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  • Ruzi: Final Chapter - Never-ending Research

    Here is the translation for the R18 version of Koezaru wa Akai Hana: Ruzi's scene Final Chapter: Never-ending Research. Translated Video Select: Options ⇀ Events ⇀ Ruzi ⇀ BEST END終りなき研究 Ruzi: “...” Looking up at the broken branch, I indulge in my own thoughts. Heavy rain hits my whole body, but I don’t mind at all. That’s because there’s a fire burning inside me, and that won’t cool even in the rain. Ruzi: “...Is the heat left inside you still mine?” Some time ago, I realized that Naala was still a maiden. Actually, I knew from her reaction the day I suggested we run away together. Ruzi: (Because of Lord Touya’s nature, he’d never let her go once he embraced her, that is to say, he would have a mental hold on her.) (She would not have even noticed such a hold, but she’d never be able to be free from it.) Despite his looks, he’s got a terribly fragile side to him. But, since this is something I gradually felt as a result of observation, I don’t think this is something Lord Touya intends to show. ut, when I asked if she loved Lord Touya, Naala quickly said no. She wasn’t afraid to express her feelings. …In other words, Lord Touya hasn’t made love to Naala yet. But I know the reason why she didn’t say so. …Probably, Lord Touya married Naala in order to protest her. My feelings began to overflow the moment I realized their relationship. I lost all restraint. That’s why I called her out in that way. Ruzi: “You probably think that I’ve given up on you.” I would have never made love to you if I’d intended to give up. I feel sorry for Naala, but I won't lose to anyone when it comes to not giving up. After all, I continued to study incurable diseases for over a decade, even though I was cursed and ridiculed. In this respect, I might be much worse than Lord Touya. Ruzi: “You’ll be surprised to hear my decision. Or perhaps even angry. The rain continues to fall. I smile wryly as I indulge in the sweet wounds in my chest. …The time of action is near. ~Next Scene~ Time passes so quickly, that I almost wished it would come to a standstill. Time is cruel, as the political situation began the day after I connected with Ruzi, and negotiations were concluded shortly. Rus probably wanted to get the women back as quickly as possible. Now… I’m seeing off the women who are returning home. Naala: “...” The sky was clear and a pleasant breeze blew in from the meadows. Nevertheless, my feelings were complicated. Woman: “Thanks to you, Lady Naala, we could hold onto hope until this day. Thank you so much.” Naala: “No, today’s result is thanks to everyone working hard. …Take care of yourself, even back is Rus.” Woman: “Yes. You take care too, Lady Naala.” Some returned happily, while others seemed hesitant to return. I saw various scenes of various people. Woman: “Thank you, for everything.” Touya: “Be careful along the way.” Touya is calling out to all the women who are returning. As I watched the situation with a smile and sadness, I was tapped on the shoulder from behind. The moment I turned around, I was amazed at what I saw… Naala: “...! Why are you here?” Ruzi: “Shh.” Ruzi put his index finger on his lips, telling me not to speak. When I wondered and tilted my head, he whispered in a small voice. Ruzi: “...Come here.” Naala: “Eh, but…” His hand pulled me with a strength that wouldn’t allow no for an answer. Where are we going at such a time? I thought it was strange, but I couldn’t think too deeply as I was focused on my hand being held. Naala: (I haven’t been touched like this since that night…) After all, I can’t help but feel excited when Ruzi touches me. I was the one who said we should go back to our old relationship, but after being touched, I realized that my feelings had not changed. Naala: “...Hey, Ruzi. Where are we going?” Ruzi: “You’ll know when we get there.” Naala: “...” Ruzi, holding my hand, keeps on walking without answering. His gait is powerful, and I feel something irresistible. ~Next scene~ The more we proceeded, the steeper the road became, as we finally reached the woods. I began to feel anxious at his silent back. Ruzi: “...If.” Naala: “...?” Just as I’d thought to call out to him, he suddenly stopped walking. As Ruzi slowly turned around, I was bewildered to feel a strong sense of determination in his eyes. Ruzi: “If I were to say that I’m going to run away with you right now… What would you do?” Naala: “What…” Looking closely, there were two horses behind Ruzi, as if prepared for a trip. Naala: “This…” Confused, I stared into his extremely calm face. Then Ruzi let go and stepped back a step. The vacant distance reminded me of the choices I had to make that night. …The premonition shook my chest. Ruzi: “I’m going to commit a sin from now. The great sin of stealing the Nasla Queen away.” Naala: “...! You’re kidding… right?” Ruzi: “I would never joke like this.” Naala: “But, we have a mission to fulfill in Nasla…” Ruzi “Think carefully. The research is already out of my hands. And you as well… you’ve already sacrificed more than enough for the ties between the two countries.” “What’s being asked of you now is not a duty, but the country’s selfish expectations.” It is true that the development of the cure has ended, and now its mass production is possible. It’s at a stage where things will progress smoothly without Ruzi. And I have also fulfilled my precious dream of getting the women back home. Furthermore, diplomatic relations have been normalized, and there is no fear that women will be kidnapped in the future. Naala: (However…) If I run away now, Rus may be blamed. I shook my head due to that fear, and Ruzi began to explain. Ruzi: “You should be free now.” “...I’m not sure if I should say it, But speaking honestly, I just want you to come with me.” Naala: “...” Ruzi: “I know I’m being selfish, but please. …Please, choose to take my hand.” Naala: “...Can you give up your life as an aristocrat?” Ruzi: “I  won’t give up something that I truly don’t want to give up. What I’m giving up on is something of no value to me.” “...Contrary to what you may think, I can’t give up on you.” He took another step back. A distance to let men choose. I took a breath and stared at Ruzi’s eyes. As I was torn between wanting to run up to him and my hesitation, he extended his hand, as if it had always been there. Ruzi: “Run away with me, Naala.” Naala: “...I can’t.” Ruzi: “Why?” Naala: “Your efforts are finally being rewarded, and you’re going to become an aristocrat… I can’t rob you of that happiness.” Ruzi: “I decide my own happiness!” Naala: “...!” Ruzi: “And… it’s not you robbing me, it’s me. It’s me robbing you of your status as queen, your best friends, and asking you to be with me alone.” “It really is selfish and uncool…” “But, I’ve decided. Even if that makes me a jerk, if you want to be with me, even just a little, I will do my best to make you happy.” Naala: “Ruzi…” His passionate gaze made my heart burn. Naala: “...” “I want to take your hand, if that were possible.” “But even if we have resolved all our issues, I’m still the sister-in-law of the Rus King.” “I can’t run away, ignoring the possibility that my country may be blamed.” Ruzi: “Naala…” I’d love to be happy together with Ruzi. I want to be with him forever. But I can’t convince myself that it’s okay to cause problems on a national level. As tears ran down my cheeks, I heard a noise in the grass behind me. Touya: “...It really is a nice day today. I’d love to take a trip to somewhere far away on a day like this.” Naala: “...?! Touya…” Ruzi: “...L-Lord Touya…” Naala: (Did he overhear us?!) I’m frozen, upset by his sudden appearance. Ruzi stood in front of me, as if shielding me from Touya. Ruzia: “I will accept the punishment. She has no fault. I tried to take her by force.” Naala: “Ruzi?!” I tried to move forward in a hurry, but Ruzi stopped me. Panicked, I tried to shout a rebuttal over Ruzi’s shoulder. Naala: “No, Touya! I…!” Touya: “Well well, your stubbornness is quite hardcore. It’s easy to see Ruzi having a hard time with that.” “Well, that will be a happy struggle, though.” Naala: “Huh…?” I was confused by his fearless smile. While I thought about the meaning, Touya smiled and spoke. Touya: “By the way, there’s a task I wanted to ask of you two.” Naala: “A task?” Touya: “I’d like you to go to Tseg River, and gather the flowers used for medicines.” “Ah, but there’s no rush. This could take ten… twenty… maybe even fifty years.” “And if you don’t return… then I’d presume you got eaten by a monster.” Naala: “...! That’s…” Touya: “... You’ve worked so hard for everyone else’s happiness. Now it’s your turn to live a happy life.” “No matter what others might say, I won’t blame Rus for this.” “I swear, I will protect your home country.” Naala: “Touya…” He’s pushing us, implying us to “run away.” Touya’s kindness overwhelmed me, and before I knew it I was crying. Naala: “You knew…” Touya: “Well, yeah. You’re pretty easy to figure out.” Naala: “...I’m sorry.” Touya: “Don’t be. The happiness of my beloved friend is my wish.” “...Yes. I’m glad I was able to let go of you while we’re still friends.” Naala: “Huh?” Touya: “Well then, you better get going. Before I change my mind.” Naala: “...Thank you, Touya. I will never forget your kindness.” Pushed by his kindness, I took Ruzi’s hand. I firmly grasped it of my own free will. Ruzi: “Lord Touya…” Touya: “Ruzi, take good care of her.” Ruzi: “......” After re-gripping my hand, Ruzi bowed silently. He was expressing his deep gratitude. Ruzi: “...Let’s go, Naala.” Naala: “Yes…” We nodded and turned around together. As we ran, our minds and bodies were not light. We made our decision with the weight of what we gained against what we were leaving behind. But that weight made me cry. Naala: (Still… I want to hold this hand.) We looked off into the distance with a flood of emotions. Ruzi and I stood side-by-side, and took a deep breath, as we looked out at the horizon. Ruzi: “...You can curse me, who robs you. If it is your wish, you may even have my life.” “But, I don’t regret anything. I want to cherish this life you chose.” Having said that, Ruzi cleared his throat as if to punctuate. I looked to my side. At the tip of my line of sight, I could see his cheeks were slightly flushed. Ruzi: “So… will you marry me?” Naala: “...! Hehe, you’re asking that now?” Ruzi: “...And your answer?” Naala: “...If it rains.” Ruzi: “Haha… you can be cruel too.” Naala: “I wonder who I got that from…” We laughed as we straddled our horses. Pushed by the warm breeze, the horses began to run together, even though we hadn’t instructed them to do so. And we’ll continue to run together, the two of us… ~End Title~ A small island that’s not even listed on the map. Ruzi and I have settled down there, living as doctors together with a few islanders. One day, as our daily life continued to be calm, we received a letter from a friend who had returned from the continent... Naala: “Ruzi!” Ruzi: “? Did you come here for an emergency?” Naala: "No, I got a letter! It's from Salanna and the others!" Ruzi: "Really!? What does it say?" Naala: "Hold on, I'll open it now. Let's read it together." I opened it with Ruzi on the desk by the window. As I hurriedly opened it up and saw the nostalgic handwriting of Salanna. Naala: “Um…” “No way?! She’s already given birth!” Razi: “Haha, leave it to Bal.” Naala: “But, back then…” Ruzi: “He didn’t say so back then, but Bal actually does like kids. The law was probably amended, so he wasted no time in… ah, I mean, I’m sure he worked hard at it.” Naala: “I see…” “Hehe. Salanna always said she wanted kids, so I’m really happy for her.” Ruzi: “Yeah.” Naala: “Ah, and Shalu…” “What?! Shalu’s also pregnant!?” Ruzi: “Speaking of working hard, Else…” Naala: “Yeah, he must have worked really hard.” Even though I can’t see them now, Shalu and Salanna are my precious best friends. Their happiness is my happiness. As I was chewing on that happiness, Ruzi gently embarrassed me. Ruzi: “I never thought I would lose to Else.” “In that case, we just have to win by numbers, right?” Naala: “Huh, numbers…?” The hand that was on my back slid to my chest. My top is stimulated softly through my clothes. Naala: “Hmm…” He covered my breasts with one hand and pressed a little as if to check my heartbeat. And just like that, I was pushed down onto his desk. ~Picture~ Naala: “!... Ah…” At first, he rolled them gently between his fingertips, then gradually, they easily changed their shape. When he poked the sharp tip with his fingers, a tingling glow ran through me. Naala: "W-wait, Ruzi." Ruzi: "Why? I want to meet our child soon..." When I tried to stop him, he grabbed my hand and bit my earlobe. The wet tip of his tongue licked my ear hole with a tenacity that made me imagine what was to come. Ruzi: "So today I'm going to pour a lot inside..." Although the words were direct and obscene, perhaps because his voice was so sweet, it almost sounded like a confession of love. But we’re right by the window. There is a possibility that someone might see us. I scolded my own thoughts, which were about to melt, and finally raised a voice of protest. Naala: "B-but there's a place for things like this… let's at least go to bed." Ruzi: "There's no need to worry. You and I don't have to be bound by anything anymore." Naala: "But what if someone sees..." Ruzi: “Then let them watch.” Naala: "Hmm, that's..." Ruzi: "Don’t worry… Soon you won't be able to even think about being embarrassed." He overcame my panic with a beautiful smile and pressed our lips together. My tongue made a last attempt to escape but was quickly caught and licked from the base. Naala: “Ngh…” Ruzi: “Naala…” When our soft freshly moistened lips moved against each other, it felt so good that I couldn't help but close my eyes. Ruzi smiles happily as he licks the wet corner of my mouth. Ruzi: "My heart is going crazy just by kissing you..." Naala: “Hmm…” I couldn't stand doing something so embarrassing in a place like this. ...But contrary to my feeling of shame, I secretly found the unusual environment thrilling and started to get excited. Ruzi: "Does your back hurt?" Naala: "It doesn't hurt, but if you're worried about me, let’s go to bed now..." Ruzi: "That's not something up for discussion." As he said this, Ruzi ran his tongue over my nipples through my clothes. When they were flattened and pressed, I could see how hard and sharp they became. Ruzi, who noticed them change by his touches, spoke in a mocking tone. Ruzi: “I mean, look, they’re already in a naughty shape…” Naala: “No…” My clothes wet with saliva stuck to my skin. My nipples, which showed through the transparent cloth and stood out even more, looked more obscene than if they were exposed. As I trembled with shame, his lips touched mine, and I let out a short, solemn cry. Naala: “Mm, ah…” ~End Picture~ It's different from being touched directly, and the feeling of being teased was frustrating. Wanting to do something about this fever, I groped Ruzi's chest. ~Picture~ Ruzi: "I still haven’t had enough..." Naala: “Hah, hah… No…” He held my wrists and his caressing through my clothes resumed. Every once in a while, he would look at me for a reaction and each time I got hotter. Ruzi was always observing me as I writhed in pleasure. His brown eyes narrowed in interest as I gasped in irritation. Naala: “Hmm, please… no.” Ruzi: "What's wrong?" Naala: "Ah, touch me… directly." Ruzi: “Just touch?” Naala: "N-no, I want you to lick me more… I want you to bite me more." Ruzi: "…Like this?" Letting out a deep guttural laugh, Ruzi pulled my jacket down with his lips and ate at my exposed nipples. The pressure was so strong that it hurt a little, and my chest arched as I twitched. The other was rolled between his fingers. Naala: “Hah…” Ruzi: "Hmm... What a treat... they’re so delicious I want to devour them..." As he eagerly sucked them, the tip still tingled each time his lips were parted. The wet sound that echoes from my chest invaded my brain. Naala: “Haah, ah…mm” My thoughts were colored with pleasure. When I gave up on resisting, I felt honey overflowing from deep within my body. My lower legs, which hadn’t been touched yet, were hot. Wanting to do something about it, I rubbed my thighs together, but the pain became even stronger. Ruzi: “Your lower area seems sad...” Naala: “Ah!” Without hesitation, a hand slipped between my thighs and split the petals. Immediately, my moist flesh wrapped around his fingertips, making a sticky sound. Naala: “Hah, ah, ah…!” Ruzi: "You're overflowing..." The swollen buds were lightly scratched. A pleasure that resembled pain shot through my head, making my back arch. However, the next moment, he was caressing me gently, and this time I was filled with frustration. I was at the mercy of the irregular pleasure and lack of strength. Naala: “Ah, ah, ha, ha, ngh!” Ruzi: "It's amazing, it's dripping all over the desk." Ruzi's fingertips scoop up the overflowing honey. The pads of his fingers stroked around my sensitive bud so that he could coat it. The part where I was stroked twitched as if I was longing for it. Ruzi: "It's so naughty to have this place displayed like this..." Naala: “Aahh!” As if to answer my cry, he buried his fingers inside me. I was impatient after having to wait so long, but as soon as it was put in, I overflowed with new nectar. Ruzi: "It's so naughty… how cute." Naala: “Hii, ah! Ya…!” The now two fingers stroke my inner wall while repeatedly inserting and withdrawing them. When I reached the point where I felt it most, he pushed me up relentlessly. I shook my head as intermittent intense pleasure hit me. Naala: "Hi! Ah, ah! Ah, oh no!" Ruzi: "It's undulating inside… Does it feel good?" As if to stop it, my buds are being kneaded, along with the weaker parts inside. I was caught up all at once, and I reached Ruzi lightly, tightening my fingers. Naala: “Hmm…!” "Haa, haa, haa, haa..." Ruzi: "You seem satisfied, so let's call it a day." Naala: "...Ruzi you bully" Ruzi: "As for me, I'm going to be admiring you to the fullest." Naala: "Then let's go all the way... I want you already..." I couldn't help but feel the pain inside me, which was still convulsing. When I begged with tearful eyes, Ruzi chuckled and opened my legs, covering me. Ruzi: "Well, to tell you the truth, I've also reached my limit..." Ruzi's penis was already warped when he took it out. It's hard tips rub against my petals and buds. Naala: "Ah,, don't tease me..." Just like Ruzi said before, I had already forgotten about my shame. Twisting my hips, I guided Ruzi's heat inside me. Ruzi purred at me and after a few shallow thrusts in and out… he penetrated me to the deepest depths in one go. Naala: "Hi! Ah, ah...!" Ruzi: "Ah... it's already mushy... I feel like I'm going to melt..." Naala: “Ngh…ha, ah…” Just thinking about Ruzi's heat inside me made me feel excited, and I tightened up without realizing it. My compressed pleasure spasms and hits my vaginal walls. Ruzi: "Nh, you’re tighter... ha, ha, ha... than usual..." "Why does it feel so good inside of you?" Naala: "Hmm, ah...really? It feels good...?" Ruzi: "Yeah, it’s so good that I'm about to go crazy..." “Actually, no matter how many times we do it… ah… your body is unfathomable to me…” Naala: "I-I guess… it's normal." Ruzi: "It is normal. ...That's about all I know..." The smooth tip pushes deep inside. The sensitive part inside me was pinched, and I let out a whimper that sounded like a scream. Naala: “Kyaa!?” Ruzi: "I-if I poke this angle, it'll move around and get tangled...see?" Ruzi, who knows my body inside and out, accurately hits my weak spots. Naala: “Ah, hmm, hah, ah, ah!!” When his hips hit me briefly, a terrifying sensation of pleasure washed over me. It was thick and overflowing with honey, leaking sloppily like saliva. Ruzi: “I-it’s just starting to overflow… Does it feel that good…?” Naala: “Oh, nooo, ah, ah, ha, ha!!” Ruzi: "You said you wanted more... so I'll give you more, just as you wish..." Both my legs were draped over Ruzi's shoulders, and deeper, gouging motions hit the areas he felt. Naala: "Ah! Ah! Hey, ah! No, not there...!" Wet noises echoed around the room. The numbness around my tailbone runs up my spine, creating a tingling sensation. Naala: "N-no, stop! Hmm, ha, ah, ah! I… I'm cumming!" Ruzi: "It's okay... ha, ha, ha... I'm about to reach my limit too...!" Naala: “Ah, Ruzi… Ruzi…!” Ruzi: "Hey, Naala… where do you want me to cum?" The tip of his shaft was already oozing with pre-cum. I felt it rubbing against my cervix, and my insides convulsed again. Both my mind and body were trembling with pleasure. Naala: "Ah, ah, ah... inside...I want it inside...!" Ruzi: "Alright… I'll pour it deep inside..." Just as he had declared, I was penetrated to the depths that there was nothing more I could do. My mind turned white from the painful pleasure, and Ruzi tightened his grip, shaking my entire body. Naala: “AAaahh…!” Ruzi: “Ngh…!” His shaft, which had suddenly increased in size, convulsed several times. The hot essence that was spitted out penetrated deeply, creating an indescribable feeling of infatuation. Naala: “Ha… ah, ha…” Ruzi: “Ha, hah, ha, ha…” Ruzi's slightly sweaty body covered my own. Feeling the weight of happiness, I wrapped my arms around his back. ~End Picture~ Ruzi: "...I hope they look like you." Naala: “Huh?” Ruzi: "I'd like a cute girl who looks like you." Naala: "Hehe, well aren’t you eager." While still connected, we exchanged feather-like kisses. As we played around, Ruzi's lips traced my body and moved to the corner of my eyes. Ruzi: "I'm sorry. I made you cry again today..." He kissed away the tears that had overflowed with pleasure and placed a light kiss on my earlobe. Ruzi: "You're so cute, I can't stop myself from wanting you." Naala: “Next time, take me in a bed.” Ruzi: "Haha, no matter where we go, we can still love each other." "On my desk... or even in a country we don't know. I will love you no matter where we go." "I will continue to love you forever..." Naala: "That's quite a challenge." Ruzi: "Yeah, that's right. That's why I’ll spend my whole life pursuing it..." It seems that this research has no end. As I imagined our child running on the sand, I thought about the eternal research that will continue... ~End~

  • Ruzi: Remnats of Heat

    Here is the translation for the R18 version of Koezaru wa Akai Hana: Ruzi's scene Remnants of Heat. Translated Video Select: Options ⇀ Events ⇀ Ruzi⇀ 熱の名残 I climbed up the large tree in the courtyard, and vaguely looked at the view from there. Naala: “Phew…” I just see the land of Nasla below in the field of view. I’ve already sighed more than dozens of times. Naala: “...” Since the start of negotiations to normalize diplomatic relations, there have been rapid changes in the surrounding area. The first is that a new research institute will be prepared. It is more equipped and spacious than the current laboratory, and can accommodate a large number of human resources. In short, mass production of the cure will be possible. A stable supply of medicines will save more lives. It is a happy celebration for me as well. However… Naala: (Maybe I’d gotten attached to that place before I knew it.) With the establishment of the new research institute, the lab in the royal castle that has been used until now will be removed. That’s only natural, so I tell myself. Despite that, my hazy feelings don’t clear up. Naala: (With the lab gone, I can’t meet with Ruzi like I used to.) Originally, the lab in the royal castle was to complete the cure. The new lab is equipped with the personnel and equipment required for production. In other words, no help is needed. Naala: (I refused Ruzi’s invitation, but despite feeling lonely… pretty selfish of me, yeah.) I don’t want to leave Ruzi. I want to be with him. …But, I’m Touya’s wife. This fact cannot be changed by personal feelings. Besides, Ruzi has his life as an aristocrat. I can’t hinder that prestigious life only on my whim. Naala: (Ultimately, this is all just my whim. It’s selfish.) Dragging out these half-hearted feelings will only hurt Ruzi more. Naala: (...I have to restore our relationship.) (As long as we live, the days will come when we’ll meet and laugh again…) Yes, just restore our relationship. Let’s go back to just being cousins. Naala: “...” I conclude that this is for the best, despite the hurt in my heart. My heart screams that it doesn’t want to go back. I’m frustrated by my own selfish weakness. Naala: “...Huh?” Warm tears fall down my cheeks. I wipe them away with the back of my hand, feeling more and more miserable. There’s no reason to cry. It’s not that I’m never going to see him again. But no matter how much I tell myself so, the tears continue to fall. Naala: “...Uhh…ugggh. Ahh…” Perhaps if I get all the tears out now, I can cut off these feelings. Becoming defiant, I began to sob out loud. If I could just wash away my feelings for Ruzi in this way… Naala: “Ahh…uhh…hmm?” As I leaned against the trunk of the tree while sobbing, I noticed something white wrapped around the broken branch. I don’t think it was there when I looked up the other day, so it must have been put there recently. Thinking it odd, I reached out and touched it. Naala: “Why, in such a place…” Driven by interest, I unwrapped the wrapped paper. When I unfolded it, I saw a simple sentence written in the center. Naala: “‘I’ll be waiting for you in that place, on the night of the full moon’…” “...! Could this be…” The writing was familiar with certain quirks. I knew immediately who had written it, and began to sob again. Naala: “Hah, Ruzi… you bothered to climb up all this way…?” He’d climb it someday, when he was ready… I can recall Ruzi’s face clearly when he said that. When he was looking up at the time, just how prepared was he? My chest tightens just thinking about it. Naala: “The full moon…” Perhaps by the mischief of the spirits, the night of the full moon is tonight. I stared at the letter, and after being lost for a while, I made up my mind. Naala: (...Let’s settle things.) And say goodbye to the feelings in my heart. ~NEXT SCENE~ Naala: “It’s too bad that the full moon is covered by the rain clouds.” I closed the window and looked around the empty lab. Until a while ago, documents, medicines, plants, etc. had been all over the place, but now they were nearly tidied up. The feeling that it was really getting closed gradually rose in my chest. It also seemed to mean the end of my relationship with Ruzi, and my heart squeaked. Ruzi: “...You came.” As soon as I saw Ruzi emerge from the back of the lab, I almost cried. I stayed where I was, and smiled. Naala: “Good evening. It’s a bit sad to see things so tidied up.” Ruzi: “Yeah, I’ve been reluctant to do so. I have a lot of memories here.” Ruzi looked around the room, the way he looked at the things he loved. Ruzi was the one who came in and out of this laboratory the most, so he must have had more memories than I did. Ruzi: “We have come this far thanks to everyone.” “And above all, I’ve been able to work hard because you’ve been there.” Naala: “...” Ruzi: “It’s hard not to be able to spend time with you here. If it feels like that, the words and feelings I exchanged with you are gone…” Naala: “Ruzi…” Ruzi: “I want to be with you forever. I want to spend time with you, always.” “Maybe I’m the only one who feels this way.” Naala: “No… I feel the same way.” “But, I don’t think we should do that.” Ruzi: “Why…” Naala: “You know why. Neither of us can leave Nasla.” “And as long as we’re in Nasla, the day when our feelings can be realized will never come. It’s painful just thinking about it…” “In that case, we just have to go back to being cousins.” “We won’t be able to meet as much, so let’s use this opportunity to put a little distance between us…” ~Picture~ Naala: “...!” A sudden kiss cut me off. My words of resistance were stolen away by his entwining tongue, further melting away as he licked me. Naala: “Mmm…” Ruzi: “...These feelings are hidden by the rain.” Droplets had accumulated between our embracing lips. I opened my eyes with a sad taste on my tongue. Naala: “Ruzi…” Ruzi: “...” I enveloped Ruzi’s tears-stained cheeks, with both hands. I entwined my tongue over and over, engraving the taste of kissing my loved one in my heart. Naala: “...Even if this night is washed away with the rain, the passion inside me will never disappear.” “I want to feel your indistinguishable heat. If I can have this memory, I can endure for decades to come…” I want to feel Ruzi with my eyes, my hands, and my whole body. I knew it was the last time, so that desire became even stronger. I know I’m crying because of the feeling of teardrops sliding down my cheeks. Ruzi: “...” Ruzi gently touched my eyelids. He followed the trajectory of my tears and wiped it from my eyes to my chin with his fingertips. I was happy with the kindness I felt on my skin, and yet sad… New tears fell. Ruzi: “Every time it rains, I will lovingly remember your passion.” The light kiss fades, and his warmth moves away. ~Picture End~ As I opened my eyes in anxiety, I saw his hand extended towards me like the other day. Ruzi: “...Come.” When I gently added my hand, Ruzi entwined each finger of his with mine, as I felt deeply grasped. Ruzi began walking, pulling me along by my hand. Naala: “Ruzi…?” Ruzi: “It’s cold here.” I followed his line of sight to the door of the nap room. In other words, tonight, there, we would… Naala: “...” My face got hot remembering the bed I used several times. My heart was racing, and I felt my chest swelling up. Every step I took on the way to the door felt incredibly long... ~NEXT SCENE~ I heard the sound of the door opening. I looked back despite there being no one else in the lab. I was relieved to see no one around and turned my head back. Then, this time, my eyes wandered to the bed. Naala: “...” Even though I've been using it normally until now, tonight it seems like something special. After a moment of hesitation, Ruzi sat down on the bed and looked up at me. The sound of the wooden frame creaking echoed in my ears, heightening the tension. Ruzi: “...Come here.” If he pulled my hand, he could have hugged me right away, but Ruzi urges me to come closer of my own volition. Naala: “...” My heart skipped a beat at his bright gaze. As I took my steps in time with the noisy heartbeat, I was drawn to him as if I had been waiting for this. Naala: “Eep…!” He hugs me so tightly it hurts. As I closed my eyes in bliss, our soft lips met, and then they quickly parted again. Ruzi: "...I'll take it off." Naala: “Ah... I-I’ll take it off myself.” Ruzi: “No, just let me do it.” We faced each other on the bed and asked Ruzi to take off my clothes. A strange silence filled the room as I kept silent due to embarrassment. Ruzi: “...Huh?” For a few minutes, I continued to listen to the sound of clothes rustling. I hear a voice that doesn't suit this place and open my eyes. When I suddenly looked down, Ruzi still had his hand on my jacket. Naala: "...Well, I'll do it after all." Unable to watch, I touched Ruzi's hand. It was then that I noticed that his fingertips were trembling as they rested on my clasp. He took in a sharp breath, and Ruzi smiled bitterly and squeezed my fingertips. Ruzi: "Haha, how pathetic. It's my first time so I’m pretty nervous..." Naala: “Your first time?” Ruzi: "Yes, you're the first person I've felt this way for, and wanted to touch like this..." “I guess you don’t like men with little experience, right?” Naala: "Hehe...I don't mind it." Saying that, I try to kiss him lightly. Ruzi’s eyes, looking from the darkness, flashed in surprise for a moment, then gradually narrowed. Ruzi: "Then, I’ll pull myself together..." Little by little, the clothes are removed from my body. When my chest touched the night air, goosebumps covered my entire body. Ruzi noticed and touched my bare skin as if to warm it. The warmth warmed my heart and filled me with an indescribable feeling of happiness. Naala: (It feels good just to touch your bare skin with someone you like...) While I was in such a daze, Ruzi quickly took off his clothes. Even now, the fact that we are facing each other naked is starting to feel embarrassing. Naala: "Ah, um, don't stare at me too much..." Ruzi: “...” No matter how much I begged, I couldn't let go of the intertwined gaze. I was so embarrassed that I wanted to run away, and when I tried to turn my back… ~Picture~ He put his hands around my back and gently pushed me down. Our faces were so close that we could feel each other's breath. Ruzi: “Naala…” The sound of his voice calling my name so lovingly makes me cry. When I met his gaze, he immediately placed his hand on my chin. Our lips overlapped more carefully than before, and he nipped me softly. Naala: “Mm…” Ruzi: "...Tell me if you don't like it." After making this declaration, Ruzi's hand ran from my chin to my neck and down to my chest. My whole breast is gently shaken in the palm of his hand. Naala: “Ah…” Ruzi: "Do not like it?" Naala: "No…" I guess I can't help but ask because I'm anxious, but I get embarrassed when asked about the pros and cons of each movement. I nodded shyly, and this time the other breast was caressed with the same force. Ruzi: "Your body is soft and feels good everywhere..." Naala: "I-I guess..." Ruzi: "Yes, I almost want to eat it..." His palm that stroked down my side circled my navel. When he got there, his fingertips moved back and forth, as if hesitating. I get frustrated and take control. Ruzi: "Um, sorry. Can I touch you...?" I wanted to reply, but if I did, I would scream out in embarrassment. I nodded silently, and his hesitant fingertips moved to the base of my thigh. Naala: “Ah…” Ruzi's fingers gingerly trace between my lower legs. Ruzi: “Are you okay with me touching you more?” Naala: “Mm, go ahead…” With my approval, his fingertips parted the bush and touched the center. The buds are caressed with an almost too-gentle touch. Whether it was nervousness or excitement, I could already feel myself swelling and becoming sensitive. Naala: "Ah, hmm...hah..." Ruzi: "Doesn't it hurt...?" Naala: "Ah,'s okay, so..." A gentle caress, just a light rub, arouses frustration and heightens the heat. Every time he rubbed the swollen tip with the pad of his finger, I felt a little bit of honey ooze out. Naala: "Please, touch me a little more...I feel like my head is going to go crazy..." Ruzi: “Is it okay if I make it stronger?” Naala: "’s fine." Ruzi: “Alright…” Perhaps encouraged by my words, Ruzi's caresses become stronger. But this time it was too strong, and his nails got caught in the petals. I winced at the small pain and let out a breath. Naala: “...!” ~Picture End~ Ruzi: "! Sorry!" Naala: "...It's okay. It only hurt a little..." "So please, continue…" Ruzi: "Are you sure?" Naala: "Yeah… I want Ruzi to touch me a lot..." As I begged, my chest panting from the slow pleasure, I felt a slight gasp of breath. Ruzi bit his lower lip as if to endure it, and covered me again. ~Picture~ Ruzi: “Please, don’t say such cute things… I’m starting to lose my sense of reason.” Naala: “I don’t mind if you do.” Ruzi: "No, I want to spoil you as much as I can tonight..." A gentle kiss falls on the partition. Both my breasts were taken at the same time, and I writhed at the pleasure of having them reshaped in his warm palms. It felt good… but I wanted more solid stimulation. Naala: "Ah...uh...more...please touch the tips as well." Ruzi: "You mean… like this?" { He was teased a lot and had my sharp nipples pinched. Naala: "Ah! Hmm...!" Ruzi: "What a sweet voice. Let me hear more..." Once he knew that my reaction was good, he gradually increased the pressure. It was as if he was checking the tone of my voice to find out just how strong it was. Naala: "Ah, ah, ah, ah..." The tingling sensation I felt at the tip travels down my spine, heating up my lower waist. Unable to resist, he twisted my hips and resumed caressing that area. The swollen bud was picked and handled with the pads of his fingers. Naala: “Ah! Ya, ah! Don’t rub it like that! Ruzi: "Oh, does it hurt?" Reacting to my words that came out unexpectedly, Ruzii started to sit up. He hurriedly grabbed my hand and led it to his chest. Naala: "Oh, no... it didn't hurt." Ruzi: "Do you mean, it feels really good...?" Naala: "I-maybe...yeah." I was so embarrassed that I felt like my face was going to burst into flames. It felt extremely obscene for me to be expressing each and every one of my pleasures like this. Ruzi probably thinks I've experienced it before, but it's my first time, so I don't know if he asked me. Ruzi: "What's wrong? I guess it must hurt..." Naala: "No, it doesn’t, but… it's embarrassing, so don't ask me anymore..." Ruzi: "Ah, so that's it..." "So… does it feel good here?" I thought he understood, but Ruzi asked me while rubbing the wet petals. The sound of my wetness resounding, made me feel even more embarrassed. Naala: "Y-you...I wish you wouldn't ask me anymore." Ruzi: "You're attractive even when you're shy." Naala: "!...You’re surprisingly mean, Ruzi." Ruzi: "You think so? Maybe it's because you're acting so cute." Naala: “Ah, ah…!” His skilled hands rub the buds and petals at the same time. The overflowing honey wrapped around Ruzi's fingers and invited him deeper. Naala: "Ah, nah, ah..." Ruzi: "I'll put my finger in a little..." Naala: "Hmm...!" The slimy fingertips crack the vaginal opening and enter little by little. Naala: “...!” Ruzi: “...Are you alright?” Naala: “Y-yeah.” A place that even I don't know about, a place that hasn't been opened yet. After being touched, I became more aware of it and became a little scared. Ruzi: “…Are you scared, right? Naala: "It's okay. I want to feel you more..." It's scary, but I want to become one as soon as possible. Both were my true feelings. I twisted my waist as if to urge him, and this time he slowly inserted and removed his fingers. His fingertips were deep inside me, caressing the inside as if testing the feel of my folds. Ruzi: "You're so wet...and it's so hot that it's wrapped around my fingers..." Naala: "Hey, don't say that...Ah, haa!" Ruzi: "It feels good, Naala..." Naala: "Eh, you... too?" Ruzi: "Yeah, really... It feels good just stroking it with my fingers like this, but I wonder what will happen… if I put mine in...." "I might go crazy..." The imaginative voice is glossy and numbs my eardrums. My hips, undulating with pleasure, felt like they no longer belonged to my own body. Every time a finger moves in and out of my dripping wet vagina, I unconsciously tighten it. Naala: "Ah, ah... ha, mm..." I can't bear the pain deep in my stomach. It was hard to breathe as his fingers teased my insides. Naala: "M-no more...! No more...!" Ruzi: "You don't like it?" My insides writhe in dissatisfaction because his movements had been stopped. Ruzi's palm caressed my lower abdomen, which was straining in frustration. Ruzi: "Do you think it’s better to stop…?" Naala: "Y-you know the answer to that..." Ruzi: "I don’t know, it's my first time and so I’m so nervous... I don’t know what to do." Ruzi's smile seemed more like mischief than anxiety. I can tell he's enjoying my shy reaction, which makes me feel kind of mortified. When I looked away, his fingers curled. The unexpected movements caused the mucous membranes to react with hypersensitivity. Naala: “Ah!? Haa...!” Ruzi: "Tell me. What do you want me to do...?" My insides hurt and I don't know what to do. I wanted to fill this void as soon as possible. Naala: “Ru…Ruzi…” Ruzi: “Yes…?” Naala: "...I want you..." Ruzi: “...!” Naala: “Kya!?” With a force that was unusual for Ruzi, my legs that had been closed were separated from each other. Immediately, he moved his body between them, and I was hugged so tightly that my back arched. The strength of his arms, the rapid beat of his heart, his wistful sighs - I can feel Ruzi's passion in everything. Ruzi: “Sorry…” Naala: “Huh?” Ruzi: "If you're scared, we can stop here. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop myself..." Something hard hit my inner thigh, and I realized that Ruzi was also aroused. The tip bounces as if expressing intense emotion. Naala: “Ruzi…” If I were to say "stop" right now, that would be the end of this. Ruzi is a kind person, regardless of his past wounds… Ruzi: "It's not that I want to bully you or anything, I'm just really worried. I don't want to hurt you..." Even faced with immense desire and lust, he never forgot his compassion for me. Such kindness permeates my heart and brings tears to my eyes. I want to respond to Ruzi's feelings. I want to accept his passion. Driven by desire, I decided to whisper. Naala: “…Go ahead." Ruzi: “Ngh, Naala…” The arched penis moved back and forth several times over the moist crack. After rubbing the tip as if searching for the entrance, it entered my twitching vaginal gyrus. Ruzi: “I’m putting it in…” Naala: “...!!” His hot shaft slowly pushes my insides open. The shock was more than I expected, and I almost screamed, biting my lip to endure it. My inner thighs were shaking slightly from the pain. Ruzi: “So tight…” Naala: "Ugh...!" Ruzi: “….As expected, you…” Naala: "Nn, ah, ha… huh?" Oh no. I have to pretend like this is not my first time, but it hurts so much. Panicked, I made a conscious effort to reduce the stiffness on my face. Naala: "It's okay...move. It's not my first time, so you don't have to be careful." Ruzi: “...” Ruzi's eyes narrowed. Feeling like he was peeking inside me, I turned my head away, and a sweet whisper was blown into my ear canal. Ruzi: "...But I want to be kind." Naala: "Ah......" Ruzi's heat is slowly filling up little by little. While taking shallow breaths, I waited for everything to settle inside. Naala: “Hmm, ku… ha, ha, ha…” Ruzi: “...It’s all the way in.” Naala: “Mmm…” Even just being in it causes a throbbing pain. My shoulders trembled in fear of what would happen if he moved. Ruzi: "...You're cute, Naala. My dear..." Ruzi didn't move right away, leaving it in and raining me with kisses. He traced my earlobes, my neck, my trembling shoulders...he put his lips on the back of my raised hand. Ruzi: "I want to just melt into you like this..." My consciousness shifted to the place where I had been kissed, and the pain inside faded away. When I feel more relaxed, I feel the joy of becoming one with Ruzi. Naala: “Ha, ah…” The more I can relax my mind, the more the tension in my body will be relieved. When it loosened, his penis, which was completely buried inside me, rubbed against my vaginal wall, creating a slight numbness. The depths of my body reacted and wriggled. Ruzi: "...It moves just a little." Naala: "Ah, hmm, ah..." It is shaken lightly while it is inserted all the way inside. As he continued to do it over and over again, the pain and discomfort gradually subsided. Naala: “Ah, fuah… ah.” Every time he moved, my lower back became numb. I had a strange feeling like I had a fever. Ruzi: "You're getting softer..." Naala: "Huh? Ah, hi... ah, ah." Ruzi, perhaps sensing a change inside, started to move a little faster. The walls of my vagina, which had just opened, stuck to his penis and clenched it tightly. As I frowned at the pain of my mucous membrane being pushed, soft lips were pressed against me. Ruzi: "...If only I could be the last man to hold you like this." His deep kiss made me swallow my words. As I gasped from lack of oxygen, he turned my face around and sucked my tongue over and over again. From the base of the tongue to the tip, every taste bud is dyed with the taste of Ruzi. Naala: “Hmm, hmm… haa, ah… Ruzi…” The inside of my mouth and the inside of my body are stimulated, and my head becomes foggy. In addition, when the tips of my breasts were stimulated, a large amount of honey overflowed. ...Every time Ruzi moves, a lewd sound is heard. Ruzi: "'re really wet now… Can you hear it...?" Naala: "Aaah, nah, ah, ah...!" Ruzi's hip movements gradually become more intense. Perhaps because my senses had become numb, my insides, which had become so strong, were writhing as if begging, squeezing Ruzi's shaft tightly. Ruzi: "It's amazing... it feels so good... If I'm not careful... I feel like I'll cum out soon..." Naala: “Ah, ah…!” I felt Ruzi's heat swell deep inside me, and my hips stiffened. An irrational, instinctive part of me wants the desires of my beloved. My insides convulse as if I'm hurrying, faster. Ruzi: “Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha… ku, Naala… Naala!” Naala: "Yay, ah! Ha, ah, ann!" Ruzi's long hair tied up behind him falls from his shoulders and tickles me. Even that touch turned into pleasure, and my whole body became abnormally hot. Pain and pleasure mix, creating a chill-like numbness. A sensation I had never experienced seemed to melt down my spine. Naala: "Ah! H-ah...!" Ruzi: “Hah, Naala…, Naala…!” Naala: “Ah, haa… ah… Aah!” Ruzi: “Ah... hah, hah, hah... c-cumming...!” Ruzi penetrated my deepest part with great force and pulled out his shaft. I feel the hot droplets on my stomach and feel a strange sadness… Naala: (Is it over…?) “Hah… ha… ha…” Ruzi: “Ah, ha, hah…” “Naala…” After kissing me with a light sound, Ruzi nipped my lips over and over again. As if trying not to forget the feeling. Naala: “Ruzi…” As I deeply inhaled the smell of sweat, I thought that I would never feel this smell or body temperature again. I let the love well up in my body and hugged him as hard as I could. Naala: (It's over...) This is my final promise. Now, the only trace of my love with Ruzi is the pain inside me. I gently placed my hand on my abdomen, imprinting the remnants of the fever in my chest. Ruzi: “I love you…” Naala: “...” How happy I would have been if I could have answered “Me too.” But such a day would never come. I shed tears instead of speaking, and they got wiped away by his gentle lips. …The rain will let up soon. ~END~

  • Cef: Final Chapter - Gentle Tone

    Here is the translation for the R18 version of Koezaru wa Akai Hana: Cef's scene Final Chapter: Gentle Tone. Translated Video Select: Options ⇀ Events ⇀ Cef ⇀ BEST END優しい音色 Naala: “Ahhh! What wonderful weather!” I open the window and stretch out towards the sky. I relaxed my body, stretched out to the fullest, and took a deep breath. As I was getting ready for the morning, I caught sight of two people arguing about something. Cef: “And why do you get to decide? What right do you have to decide?” I watch my father-in-law and husband arguing in the courtyard with a smile on my face. The two have been arguing over the same issue these days. Naala: (But I don’t mind) I let out a small breath as I watch my father-in-law, who continues to balk at Cef’s refusal. Immediately after sympathizing, I shrugged, remembering being angry at Cef the other day for his indifference toward this. Naala: (Shalu also said I have to insist here…) The letter I just received yesterday is still on my desk because I don’t want to put it away. Some of what Shalu, who had returned to Rus, had written, gave me cause of concern. Naala: (But it’s really no inconvenience at all, compared to those days…) I’m deeply moved by the fact that so much time has passed that we could be worried about such trivial matters. About six months after that assembly, Nasla, which was once in turmoil, is now regaining its composure. Nasla has been reborn with the newly enacted law. And Cef, Nohl, and… Naala: (To think that they really would find a cure for The Rot…) Shortly afterward, Touya really did find a cure for The Rot. It made the dream that many people laughed at as unrealistic, a reality. As a result, everyone’s efforts gradually spread to the country as hope. It’s no exaggeration to say that it was the public opinion that wanted change that made it possible for the Rus women to return home. “Shalu returned to Rus, Salanna stayed behind for the person she’d fallen in love with.” Naala: (Even so, how’d they find a cure?) (Touya said that my words were the trigger, but I still don’t know what the true nature of The Rot was…) I’m sure that cunning Nohl is keeping things under wraps. Truly, he’s a man who, until the end, I never knew if he was friend or foe. While I was so pensive, I heard an exaggerated sigh form behind me. Cef: “Haah…” Naala: “Has the morning battle concluded? Cef: “Geez, the old man is so persistent.” He shook his head in disgust. I laughed to myself, thinking that Cef is odd like this. Cef: “This is no time for you to be laughin’.” Naala: “Ah, you say that?” Cef: “Y’know, isn’t this somethin’ that you should be insistin’ on the most?” Naala: “Why?” Cef: “Why? Really?” Now he approaches me with a troubled look on his face. Cef leaned against the window sill and put his hand on my abdomen, stroking it with a gentle gesture as if touching a treasure. Cef: “The mother has the right to name her child first, right?” Yes, now I have proof of Cef and I’s feelings for each other. We just noticed it the other day, and I haven’t even gotten any bigger yet. But Cef is already saying various things to inside my belly. Naala: “If it’s a good name, then it doesn’t really matter.” Cef: “That’s awful. The kid inside of you will cry if they heard that.” Naala: “It’s not like I’m being flippant about it. I just think, if there’s a person who wants to name it, then it’s okay for them to do so.” “That person is sure to love the child, right?” Cef: “That… may be so.” Naala: “Rather, I don’t know why you’re so opposed. Is there a name you’d like to give it?” Cef: “There is. I like names that have meaning, such as the earth and the world.” Naala: “Isn’t that a bit too grand?” Cef: “Then what kind of name do you like?” Naala: “Me? Hmm… I like something energetic, healthy… something like that?” Cef “Are you being serious?” Naala: “I am. I’ll be happy if the child grows up in good health.” “I’m sure any child of yours will grow up to be kind.” Cef: “...You’re awful. You take the words outta my mouth with that kinda praise.” The last part was closer to a whisper, as it melted between our overlapping lips. I stroked the non-beard parts of his face while receiving a soft kiss. Naala: “...Did you shave again?” Cef: “This is more manly, isn’t it?” Naala: “Perhaps. But that might make you more attractive to other women, so maybe it’s better if you don’t shave.” Cef: “Haha, you’re the only one who’d fall in love with such an old man.” Naala: “You keep being so unaware of yourself, and I’ll just go back to my home.” Cef: “That would be a problem.” “...But, is this really okay?” Naala: “What?” Cef: “You really wanted to go back with Shalu, didn’t you?” Naala: “...If I said I wanted to go home, could I?” Cef: “Probably, I’d sob, writhe around for a bit, but ultimately I’d do what I could to grant your wish.” Naala: “Sometimes, I’d be nice if you’d say something manly, like “I’d never let you go.”” Cef: “I’m not cool or young enough to say something as cool as that.” “So I…” He draws me closer with the arm swung around my waist. The face that was approaching was well-organized, and I was frustrated by his overly modest words… Cef: “I’ll do my best to get you to say, “Ah I’m really glad I fell in love with this person.”” “Having been together this long, I’d hope that you’d say “I’d never let you go”, but I wonder…” With a sweet smile that makes me fall for him, and with such a pick-up line, Cef really is sneaky. Naala: “...You’re terrible. With a line like that, I can’t leave until that time comes.” Happy tears run down my cheeks. But every time a tear flows down, Cef wipes it with his lips, so my cheeks always stay smooth. Naala: “Hey, Cef.” Cef: “Hmm?” Naala: “Do you know that I love you very much?” Cef: “That’s a surprise. Well, I’ll have to take a closer look tonight.” We entwine our fingers and our hearts connect… One day, we’ll look down on our children from the moon together. I’m sure I would say the same words at that time. Naala: “I love you…” ~CREDITS~ ...Five years later. Cef: “I’m home…” Naala: "Welkom back.” Cef: “I’m exhausted… speaking in front of a large crowd really takes it outta you.” Naala: "Hehe, you looked pretty cool out there." Cef: “You were watching?” Naala: "Yes, together with Sansar." Cef: "Really? By the way, where is Sansaru?" Naala: “After dinner, he went to play in the garden with father.” In response to my words, Cef walked up to the window and looked into the garden. There, our child and his grandfather, Orte, were happily looking at the flowers. Orte, who usually has a stern face, is laughing so hard you would think he was joking. Cef: “Geez, just look at him… even my stubborn old man ends up spoiling his grandson.” Naala: “You’re one to talk. You dote on him too.” Cef: “I can’t deny that…” “But you, and still are, the most important person to me.” He easily takes my hand and pulls me closer to him. I let myself fall into the familiar gesture and lay face down on Cef’s broad chest. Cef: “...Didn’t the political assistant come today?” Naala: “Haha, why all of a sudden?” Cef: “Well, did he? Didn’t he?” Naala: “He did not. You’re the only one still on alert.” Cef: “You don’t know how terrible that guy really is. What do you think he said when I met him the other day?” Naala: “I dunno…” Cef: “He said, “I hope my wife, that I loaned to you, is doing well.”” “Ah, it pisses me off just thinkin’ about it.” Naala: “I doubt he really thinks he’s loaned me out.” Cef: “And I not borrowin’ you. You’re my wife, and no one else’s.” Naala: “Hehe, yeah.” “But why are you saying this now?” Cef: “It’s not just now. I think Nohl’s been obsessed with you for a while now.” Naala: “Someone who is obsessed wouldn’t have let me go the way he did.” Cef: “...From what I heard, His Majesty was Nohl’s student.” Naala: “Hmm, is that so?” Cef: “Don’t be so casual about it. Remember? When Nohl had to do whatever it took to convince the old man so that His Majesty’s dream could be realized.” “Maybe, it’s just that when weighin’ things that he’s obsessed with, His Majesty won out at that time.” “It might’ve been dangerous if you’d impressed upon his heart just a little more.” Naala: “What do you mean by dangerous?” Cef: “In other words, I think Nohl loved you.” Naala: “Even if that’s true, you are my husband, and the only one I love. I’m not interested in what Nohl thought in the past.” Cef: “...Really?” Naala:“Really.” Chuckling and nodding, Cef finally calms down and rests his forehead on my shoulder. I take a deep breath or two and let out a distracted sound. Cef: “...Ah, that’s a relief…” Naala: “Hmph. Anyway, I’ve had a child and am not attractive as a woman.” (That’s why I’m a little worried…) Since taking over from Minister Orte, Cef has become very popular. He has always had good features, but in addition to his friendliness, he also has the grace of an aristocratic upbringing. On top of that, he’s good at his job, it's only natural that women will naturally turn their attention to him. Naala: (I don't even have to hold the manuscript in my hands anymore...) At today's street speech, he was also very dignified, and I heard many times the voices of the people… especially the women. Even though we've been a couple for a long time, my eyes are drawn to you... Cef: “What are you sayin’?” I feel like reminding Cef, who laughs and tries to blow it off. He doesn’t realize how attractive he is. And just how much I think about him. Naala: “...I won’t lose.” Cef: “Huh, what?” Naala: “I won’t let another woman have you.” Cef: “Huh? Whoa?!” I closed the window behind me and pressed on Cef's chest, who was just facing away from the bed. Due to my bold actions, which I don’t ordinarily do, Cef looked like a deer in the crosshairs. Cef: “...Whoa, you surprised me there.” Naala: “You don’t like it?” Cef: “...No, I love it.” I was a little worried that I was being too bold, but then Cef tipped his head down and kissed me. Immediately after parting, I saw a grinning smile reminiscent of the old Cef. Cef: “...Are you jealous?” Naala: “...I am.” Cef: “Did my speech make you fall for me?” Naala: “Yes, frustratingly so.” It seems like he didn’t expect me to admit to it. While listening to himself, Cef is red-faced and at a loss for words. I was almost blushing, so I kissed him to cover for that. Naala: “Mmm…” Aggressively using my tongue gets us even more entangled. As the familiar touch of the palm of his hand slid across my bare skin, I felt my most private areas become moisturized. Cef: "I knew it. You're so wet..." By the time Cef's finger brushed against the entrance, I was out of breath. Wet sounds reach my ears as his thick fingers move back and forth between the cracks. Naala: “Ah, ah… n-no” Cef: “Want me to stop?” Naala: "Hmm, stop messing with me." I felt a relaxed smile on my face and suddenly felt regretful. I grab Cef's shoulder and put all her strength into it. Then, with some force, I tore off his clothes and threw them off under the bed. Cef: “Wow!? Wha—” Naala: "Shh. Shut up..." I press Cef onto the mattress while kissing him like I’m biting into him. Cef: “...You’re bein’ quiet proactive today.” Naala: "That's right. Today I’ll take the lead." ~Picture~ I said as I straddled him, and slowly I felt a hot sensation of pleasure. I didn't even listen to the surprised Cef's restraints, and just then, I aimed it at the wet mouth and sank it all the way inside at once. Naala: “Ah, ah...” Cef: "Fuck..." It seems that my insides, which have completely adapted to Cef's shape, have become even more sensitive after giving birth to our child. I shuddered at the pleasure of receiving the heat of my lover, and a light orgasm hit me just by having him enter inside. Naala: (Ah… that was close… I was about to lose it completely…) "Hmm..." Cef: "Y-you're it's still… as tight as ever..." “It’s already clampin’ it tightly even though I haven’t moved yet.” Naala: "No… don’t move yet, I said today I would take the lead… right?" Even while I'm talking, the thing inside me starts to twitch and hit my vaginal wall, so I almost forget what I had set out to do. Naala: (No, no, today I'm going to make Cef feel good and make him fall in love with me again...) I shake my head and regain my composure. Yes, I will make Cef feel good. Usually, I leave things to him, but today I have to take the lead… Naala: “Ah, ah, ah…!” As I slowly moved my hips, pleasure rushed from deep within me. When we connected in this position, it was easier to hit the sensitive parts than usual, so it was difficult to hold back from climaxing. Naala: "Ah, haa, aaa...!" Gouging where I feel the hard tip most. Every time I moved my hips, nectar overflowed and my insides tightened around Cef's. Cef: "It looks like it feels good..." Naala: “Ah, ah… hmm, does it feel good for you too…?” Cef: "It feels amazin’… and the view is really nice." Naala: “Hmm, huh… are you…  about to cum…?” Cef: "That would be a waste, so let's enjoy it a little more..." Naala: "Hyaa?! Oh!" Suddenly, my waist was grabbed and I was pushed up from below. A sudden and strong numbness penetrated all the way to my brain, and my back arched. Naala: "Ah, nah... no, I'm going to make Cef cum today..." Cef: "But, your insides are convulsin’ so much… don't you want to cum now?" Naala: "Hey! Ah, no, no, no, don't move around there, stop...!" My thoughts melt away from the overwhelming pleasure. My tongue, which was barely moving, could only utter harsh words like a child's. Naala: “Ah, ah, hi…!" His hot, hard shaft was kneading my messy insides. Gradually, I could only think about the parts that were connected, and I started shaking my hips in a daze. Cef: "What a naughty face..." Naala: "Ah, ah, you hate it…?" Cef: "No, it's the best..." “But… this isn’t the time for you to worry about that.” Naala: "Ah, ah, no, so ah, don't push up, no...!" Cef: "No? But this place of yours is all messed up and you're swallowin’ it so deliciously..." Naala: "Y-you bully..." Cef: "Have you ever thought about how you'll look to me after doing something so bold?" Naala: “W-well that’s…” Cef: "Here, I'll watch it all, so please swallow it deeper..." Naala: "Hi! Aaah, ah, ah! No, no, please... Fuah!" Saliva sloppily drips from my mouth, which remains open due to the pleasure. As he licks the sticky liquid that runs down my cheek, I feel like I'm being fed. Naala: "Ah, ah, today... it's my turn... ah." Cef: "Hmm...I've benefited a lot again. You think you’re about to cum...?" Naala: "I-I'm not cumming, I'm not cumming..." Cef: "Oh...?" Cef's fingertips dig into my waist, forcibly rocking my hips back and forth. As we do this while the joints are in close contact, the good parts inside and the sensitive buds will be rubbed together. Immediately, a strong chill-like numbness rushed from my lower back, and a spontaneous spark burst in the back of my head. Naala: "Ah!? Nah!" My insides become convulsive and my mind goes blank. The strength in my body was gone, and I was no longer able to support myself and fell limply onto Cef's chest. ~End Picture~ Cef: “...You came.” Naala: “I-I told you today was the day I would take the lead.” He grinned happily as I glared at Cef with half-closed eyes. Cef stroked my still-weak body over and over again with satisfaction. Cef: "Now then, it's time for my counterattack." Naala: “...What?” ~Picture~ Before I could comprehend the meaning of the words, heaven and earth turned upside down. Suddenly, I found myself submerged in the same place where Cef had been. I'm a little happy because the warmth of the mattress on my back seems to indicate Cef's excitement. Naala: “Hyaa!?” Before I could indulge in such emotion, Cef lifted my leg high and started using his hips. Naala: "W-wait...wait...I-I just came. Today, I'm...ah." My protests turned into cries, and I couldn't finish saying anything. Seeing me like that, Cef smiles again with satisfaction. Cef: "That's enough. If I watch you try any harder, I'll fall in love with you so much that I won't be able to breathe..." Cef slowly moved his hips, as if he was enjoying the movement of the spasms he had just reached. When he reaches the bottom, he rotates his hips and spreads my slimy insides as far as he wants. A different part of my body was rubbing, and I felt like a gurgling sound was coming through my bones. Naala: "Ah, ah, hah...! No... not this position...!" Cef: "I-I thought I could last a little longer in this position..." “I guess I was still young.” After a smile that looked both regretful and happy, Cef's gaze became heated and wrapped around me. I can't stand this moment when his usually calm eyes look at me with an animal-like color. I want him to eat me deeper and make a mess with something hot. Naala: "Ah, ah, Cef... Cef...! Hey, please... give me more...!" Cef: “Ngh, ha, ah...if you beg me for something cute like that...I won't be able to bear it…” Naala: "Nn, ah, ah...good, that’s fine...pour it deep inside..." Cef: “...!” I love the moment when the mass of Cef inside becomes noticeably larger. My lower abdomen was aching and I couldn't help it, so I forced myself as hard as I could. Naala: “Ah, wow, I’m coming… I’m coming! Cef: “Mm, Naala…!” Immediately after I heard a voice that resembled a groan, the oppressive heat exploded as if it could no longer be endured. Cef: “Ngh…!” Naala: “Aaah…!” Cef: "H-ha..." Naala: "Hah, haa..." We both came at the same time and relaxed. It was as if Cef's convulsing things were hitting the cavity walls and asserting their presence inside me. ~End picture~ Naala: “Cef…” I hugged Seph, who had fallen limply on top of me and felt the dampness of his skin. Cef: "...It's nice that you're so proactive." Naala: “In the end, I was dissatisfied with how things ended up being done as you pleased.” Cef: "We can do it again if you wish..." Naala: "Hehe, can you handle it?" Cef: "You’re terrible, you hurt me deeply." Naala: "I can't help it. You're seventeen years older than me." Cef: “...” Naala: “Hmm?” Cef: “Haah… Maybe, no definitely, I’m gonna die before you do.” Naala: “...That may be.” “At that time, I’ll say “I’m glad I loved this person”, so go on ahead and wait for me on the moon.” Cef: “Haha, I’ll do my best to be together with you until that time.” Naala: “...But I’ll be lonely when you go, so do your best to live a long life.” Cef: “Will you cry when I die?” Naala: “...Dummy.” Even imagining it just now brings tears to my eyes. What is he saying? When I glared at him, he chuckled and wiped away my tears again. He hugged me tightly and my eyes welled up again. Naala: “I love you…” I wonder what these words, which are getting heavier every day, will look like when it’s time for us to say goodbye. I was a little scared to know… but I was sure that it must be a gentle tone. ~END~

  • Cef: The Couple's Hands

    Here is the translation for the R18 version of Koezaru wa Akai Hana: Cef's scene The Couple's Hands 2. Translated Video Select: Options ⇀ Events ⇀ Cef ⇀ 夫婦の手2 Naala: “Well, that should be everything.” A few days after the minister collapsed, I was busy making preparations together with Cef, ahead of the legislative assembly tomorrow. When I finished compiling the materials and turned around, I saw him single-mindedly working at his desk. Naala: “...Think you can finish?” Cef: “Ah, yeah. I think I’m already done.” Naala: “In that case, shouldn’t you get some rest? Oh, have you finished reviewing the content of the questions and answers?” Cef: “I have.” Cef chuckles as he looks down at his paperwork. I slowly moved closer to him, thinking about what type of laugh it was. Naala: “...Are you all right?” Without him saying anything I put my hands on his shoulders. Touching his shoulders I found them to be quite tense, as he seemed to be very nervous. I kneaded and loosened them up several times with my thumb. Cef let out a laugh-like breath, and put his hands on top of mine. Cef: “...I never thought I’d be attending the assembly on behalf of my old man.” Naala: “And I never thought Nofl would tell me to attend as a witness.” Cef: “Haha, well that’s encouraging for me.” Naala: “But, I’m also happy to be able to see my husband’s cool, courageous profile.” Cef: “You mockin’ me?” Naala: “Why?” Cef: “I mean, you ever tell me that I’m cool.” “My voice might tremble, my hands might shake, and I might even forget the documents.” Naala: “That’s the coolest. I like that better than a person who speaks full of themselves.” Cef: “With those words, I feel like I can win out against all the members of the assembly.” His strange exaggeration makes me giggle. We both laughed for a moment, and then suddenly Cef spoke seriously. Cef: “...The old man really is somethin’. He did this every time in the assembly.” “I’m having this much trouble with just one bill.” Naala: “If you told the minister that, he’d probably cry with joy.” Cef: “Right? Which is why I won’t say it.” -As he spoke, Cef leaned the back of his head against my stomach. Cef: “Can I say something uncool?” Naala: “Hehe, please.” Cef: “...It’ll be decided tomorrow. Will we be rewarded for our efforts, or will we fail?” “Honestly, the thought of everything bein’ in my hands, makes me want to run away from it all.” “Sayin’ that probably makes you feel fed up with me.” Naala: “That’s a normal feeling. I’d be suspicious of people who claimed to be perfectly fine and not feeling anything.” Cef: “You’re not mad?” Naala: “What would I be mad about?” Cef: “I was all prepared for you to slap my ass.” The words that Nohl said before ran through my head. I let out a hearty laugh, and Cef’s head bounces on my stomach. Naala: “Pfft! That kind of thing is meaningless unless it’s the right moment.” Cef: “I see, you’ve already learned how to steer me.” Naala: “It’s the opposite.” Cef: “Opposite?” Naala: “Yes. I have a feeling you already know what I will say to you and how I will encourage you in response to your actions.” “You are surprisingly perceptive. In other words. I’m the one being steered.” Cef: “Hey hey, don’t make me out to be some kinda smart dude. I’m a dummy.” Naala: “You can’t avoid it. I can see it, being with you every day.” I pretended to puff out my cheeks, and pinched the tip of his nose. The sound he snorted out was strangely cute, as he stroked the bridge of his nose with the pinched hand. At the same time, I think I’m becoming less hesitant. I feel like the opportunities for physical contact with Cef are increasing every day. Naala: (I never had this feeling with Auri… I think this is different from familial love.) (He’s very important to me, and I feel like touching him…) I play with Cef’s beard while thinking about it. I love the parts of him that I don't have, stroking it backwards and occasionally giving it a little tug. Cef: “Mm, I like that.” Naala: “Yeah. It prickles a bit when I kiss you though.” Cef: “Huh… ah, oh yeah.” Naala: “...?” (...Did I say something ridiculous just now?) After a few seconds, I was surprised at the words I said unconsciously. ...When did this happen? Cef has become so close to me that I can imagine kissing him naturally. Cef: “...If things don’t work out tomorrow, will you hate me?” Naala: “I’ll rip out your beard with my bare hands.” Cef: “That might hurt a bit.” Naala: “Haah… there’s no reason why I would hate you.” “Even if things don’t work out tomorrow, that doesn’t change the fact that we tried our best. It’ll be good for us when we set out again.” Cef: “But… everythin’ we did up to now would have been for nothin’.” Naala: “We’ll deal with that when the time comes. I’m not going to give up until the bill gets passed. We just have to work hard at it again, together.” Cef: “Again, together…” Naala: “Yes, let’s do our best, together.” Cef: “...Will you be with me?” The hand that was still on my shoulder was quickly taken away. Turning his body around, Cef gently pulled me into a form where we stared at each other. His gaze is stronger than ever, and my heart beats a little faster. Cef: “Naala…” Naala: “...” I know from the fire in his eyes that what is being asked does not simply mean being together. Cef: “Is it too early to be askin’ you this?” Naala: “...” -With a peering strength, he pulled me a little again. He stroked the thin shin along the bone of the back of my hand, and I trembled. He clears his throat while following the movement of his manly, thick fingers with his eyes. He’s just stroking my hands, but my heart is beating loudly. Cef: “I’m happy even just holdin’ your hands.” My palm was turned over, and the inside of my wrist faced upwards. When the fat part of his thumb rubbed over a thick vein of blood, I felt a strange sensation that was both tickling and creeping. Naala: “...” Cef: “...If you make a face like that, you’ll be pounced on.” The fleshly lips suck on its soft parts. Before separating, the moist mucous membrane inside touched my skin, and I almost made a strange sound. Naala: “Hmm? By whom?” Cef: “An old man who has been yearnin’ for you, and has been wanting to touch you for a long time now.” Naala: (...He wants to touch me…) He says that, but I want to touch him too. I feel like I want to touch him, taste him, confirm him. These feelings are… Naala: (That must be it…) The gentle awareness is similar to the sensation of being roasted over a slow and low fire. Even though it’s quiet, the intense emotions burn me up without my knowledge, and make me want more. I was frustrated that even that was part of Cef’s plan. Naala: “That’s sneaky…” Cef: “What is?” I pout my lips as I look down at Cef, who continues to caress my wrist. You don’t have to hold back anymore. Cross the line, kiss me higher up, deeply. That’s what I want to say. I bit my lip, afraid that I’d be asking for something I didn’t truly understand. Cef: “...If you bite down that hard, it’ll start bleedin’.” He traced my wrinkled lips with his thumb. Slowly, as if to stretch even the smallest wrinkles. The pretentious contact was terribly flirtatious, and I was getting more and more breathless. Naala: “I’m biting because you’re doing that…” He stares at me with eyes moistened with frustration. Smiling softly, Cef’s hand went around the back of my neck and pulled me in with unexpected ease. Cef: “Then, I gotta block it so I don’t get bitten…” Naala: “Hmm…” Lips that touch like feathers and then quickly move apart. The light kiss, almost like a greeting, was unusually arousing. Up close, open eyes observe my reactions intently. Cef: “...You didn’t like it?” Naala: “You shouldn’t ask me that…” Cef: “I’m nervous due to my age. I wouldn’t be able to recover if the girl I fell for wasn’t into it.” “So, I want you to tell me…” Lips that are close again touch each other for a longer time. As I was quietly left with my eyes closed, I was roused by a small sound. My tongue aches and my lips open naturally. Cef: “...Can I kiss you deeper?” Naala: “If I were to say no, would you go to a different woman?” Cef: “I’d never stray, even if you were to leave me hangin’ for a hundred years.” Naala: “Liar…” Cef: “I’m bein’ serious here…” I feel like my head is being melted by the repeated soft kisses. My body reacted before I could think about the reason, and I pressed my lips against his as well. Cef: “I really… do love you.” Naala: “Ah… Cef…” Cef: “So I’ll wait as long as it takes.” The sad voice reminds me of a goodbye. The distance placed between us was frustrating, and tears came to the corners of my eyes. Letting my emotions get the better of me, I put my arms around Cef’s neck as he sits, and sit down on his side. I couldn’t stand any space between us. Cef: “Naala…?” Naala: “...Dummy.” He complains unreasonably, and our foreheads bump together. The boundaries I’d set at the beginning were a hindrance now. Naala: “...You can.” Cef: “What?” Naala: “You can… kiss me more deeply.” It took quite a bit of courage to say the words, but for a moment, Cef blinked at me, and for some reason, he chuckled and looked down. Cef: “...I’d better not.” Naala: “Why not?” Cef: “If I were to do that, I might not be able to…” Naala: "!...Ah, um, you mean..." Cef: "That’s right." Something was pressed firmly against my buttocks as I was sitting on top of his lap. The hardness and heat are clearly different from other parts. When I realized what it really was, my face suddenly burst into flames. Cef: “I’m really sorry for not being very mature.” Naala: “...Do you want to?” Cef: “Yeah, I want to hold ya real bad.” "But I've decided not to do anything you don't like, so don't worry about it." Naala: “...” At times like this, I think Cef is really sneaky. He wants me with his whole body, but his attitude is taking a step back, so I’m the one who has to make the decision. The heat that seems to be reachable but out of reach reminds me of a thirst similar to dryness. Naala: “But… I want you to touch me.” Cef: “...You sure?” Naala: “Ask me again and I’ll head-butt you.” Cef: “Haha, sorry. Okay, I’ll go slow. And let me know if you don’t like it, okay?” Naala: “Mmm…” Waiting for my approval, Cef's hand rests on the outer layer of my garment. Although he must have never taken off this garment, I felt a little jealous that he was able to remove them so skillfully. Naala: "...You’re pretty used to this" Cef: “Huh?” Naala: "I feel like you’re used to taking women's clothes off." Cef: “Ah, well, umm…” Naala: "You used to play around like that." Cef: “...” I have no right to criticize his actions before marriage. However, when I imagined that this hand was also gently touching another woman, I felt regretful. Cef: “...Do you hate me now?” Naala: "No... I'm just jealous." When I said that, Cef let out a sweet smile and hugged me. A light kiss was placed on my childish, swollen cheek. Cef: "If ya keep sayin’ cute stuff like that, I'll go crazy." Naala: "Hehe, I'd like to see that." Cef: "Well, alright then..." Naala: “Ah…” ~Picture~ The last layer of clothing was discarded, and the wax light illuminated our bare skin. Before I could recoil in embarrassment, Cef's lips traced my breasts. Naala: “Ah…” The traces of his lips turn slightly red. As he gently touched my breasts, a strange numbness that I had never felt before spread throughout my body. Naala: "Hmm...I feel strange..." Cef: “Hm?” Cef doesn't stop caressing my breasts even while listening back. When he tilted his head a little, I could see his lips sucking on my skin, and I was visually excited. Naala: "This feels… so naughty..." Cef: "Well, we’re doing somethin’ naughty. We’ll do even more amazin’ naughty things in the future." Naala: “Agh…” He took the peak, which stood out due to the stimulation of the surroundings, into his mouth and rolled his tongue around it. Embarrassed by the whimper that came out involuntarily, I bit my finger. Naala: “Ah, hah…” Cef: "Don't hold back, let me hear it..." Naala: "But…" Cef: "Otherwise, I'd be worried that it wouldn't feel good." Naala: “Ugh…” Cef: "...Does it feel good? Naala." The tip of his tongue made the same movements as if to say, “I won't move on until you say it.'' Gradually, my body got used to the small stimulation and began to ache for more. Naala: "Hey, you don't have to be so gentle… ah, ha..." Cef: “Would you like me to go a little stronger?” Naala: "Hmm... Cef, you dummy." Cef: "That’s right, I'm a big idiot, so I won't understand unless you tell me." The strength of the tip of the tongue does not become stronger but rather becomes weaker. He licked me so gently that it was frustrating, and the area was so irritated that it suddenly became bloodshot. Unable to hold back any longer, I spoke out my wish while feeling ashamed. Naala: "A little...stronger… please." Cef: “Only a little bit?” Naala: “Ngh…!” Contrary to what I had said, the tip was sucked tightly. The force of his massaging became proportionally stronger, and the soft flesh changed shape in Cef's hands. A tingling numbness penetrated through my entire body, and my whole body became hot. Cef: "You like when I’m bein’ a bit more rough...? It's getting really hard here..." Naala: “Eh…” My head feels like it's boiling from the obscenity of the scene below me. The sound of his breathing hitting my ear and the sound of my breasts slapping against each other were like drugs that heightened my excitement. Naala: “Eep…” Cef: “Did that hurt?” Naala: “Huh, ah...!” Even during the questioning, his caress becomes more intense and persistent. My shoulders jumped with each squeeze and caress of his lips. I feel a sweet numbness between my legs that haven't even been touched yet, and it's becoming painful to just sit still. Naala: “I-It doesn’t hurt, but…” Cef: “But what?” Naala: “...” The corners of his mouth turn up with a wicked smile as he peeks in. His lips, damp with saliva and probably my own sweat, glistened in the wax light, giving him an indescribable sex appeal. Cef: “What’s wrong?” Naala: “Ah...” ~end picture~ I try to think about how I should convey this message, but my brain is such a mess that I can't formulate my thoughts. Embarrassed but also unbearably frustrated, I push through the embarrassment. I press my lips against his as if to convey my feelings. Cef: “Stick out your tongue a little...” Naala: “Like this…?” In a daze of consciousness, I stuck out my tongue as I was told. Then, he lightly licked the tip of my tongue, and as if gently inviting me, they intertwined with each other slowly. The wet sound echoing from the gradually deepening seam of our lips still excited me. Naala: “Mm… ah…” Cef: "Ah...You're so cute, Naala. It's like I can't stop myself…” ~picture~ His fingers slid down from my chest, tickling my tufts, and reached the deep crevice. Naala: "Y-you..." Even though I was prepared, I couldn't even stand up because of the embarrassment of having my insides touched for the first time. Cef's strong arms gently hugged my waist. Cef: "It's okay, no need to be scared." The tips of his fingers gently slipped through the cracks, tracing the swollen buds and petals. I felt it slip inside and knew it was already wet. Naala: “Ah, don’t…” Cef: “Ya don’t like it?” Naala: "I-It’s just... I have never been touched there before..." Cef: "I'm happy. I guess you got excited by my touch...?" Naala: "Nn, nn, no..." It wasn't that I didn't like the act, but that I was embarrassed that I had such a naughty reaction. When I shake my head reluctantly, he pulls my face closer to me and kisses me gently. Cef: "Do you like being kissed and being played with here...? It's gettin’ really messy..." Naala: "Hmm...heh...D-don't say something like that..." Just as Cef had said, every time his fingertips moved back and forth between the cracks, the sliminess grew stronger. The place that was making wet noises felt like it wasn't my own body anymore. Cef: “Try to relax…” Naala: "Huh? ...Hyaa!" His fingertips that were stroking around the mouth gradually entered inside. For the first time, I felt someone else's body temperature inside me. I was scared, but my heart pounded when I thought about Cef’s heat. Cef: “...Are you okay?” Naala: “Y-yeah.” When I nodded desperately, Cef wiped the sweat from my forehead and showered me with kisses one after another. While I was distracted by this, his embedded finger began to move. Naala: "Ah, ah, ah! Hmm...!" Cef: "It's so tight... I'm worried I might hurt you..." Cef's voice was mixed with sighs and sounded hoarse with lust. It's probably not just my imagination that the thing I feel in my buttocks is more prominent than before. When I thought about Cef also getting excited, I felt a heat build-up deeper inside. Naala: “Cef… Cef…!” -I don't know what to do with this heat. Frustrated, I cling to Cef's neck. Cef: "...If you do somethin’ like that, I'll reach my limit..." ~end picture~ Naala: “Kyaa!” He picked me up and carried me to the bed. Holding my dancing heart, I looked up and saw Cef stripping off his clothes. It seems that he used to do some kind of martial arts, his surprisingly strong chest and toned waist catch your eye. Cef: “…We can still stop, but what do you want to do? A longing sigh and a question fell from Cef's lips as he climbed onto the bed. Proof of Cef's excitement was against his thigh, and his breath caught in his throat. A little bit of fear, nervousness, excitement... so many emotions jostling all at once, it makes my chest hurt. Naala: "A-are you even following the situation?" Cef: "I don't want you to feel scared." Naala: “...” Even though he keeps me so tense that it hurts, he still cares for me— a kindness that can be called stubbornness in a sense, and it's frustrating. It was scary, sure, but more than that, I wanted to become one with Cef. Instead of answering, I reach out and kiss him. Cef: "...Thank you." He placed himself at the entrance, and I was taken aback by its hardness and size. Cef: "It'll hurt at first… but I'll try to be gentle. Naala: “Okay.” Cef: "Breathe." He caressed my stiff body with gentle hands. Eventually, when my tension eased, Cef slowly moved his hips forward. ~Picture~ Naala: “Ngh!” Cef: “Hnn…” The pain of being forced through the narrow space was so great that my face distorted. I felt like I even heard a clicking sound, and my whole body stiffened. Still, I take shallow breaths and manage to welcome Cef inside. Naala: “Ha, ha… Ha, ha… ” Cef: "Does it hurt…?" Naala: "I-It does, but...I'm fine." Cef: "You don't have to push yourself too hard. We can take it slow for today..." Naala: "It's okay, I'm fine. I'm happy to be connected to Cef." Even though my face was convulsed with pain, I put on a smile as best I could. The moment I finished speaking, a desperate sigh escaped from his lips. Then his hoarse voice reached my ears. Cef: "Well, if you say cute things like that, I think I'll lose my mind..." Naala: "Ah! Nnn...!" My insides, complaining of a dull pain, clenched as if refusing Cef's intrusion. I felt a sensation other than pain, like someone had licked the inside of my body, and my whole body trembled. Naala: “Hi, ah, ah!” Cef: "I-I can't stand it..." Naala: "N-ah, ah, hah...what...?" Cef: "That voice... really turns me on..." Naala: “Y-you dummy, ah, ah!” Perhaps concerned about my pain, he shook me with the joints pressed together. After a while, maybe it was because of excitement or numbness… but each time the deep part was rubbed, a sensation, which wasn't pain, got stronger. It attacks me with a dull pain, but it turns into a tingling numbness that settles in my lower back. Cef: "It's so tight right now. Haa, haa... Do you like being fucked around here like this...?" Naala: "Oh, no, oh! Ah! Not there...!" Cef: "But, look... when I rub this area, it's amazin’ inside... it's tangled up..." Naala: “Ah, ah, ah, Ce-f… Cef…!" Everything was hot, from the inside that was being rubbed to the cheeks that were being breathed on. I instinctively wanted to hug Cef, and I clung to him as tightly as I could. Tears filled with my overflowing love started to fall down. Cef: "Haa, haa... Naala..." He kissed me with such force that took my breath away. Even though I was breathing hard, I wanted more of Cef, so I frantically sucked on his tongue. We competed so much that our lips almost melted together, and we stared at each other at close range, panting on each other's chests. Cef: “Actually, I want to feel you more, but if I go on too long, it will be painful.” Naala: “Wha-what…?” Cef: “...!” Cef's eyebrows furrowed as if he was enduring something. I swallowed as I saw the male's sensuality in his wrinkles and his breath filled with lust. Cef, who seemed to have misunderstood the meaning of that, whispered with a wry smile. Cef: "Just hold on… a little longer..." Naala: "D-don't hold back..." Cef: “What…?” Naala: "Cew...I love you...I love you so much… So I’m really happy right now..." Cef: “Ah!” Naala: "Hya!? Ah! Ah! Huh...!" Cef's voice was choked up, but it bounced inside. The next moment, he trusted me hard several times and pushed up my innermost part. Naala: “Ah, aah…!” Cef: “Ngh!” ~end picture~ Cef: “Ha, ha, ha, ha…” Naala: “Ah… Cef…” Cef: “Sorry… I think I went a little too far…” Naala: “It’s fine…” Breathing heavily, Cef' leans his body over me. Wanting to increase our contact area even just a little, I wrapped my arms around his sweaty back. Cef: “You sure? You’re not pushin’ yourself?” When he hugged me back with the same strength, I felt even more tears of happiness welling up. Naala: "Really. You were so kind..." Cef: “...” After hearing my answer, Cef suddenly stopped moving and buried his face in my neck. Cef: "What should I do…” Naala: “Cef?” Cef: "You're too cute, I can't look at you directly..." Naala: “...Idoit.” Cef: "What should I do? If this keeps up, I might want to turn around every time I see you..." Naala: "Well, I can't help it..." He brings his lips to the top of my head and gently pants a kiss. Naala: “Maybe I just have to show everyone how cute I am.” Cef: “My political assistant would kill me.” Naala: "Nohl has no interest in what I do." Cef: "You're the only one who thinks that." Cef said defiantly with a deliberate scowl. When our eyes met, we both burst into laughter. Cef: “Well, now we got that straight, I won't give you to anyone.'' Naala: "Hehe, I'm happy to hear that." "I feel like if we work together, we can definitely reach the future we want..." With that belief, I embraced the happiness in my arms. ~END~

  • Hakuoki Tenun no Shou

    Hakuoki Tenun no Shou plays a bit differently from the rest of the series. The game is divided into multiple chapters and each one is centered around two of the main guys. Each of the chapters follows its own story with an underlying plot that connects them all. So you can read them in any order you want but I still recommend reading them in order considering that's how the game was meant to be played. ヾ(^▽^*))) Story This time, the story takes place in Kyoto, where the Shinsengumi were active in the past, and spins the story of their youth and memories that were not depicted in the main story, including incidents of various sizes that are recounted along with the events of the four seasons. Translations Chapter 1 Chapter ? Characters Side Characters Translations Chapter 1: Okita's Route: -​Intro -Check on Okita. -Ask Okita. -I'm worried about Okita's condition. -Good End -Normal End Iba's Route: -​Intro -Attend to Iba. -Ask Iba. -Iba’s concerns. -Good End -Normal End ​ Common Route: -​Intro -Go back to my tasks. -Ask Inoue. -What I can do./Normal End Chapter 2: Coming soon Characters Souji Okita | VA. Shotaro Morikubo Okita is the captain of the first division of the Shinsengumi, he’s also known as one of the most notorious warriors on the battlefield. He posses a very sarcastic personality and a charmingly sadistic nature. This man is also very loyal to Isami Kondou and his top priority in life is to be the sword and weapon of the Shinsengumi. It is rumored that his sword skill is as good as Hijikata’s, although he personally claimed that he’s better. Hachiro Iba | VA. Mamoru Miyano Hachiro Iba is a member of the shogun’s guard who has known the Shinsengumi for years. He’s also inherited one of the most popular dojo in Bakumatso, Edo, through his family name. Despite his charming looks and his very gentle & refined appearance, he is one badass swordsman who’s trained together with the Shinsengumi captains. He’s also Chizuru’s childhood friend. Source Side Characters Sanjuro Tani | VA. Ryota Takeuchi Tani is a member of the Shinsengumi. He is the eldest of the Tani brothers and serves as the Captain of the 7th Division. He has a tendency to cause trouble, making him not very well-liked by the other Captains.

  • Chou no Doku R18

    Chou no Doku or Butterfly's Poison Blood Chains is an R18 otome game that was recently released in English on the Switch BUT without most of the R18 content. So I decided to translate all the sexy scenes from the OG game so people can enjoy this game to the fullest! ⚠Please be warned! This game contains some graphic content! Some of the scenes might not be everyone's cup of tea. The more graphic scene will have a warning sign. ⚠ Story A love tale of light and shadow set in the Taisho era Tokyo, 1918. Yuriko Nomiya, born and raised comfortably in an aristocratic family, is suddenly struck by a series of misfortunes. Is this fate brought about by the Taisho era, or is someone plotting against her? The dark, bittersweet tale of Yuriko and five gorgeous young men is about to unfold… Translations Shiba: -Ghost Stories ⚠ -All my Life -A Kind Man -Love in a Cell ⚠ -Regrets Mizuhito: -On The Cushions -Hair in The Shades of Night -In The Storehouse -Secret Accomplices ⚠ Majima: -Destroy Me ⚠ -Secret Feelings ⚠ Fujita: -My Lady -The Lady and The Butler -Servent For Eternity ⚠ -A Private Club ⚠ Hideo: -Our First Time -Like a Bird -Liar ⚠ Kyoko: -Kyoko's Meal -Like a Joro Spider ⚠ Characters Junichi Shiba | VA. Chasuke A nouveau riche and a wealthy merchant who owns a trading company and who’s wildly obsessed with marrying the heroine. With his arrogant and pompous attitude, Shiba stops at nothing to make Yuriko his. Mizuhito Nomiya | VA. Tatsuya Hirai Mizuhito is the heroine’s older brother and the eldest of the Nomiya family. He’s a talented artist who loves to paint. He doesn’t care about maintaining their family’s status as aristocrats and just does whatever he feels like doing. Most of the time, he spends his days with the geishas in the red-light district. He loves his younger sister very much, to the extent that he doesn’t want her to take anyone for a husband despite it being a political arrangement. Yoshiki Majima | VA. Keizo Oishi Majima is the Nomiya family’s resident gardener. He’s a gentleman who loves and adores plants and sports a very pleasant and positive personality. Majima is also Yuriko’s first love. Hitoshi Fujita | VA. Sandayu Chianoze Fujita is the half-British butler who has been working in the Nomiya family ever since the heroine was a child. His number one priority is to serve his masters first and only think of his needs second. His stoical demeanor makes him look very apathetic toward the heroine. But deep down, he is a very kind-hearted individual who only wishes for Yuriko’s best interests. Hideo Ozaki | VA. Kiya Suga Hideo is the protagonist’s childhood friend. While he is the son of an upstanding baron, his family lineage is still not as notably prestigious as the Nomiya’s. Hideo also works as a lieutenant in the military. He’s very dependable and straight-laced, and he despises other men who fool around in the red-light district. Kyoko Amami | VA. Ai Nekomi Kyoko Amami is the daughter of a very rich and prestigious aristocrat. She’s a carefree individual who doesn’t seem to mind what others think of her on the surface. She’s a pleasure-seeker as well, and does what she wants without a care in the world. Kyoko is also close to Yuriko’s mother and has shown interest in Yuriko ever since they met. Source

  • Chapter 1: Iba's Concerns

    Check out the translated video! However, there’s one thing that has been really bothering me. That's … I'm worried about Okita's condition. Iba’s concerns. What I can do. ... I'm worried about Iba. It seemed that Itou's behavior from earlier caught his attention. However, Iba– Hachiro Iba: "Well then, Toshi, I'll take my leave." I just left the room. Chizuru Yukimura: “Ah…” This is not good. If Iba returns to the inn like this, I’ll miss the chance to hear his thoughts. Chizuru Yukimura: “Hijikata, I will take my leave as well.” After bowing to Hijikata, I left the room. Chizuru Yukimura: "Umm, Iba..." I went out into the hallway and immediately looked around for Iba. Chizuru Yukimura: “... Ah.” It seems that Iba was heading towards the courtyard. So I rushed after him. Chizuru Yukimura: “Iba!” When I called out to him, he slowly turned around. Hachiro Iba: “… Chizuru. Is there something you forgot to mention?” Chizuru Yukimura: “Well, um…” "I was a little concerned about how you were acting earlier." "I was wondering if there was something about Itou that was bothering you." Hachiro Iba: “... Oh, you’re talking about that.” Iba looked down as he thought back on it. Chizuru Yukimura: "If you know anything about this case..." "Could you tell Hijikata?" "... I want you to help Okita." Hachiro Iba: “Chizuru…” "Okita sure is lucky. To have someone so kind to you." "... I have to say, I'm a little jealous." Chizuru Yukimura: "Ah, uh, Okita and I don't really have that kind of relationship." Hachiro Iba: "... Of course, I understand." “I just wanted to tease you a little.” After saying that, Iba turned his gaze to the nearby cherry blossoms. ~Picture~ Hachiro Iba: "... I didn't say anything at that time." "Not out of any ill will towards Okita, of course." Chizuru Yukimura: “Yeah… I know.” Iba is not the kind of person who makes decisions based solely on personal feelings. I'm sure there must have been a reason… Hachiro Iba: “Apparently, many of the old Shinsengumi members go drinking at Shimabara when they are off duty.” Chizuru Yukimura: “...?” I'm not an actual member, so I don't know much about the red-light district… Hachiro Iba: “… So what about those who joined later, like Itou and the soldiers who joined him?” “I have heard that they often avoid Shimabara and instead go drinking in Gion.” "When I went to visit Gion for some business, I saw Itou." Chizuru Yukimura: “Really…?” Hachiro Iba: “Itou was away from headquarters while Tani was on his way home from Gion, right?” Chizuru Yukimura: “......!!” Hachiro Iba: "... Of course, there is no real proof." “But what if the person Tani met with in Gion was Itou…?” Looking back… I did hear that the members of the Itou faction were the first to go to the scene after hearing the news of Tani's death. So I can't say for sure that it's impossible. Hachiro Iba: "I’m certain Toshi is also aware that Itou prefers to go out in Gion." "So when he heard that Tani had died near Gion–" "I'm sure he must have thought the same thing as me." Chizuru Yukimura: “......” Hachiro Iba: "What if... Itou was the one behind Tani's death?" I was paralyzed by his heavy statement. Hachiro Iba: “–There is a possibility that the Shinsengumi might fall apart." “Furthermore, if Itou turns Okita into a criminal…” "It will no longer be possible to stop the internal division of the Shinsengumi." “Conflict will lead to more conflict, and it can even lead to a bloody battle.” Chizuru Yukimura: “......” After hearing Iba utter those ominous words… I was left completely speechless. Looking at the cherry blossoms vaguely swaying in the darkness of the night, Iba continued talking once again. Hachiro Iba: “… I hope I’m just overthinking things.” Still, foreseeing such a tragic event that might be waiting for us in the future… Iba wore a sad expression. We both were unable to speak for a while… Chizuru Yukimura: "... It's not certain that it will happen, right?" Hachiro Iba: “Chizuru?” Chizuru Yukimura: "We can still somehow stop the Shinsengumi from falling apart, right?" "Please, Iba. Please lend me your strength." “At this rate, Kondo, Hijikata, and Okita…!” Seemingly surprised, Iba stared at me with a stunned expression… Hachiro Iba: "... I really am jealous of you, Okita.” "I can't believe you're working so hard." Chizuru Yukimura: "No, no! Like I said earlier, it’s not like that...!" Hachiro Iba: "... I understand." After saying that, Iba gently took my hand. I could feel his warmth and kindness flow into me from his hands. Hachiro Iba: "... Kondo, Toshi, and Okita are very important people to me." "For their sake, I promise to do whatever I can." Chizuru Yukimura: "... Thank you, Iba." "Hearing those words made me feel relieved." Hachiro Iba: "... I'm happy to hear that." “But I don’t want to be the guy who just makes you feel safe.” Chizuru Yukimura: “What…?” Hachiro Iba: "It's nothing. It's a secret." Chizuru Yukimura: “... A-alri—Achoo!” Perhaps because I finally felt relieved after hearing Iba's words, I ended up sneezing. Hachiro Iba: “Are you alright?” Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes, it's just a little chilly." Hachiro Iba: "I think it's time for you to go back to your room." "Even though it's April, it's still pretty cold at night." Chizuru Yukimura: "Yeah…" The cherry blossoms illuminated by the night light were so beautiful that they made it hard for me to leave. No, maybe it's not just because of the dimly illuminated cherry blossoms… Hachiro Iba: "Chizuru? Is something wrong?" Chizuru Yukimura: “I-it's nothing…” Maybe it was because I felt like I was lost in a dream... Or maybe because I was alone with Iba like this. As I contemplated those thoughts, I returned to my room. ~NEXT SCENE~ And the next day– All the members of Shinsengumi were gathered in the common room. Toshizo Hijikata: "I know some of you are already aware, but I'll repeat it for the rest of you." "Sanjuro Tani, captain of the 7th Division, was killed last night." With Hijikata's heavy words, the entire room once again fell silent. Kanryusai Takeda: "Tani was killed...? Who the hell could have done this?" Kashitaro Itou: "We’re still not certain who did it." "... Saburo, didn’t you receive a report from the soldier who inspected the scene where Tani was killed yesterday?" "Could you share with everyone what you know?" Saburo Miki: "Got it. Tani was found collapsed outside the precincts of Yasaka Shrine." "His body smelled of alcohol, so it's likely that someone attacked him on his way home from Gion." Kanryusai Takeda: "Was he attacked by some random thug?" Saburo Miki: "There didn't seem to be any signs of a fight." "... So it likely might have been the work of an acquaintance." Kashitaro Itou: "According to what I've heard... it seemed that there were quite a few that held a grudge against him." "... Perhaps it was the work of someone in this corps." "It seems that some people were jumping at the opportunity to get rid of him." -After saying that, Itou glanced at Okita. Souji Okita: “...... Oh?” Okita however didn't seem to care and evaded his gaze. Toshizo Hijikata: “The fact that a senior officer was killed is something that should not have happened.” "Especially... without them being able to draw their sword." "Listen up, use whatever means necessary to find the culprits." "Also, don't try to make a mockery out of Tani's death. That's all." Everyone/Soldiers: “Yes sir!” After replying, the soldiers leave the room for their respective duties. Kanryusai Takeda: "This is a big problem, isn’t it Itou? I can't believe that Tani..." Kashitaro Itou: "It certainly is. However, it appeared that he had been causing a lot of problems..." "It seems that he also had plenty of people who were resentful towards him." "So it's not all too surprising looking back on it." Kanryusai Takeda: "Y-You’re right. That certainly appears to be the case." Toshizo Hijikata: "... Itou, I have something I’d like to ask you." Kashitaro Itou: "Oh, what is it?" Toshizo Hijikata: "Regarding Tani... why was it that you were the first to receive the report?" "It should be customary to report this kind of thing to me or the chief first." Kashitaro Itou: "Purely by chance, I suppose?" “It’s inconceivable for an executive to be killed like that.” “Isn’t understandable for the soldier who came to report it to be distressed?” Toshizo Hijikata: "… I see. It’s inconceivable, huh?" In his heart, Hijikata didn't seem satisfied with his answer, but… Toshizo Hijikata: "I apologize for holding you up. In any case, we must find the one behind Tani's murder as soon as possible.” Kashitaro Itou: "Yes, I agree. We can't let the crooks go unnoticed like this." "It can't be helped if neither you nor I are considered qualified to lead the Shinsengumi if this continues." Toshizo Hijikata: “….. Right.” Kashitaro Itou: "Well then, let's go Saburo." Saburo Miki: “Yeah, you got it.” "... With this, it seems that the inner relationships will become a lot more complicated." Kanryusai Takeda: "Um, Itou! Please let me assist you!" Itou left the room with Miki and Takeda. I wonder what Okita thinks about all of this. Chizuru Yukimura: “... Huh?” Okita seemed to have suddenly disappeared from the room. Where did he go? Having a bad feeling about the situation, I decided to leave and look for him. ~NEXT SCENE~ After I went to look for Okita and failed to find him-– I spotted some of the executives gathered together. Shinpachi Nagakura: "I don’t care what anyone says, I'm going! I can't stand them being allowed to do whatever they want like this!" Kai Shimada: "Please calm down, Nagakura. If you rush in, you’ll play right into their hands." Chizuru Yukimura: "Has something happened?" Kai Shimada: "Oh, Yukimura." “... Itou and others wanted to talk about what happened last night." "So they took Okita with them for questioning." Chizuru Yukimura: “What…!?” Shinpachi Nagakura: “Instead of hearing him out, they’re treating him like he’s a criminal.” "If I’d abandon Souji here, I would be disqualified as a member of the Shinsengumi!" Hajime Saito: “That’s why we’re telling you to calm down. Shinpachi Nagakura: “What would you do if someone fabricated some random evidence and he was forced to slit his own stomach?” Hajime Saito: “The commander is present for Souji's interrogation as well.” "So they wouldn’t get away with fabricated evidence." Hearing Saito's words, Nagakura finally regained his composure. Sanosuke Harada: “… Souji didn’t want to cause trouble for Kondo, so that must be why he complied with the interrogation.” "Let's make sure we don't squander his efforts." Kai Shimada: "For the time being, I'm going to ask around near Yasaka Shrine." Genzaburou Inoue: “I will also try to find out more about where Souji was yesterday.” Hajime Saito: Yukimura, please stay at the base." Chizuru Yukimura: “... Alright, I understand" Each of the soldiers went out to clear Okita's suspicions. I also wish there was something I could do to help… Just then. Hachiro Iba: "Hello, Chizuru." Chizuru Yukimura: “Iba…” Hachiro Iba: "You don't seem to be feeling well… Is it because of last night's incident? Chizuru Yukimura: "Yeah. But also–" I explained the situation around Itou and Okita to Iba. Hachiro Iba: “... In other words, Itou and his faction might be trying to trick Okita?” Chizuru Yukimura: “I don’t have any proof though…” "The others are also running around trying to clear Okita's suspicions." Hachiro Iba: "Everyone has known Okita for a long time." "If someone is trying to set him up to the bad guy responsible for killing an executive..." "There is no way they would let that be." Chizuru Yukimura: "... I know, but I'm worried." As we were talking about that. Soldier 1: "Hey, is it true that Captain Tani was killed?" Soldier 2: "Yeah. Moreover, it is said that he was killed by Captain Okita." Chizuru Yukimura: “...!” I shuddered as I overheard the conversation between the soldiers talking a little ways away. I can't believe the rumors about Okita spread to the soldiers so quickly…! Soldier 1: "No way, I heard that the one who killed him was Captain Saito." Soldier 2: "Really? But why would he–" Soldier 1: "I don't know, but..." “Commander Hijikata seemed to think that Captain Tani was an eyesore.” “It seems like Captain Saito will listen to Commander Hijikata's every command.” "Well, anyways, we shouldn’t be talking about this." I felt blood drain from my whole body and my hands and feet turned stone cold. Hachiro Iba: "... Are you okay, Chizuru? You’re as pale as a ghost." Chizuru Yukimura: "No… I'm fine." “More importantly, I must report this to Saito as soon as possible.” Hachiro Iba: "Yeah, you are right." "Do you know where Saito is right now?" Chizuru Yukimura: "He’s not supposed to be on patrol duty today... So I'll ask the members of the 3rd division." Hachiro Iba: "Let's go together." "... Toshi and the others aren’t strangers to me." Chizuru Yukimura: "... Thank you very much." ~NEXT SCENE~ Hajime Saito: "... I see, I understand the situation." Chizuru Yukimura: "Why are there even rumors about Okita spreading among the warriors?" “And so quickly too...” Hajime Saito: "It would be reasonable to assume that someone is spreading rumors." Chizuru Yukimura: “What…!?” Hachiro Iba: "There are people in the Shinsengumi who benefit from others doubting Okita..." "So, it's not out of the question." Chizuru Yukimura: "No way…" Hajime Saito: "The rumors say that either I or Souji is the culprit." "It's as if they're implicitly conveying that it's the commander who is pulling the strings behind the scenes." Hachiro Iba: “So Toshi is their real target.'' Chizuru Yukimura: "If such a rumor spreads among the warriors..." Hachiro Iba: "Toshi will be feared by the soldiers." “They won’t fear him for his strictness in keeping them disciplined like they do now, but rather that they'll fear him with contempt.'' “If that happens, the hearts of all the members may turn away from the Shinsengumi.'' Chizuru Yukimura: “Then, let’s hurry and stop those rumors!” Hajime Saito: "If the source of the rumors is the Itou faction, there's no point in stopping them." Chizuru Yukimura: "But...!" Hachiro Iba: “However if we leave things as they are, wouldn’t they just keep spreading bad rumors about Toshi and you guys?” Hajime Saito: "... I hope something happens so that they won't have time to spread bad rumors." Hachiro Iba: "I see…” Iba thought about it for a while, but eventually… Hachiro Iba: "There's one thing I'm still concerned about. Would you mind lending me a hand, Saito?" Hajime Saito: “What are you concerned about?” Hachiro Iba: "I'll explain that later." “Chizuru.” "Please wait in your room to avoid any danger." Chizuru Yukimura: “But…” While everyone in the Shinsengumi was in dire straits, I was the only one ordered to stand by. I understand that Iba is concerned about me and doesn’t want me to get involved in danger, but… Chizuru Yukimura: "... Is there anything I can do to help out?" “I want to be of assistance to you, in any way I can.” Hachiro Iba: “Chizuru…” "... Saito, would you give me permission to take her outside the compound?" "She went to the trouble of asking us if she could help out." “And right now we need an ally we know we can trust.” Hajime Saito: "... I’ll talk to the commander. Perhaps he’ll allow her to go out." Hachiro Iba: "Thank you, Saito!" Chizuru Yukimura: “Thank you very much! Hajime Saito: “Anyway, you seem to be quite soft on her, Hachiro.” Hachiro Iba: “I-I’m not…!” “It’s just that the number of people who can act for Toshi and others is limited!” "A-and I’m sure it's highly unlikely that she would betray you guys, so...!" Hajime Saito: "I know. But if you keep making excuses, you'll make yourself look even more suspicious." Hachiro Iba: "I’m glad it turned out well for you, Chizuru." Chizuru Yukimura: "It’s all thanks to your help." "I'll do my best not to cause any trouble to you." Hachiro Iba: "That's the spirit." "But don’t worry, I'll definitely protect you." Chizuru Yukimura: “Iba…” Hajime Saito: "Sorry to have kept you waiting. Yukimura has been given permission to go out." “Just to be sure, let me know if you need me to come along as well.” Hachiro Iba: “Yes, actually…” ~NEXT SCENE~ After that, Iba ended up taking us to… Chizuru Yukimura: “Is this… the tea shop in Gion?” Hachiro Iba: "Yes. I heard that Itou often comes here for drinks with some of the warriors." Chizuru Yukimura: "Is that so…" I don't have many opportunities to talk to the warriors from Itou’s faction, so I didn't know about it… Hachiro Iba: “This is the last place Tani visited before he died on the way back to the base.” “I thought that maybe he was drinking here before he died.” Hajime Saito: "I see. You may be right." Chizuru Yukimura: "But… I am a little surprised that you are so knowledgeable about places like this, Iba." Hachiro Iba: “Ah…!” “Just so you know, I don’t usually go to those kinds of stores!” “I've only ever been when I was invited for business entertainment or secret meetings.” “I've only visited this place a few times, but never for anything other than work!” Chizuru Yukimura: “I-I see.” "But you don't have to deny it so much..." Hajime Saito: "The more desperately you try to make excuses, the more suspicious you become." Hachiro Iba: "... I just don't want her to get any weird misconceptions about this." Chizuru Yukimura: "Don’t worry, Iba. I believe you." Since Iba and I are childhood friends– I can kind of understand why he doesn't want to be misunderstood… Hachiro Iba: "... Well then, let's go inside." "Let's first see what the shop staff has to say." Chizuru Yukimura: “Alright.” ~NEXT SCENE~ When we explained the situation to the waitress, the person who appeared to be the owner of the store appeared from the back of the store. Owner: "Yes. Mister Itou from the Shinsengumi often visits our house with his younger brother and some of the other members." Hachiro Iba: "Did they come here last night?" Owner: "Yes, that's right. I'm sure they were the same group from the Shinsengumi..." "Oh yeah. They came here together with a person named Tani." “Anyway, I heard that someone was killed last night… It’s a scary world out there, isn’t it?” Chizuru Yukimura: “...!” Hachiro Iba: “... Chizuru.” Hajime Saito: "It turned out your hunch was correct, Hachiro." Hachiro Iba: "Yes. It was just a guess... and it turned out that my guess was correct." -We looked at each other and shared a nod. Hachiro Iba: “So, what exactly did the two of them talk about when they were here yesterday?” Owner: “Well, they were staying in a private room, so I don’t know.” “He was talking about paying people off midway through the conversation, so I guess they were discussing quite an important topic.'' Hachiro Iba: "I see…" Just before Tani passed away, he secretly met with Itou at this shop. This must be an important clue. Just then. Waitress: "Well, if it isn’t Mister Itou and Mister Miki, please come this way." "I hope you’ll have a comfortable time there." Chizuru Yukimura: “...!” Hachiro Iba: "Excuse me. Is there somewhere we could hide?" Owner: “Ah yes, of course, this way if you would.” Hachiro Iba: "Thank you!" "Chizuru, Saito, let's go!" We hid in an empty room. Eventually, we would hear the footsteps and voices of people from the other side of the hallway. Saburo Miki: "Man, Okita's face from just now was priceless." "I don’t think I’ve ever seen him act so dull before." Kashitaro Itou: "You're being too loud, Saburo. I don't know who might be listening." Saburo Miki: “Don’t the Shinsengumi guys go to Shimabara when they go out?” "So they won’t be able to hear what I say anyway." Waitress: "Please use this room as you please, gentlemen." “Do you have any nominations for female attendants?” Kashitaro Itou: "Well, the other day, Saburo got drunk and said something quite rude to a geisha." “She’d probably turned down our request if we were to send her one.'' Waitress: “That must be difficult.” Kashitaro Itou: "Let's first order some food. I'll think about who we’d like to invite later." Waitress: “Of course, as you wish.” After confirming that the two of them had entered the back room, we decided to plan our next actions. Hajime Saito: "Perhaps other members of the Itou faction will be joining them later on." Hachiro Iba: "... It's possible that they're planning to meet someone other than the Shinsengumi." "But since I'm not a member, I can't say for sure." Hajime Saito: "I'll watch outside. You two will keep a close eye on them." Hachiro Iba: "Got it, we'll take care of it." Saito silently made his way out of the room. Hachiro Iba: "Well then… While we leave the matters outside to Saito–." "Shall we go check on Itou and Miki?" Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes, let's do that." Hachiro Iba: "Please be careful not to make any noise." "If they discover us, that’ll be the end of it." Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes, I know." ~NEXT SCENE~ We made our way to Itou's room, making sure not to make any sound. I can hear them talking about something from outside the room… Hachiro Iba: “I can faintly hear their voices, but…” "I can't hear what they’re saying." Chizuru Yukimura: "They’re too far away… Hachiro Iba: "Let's open the door just a little so they don't notice." Chizuru Yukimura: "Will that be alright?" Hachiro Iba: "If they’re this far away, I don't think anyone will notice us." "Well then..." Just when Iba was about to put his hand on the shoji door. Hachiro Iba: "! This is bad. Hurry Chizuru, this way!" Chizuru Yukimura: "Huh...!" Iba moves me away from the shoji door and hides us in the shadows. Just then, I could hear the shoji door being opened. Saburo Miki: “… Huh, was it just my imagination? Kashitaro Itou: "What's wrong, Saburo?" Saburo Miki: "Nothing, I thought I felt someone's presence coming from the hallway..." Kashitaro Itou: “Maybe it was just another guest from the tatami room who happened to be passing by?” Saburo Miki: "No, what I felt was a little different from that..." Kashitaro Itou: “Aren’t maybe you just no edge because of what happened to Tani?” Saburo Miki: "... Maybe." Miki went back inside the room and closed the shoji door. Hachiro Iba: "... Are you alright, Chizuru?" Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes, I'm fine, but..." "It seems Miki noticed our presence." Hachiro Iba: "It seems so…" "It would be troublesome if we were to be discovered, so let's go back to our room for now." Chizuru Yukimura: "Okay" ~NEXT SCENE~ Hachiro Iba: "Well then… what shall we do now?" “They are people who have experienced many struggles in this capital.” "I don't think it will be easy to fool them." Chizuru Yukimura: "Let's talk to the people at the store. They might have some good ideas." Hachiro Iba: "... That might be a good idea." "Please wait a moment. I'll call someone from the shop." ~NEXT SCENE~ After that, Iba called out to one of the waitresses. We immediately explained the situation to her. Hachiro Iba: “... So, is there any way for us to find out the contents of the conversation in the private room?” Waitress: "Even if you ask that..." “The only time we visit the private room is to deliver drinks and food.” Hachiro Iba: “Then, how about we ask the escort who’ll come to the parlor to help us with what we want to know?” “If you’re able to help us, I would greatly appreciate it.” Then the waitress turned to me. Waitress: "Well if you don't have any objections, how about we let this one go up to the private room dressed as a geisha?" Chizuru Yukimura: "Huh? You mean… me?" Hachiro Iba: “What are you saying?! She, no, he–” Waitress: "You may be wearing a man's kimono, but in truth, you are a woman, are you not?" “If you are concerned about the conversation in the parlor, I think it would be quicker to ask directly.” Chizuru Yukimura: "But I don't have a geisha's kimono, and I don't have makeup..." Waitress: “I think if I ask the Yakata we are acquainted with about that, they will be able to do something about that.” Chizuru Yukimura: “......” Hachiro Iba: "... Let's stop this, Chizuru." “What if they recognize you and realize you’re really a woman?” "You may not be able to continue to stay with the Shinsengumi." Iba is right– If Itou and the others discover my true identity, there will be no going back. Hachiro Iba: "It's okay. I'll take care of the rest." I understand what he's trying to do. However, if we don't come up with anything, Okita and others will be captured! Chizuru Yukimura: "... Could you introduce me to the associate you mentioned earlier?" Hachiro Iba: "Chizuru! This is dangerous!" Chizuru Yukimura: "I understand why you're worried..." "But if we don't find the person who killed Tani–" “Okita, who has been stigmatized, may be held responsible." Hachiro Iba: "That's true… but..." Chizuru Yukimura: "Even if there's one thing I can do to help prevent that from happening… I want to give it everything I have." Hachiro Iba: "... I understand. However, I'm in charge of your safety. There's no way I can let you do this." Iba seems to have a hard time agreeing with the plan. Chizuru Yukimura: "Please, Iba." "I'll make sure that Itou and the others won't realize my true identity." I took Iba's hand and pleaded with him again. Hachiro Iba: "... If you’re really that determined, I guess it can't be helped." "But, please promise me one thing. If you judge it to be dangerous, you will rush to the parlor immediately." Chizuru Yukimura: “Iba...! Thank you so much.” Hachiro Iba: "... However, please keep this in mind." "I'm definitely not in favor of letting you do something like this." Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes, I know." Waitress: "Alright, let's go meet our associate." Chizuru Yukimura: "Thank you." ~NEXT SCENE~ After that, I finished getting ready at a place called Yakata. I decided to head to the private room where Itou and his friends were staying. Waitress: "Mister Itou, Mister Miki. I brought an escort with me." After saying this, the waitress opens the sliding door with a polite gesture. Kashitaro Itou: “I haven’t sent you a request yet… but you already invited someone?” Waitress: "Indeed. She’s is one of the girls of the house we are acquainted with." "I brought her here because I want the members of the Shinsengumi, who are currently making waves, to patronize her.'' Kashitaro Itou: "I see... She's certainly a young lady with good taste in kimonos and accessories." I greet Itou and the others using the gesture I learned at Yakata. ...So far so good. I don't think anyone recognized me because I wear geisha makeup and have my hair tied up like a woman. Chizuru Yukimura: "I'm Yuzuru. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Kashitaro Itou: "The pleasure is all ours." Waitress: “Well then, I’ll excuse myself.” After bowing, the waitress closed the sliding door. Saburo Miki: “What’s this? You called an escort?” Kashitaro Itou: “The shop owner was attentive and called her over for us.'' "Please don't say anything rude." "If the Shinsengumi's reputation gets ruined because of your actions, there's no going back." Saburo Miki: "I know. I'm not THAT drunk yet." After saying that, Miki drank the sake from his sake cup. ... That’s good. So far, it seems like they have yet to realize my true identity. Chizuru Yukimura: "L-Let me pour that for you, sir." Saburo Miki: "Oh, you're a smart one, aren't ya? Well then, here you go." I pour some sake into the cup that Miki held out to me. Kashitaro Itou: "Ah... you don't have to pour any drinks for Saburo, darling." “This kid is a real nuisance when he gets drunk.” Chizuru Yukimura: "I-Is that so? …My apologies, I wasn’t aware..." Saburo Miki: "You're such a worrywart. I won’t make the same mistake as before." Chizuru Yukimura: "... Mister Itou, is it correct that you visited this shop last night as well?" Kashitaro Itou: "Oh my, you’re well informed." Chizuru Yukimura: “I asked the waitress from earlier.” “Since you came here two days in a row, I wanted you to treat you generously.” At that moment– Saburo Miki: "Leave it to me. From now on, I'll come every day." “If things go well this time, we will be able to make even more money.” Chizuru Yukimura: “...!” This is… This might be a good opportunity to ask them about their objectives. Chizuru Yukimura: “What do you mean by ‘hopefully’?” “Will the Lord of Aizu grant you a reward?” Saburo Miki: "That's not it. Kondo and Hijikata are to blame for this incident." “They will no longer be popular with their fellow soldiers, so there’s a chance they will be removed from their current position.” “If that happens, my brother and I will become the new chief and commander.” Chizuru Yukimura: “...!” Kashitaro Itou: "Saburo, stop talking so loudly. You never know who might be listening. Saburo Miki: "That's why you're worrying too much. Those guys won't come to Gion." Kashitaro Itou: "Most of all, you're not ready to be a commander yet." Saburo Miki: "You're being too tough on me, brother. I'd like you to see a little more about my future potential." Chizuru Yukimura: "The Shinsengumi's future chief and commander are both here together..." “You two are some truly impressive people.” Saburo Miki: "Right? You have quite a good eye, don't you?" “If I were to become commander, I would receive a salary that would be incomparable to what it is now.'' "If that happens, I could buy you out. So how about it? What ya think of becoming my woman?" Chizuru Yukimura: "Huh? Um..." Kashitaro Itou: "It seems that his drinks have really gotten to him, so please don't take him seriously." Chizuru Yukimura: "I-I see..." Even if says so… Miki seems to be serious about them replacing Kondo and Hijikata. Chizuru Yukimura: “Now that I think about it, I heard that a samurai died near here last night...” "Are all the members of the Shinsengumi okay?" Kashitaro Itou: "... Ah, that. It's bothering us too." "I never expected Tani to die so soon." “I would have liked it if he had stirred up a little more turmoil within the squad.” If only I could listen to the story well. We may be able to get to the heart of Tani's case. I have to carefully ask him about the situation so that he doesn't realize that I'm Chizuru Yukimura. Chizuru Yukimura: “... Are you familiar with this person, Mister Itou?” Saburo Miki: "He's the guy we were drinking with at this restaurant last night. That guy had some pretty rotten luck." “I think Okita or Saito probably killed him on Hijikata's instructions anyway.'' Kashitaro Itou: "No, I don't think so. I know Okita said he would kill him on certain occasions." “However Hijikata and the others won't gain anything from getting rid of him like this.'' Saburo Miki: "What? Then why’d you treat Okita like a criminal during the day?" Kashitaro Itou: "Oh, that? …That's because we can take the initiative in the squad from now on." "It will take some time for Okita's suspicions to be cleared." “In the meantime, we need to recruit as many members as possible to our faction.” Saburo Miki: "...I see. You really are a wise man, aren’t you brother?" “You can read the flow of things much better, unlike that naive country bumpkin of a chief.'' Chizuru Yukimura: “......” It seems to be true that Tani visited this store with Itou and others last night… However, it seems that Itou and his friends were not the ones who killed him. So who exactly did it? I’ll… Collect a little more information. Leave before it gets too dangerous.

  • Chapter 1: I'm worried about Okita's condition.

    Check out the translated video! However there’s one thing that has been really bothering me. That's … I'm worried about Okita's condition. Iba’s concerns. What I can do. I can't help but worry about Okita, who was the first to leave the room. After leaving Hijikata's room, I came to Okita's room. Chizuru Yukimura: "Umm... Okita, are you here?" I tried calling out, but there was no answer. It doesn't look like the lights are on, and there's no sign of anyone, so it seems like he's not in the room. Where could he be this late at night? Chizuru Yukimura: “...!” Could it be that he went to kill Ito? As if pushed by a bad feeling, I search around the base. And after a while… Chizuru Yukimura: “...!” -After spotting Okita, I hurriedly followed him. I thought he was going to kill Ito, but… Judging from his gait, it doesn't seem like he's decided where he's going. Is he taking a walk at night? As I was thinking about that, Okita suddenly stopped. And looked vaguely at the moon floating overhead. Souji Okita: "...Hey, Chizuru. You're there, aren't you?" Chizuru Yukimura: “...!” Souji Okita: "You don't have to hide, I know you’re there. So just come out." ... It seems that he noticed that I was following him. Feeling embarrassed, I appear before Okita. Chizuru Yukimura: "... I'm sorry for following you." Souji Okita: "Did you think I was going to kill Ito?" Chizuru Yukimura: “......” Souji Okita: "Don't worry, I won't kill him for now… for Kondo's sake." "I actually want to get rid of him right away, but..." "For now, I guess I'll just have to wait for Hijikata’s instructions." After saying that, he placed his hand on the sword on his left hip. Souji Okita: "In any case, I don’t have to take care of Tani anymore." "I should be grateful to the person who got rid of him for me." Chizuru Yukimura: "But what if..." I was hesitant to speak up. However, I can't help but let the words spill out. Chizuru Yukimura: "What if... you are made out to be the culprit?" Souji Okita: "If that happens–" A white light flashes in front of me. It was a vivid display of swordsmanship reminiscent of lightning. The tip of the sword was drawn at the height of a person's throat. Souji Okita: "... I'll kill them. I'll kill every single one who made me out to be a criminal." Chizuru Yukimura: “......” Even though it was spring, I felt my whole body freeze. A terrible murderous intent could be felt from just that slight gesture. It speaks to the intensity of the anger that Okita is harboring right now. Souji Okita: "I'll tell you, it's no use stopping it." "No matter who the opponent is, I’ll–" “Ugh…! Cough, cough, cough!” Chizuru Yukimura: “Okita…!” I hurriedly tried to run over to Okita, who was coughing violently. However… Souji Okita: "Don't come any closer!" Stunned by his harsh words, I stop in my tracks. ~Picture~ Chizuru Yukimura: "But Okita, that's blood..." The palm of his hand that he held when he coughed… It was bright red. Souji Okita: "I’m fine, so just stay where you are." Chizuru Yukimura: “........” After shaking his big shoulder and taking a few painful breaths… Okita makes a self-deprecating smile. Souji Okita: "... I thought I could defeat any opponent if I really wanted to." "But maybe… I can't beat this disease." Chizuru Yukimura: “Okita…” It's because I've known him to be someone who was full of absolute confidence ever since we first met… It's sad to see the timid expression that faintly appears on his face. Souji Okita: "... But I'm just doing what I can." "While this body can still move." "No... I need to move. For as long as possible, for Kondo's sake." "That's why I endured taking the bitter medicine." "As if it's with konpeito." "But I happened to run out of medicine today." "Aah, I might have gone out alone earlier to get more medicine..." Chizuru Yukimura: "Wait... what are you talking about...?" Okita's face, illuminated by the starlight, was paler than usual… I couldn't help the bad feeling in my gut. At that moment, a thought crossed my mind. Chizuru Yukimura: “...Okita.” "Perhaps the reason you didn't tell me where you were today..." “Was it because… you went to buy medicine?” Then, a smile came to Okita's face. ~Picture~ Souji Okita: “Got it in one.” "If I had known this would happen, I wouldn't have gone out to get the medicine." Chizuru Yukimura: "No, that's a different story! You had to go." Souji Okita: "Don't tell anyone about medicine. It's our little secret… Got it?” Chizuru Yukimura: “But everyone seems to be suspicious of you because of that.” "Wouldn't it be better to just tell them that you went to buy medicine without revealing your illness?" Souji Okita: "If we tell them, I'm sure they'll be able to find out what medicine I went to buy right away." “Yamazaki has a pretty sharp intuition regarding these kinds of things.” Chizuru Yukimura: “But, at this rate, they'll suspect you…!” A sarcastic smile formed on Okita's lips. Souji Okita: "... That's right. That's why I said that I should have taken care of Tani." Chizuru Yukimura: “......” Not only is he being devoured by his disease… But Okita is also suspected of murdering Tani. What should I do… Chizuru Yukimura: “Okita…” "I'm sure everyone will prove your innocence." “So please don’t give up on yourself.” Souji Okita: "And what if I do?" Chizuru Yukimura: "If that happens, I will tell everyone about your illness..." But before I could finish saying that, Okita turned to me. Souji Okita: "... Men. I'm losing my mind." After talking to himself, Okita wiped the blood from his palm with some paper. Souji Okita: “Can you pretend you didn’t see anything just now?” Chizuru Yukimura: "... Of course." "So, you are already in your room now..." Souji Okita: "... I know. You're really a doctor's daughter, aren't you?" "You're always busy with various things, but... it seems that you still have time to worry about me." "Don't worry, I'll go back to my room. ...So you should go back as well.” Although he made a sarcastic remark as usual... I could feel from Okita's words and demeanor that the thorns were missing a little. I felt relieved at that thought. ~NEXT SCENE~ And the next day– All the members of Shinsengumi were gathered in the common room. Toshizo Hijikata: "I know some of you are already aware, but I'll repeat it for the rest of you." "Sanjuro Tani, captain of the 7th Division, was killed last night." With Hijikata's heavy words, the entire room once again fell silent. Kanryusai Takeda: "Tani was killed...? Who the hell could have done this?" Kashitaro Itou: "We’re still not certain who did it." "... Saburo, didn’t you receive a report from the soldier who inspected the scene where Tani was killed yesterday?" "Could you share with everyone what you know?" Saburo Miki: "Got it. Tani was found collapsed outside the precincts of Yasaka Shrine." "His body smelled of alcohol, so it's likely that someone attacked him on his way home from Gion." Kanryusai Takeda: "Was he attacked by some random thug?" Saburo Miki: "There didn't seem to be any signs of a fight." "... So it likely might have been the work of an acquaintance." Kashitaro Itou: "According to what I've heard... it seemed that there were quite a few that held a grudge against him." "... Perhaps it was the work of someone in this corps." "It seems that some people were jumping at the opportunity to get rid of him." -After saying that, Itou glanced at Okita. Souji Okita: “...... Oh?” Okita however didn't seem to care and evaded his gaze. Toshizo Hijikata: “The fact that a senior officer was killed is something that should not have happened.” "Especially... without them being able to draw their sword." "Listen up, use whatever means necessary to find the culprits." "Also, don't try to make a mockery out of Tani's death. That's all." Everyone/Soldiers: “Yes sir!” After replying, the soldiers leave the room for their respective duties. Kanryusai Takeda: "This is a big problem, isn’t it Itou? I can't believe that Tani..." Kashitaro Itou: "It certainly is. However, it appeared that he had been causing a lot of problems..." "It seems that he also had plenty of people who were resentful towards him." "So it's not all too surprising looking back on it." Kanryusai Takeda: "Y-You’re right. That certainly appears to be the case." Toshizo Hijikata: "... Itou, I have something I’d like to ask you." Kashitaro Itou: "Oh, what is it?" Toshizo Hijikata: "Regarding Tani... why was it that you were the first to receive the report?" "It should be customary to report this kind of thing to me or the chief first." Kashitaro Itou: "Purely by chance, I suppose?" “It’s inconceivable for an executive to be killed like that.” “Isn’t understandable for the soldier who came to report it to be distressed?” Toshizo Hijikata: "…I see. It’s inconceivable, huh?" In his heart, Hijikata didn't seem satisfied with Its answer, but… Toshizo Hijikata: "I apologize for holding you up. In any case, we must find the one behind Tani's murder as soon as possible.” Kashitaro Itou: "Yes, I agree. We can't let the crooks go unnoticed like this." "It can't be helped if neither you nor I are considered qualified to lead the Shinsengumi if this continues." Toshizo Hijikata: “….. Right.” Kashitaro Itou: "Well then, let's go Saburo." Saburo Miki: “Yeah, you got it.” "... With this, it seems that the inner relationships will become a lot more complicated." Kanryusai Takeda: "Um, Itou! Please let me assist you!" Itou left the room with Miki and Takeda. I wonder what Okita is doing. When I looked around the room, I noticed that Okita had already disappeared. Where did he go? I had a bad feeling, so I decided to look for Okita. ~NEXT SCENE~ After that, I searched around the compound, but… I couldn't find Okita. But when I went outside… Chizuru Yukimura: “Ah…!” I felt relieved when I finally found him. Chizuru Yukimura: “Okita–” As I was about to call out. Saburo Miki: "... I was just asking where you were going." Souji Okita: "And I just said I won't answer because I don't want to." Saburo Miki: "Why don't you use that head of yours and think a little about whether you're in any position to refuse?" Souji Okita: "What are you getting at? If you're trying to pick a fight, I'd be happy to oblige." Kashitaro Itou: "I apologize, Okito. Saburo is a poor talker and can easily be misunderstood." “However you are aware that you are in a delicate position, right Okita?” Souji Okita: “... Are you suspecting me of killing Tani?” Kashitaro Itou: "Of course, I also don't want to think that one of my fellow Shinsengumi members is responsible." "However, I think you owe it to yourself to prove your innocence." Souji Okita: “......” Kashitaro Itou: "I have a lot of things we'd like to ask you, so could you please be so kind as to come with us? Souji Okita: “No thanks.” Okita tries to walk past the two of them, but— Miki roughly put a hand on his shoulder. Saburo Miki: "Hey, hold it. Where do you think you’re going with that attitude?” Souji Okita: "Can it will ya. I’ve got nothing to say to you guys." Just when Okita's hand almost reaches for the sword on his side. Shinpachi Nagakura: "Oi Souji, what are you doing?!" Nagakura, who saw the situation and realized that things were getting out of hand, rushed over. Souji Okita: “... Tsk” Okita clicked his tongue slightly and lowered his right hand. Shinpachi Nagakura: "Itou, Miki, what's this all about?" Kashitaro Itou: “… We were just trying to ask Okita if he could answer some questions.” Shinpachi Nagakura: "Is that true Souji?" Souji Okita: "... Well, who knows." Shinpachi Nagakura: “Oi, Souji!” Nagakura tries to scold Okita, but… Okita turned away in a deflated manner. Shinpachi Nagakura: "... If you argue with Itou here, you'll only make things worse for yourself." "I get how you feel, but for now, just focus on proving your innocence." “Even if you make a mistake, don’t pull out your sword. got it?” Souji Okita: “... Hmm.” -Before long, Nagakura turned to face Itou and the others. Shinpachi Nagakura: "Is there anything you guys want to ask Souji?" Kashitaro Itou: "Yes, that's right." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Would you mind if Hijikata and I join you? We’re also trying to find the one behind this mess." Saburo Miki: "What are you saying? Why would we—" Kashitaro Itou: "... It's fine, Saburo. We have nothing to complain about." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Thanks for your understanding… Let's go, Souji." ~NEXT SCENE~ Nagakura and the others took Okita to Hijikata's room. And so… Chizuru Yukimura: “... It’s Yukimura. I brought you some tea." Toshizo Hijikata: “Come in.” Chizuru Yukimura: "... Excuse me." I serve freshly brewed tea to everyone in the room. Saburo Miki: “… Okita, how many times are you going to make me ask the same thing?” “Why don’t you just tell us where you were yesterday?” Souji Okita: "I’ve got no reason to answer you. I was off duty yesterday." Kashitaro Itou: "... Okita. Of course, we don't think you truly are the culprit." “However some people will look at the soldiers with suspicion since it has become clear that an acquaintance is responsible for the crime.” "If you don't prove your innocence as soon as possible, people will only grow more suspicious of you." Toshizo Hijikata: "... It's just as Itou says. So what's going on Souji?" Souji Okita: “...... Sigh.” Toshizo Hijikata: “Yukimura, I heard you saw Souji going out yesterday.” Chizuru Yukimura: "Ah… yes, that’s right. I saw him on his way out..." Toshizo Hijikata: "Did you notice anything out of the ordinary?" In response to Hijikata's question, I tried my best to pull the threads of my memory. Chizuru Yukimura: "No, he seemed the same as usual... I don't think there was anything particularly different about him." Kashitaro Itou: "Are you sure it was him? Could it perhaps have been someone else?" Chizuru Yukimura: "I'm sure it was Okita." Kashitaro Itou: “Was his kimono stained with blood, or did his sword appear to be used?” Chizuru Yukimura: "... It didn’t appear that way." Saburo Miki: "... Don’t bother, brother. Even if Okita was the culprit," "These guys probably decided to cover this up for their friends anyway." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Hey, what are you getting at?" "Even we can't protect each other at a time like this." Saburo Miki: "... I don't know about that. You could just be saying things." Kashitaro Itou: "Saburo's statement may sound cruel, however… it's true that the testimonies of his friends alone cannot be used as evidence." “If someone from Okita’s outing is willing to testify, then that’s a different story.” “… Unfortunately Okita doesn’t seem to be willing to share where he went yesterday.” Souji Okita: "... I didn't kill Tani, so there's no reason to tell you anything." Kashitaro Itou: "... For now, until the suspicion surrounding him has been cleared or the culprit is found, is it alright to suggest that Okita should be placed in confinement?" Toshizo Hijikata: "Hold on, Itou. Why are you telling Souji to lay low?” “Do you think that you can violate the rules by putting him under suspicion without any proof?” Hijikata and Itou face each other head-on. It is just as Hijikata said, there is no evidence at the moment. If Okita were to be put in confinement, he might go out of control. A strangely tense silence followed for a while. But eventually… Kashitaro Itou: “… Indeed, it’s not very civil to put him under suspicion without evidence.” “Then, how about asking him to refrain from going out for a while?” Toshizo Hijikata: "... How about it, Souji? Any objections?" Souji Okita: "Fine, whatever." Kashitaro Itou: "Thank you. I appreciate your cooperation." "Well then, let's organize an investigation team to look for the culprit. For Okita's sake as well." Souji Okita: “… Go ahead, do whatever you want.” Kashitaro Itou: "Good luck everyone. Let's go, Saburo." Saburo Miki: "Haha, I'm looking forward to how long we can keep playing good friends." Itou and Miki then left the room. After hearing no more footsteps, Nagakura spoke up. Shinpachi Nagakura: "... Jeez, we can't even let our guard down for a second." "If it goes on like this, Souji will be made out to be the one behind Tani's murder." Toshizo Hijikata: "... You’re right. I guess we just have to find the culprit before that happens." Souji Okita: "We’re done here, right? I’ll be going then." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Hey, Souji, wait!" Nagakura panicked and followed after Okita. It feels like a bad idea to leave Okita alone… Chizuru Yukimura: "I'll go too!" -After bowing to Hijikata, I also hurried after Okita. ~NEXT SCENE~ When I returned to the common room, there was– Hachiro Iba: "Ah…! Okita, Shinpachi, and Chizuru." “Did Toshi tell you something? How did it go?” Iba asks with a concerned look on his face. Souji Okita: “...... Damn.” With a defiant gesture, Okita stepped hard on the wooden floor. Shinpachi Nagakura: “… It seems that we don’t just have to keep an eye out for the culprit, but also for Itou’s movements.” Hachiro Iba: "What do you mean by that…?" Heisuke Toudou: "What’s up? Did something happen?" Nagakura explained to everyone who had gathered what had happened. Hachiro Iba: "... I see. So that's what happened." "I’ll assist in any way that I can. Just say the word." Chizuru Yukimura: "... Thanks, Iba." Hachiro Iba: "It's times like these that we have to work together." "First of all, let's see if Tani really visited Gion on the day he died." “I know several shops we could ask for information.” Heisuke Toudou: "You know several shops… Hachiro, you’ve been to Kagai?" Sanosuke Harada: "Who knew, you're always so serious, but it seems even you go out to enjoy yourself." Hachiro Iba: "No... it’s not like that! It's entertainment! I've only been there a few times for entertainment!" Sanosuke Harada: "My bad. Well then, I’ll go and question the members of the 7th program." Heisuke Toudou: "I'll help out too!" Hajime Saito: "After this, I plan to go on patrol." "I’ll ask the residents near Yasaka Shrine if they know anything." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Souji, you'll be staying here. Please try to stay out of trouble." Souji Okita: "Well, we’ll see about that." Hajime Saito: “Souji…” Souji Okita: "I got it. You guys just can’t take a joke." Before long, everyone got ready and left the room. During that time, Nagakura walked up to me… Shinpachi Nagakura: "... Chizuru. Please keep an eye on Souji." Chizuru Yukimura: "I will." After hearing my answer, Nagakura nodded and left as well. Souji Okita: "... Hey, did Shinpachi tell you to keep an eye on me?" Chizuru Yukimura: "H-huh? No, h-he didn’t..." Souji Okita: "You don't have to lie. You're a pretty terrible liar, you know." Chizuru Yukimura: “......” Souji Okita: "It seems that Itou is going to do as he pleases, as usual..." "I'm going to stay at the base today, so don’t worry." "... I don't want to cause any trouble for Kondo." Chizuru Yukimura: “......” Souji Okita: "Anyway, you're good at keeping an eye out, so just go do some of your tasks." Chizuru Yukimura: "...... Alright." Okita seems to want to be alone… I respected his feelings and decided to do something else. ~NEXT SCENE~ Chizuru Yukimura: “... That should do it.” After that, when I consulted Inoue… He asked me to air out the spring kimonos that had been stored away. When I change clothes like this, I realize that the season has changed. Well, I think this should be fine… I should ask Inoue if there's anything else I can help with. Just then. Saburo Miki: "... Ah. So this is where you were." Chizuru Yukimura: “Miki…” After what happened earlier, I can't help but tense up a little. Saburo Miki: "Well, this is perfect. I got something I wanna ask you." Chizuru Yukimura: "... What is it?" Saburo Miki: "Did you really see Okita yesterday? You’re not just tryna cover for him?" Chizuru Yukimura: “… It’s just as I said earlier, I really did see him.” Saburo Miki: "Don’t give me that crap." "Okita had a grudge against Tani and had plenty of motives. Who besides him could it possibly be? ” Chizuru Yukimura: "I’m sorry, but I've got something to do." Just as I tried to leave the conversation… Mikki moved to block my way. Saburo Miki: "Hold it. We’re not done here yet." Chizuru Yukimura: "But there's nothing more I can tell you." Saburo Miki: "... I didn’t want to just talk about Okita." "Hey, just who the hell are you?" Chizuru Yukimura: “What do you mean…?” Saburo Miki: "I heard you're here to look for someone." "But... if you're just looking for someone, you don't need to go out of your way to live here, right? You're not even a real member." Chizuru Yukimura: “......” Saburo Miki: "You’re hiding something, aren’t ya? Or are you in on something?" Chizuru Yukimura: “Ah, please let me through…!” Saburo Miki: "If you answer the question properly, I'll let ya through. So hurry up and—" Souji Okita: "Hey, what are you doing there?" “Aren’t you guys getting a little too carried away these days?” Chizuru Yukimura: “Okita!” Saburo Miki: "... You. Just mind your own damn business." Souji Okita: "Sorry, but that’s not happening. Now get away from the kid." Saburo Miki: "There's no reason why I should obey your orders." "I doubt that you're even qualified to be an executive right now." Souji Okita: "... You guys are the only ones who think that way." Saburo Miki: "Who else would get more out of killing Tani than you?" "You didn't like that Tani's younger brother Shuhei was going to be Kondo's successor, right?" Souji Okita: "... It's not like that." Saburo Miki: "Well, I get how you’re feeling. Even though Kondo loves you that much." "It's like you were told that you’re not qualified to be his successor." "How unexpectedly heartless of Kondo. Hahahaha." Souji Okita: “...!” Miki said with a sneer and then proceeded to walk off. Okita tries to chase after him. However, I hurriedly stopped Okita. Chizuru Yukimura: "No Okita, don’t!" Souji Okita: “Shut up, let me go!” "I get it… I really do" "I know he’s trying to make me draw my sword." "Well then, I'll be happy to grant his wish. I’ll take Itou and the others down too." Chizuru Yukimura: "Calm down! Don't let him provoke you!" I'm sure Okita put up with being ridiculed. However— Sinds it was Kondo who was ridiculed and insulted, he must be absolutely furious. Chizuru Yukimura: "This is a trap! If I pull out your sword, there's no going back!" Souji Okita: “I don’t care! Let me go!” He violently shook off my arms. And I… Keep holding on. Call for help.

  • Chapter 1: Leave before it gets too dangerous.

    Check out the translated video! I’ll… Collect a little more information. Leave before it gets too dangerous. I would like to find out more about Tani's death and what Itou and the others were doing last night… But if you stay too long, they might notice who I really am. Chizuru Yukimura: "...I would love to listen to more of your stories, gentleman." “However it's about time for me to move on to the next room.'' Saburo Miki: “What, are you leaving already?” Chizuru Yukimura: "My apologies. Please feel free to call for me again." Kashitaro Itou: "You don’t have to worry about it, darling. Please give my regards to the store." Chizuru Yukimura: "Have a lovely evening." After bowing, I left the room. Chizuru Yukimura: “Phew…” It seems like I somehow managed to go unnoticed. I have to tell Iba and Saito what I heard in the parlor. Just then. Hachiro Iba: "...Chizuru, over here, this way." -Iba takes me to the room next to the one where Itou and Miki were staying. Hachiro Iba: "Are you alright?" “Itou and the others didn’t do anything to you, did they…?” Chizuru Yukimura: "No, I'm fine. They didn't even notice who I was." Hachiro Iba: "I see, that's good..." "I was starting to worry since you were staying in the parlor for quite some time." “If you had stayed gone any longer than you had, I would have stormed in to get you.” Chizuru Yukimura: "Surely you’re exaggerating..." Hachiro Iba: “I’m not exaggerating!” “You know what kind of this place is, right?” Chizuru Yukimura: “I’ve been in Kyoto for a while now, so I kind of get the gist of it.” "People who come to Shimabara and Gion go there to be entertained by geisha and watch them perform..." Hachiro Iba: "That's only how things appear on the surface, however..." “There are a lot of bad men who go to these places and pretend to be drunk and act in a lewd manner.'' Chizuru Yukimura: “I-I’m sorry, had no idea…!” Hachiro Iba: "No, I didn't intend to scold you." "I just wanted to make sure that you were aware of the dangers and be more careful from now on." Chizuru Yukimura: "I see…" Iba seemed to be very worried about me. I feel kind of guilty… Chizuru Yukimura: "...In any case, I learned a lot of useful information." “Shall we go back to the compound and report to Hijikata?” Hachiro Iba: "Yes, of course. But…" Chizuru Yukimura: "Is something the matter?" Hachiro Iba: “…Well, it’s just that when we return, you have to change back into your usual kimono, right?” Chizuru Yukimura: "Of course. I can't go back to the compounds dressed like this." Hachiro Iba: "Ah, that’s right... you do have a point. It’s a bit unfortunate, but I guess it can't be helped..." Chizuru Yukimura: “Iba?” Hachiro Iba: "Oh no, it's nothing." “In any case, I'll talk to Saito. Please change your clothes in the meantime." Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes, thank you." ~NEXT SCENE~ By the time we had returned, the sun had already set. Toshizo Hijikata: "Good work you three. Please report what you found out." Shinpachi Nagakura: "I gotta ask... but why are we listenin’ to their report out here?" Toshizo Hijikata: “We don’t know who might be listening inside the compounds.” Shinpachi Nagakura: "I don't get it. Why do we have to sneak around like a bunch of criminals?" Sanosuke Harada: “It can’t be helped since the suspicions still remain unresolved.” Toshizo Hijikata: "Harada is right." "...So, Hachiro, how did it go? Did you find out anything?" Hachiro Iba: "Yes. On the day that Tani died, he was out drinking with Itou in Gion." Shinpachi Nagakura: "For real!? So does that mean that Itou’s faction was behind it all?" Souji Okita: "Even though they were treating us as the culprits, they were acting way more suspiciously." Hachiro Iba: “…However, let me share my personal thoughts.” "I don't think it was Itou and the others who killed Tani." Souji Okita: "...Whaddya mean? Are you trying to cover for those guys?" Hajime Saito: "That's not the case. What Hachiro means is that Itou and the others have no reason to kill Tani." Souji Okita: “But if you dig a little deeper, you might find their motives, right?” Shinpachi Nagakura: "That's right. After drinking with Tani, where and what were Itou and his party doing?" Hachiro Iba: "The men themselves said that they headed straight back to the base..." Souji Okita: "They may have returned to the base after killing him." "If we investigate and my guess is right, it will mean that Itou and others are the culprits, right? So let’s—" Toshizo Hijikata: "Hold it. We are prohibited from investigating any further movements of the Itou faction." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Huh!? What do you mean?" Toshizo Hijikata: "...Itou is currently a member of the Shinsengumi." "If you treat someone as a criminal even though there is no clear evidence, the other will also rebel." Hachiro Iba: “I agree with Toshi.” “If the rift between you and the Itou faction deepens any further...” "Sooner or later, the Shinsengumi could end up in a situation where it collapses." Souji Okita: "...Is this an adult solution? I don't get it." Toshizo Hijikata: "In order to keep the Shinsengumi from falling apart, we have no other choice." Souji Okita: "...I understand." “I hope the day when those people will no longer be around will come soon.” After saying this in an unconvinced manner, Okita walks off. Toshizo Hijikata: "Right, I'll take care of the rest. You guys just go about your day as usual." Sanosuke Harada: "You got it." Shinpachi Nagakura: "It's not the ending I hoped for, but… well, guess it can't be helped." After sharing some of his true feelings, Nagakura and the others walk away. When there was no one left in the area, Iba spoke up with a cautious attitude. Hachiro Iba: "...Toshi, do you perhaps know who killed Tani?" Toshizo Hijikata: "...Who knows. I have no idea." Hachiro Iba: "Is that so…" Toshizo Hijikata: "By the way, Hachiro, I got a favor to ask of you." Hachiro Iba: "What is it?" Toshizo Hijikata: “Could you please arrange a meeting with Itou and his faction?” “They don’t seem to have their guards up against you.'' Hachiro Iba: "Alright. I'll take care of it." Toshizo Hijikata: "Thanks for the help." Hachiro Iba: “…I think titles and positions have nothing to do with a person’s worth.” "But they’re certainly useful in times like this." Toshizo Hijikata: "...Just to be safe, Yukimura, please join us during the meeting with Itou and the others." Chizuru Yukimura: "...Okay." A meeting with Itou and others… I wonder how it will turn out. I hope that the confusion that has been going on since Tani passed away will subside even a little. ~NEXT SCENE~ Then, later that night. Hachiro Iba: “Excuse me…” –After hearing the voice, the shoji door opened. Hachiro Iba: "This way please, Itou, Miki." Kashitaro Itou: “I heard that you have something to discuss with us, what is it?” Saburo Miki: "My Division is on patrol duty tomorrow. So please keep it short." Toshizo Hijikata: "...Yes, I’m aware. This won’t take too long." Kashitaro Itou: “Are Saito and Yukimura also going to be present for this?” Toshizo Hijikata: "Yes. Yukimura is here as my page and I asked Saito here to confirm that there are no mistakes in the facts." Saburo Miki: “What facts?” Toshizo Hijikata: "...Itou, I heard you were in Gion the night Tani died." “Tani was probably also with you… but what is the truth?” A suffocating tension filled the room. Itou stared back at Hijikata with a blank look on his face, but eventually… Kashitaro Itou: "...Since it's you, Hijikata, I'm sure you've already figured it out." "Yes, it's true. I had a drink with Tani that night." Saburo Miki: "Brother—!” Kashitaro Itou: "...I guess you think we got Tani drunk and killed him on the way home." “We weren’t the ones who killed Tani…  It’s the honest truth.” “Or are you planning on forcing us to become criminals and commit seppuku?” -Itou glared at Hijikata with a gaze filled with spirit. Toshizo Hijikata: “...*sigh*" Hijikata also looks directly into Itou's gaze. Even though neither of them had even touched their swords. There was a murderous tension in the air as if we were in the middle of a battle. Toshizo Hijikata: “…Calm down. I don't think you guys were behind it." Hachiro Iba: “Indeed. I share the same opinion on the matter as Toshi." "Certainly, Tani was causing problems and put himself in a delicate position." “However Kondo, Toshi, and of course you as well Itou—” “have no real motive to kill Tani in such a manner.” “I think the act was probably the work of someone outside the Shinsengumi and not someone from within.'' Kashitaro Itou: "...So with this, I can assume that Hijikata has the same thoughts on the matter as Iba?" Toshizo Hijikata: "That's right." When Itou heard Hijikata's reply, his expression relaxed, as if relieved. Kashitaro Itou: “...If that's the case, I’m willing to listen.'' Saburo Miki: "Are you sure about this, brother!?" Kashitaro Itou: "If we as senior members fight each other, it will only cause chaos within the unit." "I'm sure that this will also be a relief for Okita." Toshizo Hijikata: "...The cause of Tani's death will be dismissed as unknown." Kashitaro Itou: "That would be wise." "What if it gets out that a Shinsengumi executive is killed by someone and we can't even find out who the culprit is and take revenge–" “We would be looked down upon by the shogunate, the Aizu clan, and of course the Fudan Ronin.” Toshizo Hijikata: "...I don't think that’ll happen now." Kashitaro Itou: "Thank you for your consideration, Commander Hijikata. I look forward to your continued support." "Then let's be off, Saburo." Saburo Miki: “‘Kay…” Miki didn't seem satisfied with this result… And so the two of them left the hall. Eventually, I could no longer hear their footsteps on the other side of the shoji door. Hachiro Iba: "...Toshi, are you satisfied with this?" Toshizo Hijikata: "Yeah, it’s the best solution. For the Shinsengumi, for us...maybe even for Itou.” "Hachiro, and Yukimura." Hachiro Iba: “Yes?” Hearing my name suddenly being called, I felt a bad feeling spread through my chest. Toshizo Hijikata: "...You too, from now on, stay away from the matter surrounding Tani. Don't get any further involved." Hachiro Iba: “...!” Iba stiffens at Hijikata’s sudden warning. However… Hachiro Iba: "...Alright, I understand." “It’s an unsatisfying conclusion, but… I guess we shouldn’t pry any further.” Toshizo Hijikata: "...That's just how it is" "Saito, please take Yukimura back to her room." Hajime Saito: “Understood.” Hachiro Iba: "Wait, I'll go too." Chizuru Yukimura: "Well then, I’ll take my leave." After bowing in front of the shoji door, we left the room. And I'm about to go back to my room. Hachiro Iba: "...I'm sorry for dragging you into this, Chizuru." Chizuru Yukimura: "Oh no, don’t worry about it..." Long before this incident happened, I had been involved in the behind-the-scenes affairs of the Shinsengumi. It was as if I had been drawn into a bottomless pit with no way to emerge. Hajime Saito: "...This is what it means to be part of the Shinsengumi." “You guys should remember that too.” It was a calm, cold warning. Hajime Saito: "Hachiro, I’ll guide you back to your inn." Hachiro Iba: "No, I’ll go on my own..." Chizuru Yukimura: "Please go with Saito, Iba. The capital is dangerous at night." Hachiro Iba: “Chizuru…” "...Alright. Well then, Saito, if you would mind?" Hajime Saito: “Of course.” Hachiro Iba: "...Alright, good night, Chizuru." Chizuru Yukimura: “Yes, good night.” The two of them turned their backs and started walking. I returned to my room and prepared my futon. However, even after lying down on the cool futon… Today’s events kept flashing through my mind, making it difficult for me to fall asleep. Tani's death… And how I, once again, glimpsed the deep darkness surrounding the Shinsengumi. I instinctively feel that it is becoming increasingly impossible to turn back. But still… Hijikata, Okita, Saito, and the other warriors... I'm sure no one is complicit in the Shinsengumi's dark side just because they like it. To keep the Shinsengumi standing... and to maintain the delicate balance between the factions, they have no choice but to do this. This incident made me realize this once again. ~NEXT SCENE~ And so, a few days later. Shinpachi Nagakura: "Men, I'm glad it's sunny! The only time you get to drink during the middle of the day is during cherry blossom season!" Hajime Saito: "You guys seem to be drinking all the time despite the time of day." Shinpachi Nagakura: “But I've always been so stealthy about it!” Heisuke Toudou: “Anyways… Did something go wrong with the preparations?” "Even though we get to hold a cherry blossom viewing, it doesn’t feel the same considering we have to hold it inside of the base!" Shinpachi Nagakura: "Well, yeah, there isn’t much we could do about that... things were a bit complicated." According to Nagakura— It seems that they were originally planning to hold the cherry blossom viewing at Shosei-en, which is next to the base. But perhaps because of the Shinsengumi reputation, it seems that the other party was not willing to give them permission. It seems that there is no choice but to hold the flower viewing at the base. Hachiro Iba: “Well, we still get to enjoy the alcohol here, so don’t blame Shinpachi too much…” Souji Okita: “You probably get invited to a lot of cherry blossom viewings back in Edo, don’t ya.” "There would likely be a lot of women hanging around you, right?" Chizuru Yukimura: “Huh?” Hachiro Iba: “Okita! Please stop making such misleading remarks!" "Okita is just joking around, Chizuru. So please don't take him seriously." Chizuru Yukimura: “A-Alright…” “Come to think of it, I haven’t seen Itou and the others.” Heisuke Toudou: “I tried to invite him, but he turned me down because he had plans for a poetry party.” Souji Okita: "Well, even if they were to come, they’d only spoil the mood." Genzaburou Inoue: “Well then, now that everyone is here, let’s get started.” Shinpachi Nagakura: "Well then, to express my gratitude, please lend me a hand, everyone!" As Nagakura cheerfully started the Ippon-jime– Heisuke Toudou: "Oh, that looks good! And this one as well!" Genzaburou Inoue: "There is plenty to go around, so there’s no need to rush." Chizuru Yukimura: "Um, Heisuke. Nagakura hasn’t finished the Ippon-jime yet..." Heisuke Toudou: "Ah, it’s fine. Let's let Shin do it by himself." "This is not some fancy banquet, we’re just holding a cherry blossom viewing." "And they say I can’t read the room…" Shinpachi Nagakura: "Hold it right there! You gotta do the Ippon-jime first!!" Hachiro Iba: “By any chance, did you make these dishes, Chizuru?” Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes. I prepared them together with Inoue and Yamazaki…" Hachiro Iba: "Is that so... I’ll savor these then." Souji Okita: “It looks like Iba would be happy to eat even the roots of the tree if it was a dish prepared by this kid.” Hachiro Iba: "What are you saying…!" “In any case, she wouldn’t serve things like tree roots in the first place.” Souji Okita: "That sounds interesting, so why don't you try making it next time, Chizuru? Chizuru Yukimura: "I can't do that!" “Besides, Iba helped you out a lot this time, didn’t he?” Souji Okita: “… Come to think of it, it was thanks to Iba that my suspicions were cleared this time.” “Alright, I guess I should thank you. … Thanks.” Chizuru Yukimura: "Okita, when you say it like that..." Hachiro Iba: "Sorry Okita, but I couldn’t quite hear you." "Didn't they teach you to express your gratitude clearly when thanking someone?" Souji Okita: "... I take it back" “You really are such a nice guy, aren’t you Iba?” Hachiro Iba: "I'm honored to receive such a compliment." Shinpachi Nagakura: "... What's up with everyone? Why are y'all giving me a hard time?" Sanosuke Harada: "Stop complainin’ and just enjoy your drink. It's Hijikata's treat, isn't it?" Harada pours sake into the cup in Nagakura's hand. Shinpachi Nagakura: "Well, you're right, but… you could’ve at least let me finish..." Heisuke Toudou: “By the way Sano, you seem to be drinking a lot less than usual." “… You cared about Tani, didn’t you?” Sanosuke Harada: “… The life and death of a person depends on the luck of the moment, and it can’t be helped.” “Anyway, Tani was a fan of lively things.” "So let's drink and make merry, and send our liveliness his way." Heisuke Toudou: "... Yeah" As the warriors were talking… Isami Kondo: "Oh, it seems that everyone already has started drinking." "A lot has happened, but today I want you to enjoy the alcohol and remember those who have passed." Souji Okita: "Kondo, you’re here! This spot is empty, so please have a seat." Isami Kondo: "Thank you, Souji." ~Picture~ Shinpachi Nagakura: "Alright Saito, let's hold a drinking competition! No holding back, a serious drinking match!" Hajime Saito: "Since we got permission from the chief, I’ll accept your challenge.” Hachiro Iba: "Well then, I will be the referee." "Whenever you’re ready, you two." Heisuke Toudou: "... Hey Sano. If I'm not mistaken, wasn't Hajime an extreme heavyweight?" Sanosuke Harada: "Well, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him drunk." Toshizo Hijikata: "You guys, make sure this doesn't affect your duties tomorrow." Isami Kondo: "It's fine, let them be. You should let loose a little as well." After saying that, Kondo looked at the scenery of the party with a slightly lonely look in his eyes. Isami Kondo: “… Usually Tani would be here, too.” Toshizo Hijikata: “......” Isami Kondo: "It's a pity that an old member is no longer with us..." "This may be something we just have to overcome." Toshizo Hijikata: "... He might be better off just because he has someone to see him off like this." "Even we don't know when and where we will die." -While gazing at the cherry blossom petals floating through the wind… -Hijikata and the others narrowed their eyes a little sadly. ~Picture~ Shinpachi Nagakura: "Haa...! No, I can't, my eyes are spinning...!" Hajime Saito: "You're getting sloppy, Shinpachi. Are you ready to surrender?" Shinpachi Nagakura: "Are you some kind of monster? You've been drinking that much, but you look totally fine..." Hachiro Iba: “Then, should I declare Saito the winner?” Shinpachi Nagakura: "N-No, not yet! I haven't lost yet!" Hachiro Iba: "As expected of you, Shinpachi. I must emulate that fighting spirit of yours.” Shinpachi Nagakura: "For the time being, let me take a short break. The real match will be after that..." Hachiro Iba: "Alright, let’s take a short break. But please don't push yourself too much." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Okay. After I’ve rested a little, things will get serious! So prepare yourself!" Hajime Saito: "Of course." And that’s how our spring of 1866 came to pass. ~END~

  • Chapter 1: Collect a little more information.

    Check out the translated video! I’ll… Collect a little more information. Leave before it gets too dangerous. ...Let's stay a little longer and ask for more details. Chizuru Yukimura: “By the way, Mister Itou, Mister Miki…” Saburo Miki: “......” Chizuru Yukimura: "I-Is something the matter? You’re staring quite intensely..." Saburo Miki: “Hey, have we met somewhere before?” Chizuru Yukimura: “Huh…?” Oh no. I have to think of something. Chizuru Yukimura: "Well, now? I don't think we have." “If I’d ever met someone as notable as you, I don't think I'd forget.'' I try to cover it up by turning my head away and smiling amiably, but… Saburo Miki: "No, I’ve definitely seen you somewhere before. Where did we meet?" Chizuru Yukimura: “Ah!” He grabbed my chin and forced me to face him. Kashitaro Itou: “Hey, Saburo, stop being so violent...!” Just as Itou chided him. I hear the sound of the sliding door opening, and someone enters the parlor. Standing there was… Hachiro Iba: “Ah, it really is you, Itou.” Chizuru Yukimura: “...!” Hachiro Iba: “I thought I heard a familiar voice.'' Kashitaro Itou: "Oh, Iba." Hachiro Iba: "What a strange coincidence meeting you in a place like this." “Do you come to this store often?” Saburo Miki: "Well… kinda, to a certain extent." Hachiro Iba: "Is that so? I had no idea." "Um, I'm sorry to bother you, but..." "...I'm actually a regular of this girl." Kashitaro Itou: “Oh, is that so?” Hachiro Iba: "I initially didn't plan on coming here today, but..." “I wanted to see her at least once, so I hurried to finish my errand.'' “However, I was about to give up when I heard that she was already entertaining other customers.” “But when I realized that you were the owner of the voice from the parlor she was working in…” “I came here to request her.” “...If you wouldn’t mind, that is.” Iba asked me for my consent in a calm tone. Chizuru Yukimura: “Of course…” “I had no idea you would be coming today.” Miki looked aghast when he saw our exchange. Saburo Miki: "...What, you’re a regular there? What a surprise." Hachiro Iba: “I apologize for acting so rashly.” "It’s just that it's been a long time since I came to Kyoto and visited her." ...As expected of Iba. His actions did not seem to upset them in the slightest. I guess he is trained by interacting with the Shogun's retainers on a daily basis. Hachiro Iba: “…Now that I think about it, this store is close to where Tani died.” “Perhaps he went out drinking around here last night.” “Do you maybe know anything, Itou?” - The moment Tani's name was mentioned, Itou and Miki exchanged an awkward glance. Kashitaro Itou: "...My apologies. I just remembered something I need to take care of, so we'll excuse ourselves." Hachiro Iba: “Oh, you’re leaving already?” Saburo Miki: "That's right. Hey, please call for one of the staff." Chizuru Yukimura: “O-Of course, right away.” After that, Itou and Miki quickly finished the payment. And disappeared from the store as if they were running away. Just then… Hajime Saito: "Itou and Miki just left the store..." “Were you able to discover anything?” Hachiro Iba: "Saito! You've come right on time. Actually..." Iba and I explained what happened earlier in this parlor. Hajime Saito: "...I see" “So Tani came to this store with Itou just before he died?” Hachiro Iba: "Yes, that's right." "We have to let Toshi and the others know about this as soon as possible." Hajime Saito: “I will take care of reporting to the Commander.” “You guys should spend some more time here before returning to the base.” Hachiro Iba: “Indeed, if I return to the base immediately, Itou and the others will probably get suspicious.'' Hajime Saito: "That's right. Hachiro, please take care of Yukimura." Hachiro Iba: "Yes, leave it to me. As long as I'm with her, I won't let any harm come to her." Hajime Saito: "Alright. Well, I’ll see you later." Saito disappeared out of the room. Hachiro Iba: "...We’re going to get in the way of cleaning up, so let's go to the other  room." Chizuru Yukimura: "Ah... okay!" ~NEXT SCENE~ Apparently, Iba was staking out in the room next to Itou’s. Chizuru Yukimura: “I guess you were monitoring the situation in the parlor over there from here.” Hachiro Iba: "Yes, from here, no matter what happens, I could rush to you immediately." Chizuru Yukimura: "I was so focused on the situation at hand that I didn't notice it at all." Hachiro Iba: “You must have been quite nervous.” "...To be honest, I was really nervous as well." Chizuru Yukimura: "Eh? Why..." Hachiro Iba: “If something were to happen to you, I don’t know how I’d ever face Toshi and the others.” "No, even without them..." After saying that, Iba looks at me with a serious look. Hachiro Iba: "If something were to happen to you, I..." "I would never be able to forgive myself." Chizuru Yukimura: “...” Iba's eyes were so serious and direct… Just staring back at him makes me uncomfortable. Chizuru Yukimura: "Is that because you're worried that I’d fail?" Hachiro Iba: "No, that's not it." “You are a very intelligent person, and I don't think you would make any irreversible mistakes.'' "But… despite knowing that  it can’t be helped, I can't forgive myself for letting you do something dangerous." His concern for me was painfully clear. That's why… Chizuru Yukimura: "...You told me that if you judged the situation to be too dangerous you would rush over immediately." “Thanks to your words, I was able to fulfill my role with peace of mind.” Iba's eyes widened as if he was in disbelief. Hachiro Iba: “Really?” "You really felt relieved that I was standing by your side...?" Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes, of course" Hachiro Iba: "...I see. You really believed in me..." "Thank you. I'm beyond happy to hear you say those words." Chizuru Yukimura: "Is that so..." His words seem to convey the joy in his heart… Which made me feel a little embarrassed. Hachiro Iba: “...Saito told me to kill some time here before going back to the base.” “So this is a great opportunity to take it easy.” Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes, but..." Hachiro Iba: "What is it?" Chizuru Yukimura: “What kind of things do you do at a tea shop?” "I've never been to a place like this before... so I don't know." Hachiro Iba: “While I was waiting in this room, I had sweets prepared for me.'' "So for now, let's relax and eat some sweets." Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes, let's do that." We decided to try the sweets that had been prepared for us. ~Picture~ Hachiro Iba: “Is this a cherry blossom Nerikiri?” “Kyoto sweets look really elaborate and cute, don’t you think?” Chizuru Yukimura: "Yeah. It almost feels like a waste to eat it." As I said this, I slowly take a sip of my tea. Drinking hot tea makes me feel relieved. Hachiro Iba: "...It feels kind of strange." “I can’t believe I’m alone with you like this.” Chizuru Yukimura: “Yeah, you’re right.” "I don't normally get to wear a kimono like this." Putting aside our childhood, ever since we met again in Kyoto… Whenever I meet Iba, I am always dressed as a boy. And right now, I look a little special. Hachiro Iba: "The kimono and that hairstyle… suit you very well." “When I think about how you ended up wearing that kimono, I feel reluctant to simply compliment you.” "Still… it truly suits you." When he looks at me with such clear eyes and gives me an honest compliment… I feel so embarrassed that I don't know what to do with myself. Chizuru Yukimura: "I-I guess it's because of the makeup and kimono." “Everyone at Yakata did a great job making it look beautiful.” Hachiro Iba: "...It's not just that. It's because they had a good canvas to work with." Chizuru Yukimura: “...” Hachiro Iba: “But today is the only time I get to see it.” "Thinking about it makes me feel a little sad..." Chizuru Yukimura: "...Well, of course, I can't dress like this back at the base." Hachiro Iba: "...You’re right." "I don't want to have more potential rivals either." “For now, I’ll think of it as a privilege that only I get.” Chizuru Yukimura: “Potential rivals…” He doesn’t mean that, does he? Though I get the feeling he's only half joking… Hachiro Iba: "...I hope someday you don't have to spend your time dressed as a man." “When that time comes, would you please show me your female form, just for me?” His straight gaze and words seem to pierce my heart. When I look into Iba's eyes, I can't lie about my feelings… Chizuru Yukimura: "...Yes. When the time comes, I'd love to." As I answered him, a smile spread across his face… Hachiro Iba: "...Thank you." "I'm looking forward to that day, Chizuru." Wearing a women's kimono and getting to spend time with Iba... I wonder if a moment like this will ever come again. These were the thoughts I had as I was intoxicated by the strange atmosphere, even though I didn't have a single drop of alcohol. ~NEXT SCENE~ By the time we had returned, the sun had already set. Toshizo Hijikata: "Good work you three. Please report what you found out." Shinpachi Nagakura: "I gotta ask... but why are we listenin’ to their report out here?" Toshizo Hijikata: “We don’t know who might be listening inside the compounds.” Shinpachi Nagakura: "I don't get it. Why do we have to sneak around like a bunch of criminals?" Sanosuke Harada: “It can’t be helped since the suspicions still remain unresolved.” Toshizo Hijikata: "Harada is right." "...So, Hachiro, how did it go? Did you find out anything?" Hachiro Iba: "Yes. On the day that Tani died, he was out drinking with Itou in Gion." Shinpachi Nagakura: "For real!? So does that mean that Itou’s faction was behind it all?" Souji Okita: "Even though they were treating us as the culprits, they were acting way more suspiciously." Hachiro Iba: “…However, let me share my personal thoughts.” "I don't think it was Itou and the others who killed Tani." Souji Okita: "...Whaddya mean? Are you trying to cover for those guys?" Hajime Saito: "That's not the case. What Hachiro means is that Itou and the others have no reason to kill Tani." Souji Okita: “But if you dig a little deeper, you might find their motives, right?” Shinpachi Nagakura: "That's right. After drinking with Tani, where and what were Itou and his party doing?" Hachiro Iba: "The men themselves said that they headed straight back to the base..." Souji Okita: "They may have returned to the base after killing him." "If we investigate and my guess is right, it will mean that Itou and others are the culprits, right? So let’s—" Toshizo Hijikata: "Hold it. We are prohibited from investigating any further movements of the Itou faction." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Huh!? What do you mean?" Toshizo Hijikata: "...Itou is currently a member of the Shinsengumi." "If you treat someone as a criminal even though there is no clear evidence, the other will also rebel." Hachiro Iba: “I agree with Toshi.” “If the rift between you and the Itou faction deepens any further...” "Sooner or later, the Shinsengumi could end up in a situation where it collapses." Souji Okita: "...Is this an adult solution? I don't get it." Toshizo Hijikata: "In order to keep the Shinsengumi from falling apart, we have no other choice." Souji Okita: "...I understand." “I hope the day when those people will no longer be around will come soon.” After saying this in an unconvinced manner, Okita walks off. Toshizo Hijikata: "Right, I'll take care of the rest. You guys just go about your day as usual." Sanosuke Harada: "You got it." Shinpachi Nagakura: "It's not the ending I hoped for, but… well, guess it can't be helped." After sharing some of his true feelings, Nagakura and the others walk away. When there was no one left in the area, Iba spoke up with a cautious attitude. Hachiro Iba: "...Toshi, do you perhaps know who killed Tani?" Toshizo Hijikata: "...Who knows. I have no idea." Hachiro Iba: "Is that so…" Toshizo Hijikata: "By the way, Hachiro, I got a favor to ask of you." Hachiro Iba: "What is it?" Toshizo Hijikata: “Could you please arrange a meeting with Itou and his faction?” “They don’t seem to have their guards up against you.'' Hachiro Iba: "Alright. I'll take care of it." Toshizo Hijikata: "Thanks for the help." Hachiro Iba: “…I think titles and positions have nothing to do with a person’s worth.” "But they’re certainly useful in times like this." Toshizo Hijikata: "...Just to be safe, Yukimura, please join us during the meeting with Itou and the others." Chizuru Yukimura: "...Okay." A meeting with Itou and others… I wonder how it will turn out. I hope that the confusion that has been going on since Tani passed away will subside even a little. ~NEXT SCENE~ Then, later that night. Hachiro Iba: “Excuse me…” –After hearing the voice, the shoji door opened. Hachiro Iba: "This way please, Itou, Miki." Kashitaro Itou: “I heard that you have something to discuss with us, what is it?” Saburo Miki: "My Division is on patrol duty tomorrow. So please keep it short." Toshizo Hijikata: "...Yes, I’m aware. This won’t take too long." Kashitaro Itou: “Are Saito and Yukimura also going to be present for this?” Toshizo Hijikata: "Yes. Yukimura is here as my page and I asked Saito here to confirm that there are no mistakes in the facts." Saburo Miki: “What facts?” Toshizo Hijikata: "...Itou, I heard you were in Gion the night Tani died." “Tani was probably also with you… but what is the truth?” A suffocating tension filled the room. Itou stared back at Hijikata with a blank look, but eventually… Kashitaro Itou: "...Since it's you, Hijikata, I'm sure you've already figured it out." "Yes, it's true. I had a drink with Tani that night." Saburo Miki: "Brother—!” Kashitaro Itou: "...I guess you think we got Tani drunk and killed him on the way home." “We weren’t the ones who killed Tani…  It’s the honest truth.” “Or are you planning on forcing us to become criminals and commit seppuku?” Itou glared at Hijikata with a gaze filled with spirit. Toshizo Hijikata: “...*sigh*" Hijikata also looks directly into Itou's gaze. Even though neither of them had even touched their swords. There was a murderous tension in the air as if we were in the middle of a battle. Toshizo Hijikata: “…Calm down. I don't think you guys were behind it." Hachiro Iba: “Indeed. I share the same opinion on the matter as Toshi." "Certainly, Tani was causing problems and put himself in a delicate position." “However Kondo, Toshi, and of course you as well Itou—” “have no real motive to kill Tani in such a manner.” “I think the act was probably the work of someone outside the Shinsengumi and not someone from within.'' Kashitaro Itou: "...So with this, I can assume that Hijikata has the same thoughts on the matter as Iba?" Toshizo Hijikata: "That's right." When Itou heard Hijikata's reply, his expression relaxed, as if relieved. Kashitaro Itou: “...If that's the case, I’m willing to listen.'' Saburo Miki: "Are you sure about this, brother!?" Kashitaro Itou: "If we as senior members fight each other, it will only cause chaos within the unit." "I'm sure that this will also be a relief for Okita." Toshizo Hijikata: "...The cause of Tani's death will be dismissed as unknown." Kashitaro Itou: "That would be wise." "What if it gets out that someone kills a Shinsengumi executive and we can't even find out who the culprit is and take revenge–" “We would be looked down upon by the shogunate, the Aizu clan, and of course the Fudan Ronin.” Toshizo Hijikata: "...I don't think that’ll happen now." Kashitaro Itou: "Thank you for your consideration, Commander Hijikata. I look forward to your continued support." "Then let's be off, Saburo." Saburo Miki: “‘Kay…” Miki didn't seem satisfied with this result… And so the two of them left the hall. Eventually, I could no longer hear their footsteps on the other side of the shoji door. Hachiro Iba: "...Toshi, are you satisfied with this?" Toshizo Hijikata: "Yeah, it’s the best solution. For the Shinsengumi, for us...maybe even for Itou.” "Hachiro, and Yukimura." Hachiro Iba: “Yes?” Hearing my name suddenly being called, I felt a bad feeling spread through my chest. Toshizo Hijikata: "...You too, from now on, stay away from the matter surrounding Tani. Don't get any further involved." Hachiro Iba: “...!” Iba stiffens at Hijikata’s sudden warning. However… Hachiro Iba: "...Alright, I understand." “It’s an unsatisfying conclusion, but… I guess we shouldn’t pry any further.” Toshizo Hijikata: "...That's just how it is." "Saito, please take Yukimura back to her room." Hajime Saito: “Understood.” Hachiro Iba: "Wait, I'll go too." Chizuru Yukimura: "Well then, I’ll take my leave." After bowing in front of the shoji door, we left the room. And I'm about to go back to my room. Hachiro Iba: "...I'm sorry for dragging you into this, Chizuru." Chizuru Yukimura: "Oh no, don’t worry about it..." Long before this incident happened, I had been involved in the behind-the-scenes affairs of the Shinsengumi. It was as if I had been drawn into a bottomless pit with no way to emerge. Hajime Saito: "...This is what it means to be part of the Shinsengumi." “You guys should remember that too.” It was a calm, cold warning. Hajime Saito: "Hachiro, I’ll guide you back to your inn." Hachiro Iba: "No, I’ll go on my own..." Chizuru Yukimura: "Please go with Saito, Iba. The capital is dangerous at night." Hachiro Iba: “Chizuru…” "...Alright. Well then, Saito, if you would mind?" Hajime Saito: “Of course.” Hachiro Iba: "...Alright, good night, Chizuru." Chizuru Yukimura: “Yes, good night.” The two of them turned their backs and started walking. I returned to my room and prepared my futon. However, even after lying down on the cool futon… Today’s events kept flashing through my mind, making it difficult for me to fall asleep. Tani's death… And how I, once again, glimpsed the deep darkness surrounding the Shinsengumi. I instinctively feel that it is becoming increasingly impossible to turn back. But still… Hijikata, Okita, Saito, and the other warriors... I'm sure no one is complicit in the Shinsengumi's dark side just because they like it. To keep the Shinsengumi standing... and to maintain the delicate balance between the factions, they have no choice but to do this. This incident made me realize this once again. ~NEXT SCENE~ And so, a few days later. Shinpachi Nagakura: "Men, I'm glad it's sunny! The only time you get to drink during the middle of the day is during cherry blossom season!" Hajime Saito: "You guys seem to be drinking all the time despite the time of day." Shinpachi Nagakura: “But I've always been so stealthy about it!” Heisuke Toudou: “Anyways… Did something go wrong with the preparations?” "Even though we get to hold a cherry blossom viewing, it doesn’t feel the same considering we have to hold it inside of the base!" Shinpachi Nagakura: "Well, yeah, there isn’t much we could do about that... things were a bit complicated." According to Nagakura— It seems that they were originally planning to hold the cherry blossom viewing at Shosei-en, which is next to the base. But perhaps because of the Shinsengumi reputation, it seems that the other party was not willing to give them permission. It seems that there is no choice but to hold the flower viewing at the base. Hachiro Iba: “Well, we still get to enjoy the alcohol here, so don’t blame Shinpachi too much…” Souji Okita: “You probably get invited to a lot of cherry blossom viewings back in Edo, don’t ya.” "There would likely be a lot of women hanging around you, right?" Chizuru Yukimura: “Huh?” Hachiro Iba: “Okita! Please stop making such misleading remarks!" "Okita is just joking around, Chizuru. So please don't take him seriously." Chizuru Yukimura: “A-Alright…” “Come to think of it, I haven’t seen Itou and the others.” Heisuke Toudou: “I tried to invite him, but he turned me down because he had plans for a poetry party.” Souji Okita: "Well, even if they were to come, they’d only spoil the mood." Genzaburou Inoue: “Well then, now that everyone is here, let’s get started.” Shinpachi Nagakura: "Well then, to express my gratitude, please lend me a hand, everyone!" As Nagakura cheerfully started the Ippon-jime– Heisuke Toudou: "Oh, that looks good! And this one as well!" Genzaburou Inoue: "There is plenty to go around, so there’s no need to rush." Chizuru Yukimura: "Um, Heisuke. Nagakura hasn’t finished the Ippon-jime yet..." Heisuke Toudou: "Ah, it’s fine. Let's let Shin do it by himself." "This is not some fancy banquet, we’re just holding a cherry blossom viewing." "And they say I can’t read the room…" Shinpachi Nagakura: "Hold it right there! You gotta do the Ippon-jime first!!" Hachiro Iba: “By any chance, did you make these dishes, Chizuru?” Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes. I prepared them together with Inoue and Yamazaki…" Hachiro Iba: "Is that so... I’ll savor these then." Souji Okita: “It looks like Iba would be happy to eat even the roots of the tree if it was a dish prepared by this kid.” Hachiro Iba: "What are you saying…!" “In any case, she wouldn’t serve things like tree roots in the first place.” Souji Okita: "That sounds interesting, so why don't you try making it next time, Chizuru? Chizuru Yukimura: "I can't do that!" “Besides, Iba helped you out a lot this time, didn’t he?” Souji Okita: “… Come to think of it, it was thanks to Iba that my suspicions were cleared this time.” “Alright, I guess I should thank you. … Thanks.” Chizuru Yukimura: "Okita, when you say it like that..." Hachiro Iba: "Sorry Okita, but I couldn’t quite hear you." "Didn't they teach you to express your gratitude clearly when thanking someone?" Souji Okita: "... I take it back" “You really are such a nice guy, aren’t you Iba?” Hachiro Iba: "I'm honored to receive such a compliment." Shinpachi Nagakura: "... What's up with everyone? Why are y'all giving me a hard time?" Sanosuke Harada: "Stop complainin’ and just enjoy your drink. It's Hijikata's treat, isn't it?" Harada pours sake into the cup in Nagakura's hand. Shinpachi Nagakura: "Well, you're right, but… you could’ve at least let me finish..." Heisuke Toudou: “By the way Sano, you seem to be drinking a lot less than usual." “… You cared about Tani, didn’t you?” Sanosuke Harada: “… The life and death of a person depends on the luck of the moment, and it can’t be helped.” “Anyway, Tani was a fan of lively things.” "So let's drink and make merry, and send our liveliness his way." Heisuke Toudou: "... Yeah" As the warriors were talking… Isami Kondo: "Oh, it seems that everyone already has started drinking." "A lot has happened, but today I want you to enjoy the alcohol and remember those who have passed." Souji Okita: "Kondo, you’re here! This spot is empty, so please have a seat." Isami Kondo: "Thank you, Souji." ~Picture~ Shinpachi Nagakura: "Alright Saito, let's hold a drinking competition! No holding back, a serious drinking match!" Hajime Saito: "Since we got permission from the chief, I’ll accept your challenge.” Hachiro Iba: "Well then, I will be the referee." "Whenever you’re ready, you two." Heisuke Toudou: "... Hey Sano. If I'm not mistaken, wasn't Hajime an extreme heavyweight?" Sanosuke Harada: "Well, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him drunk." Toshizo Hijikata: "You guys, make sure this doesn't affect your duties tomorrow." Isami Kondo: "It's fine, let them be. You should let loose a little as well." After saying that, Kondo looked at the scenery of the party with a slightly lonely look in his eyes. Isami Kondo: “… Usually Tani would be here, too.” Toshizo Hijikata: “......” Isami Kondo: "It's a pity that an old member is no longer with us..." "This may be something we just have to overcome." Toshizo Hijikata: "... He might be better off just because he has someone to see him off like this." "Even we don't know when and where we will die." While gazing at the cherry blossom petals floating through the wind… Hijikata and the others narrowed their eyes a little sadly. ~Picture~ Shinpachi Nagakura: "Haa...! No, I can't, my eyes are spinning...!" Hajime Saito: "You're getting sloppy, Shinpachi. Are you ready to surrender?" Shinpachi Nagakura: "Are you some kind of monster? You've been drinking that much, but you look totally fine..." Hachiro Iba: “Then, should I declare Saito the winner?” Shinpachi Nagakura: "N-No, not yet! I haven't lost yet!" Hachiro Iba: "As expected of you, Shinpachi. I must emulate that fighting spirit of yours.” Shinpachi Nagakura: "For the time being, let me take a short break. The real match will be after that..." Hachiro Iba: "Alright, let’s take a short break. But please don't push yourself too much." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Okay. After I’ve rested a little, things will get serious! So prepare yourself!" Hajime Saito: "Of course." And that’s how our spring of 1866 came to pass. ~NEXT SCENE~ It had been about an hour since the party started… But the party showed no signs of ending. Sinds Tani just passed away… Everyone may be feeling hesitant about returning to their daily lives after the party is over. Halfway through, we ran out of snacks… So I went back to the kitchen and decided to make some more snacks. Chizuru Yukimura: "Sorry to have kept you waiting. I brought some extra snacks." Hajime Saito: "You’ve been working hard, Yukimura." Saito himself seems to be unfazed after the match, as for Nagakura however… Chizuru Yukimura: "Are you okay, Nagakura?" Shinpachi Nagakura: "Ugh... it's no good. I can't drink it anymore..." Chizuru Yukimura: “I brought you a cold towel, so please use it to cool your neck.” Sanosuke Harada: "Leave him be. It’s his own fault for drinking such an unreasonable amount in a short time." Chizuru Yukimura: “Still, I can’t just leave him like this.” “...Huh?” Heisuke Toudou: “What’s wrong?” Chizuru Yukimura: "...Did Iba go home already? I don’t see him anywhere." Heisuke Toudou: "He was around here just a minute ago." Souji Okita: "Iba wouldn't just leave without saying goodbye." Sanosuke Harada: "Maybe he's taking a walk around the neighborhood to sober up? He'll probably be back soon." Chizuru Yukimura: “...” It's true that Iba isn't the type of person who would just quietly go back to the inn without saying goodbye to the others, but still… Chizuru Yukimura: “...I'll go look for him.'' ~NEXT SCENE~ After that, I aimlessly searched around the temple grounds... Eventually, I found Iba staring at a cherry blossom tree. Chizuru Yukimura: “Iba.” When I call out to him, he slowly turns around. Chizuru Yukimura: "You suddenly disappeared, so I thought you had already gone home." "Um... so what are you doing here?" But he remained silent, as he was staring at me. ...Did something happen? As my mind started to wander, he finally spoke up. Hachiro Iba: "...Chizuru. If it's okay with you–" "Would you like to return to Edo with me?" His sudden words catch me off guard… I stood frozen as if struck by lightning. Hachiro Iba: "If you're staying in Kyoto to look for Kodo–" “I will also contact the shogunate and ask them to search for his whereabouts.” Chizuru Yukimura: “...” Hachiro Iba: "...I'm well aware that what I’m saying is something intrusive." "The Shinsengumi seems to have a lot more to offer than I expected." "But even though Toshi and the others are here, I'm still worried about you." Iba is genuinely worried about me… Even during this incident, I could feel it in every detail of his actions. Chizuru Yukimura: "...Thank you, Iba." "But… I still can't leave the Shinsengumi." Hachiro Iba: "Why? If it's about your father–." Chizuru Yukimura: "Of course, I am staying with the Shinsengumi to search for my father." “However my desire to help the Shinsengumi members has also compelled me to stay with them.” "So I can't go back to Edo yet." Hachiro Iba: “Chizuru…” Iba seemed quite disappointed. Eventually, I closed my eyes, trying to hold back the feeling that was welling up in me. Hachiro Iba: "...It seems I was rejected. What a shame." Chizuru Yukimura: “...I’m sorry.” He must have been preparing to say those words just now. But I can't fulfill his wishes at the moment. ...I'm sorry Iba. Eventually, Iba opened his eyes as if he had realized something. Hachiro Iba: "...Don't move Chizuru. Please hold still for a moment." Chizuru Yukimura: “Huh…!?” What’s happening with Iba? As I was thinking about this, he suddenly started to close the distance between us. As he moved closer… I could clearly see his curly hair, fair features, and clear eyes. What is he planning to do? As I was confused by his sudden actions, he reached out his hand… ~Picture~ Hachiro Iba: "You have a cherry blossom petal stuck to you." With a polite gesture, he gently plucked it off. Chizuru Yukimura: “Oh, thank you." I was so embarrassed about strange things I was about to imagine… I couldn’t bring myself to look Iba in the eyes. Hachiro Iba: "...As for what happened earlier, you don't have to apologize." "If I wasn't in the position I'm in now, I might have joined everyone in the Shinsengumi." Chizuru Yukimura: "...Yes. I understand exactly how you feel." In Edo, he can only watch the activities of the Shinsengumi's members from a distance... This must be extremely frustrating for Iba. Still, he accepts his position and destiny and cooperates as much as he can. Eventually, his gaze shifts to the flowers blooming beautifully under the blue sky... Hachiro Iba: “When I look at these cherry blossoms, I remember the way you looked earlier… when you were dressed like a geisha.'' Chizuru Yukimura: “...!” Hachiro Iba: "I guess you'll have to spend some time dressing as a man." "But if... if you get to dress like a woman again." “I would love it if you would show it to me.” Iba's words must have a special meaning... I don't think he’s saying he wants to see it just for the fun of it. As I wondered what kind of person Iba is to me... I couldn't come up with a clear answer yet. At the very least, I wanted to let him know that I don't see his kindness as a nuisance. Chizuru Yukimura: "Alright. When the time comes, I will.” As I gave him my honest reply, Iba narrowed his eyes happily. Hachiro Iba: "...Now that this matter is settled, I can leave Kyoto tomorrow without troubled thoughts." "I will definitely come back to Kyoto again. So please wait for me." Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes, I'll be waiting.” His thoughts are so straightforward and sincere... I wonder if one day I'll be able to respond to them. If I find my father and there is no reason for me to be here, then maybe... Keeping my thoughts to myself, I stood beside Iba as I looked at the beautiful cherry blossoms that looked like something out of a dream. ~END~

  • Chapter 1: Call for help.

    Check out the translated video! And I… Keep holding on. Call for help. Chizuru Yukimura: "Someone... is there anyone? It's getting out of hand!" As I called out for help… Shinpachi Nagakura: "Hey, what’s going on?!" Okita raised his head in the direction of the voice. Souji Okita: "... Oh it’s you, Shinpachi." "It's only at times like this that I get bothered one after another." Chizuru Yukimura: “Nagakura…!” Shinpachi Nagakura: "Calm down! Were you planning to go over to Itou's place?" "But, if you do that, you’d be jumping straight into his trap." Souji Okita: "... I know. That's why I’m not going." Shinpachi Nagakura: "That's why I told you not to go... Huh?" Souji Okita: "It's true... I don't want people like that to do what they want." "I was thinking of getting rid of them, but I decided not to." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Hey, you mean that?" Souji Okita: "How very skeptical of you... I just decided against it, but do you want me to go, or something?" Shinpachi Nagakura: "No, no, you did the right thing by not going! Right, Chizuru?!" Chizuru Yukimura: "... Huh? Ah, yes! That's right!" Shinpachi Nagakura: "I see, so you were the one who persuaded Souji, weren’t you?" "Souji, you should show her some gratitude. If it wasn’t for her, you would have been forced to commit seppuku by now for violation of the rules." Souji Okita: "... Good grief. You’re pretty meddlesome, aren’t you Shinpachi." After saying that in a relieved, lethargic tone, Okita walked away. Chizuru Yukimura: "Is Okita going to be oke?" Shinpachi Nagakura: "No one could stop him if he really wanted to kill someone." "I wonder if it's okay to stop thinking like this." "Anyway, I'm glad you called for me." "Well, you were very helpful in stopping Souji. Thanks for that." "We'll take care of the rest, so it's fine for you to go back to your room." After Nagakura said that, he turned to chase after Okita. ... But I'm really glad nothing actually happened. ~NEXT SCENE~ Later that night. Toshizo Hijikata: "... We've discovered Tani's actions before he died." "Let’s start with the people he met in Gion just before he died— Hachiro if you would." Hachiro Iba: "Right. We questioned the owner of the shop where Tani had been drinking that day..." “Apparently he visited the shop with the Shinsengumi’s deputy commander, Kashitaro Ito, and several others.” Heisuke Toudou: “So the person Tani was drinking with before he died… was it Itou!?” “You haven’t said a thing about this to us, have you?” Kashitaro Itou: "... Oh, that might be the case." Hachiro Iba: “The shop owner and Nakai said they remember that day very well.” "They said they wouldn't mind coming here to testify if necessary." Kashitaro Itou: "... Please hold on a minute." "You’re making it sound as if we deliberately hid what happened that day." Toshizo Hijikata: “Is that not the case?” Kashitaro Itou: “I was just waiting for an appropriate moment to speak up, hoping to clear this misunderstanding." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Really? So didn't you get Tani drunk so that he would be unable to resist as you cut him down on the way home?" Kanryusai Takeda: "Nagakura, watch your tongue. What are you even basing that on?" Kashitaro Itou: “It’s true that I went out drinking with Tani that day…” "We were however first to leave the store, and after that, we went straight back to the base. Isn’t that right, Saburo?" Saburo Miki: "That’s right. I don't mind having the people of the store testifying.” “Even the members of the squad should remember when you and I came back." Judging from Itou and Miki's confident statements… It seems clear that they have solid evidence that could clear any doubts surrounding them. Toshizo Hijikata: "... It seems that we need to investigate this incident more thoroughly in the future." Saburo Miki: "What about Okita? We still don't know where you went yesterday, do we?" Toshizo Hijikata: "In regards to that, Saito did another thorough check of Tani's body." "If would, Saito." Hajime Saito: "Yes. The fatal wound was probably a vertical stab wound in the pit of the stomach." "If the assailant was a practitioner of Tennen Rishin-ryu like Souji, the thrust should be at the throat, and the direction of the blade would have been horizontal." "If however, you have enough evidence to overturn this argument, it would be a different story..." Saburo Miki: “Are ya trying to cover up with your pals again? Anyone could have done it if they changed their fighting style!” Kashitaro Itou: "... That’s enough, Saburo." Saburo Miki: "Why? Anyone–" Kashitaro Itou: "... You’re correct, anyone could have done it." "So let's wrap things up." After scolding Miki, Itou turned to face Hijikata and the others once more. Kashitaro Itou: "... The suspicions surrounding Okita have been cleared. It’s a relief for us as well." Souji Okita: "Is that all you have to say after treating someone like crap?" Kashitaro Itou: "That’s because you always say such crude things like 'killing' or 'taking care of' someone." “Especially these last few days, it seems like you were bringing it up a lot more often.” Toshizo Hijikata: "By the way Itou, what were you discussing with Tani in Gion?" Kashitaro Itou: “… Well, for example, the rumors about Tani's younger brother, Shuhei, possibly being adopted by the chief.” "Chief Kondo seemed to be quite troubled by them, so I told Tani to be more careful." Toshizo Hijikata: "... I see." Kashitaro Itou: "But I swear to you by the gods, it was not us who killed Tani." Toshizo Hijikata: "... I know that much. It's not like I doubted you guys." Susumu Yamazaki: "Commander. We will soon have to hold Tani's funeral, however..." “What will be the public statement about the cause of his death?” Toshizo Hijikata: "Hmm, let’s see..." Kashitaro Itou: "We can't tell them that a rogue ronin was able to cut down a Shinsengumi executive." Toshizo Hijikata: "... So we have no other choice but to tell them he died a sudden death of unknown causes." Kashitaro Itou: "That seems to be the only solution." Toshizo Hijikata: "From now on, don't say anything unnecessary to the soldiers regarding Tani." "Alright then, this concludes today’s discussion." One by one, the soldiers left the room as the meeting was disbanded. Kashitaro Itou: "... I'm glad your name has been cleared, Okita." Souji Okita: "Giving up already?" "It was a good opportunity to get rid of me." Kanryusai Takeda: "I've been thinking about this for quite some time, Okita." “Aren't you being a bit too rude to Itou?" “Itou is the deputy commander, he has a higher position than you, the captain of the 1st division.” Kashitaro Itou: "It's fine. Okita just likes to joke around." Kanryusai Takeda: "However… what would the others think." Kashitaro Itou: "Well then, let's go, Saburo." Saburo Miki: "... Hmpf. You've got off lucky this time, Okita." Kanryusai Takeda: "Please wait, Itou! So, after this–" After Itou and the others disappeared, Harada called out to Hijikata. Sanosuke Harada: "... So what's going on? Hijikata." "Was Itou really not responsible for Tani's death?" Toshizo Hijikata: "... He's not." "If Itou was really behind Tani's death, he should be able to get around a little better." Hachiro Iba: "I think so too." "No matter how you look at it, it would’ve been a pretty sloppy job if he was behind it." Heisuke Toudou: “Yeah you’re right, Itou wouldn’t have left behind any evidence of having gone drinking in Gion.” Hajime Saito: "Besides, Itou and the others wouldn’t gain anything from killing Tani." Sanosuke Harada: "... I see. So, at the moment we got no idea who is really responsible?" Shinpachi Nagakura: "It's a bit of an unsatisfying conclusion, isn't it?" “I thought Tani was a pain in the ass, but not enough of a pain to want him dead…” Sanosuke Harada: "... Yeah." “He acted like an annoying older brother, but he wasn’t that bad of a guy.” Everyone seems to have their own thoughts about Tan’s actions during his lifetime. Still, it seems that each of them was mourning his passing in their own way. Harada, who had known Tani the longest, wore a particularly complicated expression on his face. Toshizo Hijikata: "In any case, your guys' hard work cleared the suspicions surrounding Souji." "I'll let you drink as much as you want, whether at Shimabara or anywhere else." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Really!? Are you for real, Hijikata!?" Heisuke Toudou: "Yahoo! We can’t let this opportunity pass us by, now can we?" Everyone left the room with much enthusiasm. The only ones left behind were… Toshizo Hijikata: "What is it, Souji? Are you still sulking?" Souji Okita: "... Not at all. However, even though Tani is finally gone…" "I just thought that the weird people that hang around Kondo will never stay away." Chizuru Yukimura: “Okita…” Toshizo Hijikata: "I understand how you feel... But you can't kill Itou without a good reason or evidence." "What if Kondo gets blamed by the Aizu clan for it, how will you take responsibility?" Souji Okita: "Responsibility, responsibility, that’s all you ever talk about." "How long are you going to let Itou do whatever he pleases?" Toshizo Hijikata: "... If this is about him, I'll do something about it, so just wait until then." Souji Okita: "Really? You’re not just lying to me to keep me in tow, right?" Toshizo Hijikata: "I'm not lying. Right now, I'm just waiting for the right opportunity." Souji Okita: "If you take too long, I'll get impatient and take care of Itou myself." Chizuru Yukimura: "You shouldn't say things like that, Okita." Souji Okita: "Ah man, now even this kid is scolding me." Okita may have been joking, but… His demeanor and facial expressions were strangely refreshing. Hachiro Iba: “The fact that Tani passed away will make the matter surrounding the adoption unclear.” "Now I can rest easy too." Chizuru Yukimura: "But... if it wasn’t Itou and the others, then who did kill Tani?" Souji Okita: "... Who knows. Hijikata might know something." Hachiro Iba: "... Toshi, do you know anything?" Hijikata wore a difficult expression for a while, but… Toshizo Hijikata: "Come on, he probably was cut down by a passing ronin." "... I got to go back to work. You guys should get going too." Souji Okita: "What, do you really not know?" "But even if you did know, I don't think you would tell me." Toshizo Hijikata: "I just told you I don't know. Now, get out of here." Souji Okita: "Fine. I’ll be leaving then." Hachiro Iba: "I will be taking my leave as well, Toshi." Chizuru Yukimura: "... Excuse me" It may not have a satisfying conclusion, but… The incident seemed to have resolved itself. ~NEXT SCENE~ And so, a few days later. Shinpachi Nagakura: "Men, I'm glad it's sunny! The only time you get to drink during the middle of the day is during cherry blossom season!" Hajime Saito: "You guys seem to be drinking all the time despite the time of day." Shinpachi Nagakura: “But I've always been so stealthy about it!” Heisuke Toudou: “Anyways… Did something go wrong with the preparations?” "Even though we get to hold a cherry blossom viewing, it doesn’t feel the same considering we have to hold it inside of the base!" Shinpachi Nagakura: "Well, yeah, there isn’t much we could do about that... things were a bit complicated." According to Nagakura— It seems that they were originally planning to hold the cherry blossom viewing at Shosei-en, which is next to the base. But perhaps because of the Shinsengumi reputation, it seems that the other party was not willing to give them permission. It seems that there is no choice but to hold the flower viewing at the base. Hachiro Iba: “Well, we still get to enjoy the alcohol here, so don’t blame Shinpachi too much…” Souji Okita: “You probably get invited to a lot of cherry blossom viewings back in Edo, don’t ya.” "There would likely be a lot of women hanging around you, right?" Chizuru Yukimura: “Huh?” Hachiro Iba: “Okita! Please stop making such misleading remarks!" "Okita is just joking around, Chizuru. So please don't take him seriously." Chizuru Yukimura: “A-Alright…” “Come to think of it, I haven’t seen Itou and the others.” Heisuke Toudou: “I tried to invite him, but he turned me down because he had plans for a poetry party.” Souji Okita: "Well, even if they were to come, they’d only spoil the mood." Genzaburou Inoue: “Well then, now that everyone is here, let’s get started.” Shinpachi Nagakura: "Well then, to express my gratitude, please lend me a hand, everyone!" As Nagakura cheerfully started the Ippon-jime– Heisuke Toudou: "Oh, that looks good! And this one as well!" Genzaburou Inoue: "There is plenty to go around, so there’s no need to rush." Chizuru Yukimura: "Um, Heisuke. Nagakura hasn’t finished the Ippon-jime yet..." Heisuke Toudou: "Ah, it’s fine. Let's let Shin do it by himself." "This is not some fancy banquet, we’re just holding a cherry blossom viewing." "And they say I can’t read the room…" Shinpachi Nagakura: "Hold it right there! You gotta do the Ippon-jime first!!" Hachiro Iba: “By any chance, did you make these dishes, Chizuru?” Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes. I prepared them together with Inoue and Yamazaki…" Hachiro Iba: "Is that so... I’ll savor these then." Souji Okita: “It looks like Iba would be happy to eat even the roots of the tree if it was a dish prepared by this kid.” Hachiro Iba: "What are you saying…!" “In any case, she wouldn’t serve things like tree roots in the first place.” Souji Okita: "That sounds interesting, so why don't you try making it next time, Chizuru? Chizuru Yukimura: "I can't do that!" “Besides, Iba helped you out a lot this time, didn’t he?” Souji Okita: “… Come to think of it, it was thanks to Iba that my suspicions were cleared this time.” “Alright, I guess I should thank you. … Thanks.” Chizuru Yukimura: "Okita, when you say it like that..." Hachiro Iba: "Sorry Okita, but I couldn’t quite hear you." "Didn't they teach you to express your gratitude clearly when thanking someone?" Souji Okita: "... I take it back" “You really are such a nice guy, aren’t you Iba?” Hachiro Iba: "I'm honored to receive such a compliment." Shinpachi Nagakura: "... What's up with everyone? Why are y'all giving me a hard time?" Sanosuke Harada: "Stop complainin’ and just enjoy your drink. It's Hijikata's treat, isn't it?" Harada pours sake into the cup in Nagakura's hand. Shinpachi Nagakura: "Well, you're right, but… you could’ve at least let me finish..." Heisuke Toudou: “By the way Sano, you seem to be drinking a lot less than usual." “… You cared about Tani, didn’t you?” Sanosuke Harada: “… The life and death of a person depends on the luck of the moment, and it can’t be helped.” “Anyway, Tani was a fan of lively things.” "So let's drink and make merry, and send our liveliness his way." Heisuke Toudou: "... Yeah" As the warriors were talking… Isami Kondo: "Oh, it seems that everyone already has started drinking." "A lot has happened, but today I want you to enjoy the alcohol and remember those who have passed." Souji Okita: "Kondo, you’re here! This spot is empty, so please have a seat." Isami Kondo: "Thank you, Souji." ~Picture~ Shinpachi Nagakura: "Alright Saito, let's hold a drinking competition! No holding back, a serious drinking match!" Hajime Saito: "Since we got permission from the chief, I’ll accept your challenge.” Hachiro Iba: "Well then, I will be the referee." "Whenever you’re ready, you two." Heisuke Toudou: "... Hey Sano. If I'm not mistaken, wasn't Hajime an extreme heavyweight?" Sanosuke Harada: "Well, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him drunk." Toshizo Hijikata: "You guys, make sure this doesn't affect your duties tomorrow." Isami Kondo: "It's fine, let them be. You should let loose a little as well." After saying that, Kondo looked at the scenery of the party with a slightly lonely look in his eyes. Isami Kondo: “… Usually Tani would be here, too.” Toshizo Hijikata: “......” Isami Kondo: "It's a pity that an old member is no longer with us..." "This may be something we just have to overcome." Toshizo Hijikata: "... He might be better off just because he has someone to see him off like this." "Even we don't know when and where we will die." While gazing at the cherry blossom petals floating through the wind… Hijikata and the others narrowed their eyes a little sadly. ~Picture~ Shinpachi Nagakura: "Haa...! No, I can't, my eyes are spinning...!" Hajime Saito: "You're getting sloppy, Shinpachi. Are you ready to surrender?" Shinpachi Nagakura: "Are you some kind of monster? You've been drinking that much, but you look totally fine..." Hachiro Iba: “Then, should I declare Saito the winner?” Shinpachi Nagakura: "N-No, not yet! I haven't lost yet!" Hachiro Iba: "As expected of you, Shinpachi. I must emulate that fighting spirit of yours.” Shinpachi Nagakura: "For the time being, let me take a short break. The real match will be after that..." Hachiro Iba: "Alright, let’s take a short break. But please don't push yourself too much." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Okay. After I’ve rested a little, things will get serious! So prepare yourself!" Hajime Saito: "Of course." And that’s how our spring of 1866 came to pass. ~END~

  • Chapter 1: Keep holding on.

    Check out the translated video! And I… Keep holding on. Call for help. Chizuru Yukimura: “...No. I won’t let go.” Souji Okita: "If you keep getting in my way, I'll kill you too. You got that?" Okita's eyes were filled with murderous intent. Just looking at them sends chills down my spine. But still… Chizuru Yukimura: “... I don’t care." "If you want to kill Miki, you have to cut me down first." Souji Okita: "Fine, as you wish— I'll cut you down first." Okita's hand moved to hold the hilt of his sword– He was ready to strike. His bloodlust instinctively made my body go numb with fear. However, as the tension was building. Souji Okita: “... Why” "... Why didn't you move out of the way?" Okita hadn't drawn his sword. Instead, he looked at me with a mix of anger and sadness on his face. Souji Okita: "If you don't back off... I can't move forward." “I’m sick and tired of this…” "We come to Kyoto and set up the Roshigumi..." "But ever since they joined the Shinsengumi, those guys have just been getting in the way." "Even though the Shinsengumi was only formed to realize Kondo's dream…" "And now, some ignorant assholes are messing around with Kondo's Shinsengumi as they please." "Spreading strange rumors, getting people all riled up ... Damaging Kondo's reputation..." "So I'll put an end to this mess." Chizuru Yukimura: "Then... you'll have to kill me fir—" Souji Okita: "There's no way I’d kill you!" "If it were my adversary, if it were an enemy of the Shinsengumi, I’d kill them without hesitation." "But you... you're not our enemy..." "It may be frustrating... but still, you're just trying to help me..." "Even I get that much." Chizuru Yukimura: “Okita…” Souji Okita: "There's no way I could kill you like that... I just can't..." At that moment, I lost all strength and squatted down on the spot. Souji Okita: "... Hey, are you alright?" Chizuru Yukimura: "D-Don't worry, I’m fine. I'm relieved..." Souji Okita: "You're a pretty weird kid, you know that?" "If I’d known you'd thrown yourself in front of me just to lose all your strength, and fall to the floor like this–" "I could have just left you behind and gone after them." "Looking back on it now, I feel like I’ve lost my mind." "Haa... Who would have thought that I’d ever be detained by someone like you." "But well... looking at you now, I’ve got trouble believing that." Chizuru Yukimura: “I’m sorry…” Okita looked a little embarrassed and looked away, but before long… ~Picture~ Souji Okita: "... No, you got no reason to apologize." "You seriously stopped me…" After muttering embarrassingly, Okita put his hand on my head. And then… Souji Okita: "Thank you, Chizuru." He said with a bashful expression. Chizuru Yukimura: “Ah…” Souji Okita: "What's wrong? You’re looking pretty goofy." Chizuru Yukimura: "I have a goofy look on my face?” Souji Okita: "Yeah, you're making quite a funny and cute expression." Chizuru Yukimura: "You're not praising me, are you?" Souji Okita: "I'm just calling ‘em as I see ‘em." "So, why are you making that face?" Chizuru Yukimura: "... Because you thanked me." "I never thought you'd ever thank me, so..." Souji Okita: "Is that right? Want me to take it back?" Chizuru Yukimura: “W-Why would you bother to take it back!?” Souji Okita: "… Just kidding." "You saved my ass earlier. So thanks..." Chizuru Yukimura: "... You won't take it back?" Souji Okita: "You want me to?” Chizuru Yukimura: "No! ... I won't forget." Souji Okita: "Do as you like." "... Well then, that's it. It's time to get up." "Or do you need me to lend you a hand?" Chizuru Yukimura: "I-I'll be fine!" Souji Okita: “Really, well that’s good.” His attitude is still the same as usual… Still, I'm really glad that things didn’t get out of hand. Souji Okita: "Well then, let's head back." Chizuru Yukimura: “Right!” Souji Okita: "But absolutely no mention of me going out to buy medicine, you got that?" Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes, I know… I'm sure the others will be able to find some evidence." Souji Okita: “Well… I hope they can find something useful.” And so, Okita, who had returned to his normal self, and I started walking towards the base. ~NEXT SCENE~ Later that night. Toshizo Hijikata: "... We've discovered Tani's actions before he died." "Let’s start with the people he met in Gion just before he died— Hachiro if you would." Hachiro Iba: "Right. We questioned the owner of the shop where Tani had been drinking that day..." “Apparently he visited the shop with the Shinsengumi’s deputy commander, Kashitaro Ito, and several others.” Heisuke Toudou: “So the person Tani was drinking with before he died… was it Itou!?” “You haven’t said a thing about this to us, have you?” Kashitaro Itou: "... Oh, that might be the case." Hachiro Iba: “The shop owner and Nakai said they remember that day very well.” "They said they wouldn't mind coming here to testify if necessary." Kashitaro Itou: "... Please hold on a minute." "You’re making it sound as if we deliberately hid what happened that day." Toshizo Hijikata: “Is that not the case?” Kashitaro Itou: I was just waiting for an appropriate moment to speak up, hoping to clear this misunderstanding." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Really? So didn't you get Tani drunk so that he would be unable to resist as you cut him down on the way home?" Kanryusai Takeda: "Nagakura, watch your tongue. What are you even basing that on?" Kashitaro Itou: “It’s true that I went out drinking with Tani that day…” "We were however first to leave the store, and after that, we went straight back to the base. Isn’t that right, Saburo?" Saburo Miki: "That’s right. I don't mind having the people of the store testifying.” “Even the members of the squad should remember when you and I came back." Judging from Itou and Miki's confident statements… It seems clear that they have solid evidence that could clear any doubts surrounding them. Toshizo Hijikata: "... It seems that we need to investigate this incident more thoroughly in the future." Saburo Miki: "What about Okita? We still don't know where you went yesterday, do we?" Toshizo Hijikata: "In regards to that, Saito did another thorough check of Tani's body." "If would, Saito." Hajime Saito: "Yes. The fatal wound was probably a vertical stab wound in the pit of the stomach." "If the assailant was a practitioner of Tennen Rishin-ryu like Souji, the thrust should be at the throat, and the direction of the blade would have been horizontal." "If however, you have enough evidence to overturn this argument, it would be a different story..." Saburo Miki: “Are ya trying to cover up with your pals again? Anyone could have done it if they changed their fighting style!” Kashitaro Itou: "... That’s enough, Saburo." Saburo Miki: "Why? Anyone–" Kashitaro Itou: "... You’re correct, anyone could have done it." "So let's wrap things up." After scolding Miki, Itou turned to face Hijikata and the others once more. Kashitaro Itou: "... The suspicions surrounding Okita have been cleared. It’s a relief for us as well." Souji Okita: "Is that all you have to say after treating someone like crap?" Kashitaro Itou: "That’s because you always say such crude things like 'killing' or 'taking care of' someone." “Especially these last few days, it seems like you were bringing it up a lot more often.” Toshizo Hijikata: "By the way Itou, what were you discussing with Tani in Gion?" Kashitaro Itou: “… Well, for example, the rumors about Tani's younger brother, Shuhei, possibly being adopted by the chief.” "Chief Kondo seemed to be quite troubled by them, so I told Tani to be more careful." Toshizo Hijikata: "... I see." Kashitaro Itou: "But I swear to you by the gods, it was not us who killed Tani." Toshizo Hijikata: "... I know that much. It's not like I doubted you guys." Susumu Yamazaki: "Commander. We will soon have to hold Tani's funeral, however..." “What will be the public statement about the cause of his death?” Toshizo Hijikata: "Hmm, let’s see..." Kashitaro Itou: "We can't tell them that a rogue ronin was able to cut down a Shinsengumi executive." Toshizo Hijikata: "... So we have no other choice but to tell them he died a sudden death of unknown causes." Kashitaro Itou: "That seems to be the only solution." Toshizo Hijikata: "From now on, don't say anything unnecessary to the soldiers regarding Tani." "Alright then, this concludes today’s discussion." One by one, the soldiers left the room as the meeting was disbanded. Kashitaro Itou: "... I'm glad your name has been cleared, Okita." Souji Okita: "Giving up already?" "It was a good opportunity to get rid of me." Kanryusai Takeda: "I've been thinking about this for quite some time, Okita." “Aren't you being a bit too rude to Itou?" “Itou is the deputy commander, he has a higher position than you, the captain of the 1st division.” Kashitaro Itou: "It's fine. Okita just likes to joke around." Kanryusai Takeda: "However… what would the others think." Kashitaro Itou: "Well then, let's go, Saburo." Saburo Miki: "... Hmpf. You've got off lucky this time, Okita." Kanryusai Takeda: "Please wait, Itou! So, after this–" After Itou and the others disappeared, Harada called out to Hijikata. Sanosuke Harada: "... So what's going on? Hijikata." "Was Itou really not responsible for Tani's death?" Toshizo Hijikata: "... He's not." "If Itou was really behind Tani's death, he should be able to get around a little better." Hachiro Iba: "I think so too." "No matter how you look at it, it would’ve been a pretty sloppy job if he was behind it." Heisuke Toudou: “Yeah you’re right, Itou wouldn’t have left behind any evidence of having gone drinking in Gion.” Hajime Saito: "Besides, Itou and the others wouldn’t gain anything from killing Tani." Sanosuke Harada: "... I see. So, at the moment we got no idea who is really responsible?" Shinpachi Nagakura: "It's a bit of an unsatisfying conclusion, isn't it?" “I thought Tani was a pain in the ass, but not enough of a pain to want him dead…” Sanosuke Harada: "... Yeah." “He acted like an annoying older brother, but he wasn’t that bad of a guy.” Everyone seems to have their own thoughts about Tan’s actions during his lifetime. Still, it seems that each of them was mourning his passing in their own way. Harada, who had known Tani the longest, wore a particularly complicated expression on his face. Toshizo Hijikata: "In any case, your guys' hard work cleared the suspicions surrounding Souji." "I'll let you drink as much as you want, whether at Shimabara or anywhere else." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Really!? Are you for real, Hijikata!?" Heisuke Toudou: "Yahoo! We can’t let this opportunity pass us by, now can we?" Everyone left the room with much enthusiasm. The only ones left behind were… Toshizo Hijikata: "What is it, Souji? Are you still sulking?" Souji Okita: "... Not at all. However, even though Tani is finally gone…" "I just thought that the weird people that hang around Kondo will never stay away." Chizuru Yukimura: “Okita…” Toshizo Hijikata: "I understand how you feel... But you can't kill Itou without a good reason or evidence." "What if Kondo gets blamed by the Aizu clan for it, how will you take responsibility?" Souji Okita: "Responsibility, responsibility, that’s all you ever talk about." "How long are you going to let Itou do whatever he pleases?" Toshizo Hijikata: "... If this is about him, I'll do something about it, so just wait until then." Souji Okita: "Really? You’re not just lying to me to keep me in tow, right?" Toshizo Hijikata: "I'm not lying. Right now, I'm just waiting for the right opportunity." Souji Okita: "If you take too long, I'll get impatient and take care of Itou myself." Chizuru Yukimura: "You shouldn't say things like that, Okita." Souji Okita: "Ah man, now even this kid is scolding me." Okita may have been joking, but… His demeanor and facial expressions were strangely refreshing. Hachiro Iba: “The fact that Tani passed away will make the matter surrounding the adoption unclear.” "Now I can rest easy too." Chizuru Yukimura: "But... if it wasn’t Itou and the others, then who did kill Tani?" Souji Okita: "... Who knows. Hijikata might know something." Hachiro Iba: "... Toshi, do you know anything?" Hijikata wore a difficult expression for a while, but… Toshizo Hijikata: "Come on, he probably was cut down by a passing ronin." "... I got to go back to work. You guys should get going too." Souji Okita: "What, do you really not know?" "But even if you did know, I don't think you would tell me." Toshizo Hijikata: "I just told you I don't know. Now, get out of here." Souji Okita: "Fine. I’ll be leaving then." Hachiro Iba: "I will be taking my leave as well, Toshi." Chizuru Yukimura: "... Excuse me" It may not have a satisfying conclusion, but… The incident seemed to have resolved itself. ~NEXT SCENE~ Shinpachi Nagakura: "Men, I'm glad it's sunny! The only time you get to drink during the middle of the day is during cherry blossom season!" Hajime Saito: "You guys seem to be drinking all the time despite the time of day." Shinpachi Nagakura: “But I've always been so stealthy about it!” Heisuke Toudou: “Anyways… Did something go wrong with the preparations?” "Even though we get to hold a cherry blossom viewing, it doesn’t feel the same considering we have to hold it inside of the base!" Shinpachi Nagakura: "Well, yeah, there isn’t much we could do about that... things were a bit complicated." According to Nagakura— It seems that they were originally planning to hold the cherry blossom viewing at Shosei-en, which is next to the base. But perhaps because of the Shinsengumi reputation, it seems that the other party was not willing to give them permission. It seems that there is no choice but to hold the flower viewing at the base. Hachiro Iba: “Well, we still get to enjoy the alcohol here, so don’t blame Shinpachi too much…” Souji Okita: “You probably get invited to a lot of cherry blossom viewings back in Edo, don’t ya.” "There would likely be a lot of women hanging around you, right?" Chizuru Yukimura: “Huh?” Hachiro Iba: “Okita! Please stop making such misleading remarks!" "Okita is just joking around, Chizuru. So please don't take him seriously." Chizuru Yukimura: “A-Alright…” “Come to think of it, I haven’t seen Itou and the others.” Heisuke Toudou: “I tried to invite him, but he turned me down because he had plans for a poetry party.” Souji Okita: "Well, even if they were to come, they’d only spoil the mood." Genzaburou Inoue: “Well then, now that everyone is here, let’s get started.” Shinpachi Nagakura: "Well then, to express my gratitude, please lend me a hand, everyone!" As Nagakura cheerfully started the Ippon-jime– Heisuke Toudou: "Oh, that looks good! And this one as well!" Genzaburou Inoue: "There is plenty to go around, so there’s no need to rush." Chizuru Yukimura: "Um, Heisuke. Nagakura hasn’t finished the Ippon-jime yet..." Heisuke Toudou: "Ah, it’s fine. Let's let Shin do it by himself." "This is not some fancy banquet, we’re just holding a cherry blossom viewing." "And they say I can’t read the room…" Shinpachi Nagakura: "Hold it right there! You gotta do the Ippon-jime first!!" Hachiro Iba: “By any chance, did you make these dishes, Chizuru?” Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes. I prepared them together with Inoue and Yamazaki…" Hachiro Iba: "Is that so... I’ll savor these then." Souji Okita: “It looks like Iba would be happy to eat even the roots of the tree if it was a dish prepared by this kid.” Hachiro Iba: "What are you saying…!" “In any case, she wouldn’t serve things like tree roots in the first place.” Souji Okita: "That sounds interesting, so why don't you try making it next time, Chizuru? Chizuru Yukimura: "I can't do that!" “Besides, Iba helped you out a lot this time, didn’t he?” Souji Okita: “… Come to think of it, it was thanks to Iba that my suspicions were cleared this time.” “Alright, I guess I should thank you. … Thanks.” Chizuru Yukimura: "Okita, when you say it like that..." Hachiro Iba: "Sorry Okita, but I couldn’t quite hear you." "Didn't they teach you to express your gratitude clearly when thanking someone?" Souji Okita: "... I take it back" “You really are such a nice guy, aren’t you Iba?” Hachiro Iba: "I'm honored to receive such a compliment." Shinpachi Nagakura: "... What's up with everyone? Why are y'all giving me a hard time?" Sanosuke Harada: "Stop complainin’ and just enjoy your drink. It's Hijikata's treat, isn't it?" Harada pours sake into the cup in Nagakura's hand. Shinpachi Nagakura: "Well, you're right, but… you could’ve at least let me finish..." Heisuke Toudou: “By the way Sano, you seem to be drinking a lot less than usual." “… You cared about Tani, didn’t you?” Sanosuke Harada: “… The life and death of a person depends on the luck of the moment, and it can’t be helped.” “Anyway, Tani was a fan of lively things.” "So let's drink and make merry, and send our liveliness his way." Heisuke Toudou: "... Yeah" -As the warriors were talking… Isami Kondo: "Oh, it seems that everyone already has started drinking." "A lot has happened, but today I want you to enjoy the alcohol and remember those who have passed." Souji Okita: "Kondo, you’re here! This spot is empty, so please have a seat." Isami Kondo: "Thank you, Souji." ~Picture~ Shinpachi Nagakura: "Alright Saito, let's hold a drinking competition! No holding back, a serious drinking match!" Hajime Saito: "Since we got permission from the chief, I’ll accept your challenge.” Hachiro Iba: "Well then, I will be the referee." "Whenever you’re ready, you two." Heisuke Toudou: "... Hey Sano. If I'm not mistaken, wasn't Hajime an extreme heavyweight?" Sanosuke Harada: "Well, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him drunk." Toshizo Hijikata: "You guys, make sure this doesn't affect your duties tomorrow." Isami Kondo: "It's fine, let them be. You should let loose a little as well." After saying that, Kondo looked at the scenery of the party with a slightly lonely look in his eyes. Isami Kondo: “… Usually Tani would be here, too.” Toshizo Hijikata: “......” Isami Kondo: "It's a pity that an old member is no longer with us..." "This may be something we just have to overcome." Toshizo Hijikata: "... He might be better off just because he has someone to see him off like this." "Even we don't know when and where we will die." While gazing at the cherry blossom petals floating through the wind… Hijikata and the others narrowed their eyes a little sadly. ~Picture~ Shinpachi Nagakura: "Haa...! No, I can't, my eyes are spinning...!" Hajime Saito: "You're getting sloppy, Shinpachi. Are you ready to surrender?" Shinpachi Nagakura: "Are you some kind of monster? You've been drinking that much, but you look totally fine..." Hachiro Iba: “Then, should I declare Saito the winner?” Shinpachi Nagakura: "N-No, not yet! I haven't lost yet!" Hachiro Iba: "As expected of you, Shinpachi. I must emulate that fighting spirit of yours.” Shinpachi Nagakura: "For the time being, let me take a short break. The real match will be after that..." Hachiro Iba: "Alright, let’s take a short break. But please don't push yourself too much." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Okay. After I’ve rested a little, things will get serious! So prepare yourself!" Hajime Saito: "Of course." -And that’s how our spring of 1866 came to pass. ~NEXT SCENE~ Later that night. Shinpachi Nagakura: “Zzz… zzz… zzz…” Chizuru Yukimura: "Um... Nagakura, are you okay?" "You'll catch a cold if you’ll keep sleeping here." Hajime Saito: "I'll take care of the rest. You should go back to your room." Chizuru Yukimura: "But…" Hajime Saito: "I always take care of this." Chizuru Yukimura: "... I understand. Well then, thank you very much." As I thanked Saito. Chizuru Yukimura: “Speaking of which, have you seen Okita?” I noticed that Okita had disappeared before I knew it. Hajime Saito: "I haven’t seen him... but he may have gone back to his room." Chizuru Yukimura: "I'll go look for him." After that, I tried looking for Okita in his room, but… He didn't seem to be back in his room. So where did he go? Thinking that, I headed towards the courtyard… Chizuru Yukimura: “Ah…!” I spotted Okita and stopped in my tracks. He was quietly staring at the cherry blossoms with a melancholy expression. Maybe he’s thinking of something. In that case, it would be better not to disturb him… Thinking that, I tried to sneak away. Souji Okita: "... You don't have to run away, Chizuru." Chizuru Yukimura: “......” Souji Okita: "I won't threaten to kill you. Just come over here for a bit." After being called out, I could no longer hide. Chizuru Yukimura: “… Were you watching the cherry blossoms?” Souji Okita: "I was just lost in thought while looking at the cherry blossoms, I guess." "... I've been thinking a lot about this incident." Chizuru Yukimura: “......” Souji Okita: "If I were alone, I probably wouldn't have listened to anyone." "I might have killed Tani and Itou without hesitation." "... I wouldn’t even have thought about what would happen to Kondo after that." Chizuru Yukimura: “Okita…” Even though Okita is always messing around and telling bad jokes… I felt that it was very unusual for him to reflect on himself like that. Souji Okita: "This time I had Hajime, Shinpachi, Iba... and even Hijikata backing me up." “I had a lot of people helping me out.” “Among all of them, one person kept me from going out of control… and that was you.” Chizuru Yukimura: “Me…?” Souji Okita: "Because you were holding me down." Normally, this would be the moment where he would make some teasing remarks… But judging from the look in his eyes, he wasn’t trying to make fun of me. Before long, Okita shifts his gaze to the mysterious cherry blossoms that bloom in the darkness of the night… Souji Okita: "... I have to become even stronger. Not only with the sword but with my heart as well." "If I don't become strong, I won't be able to protect Kondo and the Shinsengumi... and even you." Chizuru Yukimura: “Okita…” Those heartfelt words somehow made me feel a little depressed… Is it because I know about the disease that nestles inside his chest? ~Picture~ Souji Okita: "...You know something, Chizuru." Chizuru Yukimura: "What is it?" The cherry blossom petals fluttered and scattered with a vague glow. It felt like I was trapped inside a dream-like illusion. Souji Okita: "Cherry blossoms look pretty good on you." Chizuru Yukimura: "... You think so?" Souji Okita: "Yeah. I think they suit you– like the way they flutter." I blink a few times in surprise at his unexpected remark. Chizuru Yukimura: "Well I think that..." '–cherry blossoms suit you way better.’ is what I was trying to say… However, the dark undertone contained within those words discouraged me from uttering them out loud. Souji Okita: "... I know what you were trying to say just now." Chizuru Yukimura: “......” Souji Okita: "You don't have to worry about me." "Because I know my own body better than anyone else." He made it sound as if he had come to terms with the disease nesting inside of him, but… There is no way that Okita would’ve truly accepted his illness. If he really had accepted his own death… He wouldn't have gone out to buy medicine for his cough while being spotted by the other soldiers. Chizuru Yukimura: "... I'm not worried about that." ~Picture~ Chizuru Yukimura: "Because I believe in your strength… and the advancement of medical technology." "I'm sure you’ll be able to watch the cherry blossoms like this next year and the year after." Okita stared at me with a surprised look on his face, but… ~Picture~ Souji Okita: “... I see.” "Well, you're a doctor's daughter after all, so you must be right." Chizuru Yukimura: "Yep. That's why, let's watch the cherry blossoms together from now on." Souji Okita: "As long as you’re willing to watch them with me." No one knows what tomorrow will bring… Even so, I wanted to believe in tomorrow with Okita... and everybody else in the Shinsengumi. ~END~

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