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Shiba: Love In A Cell

Now presumed to be dead and blind, Yuriko had been captured by Shiba never to leave his side again.... (´。_。`)

⚠DISCLOSURE: Please keep in mind the content warnings of this scene which are: sexual violence, stockholm syndrome.

Translated Video



...How much time has passed?

She threw herself into the dark river and let the stream carry her, but she hit her head on the pier and lost consciousness.

Her last coherent memory was the coldness of the water stroking her cheeks and the loud, rushing sound of the stream.

She wonders if this is her parting moment with this world. If it is, she's going to miss the five senses of her body.

Yuriko: (Am I... dead...?)

The question swirls inside her head, but she can't tell if she's dead or still alive.

She seems to be holding onto something. But when she tries to see, and she knows her eyes are open, her vision is filled only with fuzzy flickers of light. She can't see anything else.

Yuriko: (Have I already crossed... to the other side...?)

She can't see anything. She can't hear anything.

That's not quite right, though. She can still lift her fingers when she wants to, and she's fairly sure she can move her limbs too.

This sensation is... Yes, a futon bed. The weight on top of her body must be a blanket. This feels a lot like someone has tucked her into bed and laid a blanket on top of her.

Yuriko: "What...?"

The question slips out of her mouth on its own accord. Oh... So she can talk. And she can hear her own voice.

But her vision is totally obscured. Is she blindfolded?

She lifts her hand in front of her face. But she can't see her hand. She blinks and her eyes obey. But... But they won't see.

Yuriko: "W-Why...?"

Her pulse is beating hard, the sound loud in her ears.

...Oh. Her heart is beating. Is she, maybe, still alive?

But then, why can't she see anything? And where is she? Why did it turn out like this...?

A plethora of doubts and waves of fear and anxiety rush through Yuriko's head. She freezes in the futon bed.

Fearfully, she tries to sit up. The blanket slides down from her body, and she is probably wearing a yukata.

And then she feels slightly dizzy. It's like her body has lost its core, and she can't find any ounce of strength in her.

But she sits up and succeeds. The simple act has her breathing roughly. And, yes, her eyes still can't see anything.

Yuriko: (What is wrong with me...? What happened to me...?)

At that time, she hears footsteps approaching from afar.

Yuriko sucks in a nervous breath. Her body grows rigid. Someone else is here.

The footsteps are drawing near but then they stop- perhaps realizing that Yuriko is now sitting up in the futon bed.

Shiba: "... You're awake..."

Yuriko: "...!"

That voice...

Yuriko: "S-Shiba...? Is that you, Shiba...?"

Shiba: "Wait there. I'm going to call a doctor."

The footsteps walk away in a hurry.

Yuriko is horrified.

That little interaction just now has convinced her that yes, she failed to die, and she is indeed still alive.

Right... It's very likely that her savior was that man. The cause of all of her misfortunes...

Yuriko: (And here I thought... I could finally be liberated...)

The despair is too much for Yuriko to bear, and she collapses on the futon bed.

Her consciousness is slipping away again.

It didn't take long for a doctor to come and perform various kinds of examinations on Yuriko.

In addition to her head injury, She also has a slight fever. Other than that, she's perfectly fine. However, it turns out that she did lose her eyesight.

It seems that people who hit their heads sometimes do become blind. While some of these cases of blindness are temporary, most aren't.

After telling them that he will be back for another examination the doctor leaves.

The instant Yuriko is left alone with Shiba, dark clouds cloth her chest.

She not only survived but also lost her eyesight. To top it all off, this man has gotten a hold of her. This must be hell.

Shiba: "...So your eyes can't see anymore..."

He mutters, his tome heavy, and rests his large palm on Yuriko's forehead while she's lying down on the futon bed.

Shiba: "This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't been stupid and jumped into a river... You survived because I immediately dragged you out... I guess keeping an eye on you around the clock was a good call."

Yuriko: "...You were keeping an eye on me...?"

Shiba's remark startles Yuriko, striking her with a humiliating rage.

Maybe the rage slipped out, and Shiba could detect it from her tone because he chuckles.

Shiba: "Why are you angry about it? It's thanks to my surveillance that you survived."

Yuriko: "What if I didn't want to be saved...!?"

She can't hold the rage in any longer and hands her forehead.

Yuriko: "Why did you have to save me!? I wanted to go where my brother is! Where my family is! As soon as possible...!"

Shiba: "I can't let you die."

The hand that she's slapped away now reaches out to cup her cheek.

She lifts her hand to slap it away again but his other hand stops her. That's when she feels Shiba's breath fanning her forehead, and her entire body is petrified.

She gulps, the difference in their strength is overwhelming. Her lips are trembling because the eerie silence is terrifying.

Yuriko: "W-Where am I...?"

Shiba: "It doesn't matter now, does it? You can't see anyway. If you can't see, everywhere is the same."

Yuriko: "Let me go home! Fujita... Fujita must be looking for me now..."

Shiba: "Looking for you....?"

His tone grows ominous.

Shiba: "...Haha! No one, not a single person, is looking for you out there."

Yuriko: "...What are you saying...?"

Shiba: "You're... dead. In the eyes of the public. Your entire household has been completely wiped out."

It hits her like a bucket of cold water.

She can't understand what Shiba is saying. Her entire household has been wiped out? But she's here, alive. What is he getting at?

And if the public knows about it, it means that at least several days have passed since she jumped into the river.

Yuriko feels like she's just come back to reality after wandering in a different realm. What happened while she was out?

Shiba: "It's really a pity that you lost your eyesight. I was actually thinking of showing you all the newspapers once you woke up." "Every headline was dramatic. 'Oh, the tragedy! A Household's Chain of Misfortunes' or something along those lines..." "Your manor is now a sightseeing spot for curious onlookers. Can't blame the aristocrats, you know? There's nothing that they love more than gossiping."

Yuriko: "W-Wait a minute... H-How could that be possible...? I'm here! I'm still alive...!"

Shiba: "...They found a corpse that looked a lot like you."

Yuriko: "...!?"

Shiba: "The corpse seems to have been marred until its original features are unrecognizable, much like your brother's. But it does look like you and, more importantly, it's wearing your kimono."

She doesn't know what to say.

A corpse that looked like her appeared at this time... How could there be such a coincidence?

And above all, the corpse is wearing her kimono. This can only mean one thing...

Yuriko: "...How... How did you transport the corpse...?"

Shiba: "...What are you talking about?"

Yuriko: "Don't play dumb..! I know... I know it was all your doing, wasn't it!?"

The only man who could help himself to her kimono is him - the man who saved her life.

How could he do something so cruel?

How could this man orchestrate her death after causing the Nomiya household to suffer through so many hardships!?

Shiba: "...Let's say your household remains and can still return to that place. What can you guys do?" "Your family couldn't do anything to pay off that huge amount of debt. And now, your eyes can't even see."

Yuriko: "...Ugh!"

Rage rumbles inside her, and words won't come out of her throat.

Remind her who it was again that increased the amount of her family's debt? Who was it again that pushed the Nomiya household to the verge of destruction?

She wants to scream those words, yell them again and again in his face. But she knows doing so is futile; it won't affect him.

Because he is a demon - a heartless demon - and she isn't foolish enough to hope that a demon would lend her an ear.

Shiba: "...I know you won't believe me, but I'll say this anyway."

"I wasn't the one responsible for the increase of your household's debt. I did drive Iida into a corner, but... I never did anything to harm your family."

Yuriko: "...You're right. I don't believe you."

Shiba: "Yeah, figures. The corpse modification... I didn't come up with the idea myself, but... I did make the final decision."

Suddenly, Shiba's tone changes, and it sounds earnest now.

Shiba: "Thinking back on it, your family's misfortune started with the evening party, and you guys have been on the sure path of destruction since then. Even so, you kept rejecting me, hating me, and ultimately, you tried to kill yourself..." "Now you're mine... You lost your eyesight and any evidence that you're still alive... It's like the universe is trying to turn me into a beast..."

Yuriko: "...And are you going to trap me here?"

Yuriko barks out a scornful laugh. Shiba is acting as if he has nothing to do with everything - as if someone else is pulling the strings.

Yuriko: "I'm blind. Perfect. Maybe now I can be one of those pitiable women in Lady Kyoko's scary stories."

Shiba: "...Yeah. I guess you can."

His voice is tinged with a dark sort of heat.

Shiba: "But... I hope now you understand that I wasn't trying to marry you because I wanted to earn the label 'aristocrat' for myself." "You're dead. And you're blind. No other man will want a woman like you, except me...!"

Shiba's voice booms threateningly and Yuriko gasps.

He looms over her and dips his head to devour her lips like the beast that he is.

That makes sense. Yuriko is a deceased person in society and for Shiba to still want her means that he isn't after mere noble entitlements after all.

But so what?

It isn't going to erase the fact that he cornered the Nomiya household and pushed them into the bottom of the abyss.

However, it's as the man says. Yuriko is dead and blind. The only place she can belong is here.

She's been thrown into the darkness of despair, and waiting at the bottom is a starving beast.

...How long has it been since then?

Yuriko, who lost her sight, could not see day or night.

As she later learned, this place seems to be a prison made underground.

Because it is underground, the temperature is kept constant, and it is impossible to know the change in time by changes in temperature.

However, she came to think that the passage of day and night didn't matter anymore.

Yuriko was a pet kept by a man named Shiba.

Like a love toy, no, a sex toy. Although she is treated with great care, Shiba's hand has never touched Yuriko without having a sexual desire.

Despite her blindness, she dresses up like a doll, wearing expensive hairpins and kimonos, but in the end she is forced to take them off as well.

And so, contrary to Yuriko's will, her body began to adapt to this life.

With her sharpened sense of hearing, she can hear Shiba's footsteps even from a distance.

Then, as if the sound was a signal, her crotch began to moisten. She had become a splendid whore.

The sound of her own rough breathing and licking of his skin resounding vaguely.

And the small rings of the bell attached to her nipples. Every time Yuriko shakes her breasts, its weight stimulates the nipple and becomes unbearable.

Each time, the "zuiki" inserted in her vagina is tightened, and it is dominated by a painful and crazy pleasure.

But that wasn't enough. She wants something longer, thicker and hotter.

Yuriko wasn't allowed to do that until she had licked all the honey on Shiba's skin. But she is already close to her limit.

Yuriko: "Oh, ah... please... more..."

Shiba: "What's wrong? You haven't finished licking it all yet."

Yuriko: "N-No... I want more..."

Shiba: "Is it not big enough? I was thinking of making it bigger, but ......"

Yuriko: "N-No... t-this is good..."

Yuriko drooled and stuffed Shiba's cock.

It's big enough to make her jaw fall off- Oh, I want it. I want this one.

She wants him to plunge it all the way in, violently take it in and out, and drop it in the bottomless swamp of pleasure.

It didn't matter what Shiba did to her or what kind of man he was.

This is the only thing in Yuriko's world. This strong male genitalia with floating blood vessels. This is the only thing that makes her happy.

While she was making a flashy slurping noise while slurping his penis, her hair was stirred with a gentle hand.

Shiba: "...You've become completely lewd...The dignified pride and shining brilliance you once had are no longer there..." "But now you have the opposite charm... You're like an addictive drug... Not a single day goes by without me embracing you..."

Shiba's hand lifted Yuriko's head, which was stuck to his penis.

Then, spread it on the futon, he kisses and licks her lips as much as he wants.

Then the zuiki fell out of Yuriko's wet and sly vagina.

The congested flower petals are wriggling. A big, hot mass pressed against it, happily sucking on its smooth glans.

The strong firmness is strongly pulled in as it takes the place of zuiki, and rubs up the vagina walls that have become ripe and juicy.

It's a pleasure that doesn't seem to be of this world. The backs of her eyes are flickering and sparks.

Yuriko opened her blind eyes and gasped with joy.

Yuriko: "Oh, hah, ah, ah, so good..."

Shiba: "Ah...You're squeezing so tightly… You're really lewd… You seem to be consuming it from the root..."

Yuriko spread her legs and turned her hips to swallow more. She can hear Shiba groaning sadly. It's like the voice of pain, and it feels good.

Her breasts are rubbed violently, and the bells on her nipples ring.

The weight of the bell stimulates her nipples, and she feels a pleasant sensation as if an electric current ran through her uterus.

Shiba: "Oh... Your breasts are getting bigger and bigger... Now they can't even fit in my palm..."

"The inside is also simmering... It sticks to my cock and tries to squeeze out the semen... Ah, it's the best..."

Shiba let out an enchanted voice, hugging Yuriko's leg and violently pushing his penis in and out.

Yuriko writhed in pleasure, clinging to Shiba's bareback, relentlessly checking the undulations of his muscles with her fingers.

Her sense of touch had sharpened after she lost her sight, and her fingers can perceive fine downy hairs and spasms of pleasure.

With her senses of smell and hearing sharpened, Yuriko, who is blind, lives in a state where all the remaining senses are vividly enhanced.

Therefore, the pleasure of touching the skin is also enormous. Just being caressed for a little bit, a sensuality that makes goosebumps runs down her spine.

Yuriko: "Haa, oh, it's amazing, it feels so good."

Shiba: "Ha, ku, ha, ha, ah" "Ku, haa, ah, it smelled good... Ah, your estrus is sweet..." "Wonderful... I don't know any other woman who gives off such a scent... Ah, you are my opium... You're a horrible woman who makes me addicted..."

A thick and heavy phallus that warps back mercilessly rolls up Yuriko's mucous membrane that has melted.

Shiba's pubic hair rubbed up the clitoris, which was erected and the foreskin turned smoothly, and the cervix was pierced, and Yuriko flew to a climax little by little.

...So good. It feels great. It's amazing.

That's all she can think of.

In this damp and warm prison, the distorted pleasure of being toyed with by a man she hates so much that she wants to kill herself.

Yuriko gradually came to believe that she had not survived, but instead fell into a hideous lust-indulging hell.

That's why she has such an inexhaustible libido. She's sure she'll never be able to finish this feast until she's sucked this man down to his bones.

The uterus contracts to a violent climax. The love juice leaks out and soaks the futon.

The stretched man finally became sweaty, let out a voice of agony, and shook his hips busily.

Shiba: "Kuh, ah, fu, ha, ha" "Ah, ah... I'm coming, I'm coming..."

As if in response to the last violent thrust, the bells were ringing softly at the tips of her breasts, which bounced like rubber balls.

Shiba: "Ugh!! Uh..."

Yuriko sticks to Shiba's stiff neck as he ejaculates.

Beneath her lips, she feels the presence of a thick carotid artery throbbing in smooth skin.

...Oh. She wants to tear it apart.

Yuriko always struggles with that urge in the unprotected moment of a man's ejaculation.

She wants to bite his neck. Or, poke it with the tip of the hairpin from her hair.

Then this hell will end. Kill the man, cut his throat and die herself.

However, Yuriko always ends up unable to carry it out. What a coward she is, she laughs at herself.

There is new life in her belly. He will notice soon.

She has not yet abandoned her sanity to feel love for such things.

She wants to go crazy quickly, but she can't. This is hell.

And she guesses she can't go to her brother, mother, or father anymore because she's content with that situation.

Yuriko: (I wonder... what will happen from now on)

In a world without light, Yuriko groans as she is chained to the prison of her body.

What will happen to her from now on? And what will happen to this child born from the womb of a dead man?

With her blind eyes closed, in complete darkness, Yuriko caught the man's lips as hot as fire.

Behind her eyelids, she sees something floating in the dark, cold river.

It was a lily.

The pale face illuminated by the moon, not knowing whether it is dead or alive.

Her eyelids wriggle and she opens her eyes. But nothing is shown there.

The light of the moon, floating in the abyss of her pitch-black glass like eyes, disappeared.


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