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Ruzi: Final Chapter - Never-ending Research

Here is the translation for the R18 version of Koezaru wa Akai Hana: Ruzi's scene Final Chapter: Never-ending Research.

Translated Video



Select: Options ⇀ Events ⇀ Ruzi ⇀ BEST END終りなき研究



Looking up at the broken branch, I indulge in my own thoughts. Heavy rain hits my whole body, but I don’t mind at all.

That’s because there’s a fire burning inside me, and that won’t cool even in the rain.


“...Is the heat left inside you still mine?”

Some time ago, I realized that Naala was still a maiden.

Actually, I knew from her reaction the day I suggested we run away together.


(Because of Lord Touya’s nature, he’d never let her go once he embraced her, that is to say, he would have a mental hold on her.)

(She would not have even noticed such a hold, but she’d never be able to be free from it.)

Despite his looks, he’s got a terribly fragile side to him.

But, since this is something I gradually felt as a result of observation, I don’t think this is something Lord Touya intends to show.

ut, when I asked if she loved Lord Touya, Naala quickly said no. She wasn’t afraid to express her feelings.

…In other words, Lord Touya hasn’t made love to Naala yet.

But I know the reason why she didn’t say so.

…Probably, Lord Touya married Naala in order to protest her.

My feelings began to overflow the moment I realized their relationship. I lost all restraint.

That’s why I called her out in that way.


“You probably think that I’ve given up on you.”

I would have never made love to you if I’d intended to give up.

I feel sorry for Naala, but I won't lose to anyone when it comes to not giving up.

After all, I continued to study incurable diseases for over a decade, even though I was cursed and ridiculed.

In this respect, I might be much worse than Lord Touya.


“You’ll be surprised to hear my decision. Or perhaps even angry.

The rain continues to fall. I smile wryly as I indulge in the sweet wounds in my chest.

…The time of action is near.

~Next Scene~

Time passes so quickly, that I almost wished it would come to a standstill.

Time is cruel, as the political situation began the day after I connected with Ruzi, and negotiations were concluded shortly.

Rus probably wanted to get the women back as quickly as possible.

Now… I’m seeing off the women who are returning home.



The sky was clear and a pleasant breeze blew in from the meadows. Nevertheless, my feelings were complicated.


“Thanks to you, Lady Naala, we could hold onto hope until this day. Thank you so much.”


“No, today’s result is thanks to everyone working hard. …Take care of yourself, even back is Rus.”


“Yes. You take care too, Lady Naala.”

Some returned happily, while others seemed hesitant to return. I saw various scenes of various people.


“Thank you, for everything.”


“Be careful along the way.”

Touya is calling out to all the women who are returning. As I watched the situation with a smile and sadness, I was tapped on the shoulder from behind.

The moment I turned around, I was amazed at what I saw…


“...! Why are you here?”



Ruzi put his index finger on his lips, telling me not to speak.

When I wondered and tilted my head, he whispered in a small voice.


“...Come here.”


“Eh, but…”

His hand pulled me with a strength that wouldn’t allow no for an answer.

Where are we going at such a time? I thought it was strange, but I couldn’t think too deeply as I was focused on my hand being held.


(I haven’t been touched like this since that night…)

After all, I can’t help but feel excited when Ruzi touches me.

I was the one who said we should go back to our old relationship, but after being touched, I realized that my feelings had not changed.


“...Hey, Ruzi. Where are we going?”


“You’ll know when we get there.”



Ruzi, holding my hand, keeps on walking without answering. His gait is powerful, and I feel something irresistible.

~Next scene~

The more we proceeded, the steeper the road became, as we finally reached the woods. I began to feel anxious at his silent back.





Just as I’d thought to call out to him, he suddenly stopped walking. 

As Ruzi slowly turned around, I was bewildered to feel a strong sense of determination in his eyes.


“If I were to say that I’m going to run away with you right now… What would you do?”



Looking closely, there were two horses behind Ruzi, as if prepared for a trip.



Confused, I stared into his extremely calm face.

Then Ruzi let go and stepped back a step. The vacant distance reminded me of the choices I had to make that night. 

…The premonition shook my chest.


“I’m going to commit a sin from now. The great sin of stealing the Nasla Queen away.”


“...! You’re kidding… right?”


“I would never joke like this.”


“But, we have a mission to fulfill in Nasla…”


“Think carefully. The research is already out of my hands. And you as well… you’ve already sacrificed more than enough for the ties between the two countries.”

“What’s being asked of you now is not a duty, but the country’s selfish expectations.”

It is true that the development of the cure has ended, and now its mass production is possible. It’s at a stage where things will progress smoothly without Ruzi.

And I have also fulfilled my precious dream of getting the women back home.

Furthermore, diplomatic relations have been normalized, and there is no fear that women will be kidnapped in the future.



If I run away now, Rus may be blamed.

I shook my head due to that fear, and Ruzi began to explain.


“You should be free now.”

“...I’m not sure if I should say it, But speaking honestly, I just want you to come with me.”




“I know I’m being selfish, but please. …Please, choose to take my hand.”


“...Can you give up your life as an aristocrat?”


“I  won’t give up something that I truly don’t want to give up. What I’m giving up on is something of no value to me.”

“...Contrary to what you may think, I can’t give up on you.”

He took another step back. A distance to let men choose.

I took a breath and stared at Ruzi’s eyes.

As I was torn between wanting to run up to him and my hesitation, he extended his hand, as if it had always been there.


“Run away with me, Naala.”


“...I can’t.”




“Your efforts are finally being rewarded, and you’re going to become an aristocrat… I can’t rob you of that happiness.”


“I decide my own happiness!”




“And… it’s not you robbing me, it’s me. It’s me robbing you of your status as queen, your best friends, and asking you to be with me alone.”

“It really is selfish and uncool…”

“But, I’ve decided. Even if that makes me a jerk, if you want to be with me, even just a little, I will do my best to make you happy.”



His passionate gaze made my heart burn.



“I want to take your hand, if that were possible.”

“But even if we have resolved all our issues, I’m still the sister-in-law of the Rus King.”

“I can’t run away, ignoring the possibility that my country may be blamed.”



I’d love to be happy together with Ruzi. I want to be with him forever. But I can’t convince myself that it’s okay to cause problems on a national level.

As tears ran down my cheeks, I heard a noise in the grass behind me.


“...It really is a nice day today. I’d love to take a trip to somewhere far away on a day like this.”


“...?! Touya…”


“...L-Lord Touya…”


(Did he overhear us?!)

I’m frozen, upset by his sudden appearance.

Ruzi stood in front of me, as if shielding me from Touya.


“I will accept the punishment. She has no fault. I tried to take her by force.”



I tried to move forward in a hurry, but Ruzi stopped me.

Panicked, I tried to shout a rebuttal over Ruzi’s shoulder.


“No, Touya! I…!”


“Well well, your stubbornness is quite hardcore. It’s easy to see Ruzi having a hard time with that.”

“Well, that will be a happy struggle, though.”



I was confused by his fearless smile.

While I thought about the meaning, Touya smiled and spoke.


“By the way, there’s a task I wanted to ask of you two.”


“A task?”


“I’d like you to go to Tseg River, and gather the flowers used for medicines.”

“Ah, but there’s no rush. This could take ten… twenty… maybe even fifty years.”

“And if you don’t return… then I’d presume you got eaten by a monster.”


“...! That’s…”


“... You’ve worked so hard for everyone else’s happiness. Now it’s your turn to live a happy life.”

“No matter what others might say, I won’t blame Rus for this.”

“I swear, I will protect your home country.”



He’s pushing us, implying us to “run away.” Touya’s kindness overwhelmed me, and before I knew it I was crying.


“You knew…”


“Well, yeah. You’re pretty easy to figure out.”


“...I’m sorry.”


“Don’t be. The happiness of my beloved friend is my wish.”

“...Yes. I’m glad I was able to let go of you while we’re still friends.”




“Well then, you better get going. Before I change my mind.”


“...Thank you, Touya. I will never forget your kindness.”

Pushed by his kindness, I took Ruzi’s hand. I firmly grasped it of my own free will.


“Lord Touya…”


“Ruzi, take good care of her.”



After re-gripping my hand, Ruzi bowed silently. He was expressing his deep gratitude.


“...Let’s go, Naala.”



We nodded and turned around together. As we ran, our minds and bodies were not light.

We made our decision with the weight of what we gained against what we were leaving behind. But that weight made me cry.


(Still… I want to hold this hand.)

We looked off into the distance with a flood of emotions. Ruzi and I stood side-by-side, and took a deep breath, as we looked out at the horizon.


“...You can curse me, who robs you. If it is your wish, you may even have my life.”

“But, I don’t regret anything. I want to cherish this life you chose.”

Having said that, Ruzi cleared his throat as if to punctuate. I looked to my side. At the tip of my line of sight, I could see his cheeks were slightly flushed.


“So… will you marry me?”



“...! Hehe, you’re asking that now?”


“...And your answer?”


“...If it rains.”


“Haha… you can be cruel too.”


“I wonder who I got that from…”

We laughed as we straddled our horses. Pushed by the warm breeze, the horses began to run together, even though we hadn’t instructed them to do so.

And we’ll continue to run together, the two of us…

~End Title~

A small island that’s not even listed on the map. Ruzi and I have settled down there, living as doctors together with a few islanders.

One day, as our daily life continued to be calm, we received a letter from a friend who had returned from the continent...




“? Did you come here for an emergency?”


"No, I got a letter! It's from Salanna and the others!"


"Really!? What does it say?"


"Hold on, I'll open it now. Let's read it together."

I opened it with Ruzi on the desk by the window.

As I hurriedly opened it up and saw the nostalgic handwriting of Salanna.



“No way?! She’s already given birth!”


“Haha, leave it to Bal.”


“But, back then…”


“He didn’t say so back then, but Bal actually does like kids. The law was probably amended, so he wasted no time in… ah, I mean, I’m sure he worked hard at it.”


“I see…”

“Hehe. Salanna always said she wanted kids, so I’m really happy for her.”




“Ah, and Shalu…”

“What?! Shalu’s also pregnant!?”


“Speaking of working hard, Else…”


“Yeah, he must have worked really hard.”

Even though I can’t see them now, Shalu and Salanna are my precious best friends. Their happiness is my happiness.

As I was chewing on that happiness, Ruzi gently embarrassed me.


“I never thought I would lose to Else.”

“In that case, we just have to win by numbers, right?”


“Huh, numbers…?”

The hand that was on my back slid to my chest. My top is stimulated softly through my clothes.



He covered my breasts with one hand and pressed a little as if to check my heartbeat. And just like that, I was pushed down onto his desk.



“!... Ah…”

At first, he rolled them gently between his fingertips, then gradually, they easily changed their shape.

When he poked the sharp tip with his fingers, a tingling glow ran through me.


"W-wait, Ruzi."


"Why? I want to meet our child soon..."

When I tried to stop him, he grabbed my hand and bit my earlobe.

The wet tip of his tongue licked my ear hole with a tenacity that made me imagine what was to come.


"So today I'm going to pour a lot inside..."

Although the words were direct and obscene, perhaps because his voice was so sweet, it almost sounded like a confession of love.

But we’re right by the window. There is a possibility that someone might see us.

I scolded my own thoughts, which were about to melt, and finally raised a voice of protest.


"B-but there's a place for things like this… let's at least go to bed."


"There's no need to worry. You and I don't have to be bound by anything anymore."


"But what if someone sees..."


“Then let them watch.”


"Hmm, that's..."


"Don’t worry… Soon you won't be able to even think about being embarrassed."

He overcame my panic with a beautiful smile and pressed our lips together.

My tongue made a last attempt to escape but was quickly caught and licked from the base.





When our soft freshly moistened lips moved against each other, it felt so good that I couldn't help but close my eyes.

Ruzi smiles happily as he licks the wet corner of my mouth.


"My heart is going crazy just by kissing you..."



I couldn't stand doing something so embarrassing in a place like this.

...But contrary to my feeling of shame, I secretly found the unusual environment thrilling and started to get excited.


"Does your back hurt?"


"It doesn't hurt, but if you're worried about me, let’s go to bed now..."


"That's not something up for discussion."

As he said this, Ruzi ran his tongue over my nipples through my clothes.

When they were flattened and pressed, I could see how hard and sharp they became.

Ruzi, who noticed them change by his touches, spoke in a mocking tone.


“I mean, look, they’re already in a naughty shape…”



My clothes wet with saliva stuck to my skin. My nipples, which showed through the transparent cloth and stood out even more, looked more obscene than if they were exposed.

As I trembled with shame, his lips touched mine, and I let out a short, solemn cry.


“Mm, ah…”

~End Picture~

It's different from being touched directly, and the feeling of being teased was frustrating. Wanting to do something about this fever, I groped Ruzi's chest.



"I still haven’t had enough..."


“Hah, hah… No…”

He held my wrists and his caressing through my clothes resumed.

Every once in a while, he would look at me for a reaction and each time I got hotter. Ruzi was always observing me as I writhed in pleasure.

His brown eyes narrowed in interest as I gasped in irritation.


“Hmm, please… no.”


"What's wrong?"


"Ah, touch me… directly."


“Just touch?”


"N-no, I want you to lick me more… I want you to bite me more."


"…Like this?"

Letting out a deep guttural laugh, Ruzi pulled my jacket down with his lips and ate at my exposed nipples.

The pressure was so strong that it hurt a little, and my chest arched as I twitched. The other was rolled between his fingers.




"Hmm... What a treat... they’re so delicious I want to devour them..."

As he eagerly sucked them, the tip still tingled each time his lips were parted.

The wet sound that echoes from my chest invaded my brain.


“Haah, ah…mm”

My thoughts were colored with pleasure. When I gave up on resisting, I felt honey overflowing from deep within my body.

My lower legs, which hadn’t been touched yet, were hot. Wanting to do something about it, I rubbed my thighs together, but the pain became even stronger.


“Your lower area seems sad...”



Without hesitation, a hand slipped between my thighs and split the petals. Immediately, my moist flesh wrapped around his fingertips, making a sticky sound.


“Hah, ah, ah…!”


"You're overflowing..."

The swollen buds were lightly scratched. A pleasure that resembled pain shot through my head, making my back arch.

However, the next moment, he was caressing me gently, and this time I was filled with frustration.

I was at the mercy of the irregular pleasure and lack of strength.


“Ah, ah, ha, ha, ngh!”


"It's amazing, it's dripping all over the desk."

Ruzi's fingertips scoop up the overflowing honey. The pads of his fingers stroked around my sensitive bud so that he could coat it.

The part where I was stroked twitched as if I was longing for it.


"It's so naughty to have this place displayed like this..."



As if to answer my cry, he buried his fingers inside me.

I was impatient after having to wait so long, but as soon as it was put in, I overflowed with new nectar.


"It's so naughty… how cute."


“Hii, ah! Ya…!”

The now two fingers stroke my inner wall while repeatedly inserting and withdrawing them. When I reached the point where I felt it most, he pushed me up relentlessly.

I shook my head as intermittent intense pleasure hit me.


"Hi! Ah, ah! Ah, oh no!"


"It's undulating inside… Does it feel good?"

As if to stop it, my buds are being kneaded, along with the weaker parts inside. I was caught up all at once, and I reached Ruzi lightly, tightening my fingers.



"Haa, haa, haa, haa..."


"You seem satisfied, so let's call it a day."


"...Ruzi you bully"


"As for me, I'm going to be admiring you to the fullest."


"Then let's go all the way... I want you already..."

I couldn't help but feel the pain inside me, which was still convulsing.

When I begged with tearful eyes, Ruzi chuckled and opened my legs, covering me.


"Well, to tell you the truth, I've also reached my limit..."

Ruzi's penis was already warped when he took it out. It's hard tips rub against my petals and buds.


"Ah,, don't tease me..."

Just like Ruzi said before, I had already forgotten about my shame. Twisting my hips, I guided Ruzi's heat inside me.

Ruzi purred at me and after a few shallow thrusts in and out… he penetrated me to the deepest depths in one go.


"Hi! Ah, ah...!"


"Ah... it's already mushy... I feel like I'm going to melt..."


“Ngh…ha, ah…”

Just thinking about Ruzi's heat inside me made me feel excited, and I tightened up without realizing it.

My compressed pleasure spasms and hits my vaginal walls.


"Nh, you’re tighter... ha, ha, ha... than usual..."

"Why does it feel so good inside of you?"


"Hmm, ah...really? It feels good...?"


"Yeah, it’s so good that I'm about to go crazy..."

“Actually, no matter how many times we do it… ah… your body is unfathomable to me…”


"I-I guess… it's normal."


"It is normal. ...That's about all I know..."

The smooth tip pushes deep inside. The sensitive part inside me was pinched, and I let out a whimper that sounded like a scream.




"I-if I poke this angle, it'll move around and get tangled...see?"

Ruzi, who knows my body inside and out, accurately hits my weak spots.


“Ah, hmm, hah, ah, ah!!”

When his hips hit me briefly, a terrifying sensation of pleasure washed over me. It was thick and overflowing with honey, leaking sloppily like saliva.


“I-it’s just starting to overflow… Does it feel that good…?”


“Oh, nooo, ah, ah, ha, ha!!”


"You said you wanted more... so I'll give you more, just as you wish..."

Both my legs were draped over Ruzi's shoulders, and deeper, gouging motions hit the areas he felt.


"Ah! Ah! Hey, ah! No, not there...!"

Wet noises echoed around the room. The numbness around my tailbone runs up my spine, creating a tingling sensation.


"N-no, stop! Hmm, ha, ah, ah! I… I'm cumming!"


"It's okay... ha, ha, ha... I'm about to reach my limit too...!"


“Ah, Ruzi… Ruzi…!”


"Hey, Naala… where do you want me to cum?"

The tip of his shaft was already oozing with pre-cum. I felt it rubbing against my cervix, and my insides convulsed again. Both my mind and body were trembling with pleasure.


"Ah, ah, ah... inside...I want it inside...!"


"Alright… I'll pour it deep inside..."

Just as he had declared, I was penetrated to the depths that there was nothing more I could do.

My mind turned white from the painful pleasure, and Ruzi tightened his grip, shaking my entire body.





His shaft, which had suddenly increased in size, convulsed several times. The hot essence that was spitted out penetrated deeply, creating an indescribable feeling of infatuation.


“Ha… ah, ha…”


“Ha, hah, ha, ha…”

Ruzi's slightly sweaty body covered my own.

Feeling the weight of happiness, I wrapped my arms around his back.

~End Picture~


"...I hope they look like you."




"I'd like a cute girl who looks like you."


"Hehe, well aren’t you eager."

While still connected, we exchanged feather-like kisses.

As we played around, Ruzi's lips traced my body and moved to the corner of my eyes.


"I'm sorry. I made you cry again today..."

He kissed away the tears that had overflowed with pleasure and placed a light kiss on my earlobe.


"You're so cute, I can't stop myself from wanting you."


“Next time, take me in a bed.”


"Haha, no matter where we go, we can still love each other."

"On my desk... or even in a country we don't know. I will love you no matter where we go."

"I will continue to love you forever..."


"That's quite a challenge."


"Yeah, that's right. That's why I’ll spend my whole life pursuing it..."

It seems that this research has no end.

As I imagined our child running on the sand, I thought about the eternal research that will continue...


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