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Shiba: A Kind Man

Yuriko and Shiba are finally married and now that the wedding is over they have some time to relax. (/ω\*)……… (/ω•\*)

Translated Video



The wedding of Yuriko and Shiba went off without a hitch.

Given that it's a wedding between a typical nouveau riche and an aristocrat, all of the newspapers release articles about Yuriko and the people around her, each one driven by sordid curiosity.

Not to mention that it's a union between Shiba, who has been the most successful businessman in recent years, and the daughter of the Nomiya household, which became famous at one point as a result of their misfortune.

The articles label her as an aristocratic lady that Shiba bought with money. People are convinced that their marriage is a political one, and they look at them with criticizing eyes.

However, the two of them really couldn't care less about what society thinks and the spreading rumors.

A celebratory feast held at a hotel follows the wedding ceremony. Hundreds of ladies and gentlemen in extravagant outfits gather in a large hall with a luxurious chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Each one of the guests seems to be proof of Shiba's wealth and power.

But Yuriko spots several unexpected guests there.

These guests are children, many of them.

Shiba: "Hey, everyone! Thanks for coming!"

Shiba greets the children with a broad grin on his face. The children look shy, maybe not accustomed to being dressed up, but they quickly gather around Shiba.

Little boy: "Hey, director. So this person is your wife?"

Shiba: "Yeah, she is. Isn't she a beauty?"

Little girl 1: "She is! And her kimono is so beautiful! It's Sparkling!"

Little girl 1: "I recognize her hairstyle! It's called the Take Shimada high chignon!"

The children began talking at once, and Shiba watches them with a smile. Yuriko gapes, staring at him and the group of children in confusion.

Her brain supplies her with several possible scenarios. She quickly eliminates the illegitimate children theory because there are so many of them. Next, she wonders if the children are Shiba's relatives, but then she remembers that he has no kin so that theory can't be right either.

Then, who are they? What kind of a connection do they have with Shiba? The questions are too big for her to answer, and they loom over her brain.

Soon, however, the children leave, even though they haven't even been around for an hour. After watching the group of children leave, Yuriko whispers her questions because she can't keep them to herself any longer.

Yuriko: H-Hey, Junichi... Who are those children? Why did they call you 'director'?"

Shiba: "Oh, right... I guess I never told you."

Shiba sounds like he genuinely forgot to tell Yuriko, and she braces herself for the worst.

She's nervous, fearing that she's about to learn a new, shocking fact right here in the hall at her own wedding.

However, she certainly doesn't expect the words that leave Shiba's mouth next.

Shiba: "Actually, I'm running an orphanage."

Yuriko: "H-Huh? An orphanage...?"

The truth stuns her, and for a moment, she struggles to find the right words to say.

Shiba and an orphanage.

The two nouns leave such different impressions - they're basically poles apart.

Yuriko: I-I thought you're a businessman, and you're running a trading company?"

Shiba: "Yeah, my main occupation is trading."

Yuriko: "Main occupation...? But I don't think running an orphanage is something that you can do as a side job."

Shiba: "Actually, an acquaintance was the one running the orphanage. I'd been making donations since I started making profits from my business, but then my acquaintance died from the flu epidemic." "So, I took over after that. Of course, I'm leaving the management to the employees who've been working under the previous director."

Yuriko: "...I see..."

She's never even heard about Shiba's business in detail, so it only adds to her surprise that he's been running an orphanage.

However, she knows from looking at the smile Shiba showed to the children that he does not treat the orphanage as a mere pastime or some philanthropist work as a businessman.

Yuriko often thinks that Shiba's smile resembles that of a little kid. Of course, he is capable of making that commercial smile as a businessman, but the real smile that he shows her is as pure as a child's.

And he shows the same pure smile in front of those children. Yuriko believes that it's only possible because Shiba does love them from the bottom of his heart.

Shiba: "I'm thinking of building a school next; a school where anyone can study without having to pay."

Yuriko: "...Why a school?"

Shiba: "Because I myself had a hard time. I had no parents or anyone to support me. I had no choice but to live by doing bad things." "I decided to live an honest life after I met you, but that decision only made living more painful. Especially when I wanted to go to school, but couldn't do so easily because education required money." "I wanted to help as many poor children as possible so that they can live and study like an average person. I want them not to give up on living and dreaming."

Yuriko: "Not to give up on... dreaming."

Yuriko finds herself repeating words that may sound a bit grandiose to some people. Shiba smiles wryly at her.

Shiba: "...You probably don't know what it feels like to be truly poor in this country, but there are countless children who aren't even allowed to dream."

"In the slums, one gets on in life precisely by giving up. There are children who want to study but can't. Young people who can't become who they want to be.."

"Some people are being forced to work themselves to the bone in unsanitary conditions, only to receive cheap wages. When they reach their 50s, they lose all faith in the world and commit suicide. The number of these people is increasing - they think of themselves as living pests who are better off dead."

Yuriko: "..."

Yuriko is at a loss for words after hearing the miserable story.

She never knew there was such a world where one was not allowed to even dream.

It is at this moment that Yuriko understands the meaning of Shiba's words.

Shiba: "I know what it feels like to be poor. And I bet you can't even begin to imagine the severity of my penniless day. It was like living in hell."

When Yuriko heard those words for the first time, she didn't pay attention at all because the only emotion she felt toward Shiba back then was repulsion.

But now, she feels like she can understand the meaning of those words for the first time. People who have to live in poverty that she can't even imagine do exist.

Yuriko: "...You told me before that you could do anything with money."

Shiba: "Yeah, I did."

Shiba nods without reservation.

Shiba: "At the very least, I think those who rave that humans can get by with willpower and without money are a bunch of fools, spouting nonsense because they know nothing about how the world works." "If you have money, you will have more choices in the future. You can live like an actual human being. It's always better to have money. That's the truth."

Yuriko: "Yes... I think I can finally agree with you."

Shiba's words are as arrogant as ever, and it makes Yuriko smile bitterly, but she does agree with his opinion.

While it's unfortunate that his antipathies statement is directed at everyone in general, the meaning rings true.

Yuriko: "Your money has helped that many children smile. I no longer think money-making is a... lowly act."

Yuriko feels that her feelings for Shiba have transformed for sure.

Shiba is running his business not just to fill his own pocket...

Yuriko was raised in a world where it's normal for people to frown upon the nouveau riche, calling them dirty and vulgar. And so she finds Shiba's eagerness to share his wealth surprising, in a good way.

She used to think that Shiba is only capable of being prideful, arrogant, and rude. But it turns out that he's so much more than that.

His pursuit of wealth isn't without reason. To Shiba, it's a matter of belief.

Shiba: "Come on, don't go saying those strangely commendable things now."

Shiba smirks impishly and teases Yuriko.

Shiba: "You've always thought of me as a vulgar member of the nouveau riche, so why the change? Did you eat something bad at the feast?"

Yuriko: "...You know the phrase 'noblesse oblige', don't you? It means nobles should act beyond their titles. They have to serve as many people in society as possible."

Yuriko stares silently at Shiba.

Yuriko: "And you're doing exactly that. You're living in good faith for the sake of the poor. You already have the spirit of a noble."

Shiba: "Yuriko..."

Yuriko: "I feel grateful, again, for marrying you... You have my respect."

Her candid words seem to have taken Shiba by surprise and he falls silent.

Then, the corners of his eyes turn red, and he quickly looks down.

Yuriko: "...Junicki?"

She wonders if Shiba isn't feeling well, but he slightly lifts his head and reveals a troubled expression.

Shiba: "...You know, you always act like a tomboy, but then... You say cute things and... I honestly can't keep up with you."

Yuriko: "What...?"

His words are starting to make even her cheeks blush.

Yuriko: "I-I'm not trying to be a tomboy or a cute girl... I simply act and speak according to what's on my mind."

Shiba: "Do you now? ...That makes you even more unbelievable."

Yuriko: "I don't know what you want me to do..."

They're both blushing and standing in front of each other awkwardly. Yuriko notices that the guests around them are eyeing them curiously, and her cheeks blush an even deeper shade of red.

They have misunderstood each other and fought so many times before. They're even sleeping together, for crying out loud! So why are they acting like they just met each other?

It has to be because she's just discovered Shiba's new facet today, but maybe it's also because of the wedding attire she's wearing.

When Yuriko put on this pure white ceremonial dress at the Daijingu shrine, the attire reminded her of the importance of marriage, and she's been feeling rather tense since then. Her chest, bound tightly by her kimono's obi, is flooded with a clean resolution.

She is alive, here and now, and she just got married to this man. The realization has roused a divine sort of joy in her.

The wedding is now a topic of every rumor, and it's turned out to be something much flashier and grander than she initially thought.

She is quite sure that society's curious eyes are going to follow her wherever she goes, at least for a short while.

While the thoughts are enough to dampen her mood, she knows she has a reliable man by her side who is willing to walk with her every step of the way.

The fire spreading across Yuriko's cheeks is too much for her to handle, and she slowly looks up at Shiba.

It turns out, however, that Shiba has been watching her all along.

His eyes are glistening, and the sight has Yuriko's heart in a grip so tight it's almost painful.

...She has married this man as his true and lawful wife.

The joy manifests itself as a wide smile on her face.

Shiba: "Phew... Thank god it's finally over."

Shiba must have been more nervous than he let on because as soon as they're alone in their room, he stretches out his limbs.

Yuriko herself has been freed from her bridal outfit and changed into a comfortable yukata to sleep in.

Yuriko: "That was incredible, in a lot of ways. How did you get to know so many people, Junichi? I'm deeply impressed."

Shiba: "Are you being sarcastic now? The bigger my network is, the better. The pompous seats back at the feast and this massive manor... They all serve to tell everyone of my power in the easiest way. And that's an important thing to do in the business world."

Yuriko: "Hmm... Alright, if you say so."

Shiba: "...Say it. I know you want to say something."

Yuriko: "Nothing, really."

Shiba: "Oh god. Here it comes. When a woman says 'nothing’ it always pisses me off. Just come out with it, will you?"

Yuriko: "...Fine. If that's what you want, then I'm going to ask you straight. Is having so many female acquaintances also a way for you to show off your power?"

Shiba: "Ugh...!'

It happened when the feast was nearing its end.

Shiba's friend, who had clearly drunk too much for his own good, said something that Yuriko's ears caught very clearly...

That Shiba is a notorious womanizer. For a certain period of time, he would hire famous geisha and host a ridiculously festive party every single night.

Shiba: "...Allow me to explain, Yuriko."

Yuriko: "Don't think you can get away by saying it's just a rumor."

Shiba: "No! I had an actual reason."

Yuriko: "An actual reason for playing with geisha? Right."

Shiba: "Yeah, right. Those popular geisha were all the favorite ladies of a certain famous member of the Diet." "By hiring those geisha, I wanted to impress that member of the Diet and get closer to him. That was my reason."

Yuriko: "...I don't see how I can believe you."

Shiba: "H-Hey, come on..."

She turns away, and Shiba rushes after her and hugs her from behind.

Yuriko: "What do you want? Let me go."

Shiba: "Don't you trust me?"

Yuriko: "...You know, this isn't about trust. This is about me hating your habit of using women as a tool."

Shiba: "You hate it...?"

Yuriko: "Couldn't you have come up with other means?

Shiba: "...I thought that was the most effective way. After all, I am willing to use whatever I can use to achieve my goals..."

She turns around and stares fixedly at Shiba.

A beat passes and he grunts lowly, his facial features scrunched in bitterness.

Shiba: "...Fine. Okay, I get it."

Yuriko: "Which part did you get exactly?"

Shiba: "I won't do anything like that ever again."

Yuriko: "...Promise?"

Shiba: "Yes, I swear. Never again."

Her husband declares as such and Yuriko squints her eyes, scanning her meek face to detect deception.

Soon, however, she snorts, turns her body around, and hugs him from the front.

Yuriko: "I'm just joking"

Shiba: "...What?"

Yuriko: "I'm not angry. I know you won't betray me."

Shiba's eyes widen, and he looks utterly confused.

Shiba: "T-Than why would you...?"

Yuriko: "I just wanted to test you. I wanted to see what kind of face you'd make if I were to doubt you..."

She smiles impishly, and Shiba's cheeks turn red at an alarming rate.

Yuriko: "Besides, don't you think it would have been boring if your new wife didn't show an ounce of jealousy after hearing that news?"

Shiba: "...You little!"

Yuriko: "Hyaaah...!"

Shiba roars and pushes Yuriko onto the bed.

Shiba: "...Some guts you have for making fun of me right after our wedding ceremony!"

Yuriko: "Oh my. I wasn't aware marriage was supposed to change me into a meek woman."

Shiba: "A wife is supposed to revere and obey her husband, right?"

Yuriko: "There it is. I hate your arrogance. I can't respect you if you keep that up."

Shiba: "...Looks like someone wants me to treat her a little rough tonight."

Shiba flashes her a pridefully evil grin.

Undaunted, Yuriko stares back at him and smiles sweetly.

Yuriko: "You wouldn't do that, would you? You may be pushy and obnoxious, but you have a kind heart."

Shiba: “…Where did you learn how to placate me with those kinds of words?”

Shiba chuckles as he begins to run his hands along Yuriko's body over top of her yukata.

Shiba: "But... I think I prefer your body to placate me, more than your words..."

Yuriko: "Ah...Junichi...."

From the collar of her chest, his thick palm slips into it without hesitation.

Her skin, which became hot just by being touched by Shiba, was directly stimulated and trembled with comfort.

While slowly and deeply pressing their lips together, Shiba massaged Yuriko's two dense breasts.

Shiba: "Ah... It already smells sweet... Did you want it that much...?"

Yuriko: "Ha...n...T-That's because...this will be our first time since we became a couple, so..."

Shiba: "Pfft... You did look so torn and guilty whenever we did it before we tied the knot..."

Yuriko: “…Normally, this isn't something you do before marriage… It felt like we'd done something bad…”

Shiba: "I see... Then let's get all messed up tonight."

Yuriko: "Ah, ah..."

Shiba's lower abdomen, which had split into his crotch, was already bent back, and Yuriko could feel the love juice leaking from her crotch .

They haven't done it many times, but her body already knows the taste of Shiba embraced.

The moment when her hot petals open by his thick erect trunk. His large goose neck that gouged out the simmering mucous membrane. His heavy mass violently piercing her cervix.

Just thinking about it makes Yuriko wriggle and squirm, waiting impatiently for the man to break in.

Yuriko let out a maddened groan while her sharp nipples were being sucked on, and she hugged Shiba's head.

Yuriko: "Haa, ah, ju, Junichi, ah, hurry..."

Shiba: "Hurry what up?"

Yuriko: "Ah, please... Ah, I want you..."

Shiba: “…Do you want it that much?”

Shiba's thick fingers gently caressed Yuriko's space.

Even with such a faint stimulus, her estrous body felt violently.

Yuriko: "Ah, hah..."

Shiba: "Wow... You're already so wet..."

Shiba's breathing was also rough. Sucking Yuriko's honey that wets his own fingers, he sighed with an ecstatic expression.

Shiba: "Well, since it's our first night as a couple... Let's enjoy your voice tonight without being mean..."

As soon as he muttered that, he lifted up Yuriko's legs and bent them so that her knees touched her chest.

And then, press something that warps profusely onto the wet, overgrown area.

The flower petals, trembling with the coming pleasure, wistfully entwined around his shaft.

Shiba: "Hah, Haa... Ah, Ua..." "Kuh... Ha... It's so wet...

Yuriko: "Hii... ah, ah..."

Ah, it feels good. She feels like she's going to die like this.

Yuriko was only put in the tip and flew lightly to a climax.

Shiba also squeezed his eyebrows from the intense battle of the vaginal flesh and made a face as if he could endure his ejaculation.

Shiba: "D-Damn it... Come on, Yuriko, don't hold back so much, we're just beginning..."

Yuriko: "Haa, haa, da, because, ah, it's really good..."

Shiba: "Ha, ah... You really have an appetite..."

Shiba distorted his sweaty face and thrust his hips all the way up against Yuriko's.

Yuriko: "Hi! Ah, ah, ah!"

Shiba: "Ngh... It's moving...!"

Shiba suddenly started thrusting his hips.

Normally, at first, he would slowly turn his hips to stir the contents inside, or move to enjoy the feel of Yuriko's honey pot, but tonight he was strangely hasty.

Shiba: "Nu, fu, ha, ah, ha, ha"

Yuriko: "Ah, ah, ah, ah, so deep, hi, ah"

Shiba: "Hahahaha, ah, uh, good, this really is the best, ahhh"

You could hear the sound of meat hitting each other. Because of their posture, it is unbelievably gouged to the back.

Every time he pierces deep inside, a wave of hot pleasure runs through her whole body, and her uterus is violently astringent.

Her love juice spilled out, and it was stirred by Shiba's big thing, and it resounded loudly.

Shiba: "Ah, ah, Yuriko, ah."

Yuriko: "Mn, mn, Junichi, ah."

Shiba: "Hmm, haa, ah, wow, my whole body is about to melt..." "Haa, ah, I can't stop, ku, ah, n, uh"

Shiba frantically shakes his hips while deeply kissing Yuriko's lips.

The dizzying passionate kisses made Yuriko's passion rise again.

Yuriko: "Haa, nn, nn, ah, I'm coming... again, ah, go, ah, ah"

Shiba: "Ha, ah, ha, ah, come, tonight, come to your heart's content!" "Throw away your shyness and get into trouble...there's only you and me here!"

Yuriko felt a numbness in the back of her head as she was pushed up by a violent movement.

Her sensitive uterine ostium is pushed up by his shaft.

A heavy shock ran through her entire body from her lower abdomen, causing Yuriko to bend over and convulse all the way to her toes.

Yuriko: "Ah! Ah, ha, ha... Aaaah!!"

Shiba: "Ngh...!"

Flying to the climax, her vagina walls unconsciously squeezes Shiba's cock.

The thick and sticky honey piled up, dripping down onto the bed with a popping sound.

Shiba: "Uh, hah, hah, as expected, tonight, you're just as sensitive..."

Yuriko: "Haa...ah...Because we're finally married..."

Shiba: "Well... I feel dizzy from happiness when I think that I will be able to interact with you openly like this every day from now on..." "I will never let you go... For the rest of my life..."

Shiba started hitting her hips again.

Her honey pot, which has just become sensitive, swells with a fiery pleasure in the intense extraction.

Yuriko: "Ha, ah, ah, ah, ah, Junichi, ah"

Shiba: "Kuu, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, you smells good, ah, ah." "It's the most intense scent I've ever smelled... You must really be feeling it. Oh, how cute..."

Rotating waist movements. Hot vaginal folds that are rolled up in a mess.

Shiba's stout phallus, which was strongly warped, accurately hits the place where Yuriko feels best, and Yuriko can't come back from the sense of intense pleasure.

Yuriko: "Oh, oh, oh, I'm coming again..."

Shiba: "Ha, haha, keep coming, huh, ah, ku" "N, ah, ha, ah, but I also, ku, ah."

Shiba's movements became even more intense. A loud, unreserved sound resounds, and Yuriko's copious amounts of honey was pushed out and scattered.

Shiba's breathing became shorter and less busy. Yuriko's field of vision narrows white as she reaches her climax.

Yuriko: "Ah, ah, ah..."

Shiba: "Ha, ha, ah, ku, uh, ah..."

Firmly hugging Yuriko's body, Shiba trembled and ejaculated into her deepest place.

Yuriko also climaxed at the same time and convulsed. Her womb strongly squeezed Shiba's cock, and she writhed in an attempt to drink up all his semen.

Shiba: "Haa, haa..., ah, amazing..."

Yuriko: "Haa...ah..."

Yuriko is absent-mindedly immersed in the pleasure of the climax.

However, Shiba's shaft that was still buried inside remained stiff even after releasing its semen.

When Yuriko gazes at Shiba in bewilderment when she notices the incident, he returns her gaze with a slightly embarrassed smile.

Shiba: "I can't settle for my age... It seems I still haven't had enough of you yet..."

Yuriko: "What's wrong with you...? You're acting funny tonight..."

Shiba: "I think...This must be because I could finally say that you're mine… I've actually been repressing the urge to take you since the middle of the ceremony." "I couldn't let my guard down or I'd want to hug you tight… So l tried my best to distract myself and endure it."

Yuriko: "What...?"

Is he saying that his lust was tormenting him even in the midst of a sacred ceremony?

Yuriko is both appalled and embarrassed. She can feel her cheeks growing hot.

Then what was he thinking when he smiled gently at those children? Was he thinking about her and his uncontrollable, beastly sexual urges?

Yuriko: "Y-You're impossible...!"

Shiba: "Can you blame me though? ...I always want to sleep with you whenever I see you… And you were even more beautiful today. I wanted us to be alone as quickly as possible." "But from now on,I'll have you all to myself, every single day... I bet I'm going to lead a fulfilling life."

Yuriko: "E-Excuse!? Are you serious!? Junichi, ah, ah!"

Before she could protest in surprise, Shiba started moving again.

He can't seriously mean it, can he? Must she spend every night like this? Letting him conquer her, with no end in sight?

She can't live like that; like an animal in heat. She's already plenty annoyed with herself for being this aroused already, so if he wants more, there'll be nothing left of her restraint and the notion is terrifying.

However, when she looks at how he seems to be melting in happiness as he hugs her close, she almost thinks that none of her worries matter. And that's pretty unsettling.

The ecstatic satisfaction of being so deeply loved and desired fills her heart.

Shiba: "Yuriko... I'll do my best to make you happy... Your body and soul, every day and every night..."

Is this a feverish whisper of a devil or an angel?

Yuriko is at the mercy of this man with various faces.

However, all of them belong to a person named Junichi Shiba.

Arrogant and crude, sometimes cruel and extreme, and gentle, sincere and pure.

Yuriko deeply vowed to accept everything about this man.

To Shiba, who had no family, she is his mother, sister, lover, and wife.

Just like Shiba tried to be the father of many poor children, she'll try to be like him.

As Shiba held her tightly, Yuriko held him back with the same strength.

The man in her arms isn't a nouveau riche but a kind man with the spirit of a noble.


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