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Nohl: Broken Bonds 2

Here is the translation for the R18 version of Koezaru wa Akai Hana: Nohl's scene Broken Bonds.

⚠DISCLOSURE: Please keep in mind the content warnings of this scene which are: Public Play, Verbal Humiliation.

Translated Video



Select: Options ⇀ Events ⇀ Cef ⇀ 壊れた料2

Stepping out into the hallway, I looked around me to make sure there was no one there.

Once I was sure no one was there, I began to slowly walk down the hall.



With each step I took, the lewd wet sounds seemed to grow louder. If someone were to hear me and find out that I'm walking around with a dildo inside... 

Just thinking about it makes me want to burst into tears.


(I need to finish this quickly somehow...)

However, if I walk too fast I might drop the dildo. With that fear constantly on my mind, I can't walk fast and I become even more aware of what's buried inside me.



The feeling of humiliation blurred my vision and tears threatened to spill.

But I didn't want to give up halfway through, as it would mean giving in to Nohl's as well.


(I don't want to lose because of something like this...)

If I could get him to carry out my orders, maybe he would start to see me in a new light. Maybe our relationship could go back to how it was before...

With these thoughts in mind, I walked down the dark corridor.


“Hah, hah… hah…”

Was this corridor always this long? Just a few steps felt like a thousand miles.

Just walking and minding the space between my legs took more energy than I'd expected.




“! Touya!”

I was about halfway to Touya's room. I was worried if I'd be able to make it that far, so I let out a cry of joy at the unexpected arrival of my savior.

I couldn't help but thank the spirits.

Touya looked at me quizzically as I spoke in a garbled voice.


"Um, well... Nohl asked me to give this to you..."


“Nohl did?”


"It's some urgent paperwork, so… ngh!"

That instant, my whole body stiffened. The essence of the Nohl that had been poured into my body oozed out from the gaps in the plug, dripping down my thighs.

If any of it were to spill on the ground, exposing myself right in front of Touya, I would have no excuses.


(Please, don't notice...)


"?…Is something wrong?”


"I-it’s... nothing.”

I tried to disguise the fact that I was being rude by handing over the documents, but I couldn't stop my hands from shaking.




“Do you, need something?”


“Ah, no… it’s nothing.”

I felt like he had seen me looking flushed, but it seemed I had jumped to conclusions.

Touya took the document and read it using the moonlight.


"Ah, this is it. It wasn't in a particular hurry, but... I’m glad to receive it. Please tell Noll that I'm grateful that he submitted it so quickly."


(...Nohl, you liar)

(Why is this happening...?)

I can't stand to be subjected to this.


(Why is this happening to me…?)

Questions just kept swirling around in my mind.


(Anyway, I can't let Touya find out...)

If I were to be found out, I don't know what excuse he'd use to blame me next time.

I shudder as I remember that cold gaze.



At the same time, the painful heat that had penetrated inside me also rebelled deep inside my body.



Why does my lower back ache so much?

A chill-like numbness runs from my lower back through to my brain.


“…Do you maybe have a fever? Your face is a little flushed.”


"I-I’m fine. Anyway, I'm glad I made it in time.”

Pretending to be relieved, I let out a breath. My breath was so hot that it was no longer possible to act normally.


"Don't push yourself. If the work is too tough, I'll let Nohl know."

His sincere tone and gaze made me feel guilty. Even though he was so worried about me, I couldn't tell him the truth.


"I’m fine, so... I’ve got to go back to work..."

I can't breathe. I don't want to stand there for even a second.

I begged Touya, looking at him, wanting him to just leave me alone.



I saw Touya's Adam's apple go up and down as he swallowed.




"Ah, no..."

Touya looked away, as if embarrassed. However, my thoughts were too cloudy to consider what that meant.

It was already difficult for me to continue the conversation, so I took a deep breath.


“! ...Ha”


"...You seem in pain."



Not wanting to say anything more, I shook my head.


"Would you like to rest in my room?"



Shocked by the sudden offer, I looked up.

...There's no way I can accept it. I feel like if I accept it, things will only get worse.


"If you're okay with that..."


"Sorry... But I..."


"Oh, you were busy?"



A cold voice came from behind me, making my shoulders instinctively jump. 

I timidly turned around and saw Nohl standing there with a smile on his face.


"Did my wife do something wrong?"


"No, I was just worried because she seemed a little unwell."


"Oh no, that's not good. I will take her back, so please return to your room, Lord Touya."


"Well then, I'll leave it to you, but don't push her too hard."


"I understand."

Listening to the sound of his footsteps departing, I took a deep breath.

I felt like I had been under the water for a long time and finally emerged to breathe.


"Hey, isn't this enough? I've walked quite a bit and even handed the documents over to Touya."

The voice I let out was more pathetic than I expected, and it didn't sound like my own.


"There were some unexpected events... but well, I had fun, so I guess it's okay."

Seeing Nohl smile, I let out a sigh of relief. With the sole desire to put an end to this nightmare, I accepted his words of forgiveness.


"Well...since it's been a while, so I'll take it off now.”



I was startled when he suddenly grabbed my clothes. Without paying any attention to me, Nohl reached for the dildo buried inside me.


"S-stop, we’re in a hallway."


"You wanted me to get it out quickly, right?"

Of course, I wanted it to be removed as quickly as possible. But there was no way I could expose my legs in a place like this where so many people were passing by.

I twisted my body in shame, and found myself pressed hard against the wall, so hard it hurt.



"Ouch! No, stop... Stop it!"


"I'm just doing what you want."

Despite my desperate resistance, my underwear was pulled down and Nohl's hand came into contact with the dildo. It was only a light movement, but my lower abdomen twitched from the external stimulation.

When it was slowly pulled out, I tightened my grip as if to keep it in place.


“Ah, ha…”


"Oh, it looks like you don't want me to pull it out."


"Oh no!”

This time he pushed in instead. At the same time that a dull pain spread, a sense of pleasure welled up within me and a moan escaped my lips.


(No... Even though it's the middle of the night, someone might notice...)

I put my hand over my mouth and forced the moans back into my throat.


“Hm, mm…”


"Can you hear it? My semen and your nectar are mixing together and making a nasty noise..."


"P-please… stop..."

Just when I thought he'd pulled out, he pushed it back in again.

And as he put it in and out again and again, a clear pleasure began to make my hips twitch.

Pain and pleasure. Conflicting sensations tore at my thoughts.


"Ahh... no... no."


"It's starting to come together quite a bit..."

He removed the dildo to check its condition. Immediately, the essence of the Nohl came out, mixed with the honey.


"Hmm... haa, haa…”

Nohl wiped the cloudy liquid that was running down my thighs with his fingertips, then rubbed it back into the shallow part of my vagina.


"Ah, fu... ah... ha, ha, ha... ugh..."

While feeling annoyed at the way my breathing inevitably quickened, I glared at Nohl.


"...You're a hopeless pervert."

In the current situation where I have no room for error, all I can say is this. I wipe away the tears of frustration with the backs of my fingers.


"I'll return those exact words to you."


"What do you mean?"


"Because you followed my orders."


"How does that..."


"Why didn't you ask Touya for help?”



I felt a shock as if I had been struck by lightning. My lips trembled as I opened them to argue.

...Calling for help didn't even come to mind.


"Lord Touya is the king of Nasla. One word from him would easily cost me my head."


"So… why…?”


"You have now truly become Lord Touya's friend... your situation is different from the beginning."

"You should have had the option of asking that 'power' for help."

"But... you didn't."


"That's because I couldn't think straight because of the unreasonable orders you gave me..."


"That is probably true. You choose pleasure over being saved."


The situation, filled with impatience and irritation, cannot be summed up in such a simple word.

Even as I felt a sense of rebellion, I realized that I had already been defeated.

"I must not oppose a Nohl," "It's impossible to oppose him" – even these beliefs were nothing but signs of defeat.

Submission to Nohl had been etched in my heart a long time ago.




"If you don't like it, you should just say no... So you're the real pervert." 

"You’re the one who wants to be treated like this."


"N-no... that's not it..."


"You’re already twitching around, looking like you want something."

My hips jump in a jerk as he strokes the opening of my cavity. My body, which had had the dildo inside it just a moment ago, was incredibly sensitive, and even the slightest stimulation caused a strong reaction.

The cavity, which kneads its edge as if guiding me inside, no longer feels like a part of my body.


"This is where you like it, don’t you?"



His fingers were buried deep inside me, making me gasp. As he stimulated my most sensitive spot, a wave of pleasure flooded my entire body.


"I don't like it."


"Oh, really?"

My attempt at resistance was laughed at.

My voice was hoarse, and my body was limp. If I were to deny it in this state, it would only seem laughable.

It was probably obvious at a glance that I was trying to be stubborn.




"Well then... let's ask them."

Nohl put his hand under my knee and grabbed one of my legs, lifting it. Before I could resist, he inserted his hard tip into my exposed private parts.

Then, in one go, he thrust himself in…



Without waiting for my insides to get used to him, he immediately began violently thrusting in and out. Though it was sufficiently lubricated, the cavity was not used to the act and still felt pain.

Though not as bad as the first time, a dull, burning pain was building up deep inside my body.


"Ouch, it hurts... ouch, ah! It hurts, Nohl..."


"There's no other way. This is your punishment..."




"Well... I guess you'll get used to it soon..."

That can't be true... or so I thought, but as the thrusting continued, the pain gradually faded away.

Instead, a strange sensation rose within me, and even though I wanted to escape, I was held down firmly, so I continued to be pinched in place.


"Ah, no, no, no, ah, ahh, ahhh, ahh...!"


"You're... ha, ha... lying..."

"You're drooling down there, hungrily sucking my dick..."




"You... slut."



The sensation that gradually grew stronger was now clearly imprinted on my five senses as a pleasurable sensation.

The hard flesh had loosened up completely and was now completely wrapped around Nohl’s shaft.


"You’ve completely loosened up it seems... I can't believe you were still a virgin until not too long ago..."


"Huh?! Ahhh!"

He dug deep enough that I was afraid my stomach would burst. He pushed up against my cervix from below, and I nearly lost consciousness.

Amid intense pain and pleasure, my whole body trembled violently.


"Agh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhhh!"


"It's all the way in... Can you see it...?"


"Ah, ha, ahh, hmmm, hmmm!"


"...What a nice voice. But if you're too loud, someone might notice you..."

"Oh, that reminds me... this is the place Lord Touya passes by after work."



My mind, which had been numb from the pain and pleasure, suddenly woke up. I looked at Nohl's face in disbelief.


"S-Stop it, Nohl!"


"Since we're here, let’s let Touya see you like this."




"...If you want me to finish quickly, you'll have to try your best to please me."

Just as Nohl had said, the only way to escape was for him to end the act.

It was frustrating, but I was determined to end it, so I focused my attention on Nohl.


"Y-yes... it feels so good... It's so tight, so hot, and I can't stand it..."


"Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh!"

As my mushy insides were stimulated and stirred up, my vision began to blur.

I was desperately trying to tighten around Nohl inside me, but with each rough thrust into my depths, something inside my head was breaking apart...

Before I knew it, I had even forgotten where I was.


"Well, it's about time... I’m about to cum"


"Ahh?! Ahhh!"



I could feel Nohl's shaft twitching and spasming, releasing semen deep inside me. Breathing heavily, I was enveloped in a vague sense of despair.

~Picture End~


“Ah… ha…”

My body was completely limp and I couldn't stand without support.

Nohl's hands were gentle and caring as he embraced me, and I even felt a sense of comfort.


"Oh, I forgot,  Lord Touya will be working late today."

The words that reached my ears left me speechless, and I couldn't speak. A muddy sense of fatigue made my body feel strangely heavy.


(Nohl... Why you...)

As my head slowly cooled, I thought to myself. Once the pleasure was over, all that was left was a sense of decay…


"Nohl... why..."

Gradually my vision grew dark, and the thread of tension I had been holding onto snapped.

As my consciousness faded, I felt the tears that had welled up in my eyes being gently sucked away.


“You are mine…”

"You, whose body and mind have been defiled by me, can never go back to the way you were..."

It's like a spell, repeatedly worked on and instilled in me. I ruminate on it while sinking into the darkness…


(I can't go back...)

I wanted to be someone who could protect someone. Yes, to be a strong person... like my father used to be.

But now... I can't be that kind of person. There was no way I could.


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