thing in front of me?

Why are my legs tingling so much?

I wanted to look away, but the more I looked, the more my half-finished insides started to leak honey.


"Well, just tell me... If that's what you want, I'll give you the greatest pleasure..."

The sound of the tip of the hot stake parting the petals made my heart skip a beat.

My entrance was already more than wet enough, and ready to welcome Nohl deep inside.



...But if I cross this line, I feel like not only my body but my heart will fall to Nohl as well.

I clenched my lips tightly and shook my head.


"You're not being honest. This place is completely loose and mushy..."

"It's like you're crying and wanting me to pester you right now..."

Nohl began to move, using his hips and hands, with the tip of his penis pressed against the opening of my vagina.

The shallow, half-insertion only gave me a light sensation of pleasure. It made the depths of my vagina ache even more, and I couldn't help it.


"...If you keep leaking this much, it might just slip in."



My breath hitched with excitement. Even though my mind was refusing it, the depths of my body were telling me I wanted it so badly.

As I shook my hips begging for it, his hot cock sunk even deeper inside me.



Just as my excitement and anticipation were building, thinking that he would end up going in if he continued, Nohl suddenly pulled back.


"No, you have to say it first. You want it… don't you?



The shallow thrusts were repeated again. This time Nohl placed his hand on his penis and began to rub it up and down from the bud to the shaft.

As my sensitive spot was kneaded, a wave of pleasure spread from my loins.


"Just say that you want it... I'll take that best part from before and knead it into a soft mess..."


"Ahh, ahh, ahh..."

The moment he said it, I remembered that painful pleasure, and my whole body trembled.

I just wanted to say it. I wanted to beg him, to rub my hips against him.

It would probably hurt like crazy, but that would be fine. I wanted him to spread me open to the depths and knead me wildly.


"Ugh, ugh...fuu..."

I covered my open mouth with my hand. If I made any more noise, I would end up shamelessly begging.


"...You’re quite stubborn."



Wasting no time, the movement of the tip of his penis, which had been rubbing against my genitals, sped up. As the slimy bud was pressed at short intervals, my mind became hazy and honey overflowed in a flood.

A strong sense of pleasure ran up my spine, as if I was being chased by something.


"H, Ah! Ahhh... ah!"



Sticky, hot semen was splattered all over my private parts. As I received it, a comfortable floating sensation enveloped my body.


"It seems you've reached it too…"

A hint of lust oozed from his calm expression. I purred at the sensuality not usually seen in Nohl.

Why was I so excited...?


"It's been a while, so I got quite a lot out of it... see."

He caught the semen he had just released between his fingertips and smeared it onto my still-twitching bud.

The semen that had dripped down to my entrance was first lathered around my vagina, and then finally pushed inside.


"Ah! No..."

The semen mixed with my love juices was pumped deeper and deeper.

My cavity, already sensitive from just reaching orgasm, swelled with delight and swallowed Nohl's finger.


"Hehe... Maybe this will make you pregnant with my child."




"Even though you're a maiden, you can bear my child. I wonder what kind of expression you'll make..."

"It would be fun to just enjoy it without penetrating you like this again..."



Ever since I discovered Nohl's true nature, I had prepared myself for the possibility that I might conceive a child someday.

But this is too much. I’ve now experienced the taste of Nohl's semen before I’ve even experienced his heat…

~End Picture~


"Well, you can put it on now."




"Did you not hear me?"



As I sat up, I heard a wet sound coming from between my legs. It was so lewd that I shivered.


"Um... Nohl. I feel uncomfortable if I go out like this, so could I take a bath?"


"No. Please continue to the dinner party.


“But that’s…”


"Hurry up."



His order was absolute. Feeling desperate, I slowly put on the rest of my clothes.

The slimy feeling between my legs made my already sluggish body feel even more sluggish.


"Come on, let's go."

I wanted to bite the hand that was guiding me reverently.

With every step I took, the sound of bubbles leaking out of my clothes... was all I could worry about.



~Next scene~

As I walked along with my head down, Nohl suddenly put his lips close to my ear.

He blew in a meaningful voice, husky with a smile.


"...It smells of lust."



My heart flushed with heat. Contrary to the anger in my heart, a sweet ache swelled in my lower abdomen, made me want to cry even more…

My dinner guest seemed like a very serious person. Even though I had short hair, he didn't show any sign of displeasure and instead returned my greeting politely.

It seemed that Nohl's choice of makeup and outfit had paid off. The envoy repeatedly complimented me, calling me "beautiful."

The emissary:

 "So, changing the subject, is the wife of the political assistant from Rus?"


"Yes, I'm from Rus."

The emissary:

"I've never been to Rus, so what's it like?"

He must have been in a good mood because he only asked me questions that were easy to answer.


"Of course, in Rus we–"


At that moment, a bolt of lightning ran through my body. Nohl, who was sitting next to me, slid his hand under the table up my inner thigh.

Perhaps the alcohol had raised his body temperature, but his palm was unusually hot.


(...Stop it.)

I glared at him with a wish in my heart. However, I only got that annoyingly beautiful smile in return.

The emissary:

"Um… my lady?"


“Oh… um…”


"I apologize, my wife isn't used to these kinds of situations, so I'll answer in her stead."

The emissary:

"…Is that so"

Nohl talked nonchalantly, all the while continuing to play with my private parts.

My private parts were already wet with nectar and semen, and just welcoming Nohl's fingers made me numb.




"Oh, your collar is bent."

Saying this, Nohl leaned in towards me. His hands slid down the back of my neck, and his lips drew closer to my ear.

The closer we were, the more out of breath I felt, and all I could think was "Please finish this quickly," but…


"Tonight's food smells delicious."

"Oh, pardon me… or is that the smell of your desire?"



The things whispered to me were so lewd that I nearly screamed. I was so embarrassed, I just wanted to disappear right then and there.

...But at the same time, I found myself feeling extremely aroused for some reason.


(This can't be happening...)

I hoped that the current situation, and my lust, were all just an illusion.

In a way, dealing with the envoy with such a pleasure-dazed mind required more guts than persuading the minister…

~Next Scene~

I dragged my heavy body back to my room. The dinner party, which felt so much longer than it actually was, had finally come to an end.

I couldn't put enough strength into my legs, so Nohl was now supporting my waist. Much to my displeasure.


"I didn't think you were such a pervert.


"If admiring one's wife is considered perverted behavior, then all men in the world are perverts."


"You're a special case."

"Ha, but in front of an emissary, really..."


My lips were forcefully pressed together and pushed back any complaints. My legs, which had no strength to begin with, gave way and I fell onto the bed behind me.


"Hm, huh...wait a second...!"


"You were very attractive in front of the envoy, your face bright red and filled with pleasure." 

"I wanted to drop the food on the floor and devour you right then and there..."


"That's the same thing you did earlier... ngh!”

A finger is inserted into my moistened honeypot. Having been played with so much, the place has become hypersensitive to any stimulation.


"Since you seemed dissatisfied..."


“It’s enough… Ah! Hmph, I’m tired…!”


"It seems this stubborn woman needs to be punished."

"I’ll drive you to your breaking point... and put my semen deep inside you..."


"Ah, ah, ah...!"

...And so, once again, I was smeared with semen, unaware of Nohl's heat.

As I anticipated the end, a corner of my mind began to cool in inverse proportion to the heat of my body.



This is all just a delusion. An illusion.

–Not being able to hold Nohl in my arms is so heartbreaking it crushes my heart.

I'm sure my heart was just being pulled by lust.


"You are mine, my alone…”

His sweet voice rang out making my thoughts go haywire. I prayed all night long for this pleasure-filled hell to end…


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17 ago

Thanks so much for doing this!!

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