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  • Chapter 1: Ask Inoue

    Check out the translated video! Chizuru Yukimura: "Then..." Ask Okita. Ask Iba. Ask Inoue. Chizuru Yukimura: "Then Inoue, if you don’t mind." Genzaburou Inoue: "Me? Of course I don't mind." Hachiro Iba: "I see... So you choose Inoue..." Souji Okita: "Hold up, Iba. Why are you so depressed?" Hachiro Iba: "What are you talking about?! I'm not..." Genzaburou Inoue: "Don’t worry, you two. I'm just trying to keep Tani away." Hachiro Iba: "Well, that's certainly true." Souji Okita: "Well then, I’ll be off. Come on, Iba, you should be off too." Hachiro Iba: "Please be careful. If something happens, please call us immediately!" Chizuru Yukimura: "I’ll be staying here at the headquarters, so I’ll probably be okay, I think..." "But thank you for worrying about me." Okita dragged Iba along, who still seemed to be trying to say something. Genzaburou Inoue: "Now then, let's do something that Tani won't be alarmed by." Chizuru Yukimura: "Ah… right!" ~NEXT SCENE~ After that, Inoue and I decided to do the laundry together. Genzaburou Inoue: “The weather is really nice today. It looks like the laundry will dry in no time.” Chizuru Yukimura: “......” Genzaburou Inoue: "Yukimura? What the matter? Inoue called out to me and I snapped out of my thoughts. Chizuru Yukimura: "Ah...! I'm sorry, I was lost in thought..." I hurriedly started to hang the laundry. However, there were still some things weighing heavily on my mind, and I ended up not watching what I was doing. Tani wasn’t the only one on my mind… Chizuru Yukimura: “... Why is it that Okita doesn't want to succeed Kondo? ” Genzaburou Inoue: "I’m not sure... Souji has always had a lot of respect for Isami." "Yabusaka isn’t supposed to be the one to succeed him, but... I guess he has something to think about." Chizuru Yukimura: "To think about, huh..." Genzaburou Inoue: “Souji's older sister's husband, Rintaro, is actually a relative of mine." Chizuru Yukimura: "Is that so… I had no idea." Genzaburou Inoue: "Right. When Souji’s parents died, he was still very young and couldn’t take over the family." “Inevitably, his sister got married and his brother-in-law inherited the Okita family.” "At that time, I hoped they could pave the way for Souji to succeed the Okita family..." “…But before that could happen, Mitsu and his brother-in-law had a child.” “There is a big chance that that child will inherit the Okita family in the future.” “Souji is aware of this as well, so he won’t even say that he will succeed the Okita family.” Chizuru Yukimura: "That’s..." Genzaburou Inoue: "...Yes, as you can see, Souji is in a complicated position." "Maybe this has something to do with why Souji doesn't want to be adopted by Isamu." Chizuru Yukimura: “......” Hijikata and others seem to think that if Okita becomes Kondo's adopted child, all of this will be resolved. However it appears that things aren't going to go so easily. Those thoughts were swirling around in my mind. Shinpachi Nagakura: "Hey, you two! Nice weather we’re having today, perfect for doing the laundry!" Chizuru Yukimura: "Nagakura, Saito!" Genzaburou Inoue: "You came at just the right moment. I have something I wanted to ask you two." Hajime Saito: "What is it you want to ask?" Inoue explained the situation to Nagakura and Saito. Hajime Saito: “…I see. Tani did that, huh." Shinpachi Nagakura: "So you want us to keep an eye on him so that he doesn't do anything unnecessary." Genzaburou Inoue: "And if you could, keep an eye on Souji as well. Who knows what he might do." Hajime Saito: "Understood. We'll keep an eye out for you." Genzaburou Inoue: "That's reassuring to hear. I’m counting on you two." I really hope this matter will be resolved soon... ~NEXT SCENE~ The following day, the sky looked rather dreary. In the meantime... All the captains who were aware of the Shinsengumi’s secret, were gathered in the common room. Chizuru Yukimura: "I brought you some tea." The soldiers who were gathered all had a tense look on their faces. Chizuru Yukimura: “There’s your tea.” I quickly distributed the tea so as not to disturb their discussion. It seems that everybody has already been made aware of Tani's actions. Everyone kept quiet and had grim looks on their faces. Hachiro Iba: "... Thank you, Chizuru." Souji Okita: “Why are you here so early in the morning, Iba?” "Can’t you keep your nose out of our business?" Hachiro Iba: "I'm here as a representative of the shogunate, so..." "So I can't return to Edo until Tani's case is resolved." "... Besides, she is involved in this as well." Toshizo Hijikata: "Souji, Hachiro, save the conversation for your own time." Hachiro Iba: "Right, I'm sorry." Toshizo Hijikata: “First up… Saito and Shinpachi, you guys were watching Tani yesterday.” "Please tell us your report." Hajime Saito: "During my investigation, I discovered that Tani has indeed been keeping an eye on Yukimura." "He also seemed to be trying to investigate what was going on inside the garrison." "When I called out to him, he dodged the question and ran away." Shinpachi Nagakura: "I saw Tani go to Itou's room in the middle of the night." Toshizo Hijikata: "... I see. Did you see anyone else enter the room?" Shinpachi Nagakura: "It was just him." "He and Itou were in there for quite some time... I think they were talking for about half an hour." Toshizo Hijikata: "Itou, huh... It would be troublesome if he were to investigate what’s in the depths of the garrison." Sanosuke Harada: "Before he starts sniffing around any further, wouldn't it be better if we tried to explain the dinner tray to Tani?" Toshizo Hijikata: "That may not be a bad idea... But what explanation would satisfy Tani and stop him from sneaking around?" Heisuke Toudou: “Wouldn’t it be fine if we told him she was just carrying food for the sick and resting soldiers?” Souji Okita: "It would be nice if he were to believe that." Sanosuke Harada: "How about we tell em Shinpachi has secretly been eating two servings in order to grow his muscles?" Shinpachi Nagakura: "There's no way Tani is gonna believe that." "But if you wanna let me eat for two, I won’t complain." Souji Okita: “… By the way Chizuru, when Tani confronted you, wasn’t that near Hijikata’s room?” Chizuru Yukimura: "That right, his room wasn't that far away." Souji Okita: “Then why don’t we tell him that Hijikata has been having extra meals?” Chizuru Yukimura: “What!?” Hachiro Iba: "Wait a minute, Okita. I don’t think–" Toshizo Hijikata: "Tani isn’t stupid enough to believe that. Start thinking about this more seriously." Souji Okita: "Aww, but I really like that idea, so please push through." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Well, Hijikata is the Commander. It wouldn't be too strange if he were to have two meals." Toshizo Hijikata: "You assholes, saying whatever you want..." ...... I wonder, would Tani really believe such an odd explanation? Even I was starting to grow anxious. Hachiro Iba: “… Are you really okay with using that excuse?” "If it comes to light that you were having two servings behind everybody else's backs" “Wouldn’t your reputation suffer greatly among the soldiers?” Souji Okita: “Hijikata already has a pretty crappy reputation, so this wouldn’t really change much.” "It would be a trivial matter compared to if the truth were to come to light." Hijikata looked unconvinced and folded his arms, but… Toshizo Hijikata: "... I guess it can't be helped. Let’s go with that form now." “But you guys better try and come up with a proper excuse!” "... Harada. Can you call Tani here?" Sanosuke Harada: “You got it.” Harada then left the common room. Will Tani believe the excuse that we had come up with? My anxiety didn’t subside… After a while, the shoji door opened again. Sanosuke Harada: "It seems that Tani is out at the moment." Toshizo Hijikata: "He’s not off-duty today... Do you know where he went?" Sanosuke Harada: "I haven’t a clue. I tried to ask the members of the 7th Division, but he didn't tell them where he was going." Shinpachi Nagakura: “Maybe he ran away because he heard Souji is out to kill him?” Souji Okita: "If that were true, it would make things pretty boring. I was just thinking of how I would cut him." Toshizo Hijikata: "... Harada, when Tani returns, tell him to come to see me." Sanosuke Harada: "Got it, I’ll let him know." After that, they disbanded and everyone returned to their respective duties. ~NEXT SCENE~ However that night, things were moving in an unexpected direction. I was clearing up after dinner. Hachiro Iba: "Chizuru, let me lend you a hand." “Should I take this try and put it over there?” Chizuru Yukimura: "I-It’s fine...! I couldn’t possibly let you help me..." Hachiro Iba: "Please don't worry about it. It’s my way of thanking you for the delicious dinner." Chizuru Yukimura: “But…” Hachiro Iba: "When in Rome, you do as the Romans do, so please let me help out." -Iba seems to be in a good mood today… -Is he that happy to be able to eat with the others? Souji Okita: "... Oh, it seems you’ve already had dinner." Chizuru Yukimura: "Okita..." "Have you ever been out? Where did you go…?" I'm pretty sure I saw Okita heading out somewhere during the day. Souji Okita: "Well, I'm off duty today, so I just went out for a walk." Chizuru Yukimura: "If you're hungry, I can prepare you something." Souji Okita: "No need, I’m not really hungry." Chizuru Yukimura: "Alright…" Sanosuke Harada: "... I wonder what happened to Tani. It's almost time for curfew." Ever since the meeting ended, Harada has been waiting for Tani to return… But it seems that in the end, he still hadn’t returned to the headquarters. I'm sure Tani is well aware that breaking curfew could end in honorable suicide… At that moment, the shoji door opened… Susumu Yamazaki: "... Saito, Harada, Nagakura. Please follow me to the commander's room." Sanosuke Harada: "Why? Did something happen?" Hajime Saito: “I’m sure the commander will give us the details when we get there.” Susumu Yamazaki: “Okita, please join us as well.” Souji Okita: "... It looks like something pretty serious has happened." "I hope I can finally get permission to kill Tani." But Yamazaki didn't respond to Okita's joke. And just like that, they left the room. Hachiro Iba: "... I wonder what happened." “Judging by the look of things, it seems that something rather serious has happened.” Chizuru Yukimura: "I hope nothing bad has happened..." Just as I finished saying that. Susumu Yamazaki: “Iba, could you please follow me as well?” “And you too, Yukimura.” Hachiro Iba: “So you want us to join too. ……Alright, I understand.” Maybe this has something to do with Tani… We headed for Hijikata's room with a bad feeling in our hearts. ~NEXT SCENE~ Toshizo Hijikata: "I'm sorry for calling you all out here so out of the blue." "... Tani has been killed. It seems to have happened a little earlier today." -The moment Hijikata uttered the words, it felt like the entire room froze over. -Then, everyone's gaze turned to Okita. Toshizo Hijikata: "Souji, is this your doing? Didn’t I tell you to restrain yourself?" Souji Okita: "It wasn’t me." "Where the hell did you find him? How was he killed?" Susumu Yamazaki: “He appears to have been cut down by someone as he was leaving the Yasaka Shrine.” "His corpse smelled of alcohol... So he was probably on his way back from Gion." "The people who found his body contacted the guard, and the members of the Itou faction were the first to investigate the scene." Toshizo Hijikata: "Yamazaki, were you able to check Tani's body?" Susumu Yamazaki: "Yes, I received a report from the corpsman. I decided that I should inform you first." “It appears that the autopsy of the corpse was performed by members of the Itou faction.” Sanosuke Harada: “It’s hard to believe that Tani was killed… His opponent must have been very skilled.” Susumu Yamazaki: “It may have been because he was drunk, but considering his position, Tani should have been prepared for a surprise attack.” "Okita, where were you and what have you been doing until this evening?" Souji Okita: "... Don't know, I don't remember." Susumu Yamazaki: “Okita!” Sanosuke Harada: "Stop fooling around, don't you get that this isn't the time for jokes?" Souji Okita: "I am fully aware. I'm not joking." “If I’d done it, don’t ya think I would’ve just told you guys I killed him?” Shinpachi Nagakura: "... Don't say that. What if others heard you? People might misunderstand." Souji Okita: "But I really didn't kill him. Look. I’m clean, I don’t got any blood on me." "If you still have doubts, you can even check my sword." Susumu Yamazaki: "... The presence of your sword or the absence of blood cannot prove your innocence." "You could have used a different sword, you could even have changed your kimono on your way back." Souji Okita: "... So in other words, you think that I killed Tani?" Toshizo Hijikata: "Stop twistin’ other people's words. Yamazaki is just asking for confirmation." Shinpachi Nagakura: “Hey, Hijikata, the fact that the members of the Itou faction were the only ones to inspect the corpse…” Toshizo Hijikata: “If they are the culprits, there is a possibility that they fabricated evidence that is convenient for them.” Souji Okita: "... Itou and his lackeys might be trying to make me out to be the culprit." "If that's the case, I'd rather kill Itou." "I'll probably be forced to commit seppuku anyway if I’m declared to be Tani’s killer." Hajime Saito: "... Souji, watch what you're saying." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Yeah, calm down. If you start acting rashly, you’ll be playing in their hands." Hachiro Iba: “Toshi…” Toshizo Hijikata: "Damn it… I've completely fallen behind." “Considering that a captain was killed, I should have been the first person they should have notified.” Susumu Yamazaki: “It would have been understandable if the commander was out, but he was at the base all day today.” Everyone seemed to be in serious thought. Hachiro Iba: "...Toshi. Do you know what Itou was up to today?" Toshizo Hijikata: "He seemed to have gone out somewhere. ... Why do you ask?” Hachiro Iba: “It’s nothing…” Chizuru Yukimura: “...?” What was that about? Iba appeared to be bothered by something... Hijikata didn't pursue it any further, and turned to face the others. Toshizo Hijikata: "Alright then. I’ll go talk to Itou directly." "You guys, don't do anything unnecessary, give priority to your usual duties." "For those of you who are off-duty, try to stay in your rooms." Shinpachi Nagakura: "I think it’s better if we avoid being alone as much as possible." "Who knows what they’ll accuse us of if we act even a little suspicious." Susumu Yamazaki: "Indeed. So please be careful." Toshizo Hijikata: "... I’m sure you already know this, but don't tell the other members that Tani is dead yet. Got it?" Hajime Saito: "Understood." Before long, the group was disbanded, and I watched the others leave the room one by one. Hachiro Iba: "Chizuru, it's time for us to leave the room..." Chizuru Yukimura: "Ah... Right!" I think I should just go back to my room… However there’s one thing that has been really bothers me. That's … I'm worried about Okita's condition. Iba’s concerns. What I can do.

  • Chapter 1: Ask Iba

    Check out the translated video! Chizuru Yukimura: "Then..." Ask Okita. Ask Iba. Ask Inoue. Chizuru Yukimura: "Then... Can I ask for your help, Iba?" Hachiro Iba: "You want me to guard you?" Chizuru Yukimura: "Ah, I’m being a nuisance, aren’t I? Then– " Hachiro Iba: "N-No! You’re not being a nuisance at all!" "It’s just that, since it's an internal matter of the Shinsengumi, and I'm an outsider..." "So I never thought you would choose me." Souji Okita: "You're not jumping to any weird conclusions, are you? You know she’s just asking you to be her escort, right?" Hachiro Iba: "Of course I know that!" “But the fact that she chose me as her escort should mean that she trusts me to keep her safe.” Souji Okita: “… You sure you understand?” Genzaburou Inoue: “Well then Iba, please take care of Yukimura for us.” Hachiro Iba: "Of course! I will do my best to protect her." Souji Okita: "Then we'll take care of Tani." Okita and Inoue then both left the hall. For some reason, Iba seems to be very enthusiastic. Chizuru Yukimura: "... So, what should we do after this?" “Should I stay in my room so that Tani won’t get suspicious?” Hachiro Iba: “Earlier, Tani tried to confront you, didn’t he?” “If you stay locked up in your room after he tried to confront you, he might get more suspicious of you instead." "I think it would be best if you just do what you normally do." Chizuru Yukimura: "I see... You might be right." It's quite difficult to create a natural atmosphere, but... In order to act natural, we decided to just wander around the compound. ~NEXT SCENE~ Hachiro Iba: “Earlier, Okita said he would take care of Tani…” "Is it really alright to leave him be?" Chizuru Yukimura: "Sure, I'm a little worried as well, but..." "Inoue should be with him, so it'll probably be fine." "Maybe it won’t be so bad..." Hachiro Iba: "If that's the case, I guess it'll be fine..." Iba replied with a tone that sounded like something was wrong. Chizuru Yukimura: “… Are you worried about Okita?” Hachiro Iba: "Yes. I've known him since back in Edo." "Besides… this isn't just anybody's problem." "It's Kondo's family..." “The way Tennen Rishin-ryu is inherited is somewhat similar to Shingyoto-ryu.” Chizuru Yukimura: “… Is it alright if you tell me a little about it?” Iba looked at me and nodded. Hachiro Iba: “In the Shingyoto-ryu, we too select from among the disciples who have mastered the arts, those who are suitable for both physical strength and personality, adopt them, and make them succeed us.” "Among them, my generation is a little special." "The former head of the family, Iba Hidenari, is my real father." "He died when I was only fourteen…" “At that time, I was still too young and was unable to succeed my father.” “Then, my current adoptive father, who was a high-ranking disciple, was adopted into the Iba family and decided to take over.” Chizuru Yukimura: "Is that so…" Regarding Iba's family situation, I only knew that they run a prestigious dojo… He seems to have a lot of complicated things going on. Hachiro Iba: "... My adoptive father used to say–" "That his wish is for me to become the next head of the Shingyoto-ryu style in the future." “That's why he adopted me after becoming the head of the Iba family. So that I could succeed him in the future.” "... But sometimes I wonder if that was really the life my adoptive father wanted." "My adoptive father was fond of swordsmanship and only wanted to improve his skill with the sword. “However, since he inherited the Iba family, he is busy with the management of the dojo and the work of the shogunate…” "He couldn't live the life he originally wanted." “… If only I was strong enough to take over the dojo when my father passed away.” “My adoptive father could have lived the life he wanted.” Chizuru Yukimura: “Iba…” Hachiro Iba: "Of course, I know in my head that my adoptive father agreed and chose the current path." "Even so... I still can’t shack those thoughts." Chizuru Yukimura: “...” Hachiro Iba: “… Maybe Okita has a similar conflict to mine.” “That may be why he feels hesitant about taking over the Kondo family and the Tennen Rishin school.” Until now, that was something I had never thought of… Inheriting one family or school means changing the lives and destinies of many people. That may be one of the reasons why Okita doesn't want to give a clear answer. Hachiro Iba: “Maybe it’s because our circumstances are a bit similar, but I feel like I can understand where Okita is coming from.” "... However, if I were to say this to him, I'm sure he'd just bite back with a sarcastic remark." Chizuru Yukimura: "Yeah... you may be right." I can't help but burst out laughing at the image of Okita's sarcastic reaction. I caught my breath when I saw Tani in the distance. Chizuru Yukimura: “...!” What's more, it's obvious that he's looking for someone. No, I have to hide quickly...! Hachiro Iba: "Chizuru? What's wrong?" Chizuru Yukimura: "Quick Iba, this way!" Hachiro Iba: "Huh? Um..." I pull Iba by his sleeve. And just like that, we slip into a nearby room. However... Chizuru Yukimura: “Ah…!” Because I was in a hurry, I stumbled over my own feet and started to fall. Hachiro Iba: "Hey, Chizuru, watch out!" Iba immediately tried to protect me. But then… Chizuru Yukimura: “Ah…!” We both tumble and fall onto the tatami mats. -Picture- I gasped involuntarily as Iba covered my mouth with his hand. Chizuru Yukimura: “...!” I never thought I would end up in this position. Hachiro Iba: "Don’t raise your voice. We'll get noticed." “Don't move around. It's distracting." Chizuru Yukimura: “...” I nodded slightly while my mouth was blocked. Someone walks past the shoji door. Sanjuro Tani: “… I could have sworn I saw Yukimura around here just a second ago… Maybe I was mistaken?” What should I do if he opens the door for confirmation? My whole body is soaked with sweat, and I can't move. I hesitated even to breathe, let alone speak. Please. Just hurry up and go...! As I silently prayed, I just waited for the time to pass. Sanjuro Tani: “I guess it was just my imagination. Maybe the stress is getting to me." After muttering that, Tani's footsteps went farther and farther away. Hachiro Iba: "... It looks like the coast is clear." Chizuru Yukimura: "I-I'm sorry...!" Panicked, I got off Iba. Chizuru Yukimura: "I-I'm so so sorry!" “I didn’t mean for that to happen…!” Hachiro Iba: “N-No, it’s fine…” Chizuru Yukimura: "It's definitely not intentional! It's like force majeure...!" If we were just a little closer, there might have been a chance for our lips to touch one another. Hachiro Iba: "Y-yeah, I know. I should apologize as well... I'm sorry." "More importantly, are you hurt anywhere?" Chizuru Yukimura: "I'm fine. Thanks to you catching me..." Hachiro Iba: "I see. Well then... that's good." Chizuru Yukimura: “...” My heart is still practically beating out of my chest. Why on earth did I do that… Chizuru Yukimura: “Come to think of it, just because Tani was coming our direction–” "There was no need for us to panic and hide in the first place..." Hachiro Iba: "Oh, now that you mentioned it, that's true..." Chizuru Yukimura: "I'm really sorry! It's because of my carelessness." "There's no way I would do such a thing to a samurai like you..." I couldn’t stand it, and as I kept bowing my head over and over… Hachiro Iba: “... Chizuru.” Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes?" Hachiro Iba: "Please stop saying such things." Chizuru Yukimura: “What…?” Hachiro Iba: "It's true that I was born into a samurai family, but..." "When I'm with you, I'm just your childhood friend Hachiro Iba." "It's not like I protected you because I'm a samurai." "That's why when you keep apologizing like that… It feels like there is a wall between us." Chizuru Yukimura: “Oh…” Iba was indeed born into a samurai family… But if my childhood friend treated me like a stranger, I'm sure I would feel hurt as well. I could understand what that would feel like. Hachiro Iba: "Ah… I'm sorry." Chizuru Yukimura: "... I understand what you're feeling. I'm sorry." Hachiro Iba: "That’s good. But really, don't worry about it." "I'm just glad I was able to protect you from Tani." "And what happened because of that... I consider a happy accident..." Chizuru Yukimura: “What…?” Hachiro Iba: "It’s nothing, let’s get out of here!" What does he mean by "happy accident"? After that, we couldn't make eye contact for a while. ~NEXT SCENE~ The following day, the sky looked rather dreary. In the meantime... All the captains who were aware of the Shinsengumi’s secret, were gathered in the common room. Chizuru Yukimura: "I brought you some tea." The soldiers who were gathered all had a tense look on their faces. Chizuru Yukimura: “There’s your tea.” I quickly distributed the tea so as not to disturb their discussion. It seems that everybody has already been made aware of Tani's actions. Everyone kept quiet and had grim looks on their faces. Hachiro Iba: "... Thank you, Chizuru." Souji Okita: “Why are you here so early in the morning, Iba?” "Can’t you keep your nose out of our business?" Hachiro Iba: "I'm here as a representative of the shogunate, so..." "So I can't return to Edo until Tani's case is resolved." "... Besides, she is involved in this as well." Toshizo Hijikata: "Souji, Hachiro, save the conversation for your own time." Hachiro Iba: "Right, I'm sorry." Toshizo Hijikata: “First up… Saito and Shinpachi, you guys were watching Tani yesterday.” "Please tell us your report." Hajime Saito: "During my investigation, I discovered that Tani has indeed been keeping an eye on Yukimura." "He also seemed to be trying to investigate what was going on inside the garrison." "When I called out to him, he dodged the question and ran away." Shinpachi Nagakura: "I saw Tani go to Itou's room in the middle of the night." Toshizo Hijikata: "... I see. Did you see anyone else enter the room?" Shinpachi Nagakura: "It was just him." "He and Itou were in there for quite some time... I think they were talking for about half an hour." Toshizo Hijikata: "Itou, huh... It would be troublesome if he were to investigate what’s in the depths of the garrison." Sanosuke Harada: "Before he starts sniffing around any further, wouldn't it be better if we tried to explain the dinner tray to Tani?" Toshizo Hijikata: "That may not be a bad idea... But what explanation would satisfy Tani and stop him from sneaking around?" Heisuke Toudou: “Wouldn’t it be fine if we told him she was just carrying food for the sick and resting soldiers?” Souji Okita: "It would be nice if he were to believe that." Sanosuke Harada: "How about we tell em Shinpachi has secretly been eating two servings in order to grow his muscles?" Shinpachi Nagakura: "There's no way Tani is gonna believe that." "But if you wanna let me eat for two, I won’t complain." Souji Okita: “… By the way Chizuru, when Tani confronted you, wasn’t that near Hijikata’s room?” Chizuru Yukimura: "That's right, his room wasn't that far away." Souji Okita: “Then why don’t we tell him that Hijikata has been having extra meals?” Chizuru Yukimura: “What!?” Hachiro Iba: "Wait a minute, Okita. I don’t think–" Toshizo Hijikata: "Tani isn’t stupid enough to believe that. Start thinking about this more seriously." Souji Okita: "Aww, but I really like that idea, so please push through." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Well, Hijikata is the Commander. It wouldn't be too strange if he were to have two meals." Toshizo Hijikata: "You assholes, saying whatever you want..." ...... I wonder, would Tani really believe such an odd explanation? Even I was starting to grow anxious. Hachiro Iba: “… Are you really okay with using that excuse?” "If it comes to light that you were having two servings behind everybody else's backs" “Wouldn’t your reputation suffer greatly among the soldiers?” Souji Okita: “Hijikata already has a pretty crappy reputation, so this wouldn’t really change much.” "It would be a trivial matter compared to if the truth were to come to light." Hijikata looked unconvinced and folded his arms, but… Toshizo Hijikata: "... I guess it can't be helped. Let’s go with that form now." “But you guys better try and come up with a proper excuse!” "... Harada. Can you call Tani here?" Sanosuke Harada: “You got it.” Harada then left the common room. Will Tani believe the excuse that we had come up with? My anxiety didn’t subside… After a while, the shoji door opened again. Sanosuke Harada: "It seems that Tani is out at the moment." Toshizo Hijikata: "He’s not off-duty today... Do you know where he went?" Sanosuke Harada: "I haven’t a clue. I tried to ask the members of the 7th Division, but he didn't tell them where he was going." Shinpachi Nagakura: “Maybe he ran away because he heard Souji is out to kill him?” Souji Okita: "If that were true, it would make things pretty boring. I was just thinking of how I would cut him." Toshizo Hijikata: "... Harada, when Tani returns, tell him to come to see me." Sanosuke Harada: "Got it, I’ll let him know." After that, they disbanded and everyone returned to their respective duties. ~NEXT SCENE~ However that night, things were moving in an unexpected direction. I was clearing up after dinner. Hachiro Iba: "Chizuru, let me lend you a hand." “Should I take this try and put it over there?” Chizuru Yukimura: "I-It’s fine...! I couldn’t possibly let you help me..." Hachiro Iba: "Please don't worry about it. It’s my way of thanking you for the delicious dinner." Chizuru Yukimura: “But…” Hachiro Iba: "When in Rome, you do as the Romans do, so please let me help out." Iba seems to be in a good mood today… Is he that happy to be able to eat with the others? Souji Okita: "... Oh, it seems you’ve already had dinner." Chizuru Yukimura: "Okita..." "Have you ever been out? Where did you go…?" I'm pretty sure I saw Okita heading out somewhere during the day. Souji Okita: "Well, I'm off duty today, so I just went out for a walk." Chizuru Yukimura: "If you're hungry, I can prepare you something." Souji Okita: "No need, I’m not really hungry." Chizuru Yukimura: "Alright…" Sanosuke Harada: "... I wonder what happened to Tani. It's almost time for curfew." Ever since the meeting ended, Harada has been waiting for Tani to return… But it seems that in the end, he still hadn’t returned to the headquarters. I'm sure Tani is well aware that breaking curfew could end in honorable suicide… At that moment, the shoji door opened… Susumu Yamazaki: "... Saito, Harada, Nagakura. Please follow me to the commander's room." Sanosuke Harada: "Why? Did something happen?" Hajime Saito: “I’m sure the commander will give us the details when we get there.” Susumu Yamazaki: “Okita, please join us as well.” Souji Okita: "... It looks like something pretty serious has happened." "I hope I can finally get permission to kill Tani." But Yamazaki didn't respond to Okita's joke. And just like that, they left the room. Hachiro Iba: "... I wonder what happened." “Judging by the look of things, it seems that something rather serious has happened.” Chizuru Yukimura: "I hope nothing bad has happened..." Just as I finished saying that. Susumu Yamazaki: “Iba, could you please follow me as well?” “And you too, Yukimura.” Hachiro Iba: “So you want us to join too. ……Alright, I understand.” Maybe this has something to do with Tani… We headed for Hijikata's room with a bad feeling in our hearts. ~NEXT SCENE~ Toshizo Hijikata: "I'm sorry for calling you all out here so out of the blue." "... Tani has been killed. It seems to have happened a little earlier today." The moment Hijikata uttered the words, it felt like the entire room froze over. Then, everyone's gaze turned to Okita. Toshizo Hijikata: "Souji, is this your doing? Didn’t I tell you to restrain yourself?" Souji Okita: "It wasn’t me." "Where the hell did you find him? How was he killed?" Susumu Yamazaki: “He appears to have been cut down by someone as he was leaving the Yasaka Shrine.” "His corpse smelled of alcohol... So he was probably on his way back from Gion." "The people who found his body contacted the guard, and the members of the Itou faction were the first to investigate the scene." Toshizo Hijikata: "Yamazaki, were you able to check Tani's body?" Susumu Yamazaki: "Yes, I received a report from the corpsman. I decided that I should inform you first." “It appears that the autopsy of the corpse was performed by members of the Itou faction.” Sanosuke Harada: “It’s hard to believe that Tani was killed… His opponent must have been very skilled.” Susumu Yamazaki: “It may have been because he was drunk, but considering his position, Tani should have been prepared for a surprise attack.” "Okita, where were you and what have you been doing until this evening?" Souji Okita: "... Don't know, I don't remember." Susumu Yamazaki: “Okita!” Sanosuke Harada: "Stop fooling around, don't you get that this isn't the time for jokes?" Souji Okita: "I am fully aware. I'm not joking." “If I’d done it, don’t ya think I would’ve just told you guys I killed him?” Shinpachi Nagakura: "... Don't say that. What if others heard you? People might misunderstand." Souji Okita: "But I really didn't kill him. Look. I’m clean, I don’t got any blood on me." "If you still have doubts, you can even check my sword." Susumu Yamazaki: "... The presence of your sword or the absence of blood cannot prove your innocence." "You could have used a different sword, you could even have changed your kimono on your way back." Souji Okita: "... So in other words, you think that I killed Tani?" Toshizo Hijikata: "Stop twistin’ other people's words. Yamazaki is just asking for confirmation." Shinpachi Nagakura: “Hey, Hijikata, the fact that the members of the Itou faction were the only ones to inspect the corpse…” Toshizo Hijikata: “If they are the culprits, there is a possibility that they fabricated evidence that is convenient for them.” Souji Okita: "... Itou and his lackeys might be trying to make me out to be the culprit." "If that's the case, I'd rather kill Itou." "I'll probably be forced to commit seppuku anyway if I’m declared to be Tani’s killer." Hajime Saito: "... Souji, watch what you're saying." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Yeah, calm down. If you start acting rashly, you’ll be playing in their hands." Hachiro Iba: “Toshi…” Toshizo Hijikata: "Damn it… I've completely fallen behind." “Considering that a captain was killed, I should have been the first person they should have notified.” Susumu Yamazaki: “It would have been understandable if the commander was out, but he was at the base all day today.” Everyone seemed to be in serious thought. Hachiro Iba: "...Toshi. Do you know what Itou was up to today?" Toshizo Hijikata: "He seemed to have gone out somewhere. ... Why do you ask?” Hachiro Iba: “It’s nothing…” Chizuru Yukimura: “...?” What was that about? Iba appeared to be bothered by something... Hijikata didn't pursue it any further, and turned to face the others. Toshizo Hijikata: "Alright then. I’ll go talk to Itou directly." "You guys, don't do anything unnecessary, give priority to your usual duties." "For those of you who are off-duty, try to stay in your rooms." Shinpachi Nagakura: "I think it’s better if we avoid being alone as much as possible." "Who knows what they’ll accuse us of if we act even a little suspicious." Susumu Yamazaki: "Indeed. So please be careful." Toshizo Hijikata: "... I’m sure you already know this, but don't tell the other members that Tani is dead yet. Got it?" Hajime Saito: "Understood." Before long, the group was disbanded, and I watched the others leave the room one by one. Hachiro Iba: "Chizuru, it's time for us to leave the room..." Chizuru Yukimura: "Ah... Right!" I think I should just go back to my room… However there’s one thing that has been really bothers me. That's … I'm worried about Okita's condition. Iba’s concerns. What I can do.

  • Chapter 1: Ask Okita

    Check out the translated video! Chizuru Yukimura: "Then..." Ask Okita. Ask Iba. Ask Inoue. Chizuru Yukimura: “Then, if you don’t mind, Okita.” Souji Okita: “So you want me to do it, huh…” Hachiro Iba: “Okita, please keep her safe and make sure that she doesn’t get in danger.” Souji Okita: "Just because you weren't chosen doesn’t mean you can order me around as you please." Genzaburou Inoue: "Please, Souji. We'll be keeping an eye on Tani's movements as well." Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes, please take care of me." And thus, Okita became my escort. ~NEXT SCENE~ Chizuru Yukimura: "I’m sorry, Okita." “I’m on lunch duty today, so you ended up having to help me out…” Souji Okita: "Don’t worry about it, I don't really care." Okita seems to be very frustrated with Tani… It's a bit difficult to be around him at times like this. But I'm worried about leaving Okita alone now. With that in mind, I started chopping the washed vegetables. Souji Okita: "... Aren’t those green onions? I hate green onions." "Why would you put something like that in there? Are you trying to harass me?" Chizuru Yukimura: “Green onions are also nutritious, and some soldiers like them.” Souji Okita: “Is that so…” Okita fell silent, probably because he got tired of talking to me. For a while, the only sound that echoed through the room was that of chopping vegetables. But then Okita suddenly spoke up… Souji Okita: "... I know that if I were to become Kondo's adopted child, everything would be fine." My hands involuntarily stopped moving at his unexpected words. Chizuru Yukimura: "... Then why did you say that to Hijikata?" Souji Okita: "I don't believe much in family ties." "I was born the eldest son of the Okita family, but I was forced to leave." "I wondered what it would be like to be part of a family or something like it. But..." "Kondo and I are connected by the bond of the sword." "That is enough for me." “Besides… even if I were to become adopted, Kondo would be sad if his son were to die before him.” Chizuru Yukimura: “...!” As usual, he spoke in a matter-of-fact manner, but… I had a feeling that Okita's true feelings were contained in his words just now. Just then, I hear the sound of boiling water coming from the stove. Souji Okita: "It looks like the water is boiling. You shouldn't boil the miso soup." Chizuru Yukimura: “Ah…right!” I hurried over to the furnace. Then, using a poker, I moved the firewood in the back to a place where it would not catch fire. Souji Okita: "Let’s see how it tastes." Okita lifted the lid of the pot and poured a little bit of the miso soup onto a small plate. And then… ~Picture~ Souji Okita: "... Hmm, I see.” Chizuru Yukimura: "Um... How about the taste? Does it taste good?" Souji Okita: "Well, something like that. It tastes good to you, right?” "In terms of swordsmanship, it's about Kirigami level." I think that means he approves. I wonder if it's Okita who doesn't get a lot of compliments… Souji Okita: "I think it would be better if it had a slightly stronger flavor." “After having worked up a sweat during training, I really want to eat something salty.” Chizuru Yukimura: "I see, that might be better..." I remember Nagakura and others saying that after training, they wanted to eat something with a strong flavor. Chizuru Yukimura: “Well then, let's add a little more miso." Souji Okita: “Right, that should do the trick.” After giving his approval, he moved away from the furnace. Chizuru Yukimura: “…But are you okay with strong flavors?” Souji Okita: “Why wouldn’t I be?” Chizuru Yukimura: "Because you’re…" I hesitated and didn’t finish my sentence… I choose my next words carefully. Chizuru Yukimura: "... I thought it would be better to eat something with a light flavor when your body is not feeling very well." Souji Okita: "Oh? So you’re treating me like a patient?" Chizuru Yukimura: "No, that's not...!" Perhaps this was an insensitive consideration to Okita. Thinking that, I tried to apologize. Souji Okita: "It's a hundred years too early for you to worry about me." "... But well, it seems like you cared about me.” "So I'll let you off the hook this time." "... But, Chizuru. Next time you treat me like a sick person..." Chizuru Yukimura: "... You're going to kill me, right?" Okita was stunned by the words that I let slip out… But then, a smile appeared on his face. Souji Okita: "..... I’m not gonna do that." Chizuru Yukimura: “Huh?” Souji Okita: "Killing you would be letting you off easy." "So I’m gonna bully you so much that you'll ever regret treating me like a sick person." "Even if you cry and beg for forgiveness, I won't forgive you, so be prepared." Okita's tone was so gentle that I got a bit confused. He won't kill me, but he’s just going to bully me… That won’t be so bad… right? Souji Okita: "What's with the face? It’s no fun if you’re gonna keep looking at me with that blank expression." Chizuru Yukimura: "I-It’s nothing... Please take care of me when that time comes." Souji Okita: “Hehe… Ahahaha” Chizuru Yukimura: "W-What is it?" Souji Okita: "...It’s nothing. You're just too funny. Hahahaha." “Haha… Come on, we have to finish preparing dinner.” Chizuru Yukimura: "Ah, yes! That's right!" Okita smiled and seemed to have returned to his usual self… But for a while, I couldn't hold a proper conversation. ~NEXT SCENE~ The following day, the sky looked rather dreary. In the meantime... All the captains who were aware of the Shinsengumi’s secret, were gathered in the common room. Chizuru Yukimura: "I brought you some tea." The soldiers who were gathered all had a tense look on their faces. Chizuru Yukimura: “There’s your tea.” I quickly distributed the tea so as not to disturb their discussion. It seems that everybody has already been made aware of Tani's actions. Everyone kept quiet and had grim looks on their faces. Hachiro Iba: "... Thank you, Chizuru." Souji Okita: “Why are you here so early in the morning, Iba?” "Can’t you keep your nose out of our business?" Hachiro Iba: "I'm here as a representative of the shogunate, so..." "So I can't return to Edo until Tani's case is resolved." "... Besides, she is involved in this as well." Toshizo Hijikata: "Souji, Hachiro, save the conversation for your own time." Hachiro Iba: "Right, I'm sorry." Toshizo Hijikata: “First up… Saito and Shinpachi, you guys were watching Tani yesterday.” "Please tell us your report." Hajime Saito: "During my investigation, I discovered that Tani has indeed been keeping an eye on Yukimura." "He also seemed to be trying to investigate what was going on inside the garrison." "When I called out to him, he dodged the question and ran away." Shinpachi Nagakura: "I saw Tani go to Itou's room in the middle of the night." Toshizo Hijikata: "... I see. Did you see anyone else enter the room?" Shinpachi Nagakura: "It was just him." "He and Itou were in there for quite some time... I think they were talking for about half an hour." Toshizo Hijikata: "Itou, huh... It would be troublesome if he were to investigate what’s in the depths of the garrison." Sanosuke Harada: "Before he starts sniffing around any further, wouldn't it be better if we tried to explain the dinner tray to Tani?" Toshizo Hijikata: "That may not be a bad idea... But what explanation would satisfy Tani and stop him from sneaking around?" Heisuke Toudou: “Wouldn’t it be fine if we told him she was just carrying food for the sick and resting soldiers?” Souji Okita: "It would be nice if he were to believe that." Sanosuke Harada: "How about we tell em Shinpachi has secretly been eating two servings in order to grow his muscles?" Shinpachi Nagakura: "There's no way Tani is gonna believe that." "But if you wanna let me eat for two, I won’t complain." Souji Okita: “… By the way Chizuru, when Tani confronted you, wasn’t that near Hijikata’s room?” Chizuru Yukimura: "That's right, his room wasn't that far away." Souji Okita: “Then why don’t we tell him that Hijikata has been having extra meals?” Chizuru Yukimura: “What!?” Hachiro Iba: "Wait a minute, Okita. I don’t think–" Toshizo Hijikata: "Tani isn’t stupid enough to believe that. Start thinking about this more seriously." Souji Okita: "Aww, but I really like that idea, so please push through." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Well, Hijikata is the Commander. It wouldn't be too strange if he were to have two meals." Toshizo Hijikata: "You assholes, saying whatever you want..." ...... I wonder, would Tani really believe such an odd explanation? Even I was starting to grow anxious. Hachiro Iba: “… Are you really okay with using that excuse?” "If it comes to light that you were having two servings behind everybody else's backs" “Wouldn’t your reputation suffer greatly among the soldiers?” Souji Okita: “Hijikata already has a pretty crappy reputation, so this wouldn’t really change much.” "It would be a trivial matter compared to if the truth were to come to light." Hijikata looked unconvinced and folded his arms, but… Toshizo Hijikata: "... I guess it can't be helped. Let’s go with that form now." “But you guys better try and come up with a proper excuse!” "... Harada. Can you call Tani here?" Sanosuke Harada: “You got it.” Harada then left the common room. Will Tani believe the excuse that we had come up with? My anxiety didn’t subside… After a while, the shoji door opened again. Sanosuke Harada: "It seems that Tani is out at the moment." Toshizo Hijikata: "He’s not off-duty today... Do you know where he went?" Sanosuke Harada: "I haven’t a clue. I tried to ask the members of the 7th Division, but he didn't tell them where he was going." Shinpachi Nagakura: “Maybe he ran away because he heard Souji is out to kill him?” Souji Okita: "If that were true, it would make things pretty boring. I was just thinking of how I would cut him." Toshizo Hijikata: "... Harada, when Tani returns, tell him to come to see me." Sanosuke Harada: "Got it, I’ll let him know." After that, they disbanded and everyone returned to their respective duties. ~NEXT SCENE~ However that night, things were moving in an unexpected direction. I was clearing up after dinner. Hachiro Iba: "Chizuru, let me lend you a hand." “Should I take this try and put it over there?” Chizuru Yukimura: "I-It’s fine...! I couldn’t possibly let you help me..." Hachiro Iba: "Please don't worry about it. It’s my way of thanking you for the delicious dinner." Chizuru Yukimura: “But…” Hachiro Iba: "When in Rome, you do as the Romans do, so please let me help out." Iba seems to be in a good mood today… Is he that happy to be able to eat with the others? Souji Okita: "... Oh, it seems you’ve already had dinner." Chizuru Yukimura: "Okita..." "Have you ever been out? Where did you go…?" I'm pretty sure I saw Okita heading out somewhere during the day. Souji Okita: "Well, I'm off duty today, so I just went out for a walk." Chizuru Yukimura: "If you're hungry, I can prepare you something." Souji Okita: "No need, I’m not really hungry." Chizuru Yukimura: "Alright…" Sanosuke Harada: "... I wonder what happened to Tani. It's almost time for curfew." Ever since the meeting ended, Harada has been waiting for Tani to return… But it seems that in the end, he still hadn’t returned to the headquarters. I'm sure Tani is well aware that breaking curfew could end in honorable suicide… At that moment, the shoji door opened… Susumu Yamazaki: "... Saito, Harada, Nagakura. Please follow me to the commander's room." Sanosuke Harada: "Why? Did something happen?" Hajime Saito: “I’m sure the commander will give us the details when we get there.” Susumu Yamazaki: “Okita, please join us as well.” Souji Okita: "... It looks like something pretty serious has happened." "I hope I can finally get permission to kill Tani." But Yamazaki didn't respond to Okita's joke. And just like that, they left the room. Hachiro Iba: "... I wonder what happened." “Judging by the look of things, it seems that something rather serious has happened.” Chizuru Yukimura: "I hope nothing bad has happened..." Just as I finished saying that. Susumu Yamazaki: “Iba, could you please follow me as well?” “And you too, Yukimura.” Hachiro Iba: “So you want us to join too. ……Alright, I understand.” Maybe this has something to do with Tani… We headed for Hijikata's room with a bad feeling in our hearts. ~NEXT SCENE~ Toshizo Hijikata: "I'm sorry for calling you all out here so out of the blue." "... Tani has been killed. It seems to have happened a little earlier today." The moment Hijikata uttered the words, it felt like the entire room froze over. Then, everyone's gaze turned to Okita. Toshizo Hijikata: "Souji, is this your doing? Didn’t I tell you to restrain yourself?" Souji Okita: "It wasn’t me." "Where the hell did you find him? How was he killed?" Susumu Yamazaki: “He appears to have been cut down by someone as he was leaving the Yasaka Shrine.” "His corpse smelled of alcohol... So he was probably on his way back from Gion." "The people who found his body contacted the guard, and the members of the Itou faction were the first to investigate the scene." Toshizo Hijikata: "Yamazaki, were you able to check Tani's body?" Susumu Yamazaki: "Yes, I received a report from the corpsman. I decided that I should inform you first." “It appears that the autopsy of the corpse was performed by members of the Itou faction.” Sanosuke Harada: “It’s hard to believe that Tani was killed… His opponent must have been very skilled.” Susumu Yamazaki: “It may have been because he was drunk, but considering his position, Tani should have been prepared for a surprise attack.” "Okita, where were you, and what have you been doing until this evening?" Souji Okita: "... Don't know, I don't remember." Susumu Yamazaki: “Okita!” Sanosuke Harada: "Stop fooling around, don't you get that this isn't the time for jokes?" Souji Okita: "I am fully aware. I'm not joking." “If I’d done it, don’t ya think I would’ve just told you guys I killed him?” Shinpachi Nagakura: "... Don't say that. What if others heard you? People might misunderstand." Souji Okita: "But I really didn't kill him. Look. I’m clean, I don’t got any blood on me." "If you still have doubts, you can even check my sword." Susumu Yamazaki: "... The presence of your sword or the absence of blood cannot prove your innocence." "You could have used a different sword, you could even have changed your kimono on your way back." Souji Okita: "... So in other words, you think that I killed Tani?" Toshizo Hijikata: "Stop twistin’ other people's words. Yamazaki is just asking for confirmation." Shinpachi Nagakura: “Hey, Hijikata, the fact that the members of the Itou faction were the only ones to inspect the corpse…” Toshizo Hijikata: “If they are the culprits, there is a possibility that they fabricated evidence that is convenient for them.” Souji Okita: "... Itou and his lackeys might be trying to make me out to be the culprit." "If that's the case, I'd rather kill Itou." "I'll probably be forced to commit seppuku anyway if I’m declared to be Tani’s killer." Hajime Saito: "...Souji, watch what you're saying." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Yeah, calm down. If you start acting rashly, you’ll be playing in their hand." Hachiro Iba: “Toshi…” Toshizo Hijikata: "Damn it… I've completely fallen behind." “Considering that a captain was killed, I should have been the first person they should have modified.” Susumu Yamazaki: “It would have been understandable if the commander was out, but he was at the base all day today.” Everyone seemed to be in serious thought. Hachiro Iba: "...Toshi. Do you know what Itou was up to today?" Toshizo Hijikata: "He seemed to have gone out somewhere. ... Why do you ask?” Hachiro Iba: “It’s nothing…” Chizuru Yukimura: “...?” What was that about? Iba appeared to be bothered by something... Hijikata didn't pursue it any further, and turned to face the others. Toshizo Hijikata: "Alright then. I’ll go talk to Itou directly." "You guys, don't do anything unnecessary, give priority to your usual duties." "For those of you who are off-duty, try to stay in your rooms." Shinpachi Nagakura: "I think it’s better if we avoid being alone as much as possible." "Who knows what they’ll accuse us of if we act even a little suspicious." Susumu Yamazaki: "Indeed. So please be careful." Toshizo Hijikata: "... I’m sure you already know this, but don't tell the other members that Tani is dead yet. Got it?" Hajime Saito: "Understood." Before long, the group was disbanded, and I watched the others leave the room one by one. Hachiro Iba: "Chizuru, it's time for us to leave the room..." Chizuru Yukimura: "Ah... Right!" I think I should just go back to my room… However there’s one thing that has been really bothers me. That's … I'm worried about Okita's condition. Iba’s concerns. What I can do.

  • Chapter 1: What I can do.

    Check out the translated video! However there’s one thing that has been really bothering me. That's … I'm worried about Okita's condition. Iba’s concerns. What I can do. Chizuru Yukimura: "Um... is there anything I can do?" Toshizo Hijikata: "For now, you should go back to your room. Saito, please accompany this kid back." "Even though Tani is gone... it's still not safe for you to roam alone." Hajime Saito: "Understood. Let's go, Yukimura." Chizuru Yukimura: “A-Alright…” ~NEXT SCENE~ After that, I asked Saito as he took me to the front of my room. Chizuru Yukimura: "Um... Do you think Okita is going to be alright?" Hajime Saito: “… I am not in a position to answer that question right now.” Hearing Saito's answer… I deeply regret asking such a shallow question. Hajime Saito: "Tomorrow, the commander will probably give some kind of explanation of the situation." Chizuru Yukimura: “... Okay.” Hajime Saito: "We both know Souji wouldn’t break the rules without a second thought." "If someone falsely accused him, they will definitely be punished." Chizuru Yukimura: “...!” Saito's words felt like a ray of hope… Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes! I believe so too!" Hajime Saito: “… It seems we were talking for quite a while.” "Well, I’ll be going now." …Thank you, Saito. After hearing his words, I started getting ready for bed. ~NEXT SCENE~ And the next day– All the members of Shinsengumi were gathered in the common room. Toshizo Hijikata: "I know some of you are already aware, but I'll repeat it for the rest of you." "Sanjuro Tani, captain of the 7th Division, was killed last night." With Hijikata's heavy words, the entire room once again fell silent. Kanryusai Takeda: "Tani was killed...? Who the hell could have done this?" Kashitaro Itou: "We’re still not certain who did it." "... Saburo, didn’t you receive a report from the soldier who inspected the scene where Tani was killed yesterday?" "Could you share with everyone what you know?" Saburo Miki: "Got it. Tani was found collapsed outside the precincts of Yasaka Shrine." "His body smelled of alcohol, so it's likely that someone attacked him on his way home from Gion." Kanryusai Takeda: "Was he attacked by some random thug?" Saburo Miki: "There didn't seem to be any signs of a fight." "... So it likely might have been the work of an acquaintance." Kashitaro Itou: "According to what I've heard... it seemed that there were quite a few that held a grudge against him." "... Perhaps it was the work of someone in this corps." "It seems that some people were jumping at the opportunity to get rid of him." -After saying that, Itou glanced at Okita. Souji Okita: “...... Oh?” Okita however didn't seem to care and evaded his gaze. Toshizo Hijikata: “The fact that a senior officer was killed is something that should not have happened.” "Especially... without them being able to draw their sword." "Listen up, use whatever means necessary to find the culprits." "Also, don't try to make a mockery out of Tani's death. That's all." Everyone/Soldiers: “Yes sir!” After replying, the soldiers leave the room for their respective duties. Kanryusai Takeda: "This is a big problem, isn’t it Itou? I can't believe that Tani..." Kashitaro Itou: "It certainly is. However, it appeared that he had been causing a lot of problems..." "It seems that he also had plenty of people who were resentful towards him." "So it's not all too surprising looking back on it." Kanryusai Takeda: "Y-You’re right. That certainly appears to be the case." Toshizo Hijikata: "... Itou, I have something I’d like to ask you." Kashitaro Itou: "Oh, what is it?" Toshizo Hijikata: "Regarding Tani... why was it that you were the first to receive the report?" "It should be customary to report this kind of thing to me or the chief first." Kashitaro Itou: "Purely by chance, I suppose?" “It’s inconceivable for an executive to be killed like that.” “Isn’t understandable for the soldier who came to report it to be distressed?” Toshizo Hijikata: "…I see. It’s inconceivable, huh?" In his heart, Hijikata didn't seem satisfied with his answer, but… Toshizo Hijikata: "I apologize for holding you up. In any case, we must find the one behind Tani's murder as soon as possible.” Kashitaro Itou: "Yes, I agree. We can't let the crooks go unnoticed like this." "It can't be helped if neither you nor I are considered qualified to lead the Shinsengumi if this continues." Toshizo Hijikata: “….. Right.” Kashitaro Itou: "Well then, let's go Saburo." Saburo Miki: “Yeah, you got it.” "... With this, it seems that the inner relationships will become a lot more complicated." Kanryusai Takeda: "Um, Itou! Please let me assist you!" Itou left the room with Miki and Takeda. ~NEXT SCENE~ The next day. Toshizo Hijikata: "Souji, you'll be staying in your room for today. Don't do anything unnecessary. Souji Okita: “I still have to train the soldiers, are you telling me to take a break from that as well?” Toshizo Hijikata: "This is a matter of caution, so it's only natural. I'll have Saito or Shinpachi take over training them." Souji Okita: "Well, if you say so, I guess I'll just rest for the rest of the day." After letting his dissatisfaction be known, Okita left the room. Genzaburou Inoue: "Yukimura, could you take care of Souji?" Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes, of course." As soon as I was about to head toward Okita’s room– Chizuru Yukimura: "Okita! Where are you going!?" Souji Okita: "Where you ask... Well, I'm bored, so I thought I'd go visit Hijikata's room." Chizuru Yukimura: "You can't do that! Didn’t Hijikata tell you to be discreet?" Souji Okita: "That's why I thought I'd lay low in Hijikata's room. Shouldn't that be fine?" Chizuru Yukimura: "You can’t! Go back to your own room." After that, the battle between Okita, who tried to escape somehow, and me, who tried to stop him, continued... And before I knew it, it was noon. ~NEXT SCENE~ Shinpachi Nagakura: "Men, I’m starving! I could really go for some food right about now!" Chizuru Yukimura: "Ah, welcome back everyone." “... Did you discover anything new?’ Hajime Saito: "Unfortunately, our investigation wasn’t very fruitful." Chizuru Yukimura: “I see…” If we don't find any clues, Okita will… Just as I was thinking that. Susumu Yamazaki: “We have returned. Is the commander in his room?” Genzaburou Inoue: "That's right. Toshi is supposedly writing in his room..." "By any chance, did you two discover something?" Hachiro Iba: "Yes. Yamazaki and I went to Gion together to make some inquiries..." “We heard that Tani and Itou were drinking together in Gion the night he passed away.” Shinpachi Nagakura: "Is that true!? Does that mean that Itou saw Tani on the way home…?” Souji Okita: "I see. That's why he tried to put the blame on me… He was behind it all along." Just Okita was about to leave the room. Chizuru Yukimura: "Okita, where are you going…?” Souji Okita: "Isn’t it obvious? There's no way I can keep quiet after hearing all that." Chizuru Yukimura: “No way, you mean Itou…!?” Susumu Yamazaki: "Hold on, Okita. We haven’t confirmed that Itou is the culprit yet!" Just as Yamazaki spook up. Toshizo Hijikata: "Yamazaki is right, Souji. Don't be too hasty." Chizuru Yukimura: “Hijikata…!” Toshizo Hijikata: “… Itou can’t hide the fact that he went out drinking with Tani.” "If they were serious about killing Tani, they would have done a better job." Susumu Yamazaki: "I agree with the commander." "Itou probably didn't anticipate that Tani was going to be killed." Sanosuke Harada: "You sure? Don’t you think it's precisely because Itou and the others were the culprits that they tried to cover their crime by framing Souji?" Hachiro Iba: "No, if you ask around, it becomes clear that they went home before Tani, so they would naturally be a suspect." "I think it's highly unlikely that they killed him on the way home." Shinpachi Nagakura: “Even if Itou didn’t do it himself, there are people who’d do whatever he says, right? For a while, they had a serious discussion, but– Toshizo Hijikata: "... No, Itou isn't that stupid. Someone else must be responsible." “For the time being, I think I will tell Itou to stop treating Souji as a criminal.” Susumu Yamazaki: “If you were to present today’s findings to Itou, I don’t think he will take any hostile action.” Toshizo Hijikata: "Yeah. Right now, there is enough grounds for suspicions about Itou, since he went out drinking with Tani right before he died." "... I'll handle the negotiations with Itou. You guys shouldn't imitate them unnecessarily. Got that?" Hajime Saito: “Understood.” Souji Okita: "Even though I was being treated as a criminal, you are gonna let them go without incident?" "You're being too lax, Hijikata. I'm disappointed." Toshizo Hijikata: "It can't be helped. If we were to push further than this, it could lead to a fight dividing the Shinsengumi in two." Sanosuke Harada: "Aren't you going to catch the person who killed Tani?" Toshizo Hijikata: “… At the moment it would be worse if it came to light that a Shinsengumi executive had been killed.” "As frustrating as it is, I have no choice but to clean it up as a sudden death of unknown cause." Sanosuke Harada: "... I see. Guess it can't be helped." “Still, Tani must have gone to see him with some sort of purpose.” Toshizo Hijikata: "Well, I'll be going to talk to Itou." “You guys, keep an eye on Souji and keep him out of trouble.” Hajime Saito: “Of course.” Souji Okita: “You really don’t trust me, huh? Well don’t worry, I wouldn't go and kill Itou in this situation." Hajime Saito: "You want us to trust you? Then go back to your room." Toshizo Hijikata: "Yukimura, go prepare some tea and bring it to my room." Chizuru Yukimura: “... Alright.” As of that moment, the discussion with Itou and the others would begin. I wonder what’s going to happen. ~NEXT SCENE~ Chizuru Yukimura: "Hijikata, it’s Yukimura. I’ve brought you some tea." Toshizo Hijikata: “Come in.” Chizuru Yukimura: “Excuse me.” I nervously stepped into the room. Chizuru Yukimura: “... Here’s your tea.” Kashitaro Itou: “Thank you, dear.” While Itou was thanking me... Both Hijikata and Miki wore a grim expression on their faces. Toshizo Hijikata: “… So, as I explained earlier, I will announce that Tani died of an unknown cause.” Kashitaro Itou: "That would be wise." "And since you can believe in my innocence as well," "I will help you stop the decline of Okita’s reputation." Seeing the situation, I guess the discussion with Itou is going well...? Chizuru Yukimura: “... If you’ll excuse me.” "... Phew" For the time being, it seems that persuading Itou went well. I'm curious about what they’re saying... but it doesn't seem like I get to listen in anymore. Thinking that, I was about to head back to my room– Souji Okita: "Hey, over here." Chizuru Yukimura: “Huh…?” Hearing Okita's voice, I turned to see where it was going from. At that moment, he is grabbed by the arm and dragged into the shadows. Chizuru Yukimura: “Eek!” Shinpachi Nagakura: “Shhh, please keep it down.” Chizuru Yukimura: "... What are you guys all doing here?" Sanosuke Harada: "We were curious about how the discussion with Itou was going." Souji Okita: "You listen in on their discussion, right? How’s it going?" Chizuru Yukimura: "Well, how should I put it..." As I was struggling to answer their question… I heard the sound of the shoji door opening. And there were– Saburo Miki: "... Are you sure, brother? Aren’t we giving Hijikata and the others exactly what they want?" Kashitaro Itou: "Well, this time, it wouldn't be a bad idea to follow Hijikata's plan." The two of you noticed us and stopped. Kashitaro Itou: "I'm glad you're okay, Okita. I'm happy that your suspicions have been cleared." Souji Okita: "Yeah. If I were ordered to commit seppuku," "I might have done something to those who accused me of being the culprit before I die." Saburo Miki: "Hey, watch your mouth, Okita. Just because you–" Kashitaro Itou: "That’s enough, Saburo.” “More importantly, I wonder who’s really behind Tani’s death?” After muttering to himself, Itou went on his way. Saburo Miki: “... Hmpf. Well, good for you guys." After making his sarcastic remark, Miki also left and headed after Itou. Shinpachi Nagakura: "Damn, they’re so annoying. They really get on my nerves, so I’m going out drinking after this to blow off some steam." Sanosuke Harada: "I'll join in as well. You’ll be going too, right Heisuke?" Heisuke Toudou: "Me? Well, I gotta patrol soon, so I have to get ready to leave in a sec." Sanosuke Harada: "Gotya. Well, see you later." Nagakura and the others continued walking in the opposite direction from which Itou went. At that time, the shoji door opened once again. Toshizo Hijikata: "What, you guys are still here?" Souji Okita: "That’s not a nice way of putting it." Toshizo Hijikata: "No, I think it's just right." "... Just to make sure, you guys are no longer involved in this case." "Looking for the person who killed Tani is out of the question… You got that?" Hachiro Iba: "... Loud and clear." Souji Okita: "Well, I don’t really care. I guess I gotta hand it to you this time." Toshizo Hijikata: "I will inform the shogunate and the Aizu clan that Tani was drunk and died suddenly on the way back to the camp." "... I'll just have to make sure they buy into it." Chizuru Yukimura: “......” In the end, I still don't know who killed Tani... This time, the case came to a close. It's an unsatisfying conclusion, but I don't think it's something that I should look further into. As I realized that I got involved with another part of the Shinsengumi again... We left the scene. ~NEXT SCENE~ And so, a few days later. Shinpachi Nagakura: "Men, I'm glad it's sunny! The only time you get to drink during the middle of the day is during cherry blossom season!" Hajime Saito: "You guys seem to be drinking all the time despite the time of day." Shinpachi Nagakura: “But I've always been so stealthy about it!” Heisuke Toudou: “Anyways… Did something go wrong with the preparations?” "Even though we get to hold a cherry blossom viewing, it doesn’t feel the same considering we have to hold it inside of the base!" Shinpachi Nagakura: "Well, yeah, there isn’t much we could do about that... things were a bit complicated." According to Nagakura— It seems that they were originally planning to hold the cherry blossom viewing at Shosei-en, which is next to the base. But perhaps because of the Shinsengumi reputation, it seems that the other party was not willing to give them permission. It seems that there is no choice but to hold the flower viewing at the base. Hachiro Iba: “Well, we still get to enjoy the alcohol here, so don’t blame Shinpachi too much…” Souji Okita: “You probably get invited to a lot of cherry blossom viewings back in Edo, don’t ya.” "There would likely be a lot of women hanging around you, right?" Chizuru Yukimura: “Huh?” Hachiro Iba: “Okita! Please stop making such misleading remarks!" "Okita is just joking around, Chizuru. So please don't take him seriously." Chizuru Yukimura: “A-Alright…” “Come to think of it, I haven’t seen Itou and the others.” Heisuke Toudou: “I tried to invite him, but he turned me down because he had plans for a poetry party.” Souji Okita: "Well, even if they were to come, they’d only spoil the mood." Genzaburou Inoue: “Well then, now that everyone is here, let’s get started.” Shinpachi Nagakura: "Well then, to express my gratitude, please lend me a hand, everyone!" As Nagakura cheerfully started the Ippon-jime– Heisuke Toudou: "Oh, that looks good! And this one as well!" Genzaburou Inoue: "There is plenty to go around, so there’s no need to rush." Chizuru Yukimura: "Um, Heisuke. Nagakura hasn’t finished the Ippon-jime yet..." Heisuke Toudou: "Ah, it’s fine. Let's let Shin do it by himself." "This is not some fancy banquet, we’re just holding a cherry blossom viewing." "And they say I can’t read the room…" Shinpachi Nagakura: "Hold it right there! You gotta do the Ippon-jime first!!" Hachiro Iba: “By any chance, did you make these dishes, Chizuru?” Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes. I prepared them together with Inoue and Yamazaki…" Hachiro Iba: "Is that so... I’ll savor these then." Souji Okita: “It looks like Iba would be happy to eat even the roots of the tree if it was a dish prepared by this kid.” Hachiro Iba: "What are you saying…!" “In any case, she wouldn’t serve things like tree roots in the first place.” Souji Okita: "That sounds interesting, so why don't you try making it next time, Chizuru? Chizuru Yukimura: "I can't do that!" “Besides, Iba helped you out a lot this time, didn’t he?” Souji Okita: “… Come to think of it, it was thanks to Iba that my suspicions were cleared this time.” “Alright, I guess I should thank you. … Thanks.” Chizuru Yukimura: "Okita, when you say it like that..." Hachiro Iba: "Sorry Okita, but I couldn’t quite hear you." "Didn't they teach you to express your gratitude clearly when thanking someone?" Souji Okita: "... I take it back" “You really are such a nice guy, aren’t you Iba?” Hachiro Iba: "I'm honored to receive such a compliment." Shinpachi Nagakura: "... What's up with everyone? Why are y'all giving me a hard time?" Sanosuke Harada: "Stop complainin’ and just enjoy your drink. It's Hijikata's treat, isn't it?" Harada pours sake into the cup in Nagakura's hand. Shinpachi Nagakura: "Well, you're right, but… you could’ve at least let me finish..." Heisuke Toudou: “By the way Sano, you seem to be drinking a lot less than usual." “… You cared about Tani, didn’t you?” Sanosuke Harada: “… The life and death of a person depends on the luck of the moment, and it can’t be helped.” “Anyway, Tani was a fan of lively things.” "So let's drink and make merry, and send our liveliness his way." Heisuke Toudou: "... Yeah" As the warriors were talking… Isami Kondo: "Oh, it seems that everyone already has started drinking." "A lot has happened, but today I want you to enjoy the alcohol and remember those who have passed." Souji Okita: "Kondo, you’re here! This spot is empty, so please have a seat." Isami Kondo: "Thank you, Souji." ~Picture~ Shinpachi Nagakura: "Alright Saito, let's hold a drinking competition! No holding back, a serious drinking match!" Hajime Saito: "Since we got permission from the chief, I’ll accept your challenge.” Hachiro Iba: "Well then, I will be the referee." "Whenever you’re ready, you two." Heisuke Toudou: "... Hey Sano. If I'm not mistaken, wasn't Hajime an extreme heavyweight?" Sanosuke Harada: "Well, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him drunk." Toshizo Hijikata: "You guys, make sure this doesn't affect your duties tomorrow." Isami Kondo: "It's fine, let them be. You should let loose a little as well." After saying that, Kondo looked at the scenery of the party with a slightly lonely look in his eyes. Isami Kondo: “… Usually Tani would be here, too.” Toshizo Hijikata: “......” Isami Kondo: "It's a pity that an old member is no longer with us..." "This may be something we just have to overcome." Toshizo Hijikata: "... He might be better off just because he has someone to see him off like this." "Even we don't know when and where we will die." While gazing at the cherry blossom petals floating through the wind… Hijikata and the others narrowed their eyes a little sadly. ~Picture~ Shinpachi Nagakura: "Haa...! No, I can't, my eyes are spinning...!" Hajime Saito: "You're getting sloppy, Shinpachi. Are you ready to surrender?" Shinpachi Nagakura: "Are you some kind of monster? You've been drinking that much, but you look totally fine..." Hachiro Iba: “Then, should I declare Saito the winner?” Shinpachi Nagakura: "N-No, not yet! I haven't lost yet!" Hachiro Iba: "As expected of you, Shinpachi. I must emulate that fighting spirit of yours.” Shinpachi Nagakura: "For the time being, let me take a short break. The real match will be after that..." Hachiro Iba: "Alright, let’s take a short break. But please don't push yourself too much." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Okay. After I’ve rested a little, things will get serious! So prepare yourself!" Hajime Saito: "Of course." And that’s how our spring of 1866 came to pass. ~NEXT SCENE~ A few nights later. Keisuke Sannan: “... May I ask what brings you to my room?” Toshizo Hijikata: "... Since it involved you as well, I think you already have the information, but Tani is dead." Keisuke Sannan: "Yes, I'm aware. It’s quite unfortunate to lose someone like him." Toshizo Hijikata: “Because of that, there was a lot of tension between Itou and the others.” Keisuke Sannan: "Well at the very least, that should have taken care of one of the chief's worries." Toshizo Hijikata: "... Yeah. If Tani had continued as he did, it would have been troublesome, no doubt about it." "He seems to have become curious about our secrets." "So it turned out for the better... or rather, his death was almost too convenient for us." Keisuke Sannan: “Itou and the others trying to push Okita out was somewhat unexpected.” "If Iba and the others hadn't used their wit, Okita, Saito, and you... Hijikata would have been in quite the predicament." “There is no doubt that bad rumors about you three would spread among the general members and divide the Shinsengumi.” Toshizo Hijikata: "Just the thought of what that would have been like... horrifies me." "But let's put that aside... I'm curious about what Tani was talking about with Itou." “It seems that Tani felt something was off with Yukimura carrying food to your room.” Keisuke Sannan: "Tani knew almost nothing. It seems that Itou didn't say anything that touched that heart of the matter." “That night, in Gion, what Itou said to Tani was—” ""Don't bother the director anymore" which was a perfectly reasonable remark." “Itou must have spread some bait to lure Tani out.” “Tani was in a really good mood that night.” “Having joined Itou’s faction, he must have been under the impression that his future position among them would be secure.” Toshizo Hijikata: "... Wait a minute, Sannan." "Why do you know what Itou and Tani talked about that night? Don't tell you..." Keisuke Sannan: "I indeed overheard their conversations, but I don't know what happened after that." Toshizo Hijikata: "... I heard you went out with some of the Furies that night." "I've been wondering about that for quite some time now…. So what happened?" ~Flashback~ Keisuke Sannan: "That night... I took some of the Furies outside as part of their training." "On the way, I happened to see Itou and Tani heading to Gion, and I followed them." "I instructed the others to return to the base on their own, and I sneaked into the shop to listen to what they had to say." "Eventually, after confirming that Tani went back first, I headed outside as well..." Sanjuro Tani: "Hey, you guys... you're from the Shinsengumi, aren't you? What are you doing!?" "Why are you killing people in a place like this? On whose orders?" Fury 1: "Hahaha… Well, looky here... If it isn't Captain Tani?" "Ya wanna know what we're doing? We found a suspicious ronin... killed him and are drinking his blood." Sanjuro Tani: "Guh... you're drinking his blood...? What the hell are you talking about?" "Hold up, you guys... aren't you Sakurai and Kawai? How is that possible... you're supposed to be dead..." "You guys had to commit seppuku, didn't you? What's going on? Why are you alive?" Fury 2: "Hahahahaha, that's right! We're supposed to have died by seppuku, but we're still alive." Sanjuro Tani: "H-hey... what's going on?" "You should have told me you were alive. I'm an executive, you know." Fury 2: "Sorry, but no can do. We're supposed to be dead, remember? ...So we can't deal with you anymore." Sanjuro Tani: "Wha? I don't get it... You're still alive, aren't you? So you should go back to the Shinsengumi." "Or what? Are your deaths some kind of public cover-up, or something?" Fury 3: "Ya got it in one… Captain Tani. We've been transformed into monsters called Furies." Sanjuro Tani: "Are you... Ozeki!? But... didn’t you die of an illness." “Also… what’s with that look? Why do you guys have such weird white hair? Fury 1: “Kukuku… Like we said, it’s because we became Furies!” Fury 2: "You were always so boastful, Captain Tani, and I really can’t stand that. I wonder if I should just kill you... Hahahaha!” Fury 3: "We can't let our secret be made public. But you saw us, Captain Tani..." "... If we don't kill you, we’ll be killed instead!!" Sanjuro Tani: "Now, hold up... wait a minute! What is this about killing or being killed!?” “Damn… Ya got to be kidding me!!” "I'll have the chief investigate this later!" Tani spun around and was about to run away from them. Luckily, I was just in time. Sanjuro Tani: “W-Wait, aren’t you… Sannan!?” "Hey... what's going on? Why are you still alive...?" "... Did I get drunk and am I hallucinating this? Or is this some kind of dream?" Keisuke Sannan: "No. I'm sorry to say, but sadly this is reality." Sanjuro Tani: "I see… So that means..." “Both you and these guys were officially announced dead, but are you living in hiding?” "So this is what’s hidden in the depths of the headquarters... this is the secret that no one knows about?" "Hey... please answer me, Sannan." "I can't believe the Shinsengumi was hiding such a secret..." "Hey... this is a secret only known to Kondo's inner circle, right? Can I be in on it too?" Keisuke Sannan: "Tani... Unfortunately, you ended up meeting them here." Sanjuro Tani: “Huh??…… What do you mean?” Keisuke Sannan: “It seems that they had a big grudge against you from while they were alive.” Sanjuro Tani: "Well... that may have happened, but that's all water under the bridge–" Fury 1: “Taniii–!!” "I couldn’t stand you for so long! Die!" With an agile movement, the Fury warrior’s sword moved toward Tani's heart... and pierced him deeply. Sanjuro Tani: “B-Basters… Urg…!!” “Sannan… what… what’s happening…” "Am... am I going to die... like this…?" Keisuke Sannan: "Farwell, Tani." “Unfortunately for you… I will not bring you back to life.” "Anyone who brings discord to the Shinsengumi shall be taken care of." "Thank you for your hard work up until now. Please leave the future to us..." ~End Flashback~ Keisuke Sannan: "I was the one who witnessed Tan in his final moments." “… From the perspective of the Furies, who are supposed to be dead and can’t appear in public–.” “I guess the sight of Tani going out drinking and returning from Gion gave them something to think about.'' Toshizo Hijikata: "... You’re probably right. Tani was quite an unlucky fellow." Keisuke Sannan: "But Tani was also helpful." "Furies physiologically want blood." "I know that the research is going well to the extent that I don't go crazy when I see blood." Toshizo Hijikata: "Men... you're a scary person." Keisuke Sannan: “… We were created for the Shinsengumi, so let us take care of the dirty work.” Toshizo Hijikata: “......” Keisuke Sannan: “By the way… is that you, Saito?” Hajime Saito: "Yes. The commander called for me, so I came." Toshizo Hijikata: "Come in." Hajime Saito: "You said you needed my help with something." Toshizo Hijikata: "Yeah. Not right now... but when the time is right, I want you to infiltrate Itou’s inner circle." "In preparation for that time, casually approach Itou." Hajime Saito: "If it's an order, I don't have any reason to refuse, but why me?" Toshizo Hijikata: "If Yamazaki did it, Itou will probably suspect something." "Besides, Itou seems to be interested in your sword style." Hajime Saito: "... I see. Understood." Toshizo Hijikata: “If you say you have doubts about Kondo and my way of dealing with matters, you can use that as a reason to approach Itou.” Keisuke Sannan: "You never cease to surprise me. As expected of the Demon Commander." Toshizo Hijikata: "... I a nothing compared to you. I’m counting on you, Saito." Hajime Saito: "As you wish. Then, I will take my leave." Toshizo Hijikata: "... Regarding Tani’s death, I’ve dismissed it as a sudden death." "But if you decide to take any action from now on, please speak to me first." "It's not that I doubt your feelings for the Shinsengumi..." "However, the Shinsengumi was created by all of us." Keisuke Sannan: "... I understand. I will keep that in mind from now on." ~END~

  • Chapter 1: Go back to my tasks.

    Check out the translated video! What should I do…? Check on Okita. Attend to Iba. Go back to my tasks. Chizuru Yukimura: "I will excuse myself as well." Toshizo Hijikata: “Right, sorry for all the trouble.” Hachiro Iba: “Chizuru” "I think I can stay in Kyoto a little longer, so let's catch up sometime soon." Chizuru Yukimura: “Yes, let’s.” I bowed to the three of them and left the room. ~NEXT SCENE~ Later, while I was sweeping in the courtyard… Susumu Yamazaki: “So this is where you were, Yukimura.” Chizuru Yukimura: "Hello everyone, do you need me for something?" Yamazaki looked around to make sure that there was nobody else close by. Susumu Yamazaki: "We were just informed by the commander." "... You heard about it too, didn't you? About Okita, I mean." I tightly gripped my broom. Chizuru Yukimura: "...Yes, I heard about it." Susumu Yamazaki: "In that case, I’ll keep this short. If Okita seems to be acting off, please let us know immediately." Chizuru Yukimura: “I understand.” Thinking back on how Okita was earlier… I felt murderous intent radiating from him and he seemed ready to kill Tani at any moment. I think Yamazaki and the others also heard about this from Hijikata. Genzaburou Inoue: "... I’m sure Tani doesn't mean anything harm, but he is a little too arrogant." Susumu Yamazaki: "... I understand that you don't want to think badly of him because he has been an executive for a long time..." “But this case is highly likely to go against one of the bureaucratic laws—“Don’t arbitrarily handle lawsuits.”” Genzaburou Inoue: "... Hmm, I hope it won’t come to that." Apparently, this time Tani's case... Seems to be causing more ripples than I had imagined. Kai Shimada: "Yukimura, if you notice something happens between Okita and Tani..." "Never deal with it by yourself, please consult with us or one of the captains." "If it's urgent, call out to us. We'll come right away." Chizuru Yukimura: "... Alright, I understand." I really hope this will all come to an end without incident. However, I have this creeping feeling that something bad is about to happen. ~NEXT SCENE~ And then the next day. After everyone finished eating breakfast and left for patrol. Chizuru Yukimura: “... Phew” After washing the bowls and pots that were used for breakfast, I took a deep breath. One of the other nice things that comes with spring, besides the beautiful cherry blossoms and young grasses– Is that the water isn’t as cold anymore when doing the dishes. Hachiro Iba: “Chizuru.” Chizuru Yukimura: "Oh, Iba. Good morning." “Are you here again today?” Hachiro Iba: "Yes. Since I'm in Kyoto, I've been wanting to come visit you all." "Was Okita okay after what happened yesterday?" Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes... Nothing has happened so far. I apologize for worrying you.” Hachiro Iba: “Well, this all started because of the information I brought.” “I just hope Okita will calm down soon.” "What has Toshi been up to?" Chizuru Yukimura: "I think he’s probably working in his room..." "Shall I go get him for you?" Hachiro Iba: "No need, I don’t want to get in the way of his work." "I’ll go see him when he has his hand free." Just then… Souji Okita: "... Oh, Iba. You’re here today as well?" Hachiro Iba: "Good morning Okita." Souji Okita: “Do you have any other business other than what we talked about yesterday?” “The shogun retainers sure have a lot of free time. While we're struggling because of the lack of manpower." Hachiro Iba: "It's not like I had time to come to Kyoto..." “But even so, I have some flexibility when it comes to my work.” “Some Kyoto Shoshidai and other retainers of the shogun have asked me for various things.” Souji Okita: "Did they ask you to come here and find out the inner workings of the Shinsengumi?" Chizuru Yukimura: “O-Okita…!” Souji Okita: “It seems that Iba and the others aren’t enemies of the Shinsengumi.” "That's why it doesn't feel good that they’re gathering info on us." Okita’s overly direct counterattack made me shudder… Hachiro Iba: "I do apologize for that Okita... But Toshi is aware of the circumstances around that." The moment Hijikata's name was mentioned, Okita's face became more bitter. Kanryusai Takeda: “Okita, so this is where you were!” Souji Okita: "... Do you need me for something?" Kanryusai Takeda: "I heard about Tani's case." "It's unbecoming for a Shinsengumi executive to spread something like that and that without permission.” “Chief Kondo must be feeling a pain in his heart.” Souji Okita: "... You’re probably right." Kanryusai Takeda: "That considered..." Takeda carefully checked the surroundings before he started talking again. Kanryusai Takeda: "... If you’re planning to kill Tani, I think I can lend a hand." Souji Okita: "... Planning to kill?" -Takeda gave a big nod at Okita's question. Kanryusai Takeda: "He has gone too far this time... I think this is clearly an act that violates the Rules of Conduct." "That Tani... not only causing trouble for the Shinsengumi but also for the Kondo family." "If I’m right, aren't you going to take over the Tennen Rishin style?" Souji Okita: "... Don’t know, who knows." Kanryusai Takeda: "... Okita. Why are you acting like this is someone else's business?" "Aren't you the one who was considered to be Chief Kondo's successor?" "The current situation is as good as being neglected." Okita listened to Takeda with a plain expresion, but… Souji Okita: "... Hey Takeda. Who told you all of this?" Okita asked the same question that I secretly had. Hijikata explicitly told us not to talk about Tani's case. And yet, he knows about it… Kanryusai Takeda: "... You have to keep this a secret, but I heard it from Itou." “It seems that the Chief had consulted with him about Tani’s case.” “Itou also said that Tani’s recent behavior has been quite unsatisfactory.” Souji Okita: "I see. So it was him, huh..." Though he spoke in a soft tone. It was clear to me that Okita was really angry. Kashitaro Itou: "Oh, Takeda, Okita, and Yukimura. Well this is a rare combination." Kanryusai Takeda: "Itou...!" Kashitaro Itou: "And you are... Hachiro Iba, right?" "I would like to formally introduce myself. I am Kashitaro Itou, deputy commander of the Shinsengumi." “I used to run a Hokushin Ittō-ryu dojo in Fukagawa, Edo, and I came here because of a connection.” “It’s a pleasure to finally formally make your acquaintance.” Hachiro Iba: "I am Hachiro Iba, a retainer of the shogunate. Nice to meet you.” Kashitaro Itou: "I've had several matches with Shingata swordsmen." Hachiro Iba: "Is that so? If you’re interested, please stop by the dojo in Edo." Before long, Itou's gaze shifted to Okita. Kashitaro Itou: "... Tani's case seems to be causing a lot of trouble." "If there is anything I can do for you, please call me anytime." Souji Okita: "... I don't have any business with you." Kashitaro Itou: "The Shinsengumi may be a ronin unit, but they are still under the custody of the shogunate. So family conflicts are forbidden..." "If it's a samurai family, it could lead to the extinction of the family." On the surface, he seems to be worried about the Shinsengumi... But I couldn't feel the slightest hint of sympathy or pity from Itou's gaze. It's like he’s enjoying this conflict's developments… Okita seemed to have noticed as well, and glared at Itou. However, Itou shrugged off Okita's gaze. Kashitaro Itou: "Well then, have a good day everyone." And just like that, he gracefully walked away. Kanryusai Takeda: "Please wait, Itou. There is something I would like to discuss..." Takeda disappeared as he ran after Itou. Okita glared at the direction the two had vanished and spoke up with an annoyed tone. Souji Okita: "... How did this happen? How do they know about that?" "Sigh, it looks like Tani isn't the only one I have to kill." "It seems that I have to kill Itou as well." Okita tries to walk away– But Iba grabbed him by the shoulder. Hachiro Iba: "Please calm down, Okita." Then Okita violently shakes off Iba's hand. Souji Okita: "What are you talking about? I'm calm." Hachiro Iba: "Well you don't look calm right now." “… Besides, I am also responsible for this incident.” Souji Okita: "You’re not even a member of the Shinsengumi, so don't get in my way." Chizuru Yukimura: “Okita…!” Hachiro Iba: "It's true that I'm not a member of the Shinsengumi." "But I do know Kondo, Toshi, and everyone else." "And I can imagine how sad they would be if you acted prematurely." Souji Okita: "...... I never said I would do anything prematurely." "I just can't forgive people who are just having fun like that." Chizuru Yukimura: “... Okita.” "Let's ask Hijikata about what Takeda and Itou said earlier." Hachiro Iba: "...That's right. Kondo may have just consulted with Itou." Okita didn't move for a while… But after some time, he took a deep breath and dropped his shoulders. Souji Okita: "... Being the Shinsengumi's sword is a strange position, isn’t it?" "I can't even choose when and who to kill with my own will." Chizuru Yukimura: “Okita…” When I saw Okita whispering such sad, self-deprecating words, I felt a pain in my chest. ~NEXT SCENE~ Toshizo Hijikata: "... Hmm, I see. So that’s what Takeda and Itou said." “Kondo seems to have been troubled by Tani’s behavior for quite some time.” Souji Okita: "That means–" “That Itou thought it would be funny and told Takeda what Kondo told him in confidence.” “So instead of trying to help solve the problem, Itou is just having fun by telling people about it.” "I’m sure he’s doing it on purpose... I won't forgive him for that." Hachiro Iba: "Okita... you're overthinking things." Okita's theories may be a bit extreme. But when I think back on Itou's attitude and the recent events… Okita might be right about this. Toshizo Hijikata: "... So what, are you gonna let Itou provoke you? That might be exactly what he wants from you.” Souji Okita: "Well isn’t it your job to find a solution to this problem?" Toshizo Hijikata: "Why the hell do you think I’m discussing this with you guys right now?!" Not only is Hijikata having to deal with Tani, Takeda and Itou… But he seems to be troubled by the fact that people he cannot trust are acting selfishly. Toshizo Hijikata: "... Putting that aside for a second." “The other day, Shinpachi was also talking about you becoming Kondo’s adopted son… What are your thoughts on that?” Souji Okita: "Please don't make me repeat myself over and over again." "I won't take over Tennen Rishin-ryu until Kondo is old as heck." Toshizo Hijikata: "We’re living in some very uncertain times right now." "It would be better to have a plan in case of an emergency." Souji Okita: "I don’t care." “Besides, you and Kondo become blood-brothers by exchanging a cup of sake, right?” "If that's the case, won't you and I become relatives? No way I would want that to happen." Toshizo Hijikata: "Souji, you punk... Stop joking around and start taking this seriously." Souji Okita: "I AM taking this seriously. Besides..." “I was just talking about the current situation.” “No matter what happens, I get the feeling that Kondo will never die.” "That's why I won't be adopted. Became there will never be an emergency." -After saying it flatly, Okita stood up. Toshizo Hijikata: "Where are you going?" Souji Okita: "I’ve got to go train for the soldiers. But if you don’t want me to go, I’ll just stay here.” Toshizo Hijikata: "No, it's good that you're motivated to do your duty..." Souji Okita: "I'm not doing this for your sake. Well, see ya." Hachiro Iba: "Wait, Okita. Would it be alright if I accompanied you?" Souji Okita: "You? Why would you want to come along?" Hachiro Iba: “I would like to observe your training sessions and learn from them." Souji Okita: “The Shinsengumi's training is not a spectacle." “Since you came all the way to Kyoto, why don’t you ask Hijikata to deal with you?” Okita just leaves the room, but… Toshizo Hijikata: "Hachiro, please take care of Souji." Following Hijikata’s words, Iba stood up. Hachiro Iba: "Please wait, Okita!" And so Iba followed after Okita. He said he wanted to see the Shinsengumi training, but… I'm sure Iba is more worried about Okita than he is interested in the training. Considering the current situation, I’m a bit worried as well. Toshizo Hijikata: "Sorry we got you involved in this mess, Yukimura." "Leave this matter to us. But if you notice anything about Souji, let me know." Hijikata probably doesn't want me to get involved in this matter. In that case, I should leave the room as soon as I can… Chizuru Yukimura: “Um…” Curious, I opened my mouth. Chizuru Yukimura: "About Tani... Is it really gonna be okay?” Hijikata sighed at my question as if he wasn’t sure how to answer. But after a short silence… Toshizo Hijikata: "... It's going to be complicated, but we have to do something about it." From his expression and tone of voice, I sensed the seriousness of the situation, and it made me feel even more worried. ~NEXT SCENE~ It was almost noon when I was finally able to do the tasks I should have done in the morning. That is– to clear the table from Sannan's room. Because Sannan wakes up in the middle of the night, I bring him his breakfast after everyone's dinner. And one of my jobs is to clean up the finished meal the next morning. Sometimes I get sent away when he doesn't have an appetite… Last night, Sannan was in a good mood, and he ate properly. After this, I have to clean up this tray so that no one can find out about it. While I was thinking this as I was carrying… Sanjuro Tani: "Yo, Yukimura. What are you doing in a place like this?" Chizuru Yukimura: “...!” My heart almost stopped when I was greeted by an unexpected person. Chizuru Yukimura: “Tani…?” Why is he here? Could it be that he was watching me…? Anyway, I have to get past him before he starts asking questions. Chizuru Yukimura: "... I'm in a hurry, so if you’ll excuse me." Just as I tried to move past him… Tani stopped me by grabbing my shoulder. Sanjuro Tani: "Hold up. Don't think you can just run away like that." Chizuru Yukimura: “.......” I wonder what he wants… Is he going to ask me anything about Kondo or anything about the ‘adopted child’ business? I prepared myself while waiting for him to continue talking… Sanjuro Tani: "There is something I wanna ask… Is there someone sick in the back of this corridor?" Chizuru Yukimura: “What…!?” I felt my heart thud loudly inside my chest. Sanjuro Tani: "Don’t act so surprised... I've seen you carrying a tray like that down this corridor several times now." Chizuru Yukimura: “......” I felt my blood run cold, and a cold sweat began to run down my neck. This is bad. I have to keep the fact that Sannan is staying there completely hidden. But just now, Tani said he saw me go down the corridor several times. Does that mean he has been watching me all this time...? Sanjuro Tani: "I’ve tried asking Sanosuke and the other officers, but..." "Every time I ask, they say that they don’t know anything and that it’s just a misunderstanding, they won't take me seriously." Chizuru Yukimura: “......” So that's why he approached me... In order to prevent me from dodging the question, he called out to me while I was carrying the tray. So this entire time he was watching me while waiting for an opportunity to approach me…? Chizuru Yukimura: "... I don't know what you're talking about." "I'm just carrying it because I was asked to… Excuse me!" Sanjuro Tani: “H-Hey! Hold it!” I managed to run past Tani. I have to tell this to one of the captains as soon as possible. ~NEXT SCENE~ After clearing the tray, I came to the common room– Genzaburou Inoue: "Oh, Yukimura, what's wrong? You’re looking kind of pale..." Chizuru Yukimura: "Inoue, do you know where Hijikata is?" Genzaburou Inoue: "If you’re looking for Toshi, he's out for a meeting with someone." Chizuru Yukimura: "Then what about the others?" Genzaburou Inoue: "I think they’re out on patrol... Did something happen?" Chizuru Yukimura: "Actually…" I told Inoue about what had just happened. Genzaburou Inoue: "I see, so that's what happened... We’ll have to do something about that." Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes. I have a bad feeling about this." Until Hijikata comes back, we’ll have to do something about this... As I was thinking that. Hachiro Iba: “Thank you very much for today Okita.” "Your regular training was very interesting to watch. It was a great learning experience." Souji Okita: "It's not like I'm training just so you get to study." Hachiro Iba: "Yes, I know. But that doesn’t change the fact that I learned a lot." Genzaburou Inoue: “Souji, Iba! You've got perfect timing." Souji Okita: "What is it? Do you need something from me?" Inoue nodded, and after confirming that no one was nearby, he began to speak. Genzaburou Inoue: “... Yukimura, if you please." Chizuru Yukimura: "Alright, actually…" Souji Okita: "... Tani, you really couldn't just keep it by bothering Kondo, could you?" "If we don't do something about that guy quickly, the situation will only get worse and worse." Hachiro Iba: "I'm sure Toshi is doing everything he can to protect the Shinsengumi." Souji Okita: "What would we do if Tani hijacked the Shinsengumi or finds out about our secrets?" Genzaburou Inoue: “Please calm down, Souji…” "Blaming Toshi won't make things better." Souji Okita: “Well then, why don’t you think about what to do, Gen.” Genzaburou Inoue: "You’re right, hmmm..." Hachiro Iba: "Chizuru, there is something I want to ask." Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes, what is it?" Hachiro Iba: "Considering the fact that he tried to question you–" "Can we assume that Tani hasn't found out about Sannan yet?" Chizuru Yukimura: "Probably..." Souji Okita: "It will be too late if he finds out. Before that happens, we have to kick him out of here." Genzaburou Inoue: "Souji, how are you planning to get rid of him?" Souji Okita: "I don't need a plan, I’ll just make him disappear." Genzaburou Inoue: “... That won’t do. Don’t forget that Tani is still an executive." “Besides, Itou and the others aren’t blind.” It is as Inoue said… Tani is the Captain of the 7th Division. His younger brother is a master of the spear, and is entrusted with the Osaka garrison. Hachiro Iba: “… For the time being, why don’t we let somebody be her escort, in case Tani tries to question her again?” “If you have someone with you without making it obvious they are an escort, it will be difficult for him to approach you, he’ll probably have a hard time keeping an eye on you.” "Sinds Tani is suspicious of the depths of the camp, let's inform everyone else when they get back.” Genzaburou Inoue: "That's right. Let’s talk to Nagakura, Saito and others when they get back." Souji Okita: "What a pain. If he’s suspicious of Sannan’s situation, it would be quicker to kill him." Hachiro Iba: "That’s too risky. If something like that were to happen, Itou will realize there's something there." Souji Okita: "Then... I’ll just kill Itou as well." Genzaburou Inoue: "If that were to happen, we wouldn’t only have to deal with Itou, but all the members of his faction as well." Hachiro Iba: "That's why we can’t just get rid of him." Souji Okita: “........ I know that." Genzaburou Inoue: "That right, I knew you would understand." Hachiro Iba: "Well then... Our first priority at the moment is to protect her from Tani." "That said, we can’t all escort her together." Genzaburou Inoue: "You’re right, Tani could get suspicious." Hachiro Iba: "In that case, I think it's fine if she has at least one person by her side." "Chizuru. Please choose who you want to be your escort." Chizuru Yukimura: "You want me to choose?" Hachiro Iba: "That’s right. It would be best to let the person being escorted choose this kind of thing." Chizuru Yukimura: "Then..." Ask Okita. Ask Iba. Ask Inoue.

  • Chapter 1: Attend to Iba.

    Check out the translated video! What should I do…? Check on Okita. Attend to Iba. Go back to my tasks. I'm worried about Okita, but… I have to show hospitality to Iba, who had rushed over to visit the Shinsengumi. Chizuru Yukimura: “I’ll go and prepare you another cup of tea.” Hachiro Iba: "Don't worry, that’s not necessary." Chizuru Yukimura: "But..." Toshizo Hijikata: "By the way, Hachiro. Since you seemed to have rushed over here in a hurry, have you had anything to eat yet?" Hachiro Iba: "Ah... Come to think of it, I completely forgot to eat." “I was so focused on telling everyone about the matter as soon as possible, that it didn’t even cross my mind.” Toshizo Hijikata: "... I figured as much. Once you set your mind on something you can’t think of anything else." Hachiro Iba: "... You're completely right. How embarrassing." Toshizo Hijikata: "Yukimura, go prepare Hachiro something to eat." Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes, I understand." Hachiro Iba: “Huh? You mean…” “Chizuru, is going to cook something, just for me?” Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes. Although I’m not sure it will suit your tastes." Hachiro Iba: "No, it doesn't matter if it suits my tastes or not…" Toshizo Hijikata: "Don't worry, Hachiro will happily eat anything you make, Yukimura." Chizuru Yukimura: “What?” Hachiro Iba: "T-Toshi! What are you talking about!" “She might misunderstand when you say things like that…!” Toshizo Hijikata: "Well, anyway, make sure to feed this guy something." Chizuru Yukimura: “Alright.” Hachiro Iba: T-Thanks! I’ll be in your care!” Iba seems to be very happy... I wonder if he’s really hungry. Chizuru Yukimura: "I'll go prepare it right away, so please wait a while." I headed to the kitchen so I could start preparing the food. ~NEXT SCENE~ Chizuru Yukimura: “Let’s see, we still have some pickles and dried fish…” The rice is cold, but maybe it's okay if I soak it in hot water. After confirming the remaining ingredients I could use, I could start preparing the meal. Hachiro Iba: "Um... pardon the intrusion. I hope I’m not bothering you by coming here." Chizuru Yukimura: "Iba? It’s all right..." "What's wrong? Do you need something?" Hachiro Iba: "No, I don't particularly need anything, but..." "I just felt a little useless just waiting around." "So I was wondering if there's anything I can do to help out." Chizuru Yukimura: "There’s no need to do that…!" "You’re a guest, I couldn't possibly ask you to help out." Hachiro Iba: “But you usually cook together with the others, don’t you? So let me help you out…” Chizuru Yukimura: "Don’t worry, I'm used to it. It’ll be done in just a little while." Hachiro Iba: "... Is that so? That's a bit disappointing, but it can't be helped." Chizuru Yukimura: “More importantly, how was your conversation with Hijikata?” Hachiro Iba: “He had to leave because he had something to do, so I was left to my own devices.” Chizuru Yukimura: "I see, so that’s what happened..." Being left alone while waiting in an unfamiliar place, it would be difficult not to feel even a little anxious… Hachiro Iba: "Ah, is this the pot you will be using? Shall I prepare it for you?" Chizuru Yukimura: “Um… Iba, do you have any cooking experience?” Hachiro Iba: "Not really, usually someone does it back home. But today is special, so I'm thinking of trying to help out." Chizuru Yukimura: "I see... Thank you for your consideration, but it's fine." “Iba, please just wait in the common room.” Hachiro Iba: "...I see, I understand." "Well, I'm looking forward to what kind of food you’re gonna prepare." Chizuru Yukimura: "Right, I will do my best." Even though he said it kindly, I wonder if I did something bad... But Iba is still our guest. Chizuru Yukimura: "Ah, that’s right..." Ever since Iba came here, he’s probably been eating only Kyoto cuisine, so I wonder if he misses the flavors of Edo... Maybe that's why he was so curious about the food I’m preparing. So I should make something with the usual Edo-style seasoning... As I was thinking that. Hachiro Iba: "Chizuru, here is something I forgot to tell you." Chizuru Yukimura: "Oh... what is it?" Hachiro Iba: “If possible, I would like to ask for Edo-style seasoning instead of Kyoto-style.” "Actually, ever since I came here, I've only had Kyoto-style seasonings." "Ah, it’s not that Kyoto's cuisine and seasonings aren’t delicious, I quite like them!" "But this is an opportunity for me to have someone from Edo cook for me." Chizuru Yukimura: "Of course. I was just thinking about doing that." Hachiro Iba: "Really?... So we were thinking the same thing. That makes me kinda happy." Chizuru Yukimura: "Hehe... It seems so." Hachiro Iba: "Also... I wanted to tell you that I'm really looking forward to your cooking." Chizuru Yukimura: "... Got it. Please leave it to me!" Hachiro Iba: "Thank you. I'm looking forward to it." Chizuru Yukimura: "... I'm sure that since coming here, and seeing everyone again, he may feel nostalgic for the taste of home." After talking to Iba, I'm sure he’s feeling nostalgic for Edo... Or maybe it's because I’m the one who’s making it? I’m not really sure, but I’ll make sure he gets to enjoy the taste of Edo cuisine. ~NEXT SCENE~ Chizuru Yukimura: "Thank you for waiting, Iba. Your meal is ready." Hachiro Iba: "Ah, thank you very much." Chizuru Yukimura: "I put it together with some leftovers, so I'm not sure how it will taste..." Hachiro Iba: “Well, you're the one who made it, so I’m sure it will be delicious!” Chizuru Yukimura: "That's... please taste it first." Hachiro Iba: "Is this... Tsukushi's ohitashi?" Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes, it's really tasty." Hachiro Iba: "And what is this?" Chizuru Yukimura: "Those are the pickles that I usually serve to the soldiers." “Um… Iba?” Hachiro Iba: "What is it?" Chizuru Yukimura: "I’ve noticed this since a while ago, but you've been looking at my face instead of the food..." Hachiro Iba: "Well of course. I was taught to look at the other person's face when they’re talking." But I feel self-conscious when you keep staring at me like that. Chizuru Yukimura: "P-please enjoy your meal." Feeling flustered, I hastily put the tray in front of him. -Picture- Hachiro Iba: "Well then, thank you for the meal." "Oh, it's delicious! The saltiness and soy sauce are just right." Chizuru Yukimura: "Really? I'm glad to hear that." Hachiro Iba: "Before I came to Kyoto, I’ve had various regional dishes..." “But even still, I like the familiar flavor of Edo-style seasoning the most.” "It is after all the taste of my hometown, the place where I was born and raised." Chizuru Yukimura: "That is certainly very understandable." Hachiro Iba: "These pickles are also very delicious." Chizuru Yukimura: “Well the vegetables here in Kyoto are delicious.” Hachiro Iba: “Although the quality of the vegetables themselves is certainly good…” “I think it’s the skill of the cook that makes these so tasty.” Chizuru Yukimura: "You think so…?" Because Iba compliments me every time he takes a bite out of something... It made me feel pretty embarrassed as I listened to him singing my praise. Chizuru Yukimura: “There are some vegetables that they don’t have in Edo, so I was a bit confused at first.” Hachiro Iba: "That's right. Ever since I came here, I've seen vegetables I had never eaten before." "But now here I am, enjoying those vegetables with Edo-style seasoning. It is a strange feeling." "Hmm… delicious… This is just the kind of meal I wanted." As he was eating his meal, he let out an unexpected comment. -Picture- Hachiro Iba: "So all the soldiers get to eat your home cooking like this every day..." Chizuru Yukimura: "Huh? Ah, yes..." "Well, not all for the soldiers, only for some of the captains..." “But it might be the case for all the Shiei Hal guys.” Hachiro Iba: "Chizuru. Would it be alright if I were to stay here forever?" Chizuru Yukimura: “What!?” I was at a loss for words by Iba’s sudden and outrageous request. What had gotten into him all of a sudden...!? Hachiro Iba: “Because if I do that, I’ll be able to enjoy your cooking every day, right?” "I could help you when something happens, and maybe we could even cook together." Chizuru Yukimura: “B-but Iba, don’t you work directly under the shogunate?” Hachiro Iba: "Yes, but—" "Whether I’m working as an Okuzume or working for the Shinsengumi won’t change that fact that I am, in a sense, still working for the shogunate." What on earth is going on. It’s rather unusual for him to be so desperate. Why is he set on having all his meals here? ... Does he miss the taste of Edo so much? Chizuru Yukimura: “B-But—” If this keeps up, he might make a decision he can’t undo. Chizuru Yukimura: "Everyone is grateful that you use your position as Okuzume to help the Shinsengumi." “Besides, aren't you going to inherit your family dojo and become the next head of your family?” "If you join the Shinsengumi, you won't be able to do that." Hachiro Iba: "Well... you do have a point." Chizuru Yukimura: “You’ve been a big help to Kondo, Hijikata, and even me.” Hachiro Iba: "I... was of help to you?" Chizuru Yukimura: “Of course!” "You’re helping us in ways only you can help." “Don’t you think it’s fine to focus on the things only you can from now on…?” Hachiro Iba: "I see... The things only I can do." For a while Iba just nodded in agreement… Hachiro Iba: "Something I can do aside from joining the Shinsengumi..." "Maybe I should make preparations to someday be able to welcome a wonderful bride." Chizuru Yukimura: "What's that...?" I was shocked to hear him suddenly say ‘wonderful bride’. ... No, I'm sure his words don't have a deep meaning. Iba is a hatamoto and the heir to a large dojo. In the future, he will marry someone his parents chose for him. But what does the Shinsengumi have to do with Iba's future wife...? Hachiro Iba: "Ah... In other words, what I mean is that I hope I can serve as a vassal of the shogunate by taking over the Iba family." -Maybe this is something I shouldn't think too deeply about. Chizuru Yukimura: “I-Is that so… Well when that time comes, I hope you will have a wonderful marriage.” -Picture- Hachiro Iba: "... Yes. I'll try my best to make that happen someday." Iba seemed to be convinced of something as he looked at me with a gentle gaze. Hachiro Iba: "...Thank you for the meal. It was really delicious." I didn't really understand why he’s smiling so happily… However, he seemed to have enjoyed his meal, so it appeared to have suited his tastes. I patted my chest in relief. Chizuru Yukimura: "Speaking of which, the cherry blossoms are really beautiful this time of year." "I highly recommend admiring Kyoto’s cherry blossoms." “The cherry blossoms in Edo are beautiful, but the cherry blossoms here are also very stunning.” Hachiro Iba: "I see. I’ll admire them when I get some free time." “When that time comes, can I ask you to guide me to famous cherry blossom spots?” Chizuru Yukimura: "Of course, if you’ll have me." Hachiro Iba: "... I'm glad. I'm looking forward to it." Iba seems to be busier than usual… At the very least, it would be nice if he could take some time to leisurely admire the cherry blossoms. ~NEXT SCENE~ -And then the next day. After everyone finished eating breakfast and left for patrol. Chizuru Yukimura: “... Phew” After washing the bowls and pots that were used for breakfast, I took a deep breath. One of the other nice things that comes with spring, besides the beautiful cherry blossoms and young grasses– Is that the water isn’t as cold anymore when doing the dishes. Hachiro Iba: “Chizuru.” Chizuru Yukimura: "Oh, Iba. Good morning." “Are you here again today?” Hachiro Iba: "Yes. Since I'm in Kyoto, I've been wanting to come visit you all." "Was Okita okay after what happened yesterday?" Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes... Nothing has happened so far. I apologize for worrying you.” Hachiro Iba: “Well, this all started because of the information I brought.” “I just hope Okita will calm down soon.” "What has Toshi been up to?" Chizuru Yukimura: "I think he’s probably working in his room..." "Shall I go get him for you?" Hachiro Iba: "No need, I don’t want to get in the way of his work." "I’ll go see him when he has his hand free." Just then… Souji Okita: "... Oh, Iba. You’re here today as well?" Hachiro Iba: "Good morning Okita." Souji Okita: “Do you have any other business other than what we talked about yesterday?” “The shogun retainers sure have a lot of free time. While we're struggling because of the lack of manpower." Hachiro Iba: "It's not like I had time to come to Kyoto..." “But even so, I have some flexibility when it comes to my work.” “Some Kyoto Shoshidai and other retainers of the shogun have asked me for various things.” Souji Okita: "Did they ask you to come here and find out the inner workings of the Shinsengumi?" Chizuru Yukimura: “O-Okita…!” Souji Okita: “It seems that Iba and the others aren’t enemies of the Shinsengumi.” "That's why it doesn't feel good that they’re gathering info on us." Okita’s overly direct counterattack made me shudder… Hachiro Iba: "I do apologize for that Okita... But Toshi is aware of the circumstances around that." The moment Hijikata's name was mentioned, Okita's face became more bitter. Kanryusai Takeda: “Okita, so this is where you were!” Souji Okita: "... Do you need me for something?" Kanryusai Takeda: "I heard about Tani's case." "It's unbecoming for a Shinsengumi executive to spread something like that and that without permission.” “Chief Kondo must be feeling a pain in his heart.” Souji Okita: "... You’re probably right." Kanryusai Takeda: "That considered..." Takeda carefully checked the surroundings before he started talking again. Kanryusai Takeda: "... If you’re planning to kill Tani, I think I can lend a hand." Souji Okita: "... Planning to kill?" Takeda gave a big nod at Okita's question. Kanryusai Takeda: "He has gone too far this time... I think this is clearly an act that violates the Rules of Conduct." "That Tani... not only causing trouble for the Shinsengumi but also for the Kondo family." "If I’m right, aren't you going to take over the Tennen Rishin style?" Souji Okita: "... Don’t know, who knows." Kanryusai Takeda: "... Okita. Why are you acting like this is someone else's business?" "Aren't you the one who was considered to be Chief Kondo's successor?" "The current situation is as good as being neglected." Okita listened to Takeda with a plain expresion, but… Souji Okita: "... Hey Takeda. Who told you all of this?" Okita asked the same question that I secretly had. Hijikata explicitly told us not to talk about Tani's case. And yet, he knows about it… Kanryusai Takeda: "... You have to keep this a secret, but I heard it from Itou." “It seems that the Chief had consulted with him about Tani’s case.” “Itou also said that Tani’s recent behavior has been quite unsatisfactory.” Souji Okita: "I see. So it was him, huh..." Though he spoke in a soft tone. It was clear to me that Okita was really angry. Kashitaro Itou: "Oh, Takeda, Okita, and Yukimura. Well this is a rare combination." Kanryusai Takeda: "Itou...!" Kashitaro Itou: "And you are... Hachiro Iba, right?" "I would like to formally introduce myself. I am Kashitaro Itou, deputy commander of the Shinsengumi." “I used to run a Hokushin Ittō-ryu dojo in Fukagawa, Edo, and I came here because of a connection.” “It’s a pleasure to finally formally make your acquaintance.” Hachiro Iba: "I am Hachiro Iba, a retainer of the shogunate. Nice to meet you.” Kashitaro Itou: "I've had several matches with Shingata swordsmen." Hachiro Iba: "Is that so? If you’re interested, please stop by the dojo in Edo." Before long, Itou's gaze shifted to Okita. Kashitaro Itou: "... Tani's case seems to be causing a lot of trouble." "If there is anything I can do for you, please call me anytime." Souji Okita: "... I don't have any business with you." Kashitaro Itou: "The Shinsengumi may be a ronin unit, but they are still under the custody of the shogunate. So family conflicts are forbidden..." "If it's a samurai family, it could lead to the extinction of the family." On the surface, he seems to be worried about the Shinsengumi... But I couldn't feel the slightest hint of sympathy or pity from Itou's gaze. It's like he’s enjoying this conflict's developments… Okita seemed to have noticed as well, and glared at Itou. However, Itou shrugged off Okita's gaze. Kashitaro Itou: "Well then, have a good day everyone." And just like that, he gracefully walked away. Kanryusai Takeda: "Please wait, Itou. There is something I would like to discuss..." Takeda disappeared as he ran after Itou. Okita glared at the direction the two had vanished and spoke up with an annoyed tone. Souji Okita: "... How did this happen? How do they know about that?" "Sigh, it looks like Tani isn't the only one I have to kill." "It seems that I have to kill Itou as well." Okita tries to walk away– But Iba grabbed him by the shoulder. Hachiro Iba: "Please calm down, Okita." Then Okita violently shakes off Iba's hand. Souji Okita: "What are you talking about? I'm calm." Hachiro Iba: "Well you don't look calm right now." “… Besides, I am also responsible for this incident.” Souji Okita: "You’re not even a member of the Shinsengumi, so don't get in my way." Chizuru Yukimura: “Okita…!” Hachiro Iba: "It's true that I'm not a member of the Shinsengumi." "But I do know Kondo, Toshi, and everyone else." "And I can imagine how sad they would be if you acted prematurely." Souji Okita: "...... I never said I would do anything prematurely." "I just can't forgive people who are just having fun like that." Chizuru Yukimura: “... Okita.” "Let's ask Hijikata about what Takeda and Itou said earlier." Hachiro Iba: "...That's right. Kondo may have just consulted with Itou." -Okita didn't move for a while… -But after some time, he took a deep breath and dropped his shoulders. Souji Okita: "... Being the Shinsengumi's sword is a strange position, isn’t it?" "I can't even choose when and who to kill with my own will." Chizuru Yukimura: “Okita…” When I saw Okita whispering such sad, self-deprecating words, I felt a pain in my chest. ~NEXT SCENE~ Toshizo Hijikata: "... Hmm, I see. So that’s what Takeda and Itou said." “Kondo seems to have been troubled by Tani’s behavior for quite some time.” Souji Okita: "That means–" “That Itou thought it would be funny and told Takeda what Kondo told him in confidence.” “So instead of trying to help solve the problem, Itou is just having fun by telling people about it.” "I’m sure he’s doing it on purpose... I won't forgive him for that." Hachiro Iba: "Okita... you're overthinking things." Okita's theories may be a bit extreme. But when I think back on Itou's attitude and the recent events… Okita might be right about this. Toshizo Hijikata: "... So what, are you gonna let Itou provoke you? That might be exactly what he wants from you.” Souji Okita: "Well isn’t it your job to find a solution to this problem?" Toshizo Hijikata: "Why the hell do you think I’m discussing this with you guys right now?!" Not only is Hijikata having to deal with Tani, Takeda and Itou… But he seems to be troubled by the fact that people he cannot trust are acting selfishly. Toshizo Hijikata: "... Putting that aside for a second." “The other day, Shinpachi was also talking about you becoming Kondo’s adopted son… What are your thoughts on that?” Souji Okita: "Please don't make me repeat myself over and over again." "I won't take over Tennen Rishin-ryu until Kondo is old as heck." Toshizo Hijikata: "We’re living in some very uncertain times right now." "It would be better to have a plan in case of an emergency." Souji Okita: "I don’t care." “Besides, you and Kondo become blood-brothers by exchanging a cup of sake, right?” "If that's the case, won't you and I become relatives? No way I would want that to happen." Toshizo Hijikata: "Souji, you punk... Stop joking around and start taking this seriously." Souji Okita: "I AM taking this seriously. Besides..." “I was just talking about the current situation.” “No matter what happens, I get the feeling that Kondo will never die.” "That's why I won't be adopted. Became there will never be an emergency." After saying it flatly, Okita stood up. Toshizo Hijikata: "Where are you going?" Souji Okita: "I’ve got to go train for the soldiers. But if you don’t want me to go, I’ll just stay here.” Toshizo Hijikata: "No, it's good that you're motivated to do your duty..." Souji Okita: "I'm not doing this for your sake. Well, see ya." Hachiro Iba: "Wait, Okita. Would it be alright if I accompanied you?" Souji Okita: "You? Why would you want to come along?" Hachiro Iba: “I would like to observe your training sessions and learn from them." Souji Okita: “The Shinsengumi's training is not a spectacle." “Since you came all the way to Kyoto, why don’t you ask Hijikata to deal with you?” Okita just leaves the room, but… Toshizo Hijikata: "Hachiro, please take care of Souji." Following Hijikata’s words, Iba stood up. Hachiro Iba: "Please wait, Okita!" And so Iba followed after Okita. He said he wanted to see the Shinsengumi training, but… I'm sure Iba is more worried about Okita than he is interested in the training. Considering the current situation, I’m a bit worried as well. Toshizo Hijikata: "Sorry we got you involved in this mess, Yukimura." "Leave this matter to us. But if you notice anything about Souji, let me know." Hijikata probably doesn't want me to get involved in this matter. In that case, I should leave the room as soon as I can… Chizuru Yukimura: “Um…” Curious, I opened my mouth. Chizuru Yukimura: "About Tani... Is it really gonna be okay?” Hijikata sighed at my question as if he wasn’t sure how to answer. But after a short silence… Toshizo Hijikata: "... It's going to be complicated, but we have to do something about it." From his expression and tone of voice, I sensed the seriousness of the situation, and it made me feel even more worried. ~NEXT SCENE~ It was almost noon when I was finally able to do the tasks I should have done in the morning. That is– to clear the table from Sannan's room. Because Sannan wakes up in the middle of the night, I bring him his breakfast after everyone's dinner. And one of my jobs is to clean up the finished meal the next morning. Sometimes I get sent away when he doesn't have an appetite… Last night, Sannan was in a good mood, and he ate properly. After this, I have to clean up this tray so that no one can find out about it. While I was thinking this as I was carrying… Sanjuro Tani: "Yo, Yukimura. What are you doing in a place like this?" Chizuru Yukimura: “...!” My heart almost stopped when I was greeted by an unexpected person. Chizuru Yukimura: “Tani…?” Why is he here? Could it be that he was watching me…? Anyway, I have to get past him before he starts asking questions. Chizuru Yukimura: "... I'm in a hurry, so if you’ll excuse me." Just as I tried to move past him… Tani stopped me by grabbing my shoulder. Sanjuro Tani: "Hold up. Don't think you can just run away like that." Chizuru Yukimura: “.......” I wonder what he wants… Is he going to ask me anything about Kondo or anything about the ‘adopted child’ business? I prepared myself while waiting for him to continue talking… Sanjuro Tani: "There is something I wanna ask… Is there someone sick in the back of this corridor?" Chizuru Yukimura: “What…!?” I felt my heart thud loudly inside my chest. Sanjuro Tani: "Don’t act so surprised... I've seen you carrying a tray like that down this corridor several times now." Chizuru Yukimura: “......” I felt my blood run cold, and a cold sweat began to run down my neck. This is bad. I have to keep the fact that Sannan is staying there completely hidden. But just now, Tani said he saw me go down the corridor several times. Does that mean he has been watching me all this time...? Sanjuro Tani: "I’ve tried asking Sanosuke and the other officers, but..." "Every time I ask, they say that they don’t know anything and that it’s just a misunderstanding, they won't take me seriously." Chizuru Yukimura: “......” So that's why he approached me... In order to prevent me from dodging the question, he called out to me while I was carrying the tray. So this entire time he was watching me while waiting for an opportunity to approach me…? Chizuru Yukimura: "... I don't know what you're talking about." "I'm just carrying it because I was asked to… Excuse me!" Sanjuro Tani: “H-Hey! Hold it!” I managed to run past Tani. I have to tell this to one of the captains as soon as possible. ~NEXT SCENE~ After clearing the tray, I came to the common room– Genzaburou Inoue: "Oh, Yukimura, what's wrong? You’re looking kind of pale..." Chizuru Yukimura: "Inoue, do you know where Hijikata is?" Genzaburou Inoue: "If you’re looking for Toshi, he's out for a meeting with someone." Chizuru Yukimura: "Then what about the others?" Genzaburou Inoue: "I think they’re out on patrol... Did something happen?" Chizuru Yukimura: "Actually…" I told Inoue about what had just happened. Genzaburou Inoue: "I see, so that's what happened... We’ll have to do something about that." Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes. I have a bad feeling about this." Until Hijikata comes back, we’ll have to do something about this... As I was thinking that. Hachiro Iba: “Thank you very much for today Okita.” "Your regular training was very interesting to watch. It was a great learning experience." Souji Okita: "It's not like I'm training just so you get to study." Hachiro Iba: "Yes, I know. But that doesn’t change the fact that I learned a lot." Genzaburou Inoue: “Souji, Iba! You've got perfect timing." Souji Okita: "What is it? Do you need something from me?" Inoue nodded, and after confirming that no one was nearby, he began to speak. Genzaburou Inoue: “... Yukimura, if you please." Chizuru Yukimura: "Alright, actually…" Souji Okita: "... Tani, you really couldn't just keep it by bothering Kondo, could you?" "If we don't do something about that guy quickly, the situation will only get worse and worse." Hachiro Iba: "I'm sure Toshi is doing everything he can to protect the Shinsengumi." Souji Okita: "What would we do if Tani hijacked the Shinsengumi or finds out about our secrets?" Genzaburou Inoue: “Please calm down, Souji…” "Blaming Toshi won't make things better." Souji Okita: “Well then, why don’t you think about what to do, Gen.” Genzaburou Inoue: "You’re right, hmmm..." Hachiro Iba: "Chizuru, there is something I want to ask." Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes, what is it?" Hachiro Iba: "Considering the fact that he tried to question you–" "Can we assume that Tani hasn't found out about Sannan yet?" Chizuru Yukimura: "Probably..." Souji Okita: "It will be too late if he finds out. Before that happens, we have to kick him out of here." Genzaburou Inoue: "Souji, how are you planning to get rid of him?" Souji Okita: "I don't need a plan, I’ll just make him disappear." Genzaburou Inoue: “... That won’t do. Don’t forget that Tani is still an executive." “Besides, Itou and the others aren’t blind.” It is as Inoue said… Tani is the Captain of the 7th Division. His younger brother is a master of the spear, and is entrusted with the Osaka garrison. Hachiro Iba: “… For the time being, why don’t we let somebody be her escort, in case Tani tries to question her again?” “If you have someone with you without making it obvious they are an escort, it will be difficult for him to approach you, he’ll probably have a hard time keeping an eye on you.” "Sinds Tani is suspicious of the depths of the camp, let's inform everyone else when they get back.” Genzaburou Inoue: "That's right. Let’s talk to Nagakura, Saito and others when they get back." Souji Okita: "What a pain. If he’s suspicious of Sannan’s situation, it would be quicker to kill him." Hachiro Iba: "That’s too risky. If something like that were to happen, Itou will realize there's something there." Souji Okita: "Then... I’ll just kill Itou as well." Genzaburou Inoue: "If that were to happen, we wouldn’t only have to deal with Itou, but all the members of his faction as well." Hachiro Iba: "That's why we can’t just get rid of him." Souji Okita: “........ I know that." Genzaburou Inoue: "That right, I knew you would understand." Hachiro Iba: "Well then... Our first priority at the moment is to protect her from Tani." "That said, we can’t all escort her together." Genzaburou Inoue: "You’re right, Tani could get suspicious." Hachiro Iba: "In that case, I think it's fine if she has at least one person by her side." "Chizuru. Please choose who you want to be your escort." Chizuru Yukimura: "You want me to choose?" Hachiro Iba: "That’s right. It would be best to let the person being escorted choose this kind of thing." Chizuru Yukimura: "Then..." Ask Okita. Ask Iba. Ask Inoue.

  • Chapter 1: Check on Okita.

    Check out the translated video! What should I do…? Check on Okita. Attend to Iba. Go back to my tasks. Chizuru Yukimura: "...I'm going to check up on Okita." Hachiro Iba: "Wouldn’t he want to be left alone right now?" Chizuru Yukimura: "I know, but..." Isami Kondo: "No, please go after him." Chizuru Yukimura: "Kondo..." Isami Kondo: "Thank you for worrying about him, Yukimura." Chizuru Yukimura: “No, it’s nothing… Well then, if you'll excuse me.” I bow to Kondo and everyone else… And then left the room. I wonder where he went… He might have gone to kill Tani out of anger. No, I shouldn’t be thinking like that. ~NEXT SCENE~ I walked around the precincts as I was looking for Okita… Chizuru Yukimura: “...Ah” There stood Okita, glaring at a fixed point as if he was deep in thought. I can only imagine how much anger swirling inside his chest. If I don’t watch what say, I'm sure he might do more than just throw some harsher words my way. It might be better to leave him alone for now… But I remembered Kondo's expression from earlier and encouraged myself to approach him. Chizuru Yukimura: “Uhm—” Just when I tried to call out– Chizuru Yukimura: “H-Huh?” Okita, who was supposed to be nearby, suddenly disappeared. Where did he go? He couldn’t have gone too far. As I was thinking that. I was suddenly grabbed from behind. And just like that, I was pinned against the trunk of a cherry blossom tree. As I looked up I saw… ~Picture~ Souji Okita: "What the hell are you doing here? Did Hijikata order you to keep a watch on me or something? Chizuru Yukimura: “Ah…” He stared me down with cold burning flames in his eyes… Involuntarily, I felt my stomach drop. Chizuru Yukimura: "No... Hijikata has nothing to do with this." "I was just worried about you, Okita..." "So I came here looking for you on my own." Souji Okita: "...What are you worried about?" "That I'm going to kill Tani?" "If that were the case, you would have a really hard time trying to stop me." "And if I really wanted to kill him, I wouldn't have come here." "I would already have–." Chizuru Yukimura: "That’s not what I’m worried about." If I were to say something careless to him now… He might go and kill Tani immediately. With trembling lips, I carefully weave my words together. Chizuru Yukimura: "I'm worried about your illness..." I noticed that Okita's hand that was holding me down was trembling. Souji Okita: "That... You haven't told anyone, right? Not even Kondo?" His gaze that seems to be filled with murderous intent shoots through me. And I quietly nodded. Chizuru Yukimura: "...There's no way I would tell anyone.” When I said that, the strength in Okita's hand loosened slightly. Souji Okita: "...I see, that’s good." Okita finally let go of my shoulder. Souji Okita: "If you had even uttered a single about my illness to Kondo..." "I will never forgive you. I will really kill you." Chizuru Yukimura: "...I know." This isn’t one of his usual jokes. I’m sure he really means it. This time when he said he would kill… I just felt helpless and sad. Chizuru Yukimura: “Okita, earlier you said that you could die at any moment, but…” "It's not because you're negligenting your health, is it?" Souji Okita: "... Maybe, who knows." Okita is trying to hide his true emotions so that no one can know how he really feels… Chizuru Yukimura: "Because you can't be cut down, right?" "If you were to die, I..." Souji Okita: "Chizuru..." Okita stared at me for a while as if he was looking at something weird. But eventually… Souji Okita: "... You're really strange, you know that? Every day I've been practically nothing but mean." "And yet you still worry about my health." Chizuru Yukimura: “That’s because…” -His casual teasing maked me feel very sad. Souji Okita: "The only people who really care about me are Kondo and my sister..." “Shusai-sensei, Gen… and that pain-in-the-ass Hijikata.” "They are the only ones..." "But apparently, I should add you to that list as well." "Well, if you really want to worry, why don't you worry about yourself?" "I'm not going to die that easily." As Okita turned to leave. Chizuru Yukimura: “Uhm…” -I panicked and tried to stop him. Souji Okita: "Don't worry. I’m not planning on killing him just yet." "When I'm gonna kill Tani, I’ll be sure to do it out of sight, and without people ever finding out it was me." "Ah, that’s right, before I forget." "Thanks for worrying about me, Chizuru." He smiled as he thanked me… And then Okita just walked away. He seems to have a lot of thoughts about Tani… But at least Okita doesn't seem to be in a hurry to take care of him. I was a little relieved by that. ~NEXT SCENE~ And then the next day. After everyone finished eating breakfast and left for patrol. Chizuru Yukimura: “... Phew” After washing the bowls and pots that were used for breakfast, I took a deep breath. One of the other nice things that comes with spring, besides the beautiful cherry blossoms and young grasses– Is that the water isn’t as cold anymore when doing the dishes. Hachiro Iba: “Chizuru.” Chizuru Yukimura: "Oh, Iba. Good morning." “Are you here again today?” Hachiro Iba: "Yes. Since I'm in Kyoto, I've been wanting to come visit you all." "Was Okita okay after what happened yesterday?" Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes... Nothing has happened so far. I apologize for worrying you. Hachiro Iba: “Well, this all started because of the information I brought.” “I just hope Okita will calm down soon.” "What has Toshi been up to?" Chizuru Yukimura: "I think he’s probably working in his room..." "Shall I go get him for you?" Hachiro Iba: "No need, I don’t want to get in the way of his work." "I’ll go see him when he has his hand free." Just then… Souji Okita: "... Oh, Iba. You’re here today as well?" Hachiro Iba: "Good morning Okita." Souji Okita: “Do you have any other business other than what we talked about yesterday?” “The shogun retainers sure have a lot of free time. While we're struggling because of the lack of manpower." Hachiro Iba: "It's not like I had time to come to Kyoto..." “But even so, I have some flexibility when it comes to my work.” “Some Kyoto Shoshidai and other retainers of the shogun have asked me for various things.” Souji Okita: "Did they ask you to come here and find out the inner workings of the Shinsengumi?" Chizuru Yukimura: “O-Okita…!” Souji Okita: “It seems that Iba and the others aren’t enemies of the Shinsengumi.” "That's why it doesn't feel good that they’re gathering info on us." Okita’s overly direct counterattack made me shudder… Hachiro Iba: "I do apologize for that Okita... But Toshi is aware of the circumstances around that." The moment Hijikata's name was mentioned, Okita's face became more bitter. Kanryusai Takeda: “Okita, so this is where you were!” Souji Okita: "... Do you need me for something?" Kanryusai Takeda: "I heard about Tani's case." "It's unbecoming for a Shinsengumi executive to spread something like that and that without permission.” “Chief Kondo must be feeling a pain in his heart.” Souji Okita: "... You’re probably right." Kanryusai Takeda: "That considered..." Takeda carefully checked the surroundings before he started talking again. Kanryusai Takeda: "... If you’re planning to kill Tani, I think I can lend a hand." Souji Okita: "... Planning to kill?" Takeda gave a big nod at Okita's question. Kanryusai Takeda: "He has gone too far this time... I think this is clearly an act that violates the Rules of Conduct." "That Tani... not only causing trouble for the Shinsengumi but also for the Kondo family." "If I’m right, aren't you going to take over the Tennen Rishin style?" Souji Okita: "... Don’t know, who knows." Kanryusai Takeda: "...Okita. Why are you acting like this is someone else's business?" "Aren't you the one who was considered to be Chief Kondo's successor?" "The current situation is as good as being neglected." Okita listened to Takeda with a plain expresion, but… Souji Okita: "...Hey Takeda. Who told you all of this?" Okita asked the same question that I secretly had. Hijikata explicitly told us not to talk about Tani's case. And yet, he knows about it… Kanryusai Takeda: "... You have to keep this a secret, but I heard it from Itou." “It seems that the Chief had consulted with him about Tani’s case.” “Itou also said that Tani’s recent behavior has been quite unsatisfactory.” Souji Okita: "I see. So it was him, huh..." Though he spoke in a soft tone. It was to me that Okita was really angry. Kashitaro Itou: "Oh, Takeda, Okita, and Yukimura. Well this is a rare combination." Kanryusai Takeda: "Itou...!" Kashitaro Itou: "And you are... Hachiro Iba, right?" "I would like to formally introduce myself. I am Kashitaro Itou, deputy commander of the Shinsengumi." “I used to run a Hokushin Ittō-ryu dojo in Fukagawa, Edo, and I came here because of a connection.” “It’s a pleasure to finally formally make your acquaintance.” Hachiro Iba: "I am Hachiro Iba, a retainer of the shogunate. Nice to meet you.” Kashitaro Itou: "I've had several matches with Shingata swordsmen." Hachiro Iba: "Is that so? If you’re interested, please stop by the dojo in Edo." Before long, Itou's gaze shifted to Okita. Kashitaro Itou: "... Tani's case seems to be causing a lot of trouble." "If there is anything I can do for you, please call me anytime." Souji Okita: "... I don't have any business with you." Kashitaro Itou: "The Shinsengumi may be a ronin unit, but they are still under the custody of the shogunate. So family conflicts are forbidden..." "If it's a samurai family, it could lead to the extinction of the family." On the surface, he seems to be worried about the Shinsengumi... But I couldn't feel the slightest hint of sympathy or pity from Itou's gaze. It's like he’s enjoying this conflict's developments… Okita seemed to have noticed as well, and glared at Itou. However, Itou shrugged off Okita's gaze. Kashitaro Itou: "Well then, have a good day everyone." And just like that, he gracefully walked away. Kanryusai Takeda: "Please wait, Itou. There is something I would like to discuss..." Takeda disappeared so he ran after Itou. Okita glared at the direction the two had vanished and spoke up with an annoyed tone. Souji Okita: "... How did this happen? How do they know about that?" "Sigh, it looks like Tani isn't the only one I have to kill." "It seems that I have to kill Itou as well." Okita tries to walk away– But Iba grabbed him by the shoulder. Hachiro Iba: "Please calm down, Okita." Then Okita violently shakes off Iba's hand. Souji Okita: "What are you talking about? I'm calm." Hachiro Iba: "Well you don't look calm right now." “… Besides, I am also responsible for this incident.” Souji Okita: "You’re not even a member of the Shinsengumi, so don't get in my way." Chizuru Yukimura: “Okita…!” Hachiro Iba: "It's true that I'm not a member of the Shinsengumi." "But I do know Kondo, Toshi, and everyone else." "And I can imagine how sad they would be if you acted prematurely." Souji Okita: "...... I never said I would do anything prematurely." "I just can't forgive people who are just having fun like that." Chizuru Yukimura: “... Okita.” "Let's ask Hijikata about what Takeda and Itou said earlier." Hachiro Iba: "...That's right. Kondo may have just consulted with Itou." Okita didn't move for a while… But after some time, he took a deep breath and dropped his shoulders. Souji Okita: "... Being the Shinsengumi's sword is a strange position, isn’t it?" "I can't even choose when and who to kill with my own will." Chizuru Yukimura: “Okita…” When I saw Okita whispering such sad, self-deprecating words, I felt a pain in my chest. ~NEXT SCENE~ Toshizo Hijikata: "... Hmm, I see. So that’s what Takeda and Itou said." “Kondo seems to have been troubled by Tani’s behavior for quite some time.” Souji Okita: "That means–" “That Itou thought it would be funny and told Takeda what Kondo told him in confidence.” “So instead of trying to help solve the problem, Itou is just having fun by telling people about it.” "I’m sure he’s doing it on purpose... I won't forgive him for that." Hachiro Iba: "Okita... you're overthinking things." Okita's theories may be a bit extreme. But when I think back on Itou's attitude and the recent events… Okita might be right about this. Toshizo Hijikata: "... So what, are you gonna let Itou provoke you? That might be exactly what he wants from you.” Souji Okita: "Well isn’t it your job to find a solution to this problem?" Toshizo Hijikata: "Why the hell do you think I’m discussing this with you guys right now?!" Not only is Hijikata having to deal with Tani, Takeda and Itou… But he seems to be troubled by the fact that people he cannot trust are acting selfishly. Toshizo Hijikata: "... Putting that aside for a second." “The other day, Shinpachi was also talking about you becoming Kondo’s adopted son… What are your thoughts on that?” Souji Okita: "Please don't make me repeat myself over and over again." "I won't take over Tennen Rishin-ryu until Kondo is old as heck." Toshizo Hijikata: "We’re living in some very uncertain times right now." "It would be better to have a plan in case of an emergency." Souji Okita: "I don’t care." “Besides, you and Kondo become blood-brothers by exchanging a cup of sake, right?” "If that's the case, won't you and I become relatives? No way I would want that to happen." Toshizo Hijikata: "Souji, you punk... Stop joking around and start taking this seriously." Souji Okita: "I AM taking this seriously. Besides..." “I was just talking about the current situation.” “No matter what happens, I get the feeling that Kondo will never die.” "That's why I won't be adopted. Became there will never be an emergency." After saying it flatly, Okita stood up. Toshizo Hijikata: "Where are you going?" Souji Okita: "I’ve got to go train for the soldiers. But if you don’t want me to go, I’ll just stay here.” Toshizo Hijikata: "No, it's good that you're motivated to do your duty..." Souji Okita: "I'm not doing this for your sake. Well, see ya." Hachiro Iba: "Wait, Okita. Would it be alright if I accompanied you?" Souji Okita: "You? Why would you want to come along?" Hachiro Iba: “I would like to observe your training sessions and learn from them." Souji Okita: “The Shinsengumi's training is not a spectacle." “Since you came all the way to Kyoto, why don’t you ask Hijikata to deal with you?” Okita just leaves the room, but… Toshizo Hijikata: "Hachiro, please take care of Souji." Following Hijikata’s words, Iba stood up. Hachiro Iba: "Please wait, Okita!" And so Iba followed after Okita. He said he wanted to see the Shinsengumi training, but… I'm sure Iba is more worried about Okita than he is interested in the training. Considering the current situation, I’m a bit worried as well. Toshizo Hijikata: "Sorry we got you involved in this mess, Yukimura." "Leave this matter to us. But if you notice anything about Souji, let me know." Hijikata probably doesn't want me to get involved in this matter. In that case, I should leave the room as soon as I can… Chizuru Yukimura: “Um…” Curious, I opened my mouth. Chizuru Yukimura: "About Tani... Is it really gonna be okay?” Hijikata sighed at my question as if he wasn’t sure how to answer. But after a short silence… Toshizo Hijikata: "... It's going to be complicated, but we have to do something about it." From his expression and tone of voice, I sensed the seriousness of the situation, and it made me feel even more worried. ~NEXT SCENE~ It was almost noon when I was finally able to do the tasks I should have done in the morning. That is– to clear the table from Sannan's room. Because Sannan wakes up in the middle of the night, I bring him his breakfast after everyone's dinner. And one of my jobs is to clean up the finished meal the next morning. Sometimes I get sent away when he doesn't have an appetite… Last night, Sannan was in a good mood, and he ate properly. After this, I have to clean up this tray so that no one can find out about it. While I was thinking this as I was carrying… Sanjuro Tani: "Yo, Yukimura. What are you doing in a place like this?" Chizuru Yukimura: “...!” My heart almost stopped when I was greeted by an unexpected person. Chizuru Yukimura: “Tani…?” Why is he here? Could it be that he was watching me…? Anyway, I have to get past him before he starts asking questions. Chizuru Yukimura: "...I'm in a hurry, so if you’ll excuse me." Just as I tried to move past him… Tani stopped me by grabbing my shoulder. Sanjuro Tani: "Hold up. Don't think you can just run away like that." Chizuru Yukimura: “.......” I wonder what he wants… Is he going to ask me anything about Kondo or anything about the ‘adopted child’ business? I prepared myself while waiting for him to continue talking… Sanjuro Tani: "There is something I wanna ask… Is there someone sick in the back of this corridor?" Chizuru Yukimura: “What…!?” I felt my heart thud loudly inside my chest. Sanjuro Tani: "Don’t act so surprised... I've seen you carrying a tray like that down this corridor several times now." Chizuru Yukimura: “......” I felt my blood run cold, and a cold sweat began to run down my neck. This is bad. I have to keep the fact that Sannan is staying there completely hidden. But just now, Tani said he saw me go down the corridor several times. Does that mean he has been watching me all this time...? Sanjuro Tani: "I’ve tried asking Sanosuke and the other officers, but..." "Every time I ask, they say that they don’t know anything and that it’s just a misunderstanding, they won't take me seriously." Chizuru Yukimura: “......” So that's why he approached me... In order to prevent me from dodging the question, he called out to me while I was carrying the tray. So this entire time he was watching me while waiting for an opportunity to approach me…? Chizuru Yukimura: "...I don't know what you're talking about." "I'm just carrying it because I was asked to… Excuse me!" Sanjuro Tani: “H-Hey! Hold it!” I managed to run past Tani. I have to tell this to one of the captains as soon as possible. ~NEXT SCENE~ After clearing the tray, I came to the common room– Genzaburou Inoue: "Oh, Yukimura, what's wrong? You’re looking kind of pale..." Chizuru Yukimura: "Inoue, do you know where Hijikata is?" Genzaburou Inoue: "If you’re looking for Toshi, he's out for a meeting with someone." Chizuru Yukimura: "Then what about the others?" Genzaburou Inoue: "I think they’re out on patrol... Did something happen?" Chizuru Yukimura: "Actually…" I told Inoue about what had just happened. Genzaburou Inoue: "I see, so that's what happened... We’ll have to do something about that." Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes. I have a bad feeling about this." Until Hijikata comes back, we’ll have to do something about this... As I was thinking that. Hachiro Iba: “Thank you very much for today Okita.” "Your regular training was very interesting to watch. It was a great learning experience." Souji Okita: "It's not like I'm training just so you get to study." Hachiro Iba: "Yes, I know. But that doesn’t change the fact that I learned a lot." Genzaburou Inoue: “Souji, Iba! You've got perfect timing." Souji Okita: "What is it? Do you need something from me?" Inoue nodded, and after confirming that no one was nearby, he began to speak. Genzaburou Inoue: “... Yukimura, if you please." Chizuru Yukimura: "Alright, actually…" Souji Okita: "... Tani, you really couldn't just keep it by bothering Kondo, could you?" "If we don't do something about that guy quickly, the situation will only get worse and worse." Hachiro Iba: "I'm sure Toshi is doing everything he can to protect the Shinsengumi." Souji Okita: "What would we do if Tani hijacked the Shinsengumi or finds out about our secrets?" Genzaburou Inoue: “Please calm down, Souji…” "Blaming Toshi won't make things better." Souji Okita: “Well then, why don’t you think about what to do, Gen.” Genzaburou Inoue: "You’re right, hmmm..." Hachiro Iba: "Chizuru, there is something I want to ask." Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes, what is it?" Hachiro Iba: "Considering the fact that he tried to question you–" "Can we assume that Tani hasn't found out about Sannan yet?" Chizuru Yukimura: "Probably..." Souji Okita: "It will be too late if he finds out. Before that happens, we have to kick him out of here." Genzaburou Inoue: "Souji, how are you planning to get rid of him?" Souji Okita: "I don't need a plan, I’ll just make him disappear." Genzaburou Inoue: “... That won’t do. Don’t forget that Tani is still an executive." “Besides, Itou and the others aren’t blind.” It is as Inoue said… Tani is the Captain of the 7nd Division. His younger brother is a master of the spear, and is entrusted with the Osaka garrison. Hachiro Iba: “… For the time being, why don’t we let somebody be her escort, in case Tani tries to question her again?” “If you have someone with you without making it obvious they are an escort, it will be difficult for him to approach you, he’ll probably have a hard time keeping an eye on you.” "Sinds Tani is suspicious of the depths of the camp, let's inform everyone else when they get back.” Genzaburou Inoue: "That's right. Let’s talk to Nagakura ,Saito and others when they get back." Souji Okita: "What a pain. If he’s suspicious of Sannan’s situation, it would be quicker to kill him." Hachiro Iba: "That’s too risky. If something like that were to happen, Itou will realize there's something there." Souji Okita: "Then... I’ll just kill Itou as well." Genzaburou Inoue: "If that were to happen, we wouldn’t only have to deal with Itou, but all the members of his faction as well." Hachiro Iba: "That's why we can’t just get rid of him." Souji Okita: “........ I know that." Genzaburou Inoue: "That right, I knew you would understand." Hachiro Iba: "Well then... Our first priority at the moment is to protect her from Tani." "That said, we can’t all escort her together." Genzaburou Inoue: "You’re right, Tani could get suspicious." Hachiro Iba: "In that case, I think it's fine if she has at least one person by her side." "Chizuru. Please choose who you want to be your escort." Chizuru Yukimura: "You want me to choose?" Hachiro Iba: "That’s right. It would be best to let the person being escorted choose this kind of thing." Chizuru Yukimura: "Then..." Ask Okita. Ask Iba. Ask Inoue.

  • Chapter 1: Intro

    Check out the translated video! As spring came, the 1st year of the Keiō era had begun. Everyone in the Shinsengumi worked hard to protect the public order of Kyoto. In the meantime a lot had happened, Sannan turned into a Fury, the headquarters was moved to Nishi Hongwanji temple, Then there was the guarding of Nijo Castle and the visit of Doctor Matsumoto. The Shinsengumi began to play a bigger role in protecting the peace and order of Kyoto. And then autumn came around. While protecting the peace, the members of the corps were able to spend fulfilling days. In the meantime, I was able to laugh with them and I think I was able to build a better bond with them. It was the same with all the captains… As I spent my days with them, I felt like I had grown closer to them. Knowing that made me happy. It was around that time when I started hoping that those moments would continue… As the Shinsengumi was living a fulfilling life in Kyoto… The shogunate had begun its conquest of Choshu. The final straw was during the Hamaguri Rebellion. It was a battle in which the shogunate sent an army to drive back the Choshu clan. However, there was no end in sight, and in the fall, the Shinsengumi also got involved. Kondo and several other members decided to visit the Choshu Domain, which was enemy territory. And then a new year rolled around. The Shinsengumi secretly helped Ryoma Sakamoto, a ronin who escaped from the Tosa domain, at the request of Kaishu Katsu of the shogunate. We managed to rescue Sakamoto who was attacked by the Fushimi magistrate's office… And succeeded in safely delivering him to the Satsuma clan. It was the spring of 1866. This was around this time that the Shinsengumi began to get involved in cases that could not be made public. An incident that started when one of the Shinsengumi executives lost his life. ~END INTRO~ Spring, 1866. I was allowed to accompany Okita and the members of the 1st Division on patrol. Soldier 1: “The cherry blossoms are really beautiful. I’d love to have a cherry blossom viewing before all the flowers have fallen.” Soldier 2: “Yeah, you’re right.” "When we’re done with this patrol, let's talk to the off-duty soldiers." The cold winter has finally ended and the cherry blossom season has finally arrived, and it seems that the members of the squad were quite excited. Chizuru Yukimura: “It looks like the soldiers are looking forward to seeing the cherry blossoms.” Souji Okita: “You got that right. It's almost hard to tell that they are members of the Shinsengumi. “It’s not just Shinpachi, but the other members have been wanting to go out drinking for some reason.” Chizuru Yukimura: "Well, not hard to guess why, when the trees are blooming so beautifully." Souji Okita: "They may be blooming beautifully now..." "But the moment the wind blows or the rain starts to fall, they will be scattered all at once." "It’s quite a pity, don’t you think?" Chizuru Yukimura: "You’re right. They may only bloom for a short time," "But that's why I think you should enjoy them while they are still blooming." Souji Okita: "Hmm, Is that so…" Chizuru Yukimura: “Back in Edo, I used to go cherry blossom viewing with my father and neighbors every year.” “And what about you Okita?” Souji Okita: “Back at Shiei Hall, there were many people who liked to drink and have fun.” "I think it was the Kaneiji Temple in Ueno? I've been to some cherry blossom viewings over there..." Chizuru Yukimura: "I've been there before. It's pretty well-maintained and neat." Souji Okita: "...Yeah, that's right." "Once, Shinpachi and the others got drunk and caused a big fuss, so they got kicked out." "Thanks to them, from then on, we had to have our cherry blossom viewing somewhere else." Chizuru Yukimura: "...I can imagine that." “Will the Shinsengumi be holding a cherry blossom viewing this year?” Souji Okita: "... I don't know. If a certain nag would give his permission, we should be able to hold one." Chizuru Yukimura: "By ‘a certain nag’ you mean..." As we were talking… Souji Okita: "Huh? Isn’t that..." Okita noticed someone up ahead and called out to them. The person turned out to be… Sanjuro Tani: "Hey Okita. How's the patrol going?" Souji Okita: "The same as usual, nothing to report on." Sanjuro Tani: "Ah, I see. In other words, the ronin are also quiet. Well, it’s pretty nice for a change." "The cherry blossoms are blooming beautifully, so it might be a good idea to take the soldiers out to see the blossoms on their days off." Souji Okita: "...You’re right" "I hope there won't be anyone bothering Kondo during the cherry-blossom viewing." Sanjuro Tani: "Oh? Who are you talking about? I don't think there's anyone in the Shinsengumi who'd do something so rude." "Anyway, let's all get together to make sure Kondo has a great time." Souji Okita: “Don’t think that suddenly acting like a goody-two-shoe will get you out of trouble.” Sanjuro Tani: "Ah man...hahaha! You’re so funny Okita." "But, maybe having a sharp tongue is a good thing for young people like you." "Well then, I’ll be going back to my rounds. Sorry for the disturbance." “See you later, Yukimura.” Chizuru Yukimura: “Ah, yes. See you later…” -Tani took the soldiers and walked in the direction where we saw them appear from. Souji Okita: "So, tell me…" “Sinds when were you this friendly with Tani, did something happen between you two?” Chizuru Yukimura: “No, nothing really…” “Occasionally, he calls out to me at the base or during patrols like now.” Souji Okita: “...Better be careful. You're pretty easy to read, and Tan is strangely observant." "He may be keeping an eye on you." Chizuru Yukimura: "...Right, I'll be careful." It's not like I have a personal feud with Tani… However, I’m in on some of the Shinsengumi secrets that Tani, Itou, and the general members don’t know. So I have to be careful not to accidentally reveal anything. Chizuru Yukimura: “Speaking of which, how are you…” Souji Okita: "As you can see, I'm fine. Otherwise I wouldn't be on patrol right now." Chizuru Yukimura: “Really?” Souji Okita: “…I’m telling you I’m fine, but you’re still doubting me?” "You're a real worrywart, aren't you?" Chizuru Yukimura: "...I'm sorry. It's not that I don’t believe you, I'm just worried about you Okita." Souji Okita: "...I know my body better than anyone, so don't worry about it." Because Okita is the kind of person who doesn't want people to know that he's not feeling well. He’ll pretend to be fine even though he’s not. Chizuru Yukimura: “…That’s a relief to hear.” His complexion doesn't look bad at the moment, so I'll take his word for it. Souji Okita: "But well, thank you for your concern." Chizuru Yukimura: “...It’s nothing.” Souji Okita: "Come on, we should get going too. Or rather, you should return to your search for Kodo." Chizuru Yukimura: "Ah... Yes! I will!" And so, we walked along the spring adorned main streets of Kyoto. ~NEXT SCENE~ -As we had returned to the headquarters… Shinpachi Nagakura: “Yo, Souji! Done patrolling?” Chizuru Yukimura: "That’s right. The 2nd Division was also on patrol duty today, right?" Shinpachi Nagakura: “Yeah! Since it’s been getting warmer out lately, it's pretty nice while going out.” “It feels kind of unreasonable that our only plans for going out are to go out for patrols when the cherry blossoms are blooming so beautifully.” Heisuke Toudou: "That's why we were talking about going to see the cherry blossoms together on our days off." Chizuru Yukimura: "You guys as well?" Sanosuke Harada: “Oh? Is somebody planning something similar as well?” Souji Okita: "Some members of the 1st Division were talking about the same thing." "Because of that, this kid let it go to her head, and the entire time during the patrol, she got her head in the clouds." Chizuru Yukimura: “N-No I didn’t…!” As I hurriedly tried to deny it, Nagakura put his hand on my shoulder. Shinpachi Nagakura: "I totally get ya! How can you focus on patrolling when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom right in front of you?" "So we have to hold a cherry blossom viewing, even if it's just to thank the soldiers!" Souji Okita: “Well in Shinpach's case, it's more like a drinking party than cherry blossom viewing." Heisuke Toudou: "Haha, you got that right! When it comes to cherry blossom viewing, it's more about drinking than flower viewing." Souji Okita: "Do you guys even have the money to go out drinking?" "Sake and food prepared for a cherry blossom viewing aren’t cheap, you know." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Oh that? I'm going to ask our generous chief for cooperation, of course..." Souji Okita: “…In other words, are you relying on Kondo to be your wallet?” Okita asks Nagakura with a cold gaze. Shinpachi Nagakura: "N-No, no, that's not it! You’re misunderstanding." “Even Kondo would be very happy to heal the tiredness of the day with cherry blossom viewing and start fresh the next day.” Souji Okita: "... Well, you’re not wrong." Heisuke Toudou: “Kondo has been dealing with a lot recently. So I thought this might cheer him up.” Souji Okita: "Ha. Don’t ya think that ‘a lot’ may be a bit of an understatement?" "It's all because a certain someone was brought here." Heisuke Toudou: “You mean…” Sanosuke Harada: “Souji, stop messing around. Itou being an ass isn't Heisuke's fault." Souji Okita: "Is that so? Well it doesn’t change the fact that Kondo isn't feeling well." "And it's all because Itou is trying to put all kinds of bullshit into Kondo’s head." “Because of that, Tani and Takeda, who were originally held Itou’s position, seem to be in a bad mood.” Heisuke Toudou: "So you’re calling his insight bullshit, huh..." “Well the Shinsengumi needs someone who can read the current trends in the world and give advice.” Souji Okita: “But that would be meaningless if Kondo’s worries increased because of that, right?” “Kondo has always been considerate of other people, and he already has a lot on his mind.” Sanosuke Harada: "...Well, the more people there are, the more troublesome things will be." They’re right, ever since Itou joined… I feel like the space around Kondo became a lot noisier than before. Shinpachi Nagakura: "Well, Tani and Takeda aren't really the type to keep quiet when it comes to things like this." "It’s still possible they might cause a ruckus like they did in Osaka" Souji Okita: “…If they cause trouble for Kondo, I’ll kill them.” Everyone smiled wryly at Okita's remark, but I wasn’t sure if he was joking or serious. Souji Okita: "...What? I'm serious." Heisuke Toudou: “Yeah, we get it, we get it!” Sanosuke Harada: "But isn't it a good idea to hold a cherry blossom viewing to cheer up Kondo?" Chizuru Yukimura: "I agree!" "I'm sure Kondo would really enjoy it." Souji Okita: "... A cherry blossom viewing huh. Well if everyone says so, it's fine by me." “And if Kondo gets some time to relax, I have nothing to complain about…” "But the problem is whether or not a certain pain-in-the-ass will object." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Even Hijikata would be able to get his head around the cherry blossom viewing." Souji Okita: "Oh? But I didn't say a single word about Hijikata, did I?" "I didn’t know you thought of Hijikata like that, Shinpachi." Shinpachi Nagakura: "W-What!? N-No, no, I don't think that way about Hijikata!" Heisuke Toudou: “It’s a bit too late to be sayin’ that, don’t ya think?” Heisuke's words caused everyone to start laughing. Sanosuke Harada: "Well then, I'll go and ask Hijikata about it later. I hope he's in a good mood." Chizuru Yukimura: “I hope so too.” Even though the warm spring has arrived, there are still concerns… I hope these peaceful days last a little longer. That's what I was thinking about back then. ~NEXT SCENE~ However, the next day. After going on patrol with Saito and everyone of the 3rd Division, and returning to the headquarters... Hajime Saito: “Hm? Yukimura, isn’t that…” Hachiro Iba: “Ah…” Apparently, the other party had noticed us as well, and bowed his head. Hachiro Iba: "It's been a while. I apologize for suddenly disturbing you." Chizuru Yukimura: “Not, not at all…” Hachiro Iba: "Are Kondo and Toshi here?" "There is something I have come to discuss with them." Iba's attitude is different from the usual calm demeanor… I have a feeling that something bad has happened. Hajime Saito: "Yukimura, please guide Hachiro inside." Chizuru Yukimura: "Understood. Please follow me." Hachiro Iba: “Thank you…” -With Iba following behind me, I guided him inside the headquarters. ~NEXT SCENE~ Chizuru Yukimura: “…Hijikata, I brought you some tea.” Toshizo Hijikata: “Ah, thanks.” I place the tea in front of Iba, Kondo, and Hijikata. Hachiro Iba: "…Thank you" Chizuru Yukimura: “You’re welcome…” What exactly is it that Iba has come to talk about? When talking to Hijikata and the others, Iba always creates a friendly atmosphere. But as far as today is concerned, the air feels strangely tense… It feels like the atmosphere before an intense battle. Toshizo Hijikata: "Hmm... I see. So that rumor has spread further than I thought." Hachiro Iba: "Yes. It has become a hot topic among the senior retainers of the shogunate." ...A rumor? I'm curious what it’s about… Isami Kondo: “Thank you for the tea, Yukimura.” That being said, I can't stay in the room. I can't interrupt their conversation. Chizuru Yukimura: "If you'll excuse me" After bowing my head, I left the room. And just as I was about to go back to my room… Shinpachi Nagakura: "Chizuru, over here." As I turned to the direction where the beckoning voice came from, there was–. Shinpachi Nagakura: "What are Kondo and Hachiro talking about?" Chizuru Yukimura: "I’m not sure... I was just serving tea." Souji Okita: “But you heard at least some of the content of their conversation, right?” Chizuru Yukimura: "Even you, Okita??" Souji Okita: "Quiet down." "And is it really that surprising that I want to know?" "It's not normal for Iba to come here without prior notice." "I wouldn't have cared if he just came to see Hijikata, but since he also came to see Kondo..." Certainly, I don't think that polite Iba would visit here without letting them know ahead of time… Something must have happened. Chizuru Yukimura: “If I remember correctly, it seems like they were saying something about a rumor…” Souji Okita: “A rumor?” Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes. It's something that's become a hot topic among the shogun's retainers, or something..." Shinpachi Nagakura: "A hot topic, huh... What's the rumor about?" Souji Okita: "The fact that he came all the way here to let us know means that it’s probably about something related to the Shinsengumi." "Let's make a hole in the shoji and try to eavesdrop." Chizuru Yukimura: “You can’t!” Souji Okita: "But you're curious too, aren't you?" Chizuru Yukimura: “The three of them might just be talking to each other so as not to cause any confusion.” "I think they'll inform you all later..." Souji Okita: "You're so serious." "But you don't have to force yourself to be a good girl all the time, you know?" Chizuru Yukimura: “I-I’m not forcing myself…!” Shinpachi Nagakura: "Shhh, keep it down. I'm going to make a hole in the shoji." -Nagakura lightly put his finger in his mouth and made a small hole in the shoji door. -We could now clearly hear the conversations in the room. Toshizo Hijikata: "...Tani doesn't learn. He still hasn't given up on the adoption story yet." Hachiro Iba: "I don't know much about that matter..." “But there are rumors that the head of the Shinsengumi will adopt a former feudal retainer of the Matsuyama clan in Bitchu.” “The name Tani seems to be mentioned every now and then.” "Inside Edo Castle, everyone seems to be interested in this. And to add to that..." “There are speculations that from now on the Bitchu Matsuyama clan will become the backer for the Shinsengumi instead of the Aizu clan.” "There is a lot of unrest about that." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Huh! What’s this about the Bitchu Matsuyama clan becoming our backer?" Souji Okita: “…Tani, you still haven’t given up on getting that kid adopted, huh.” “To go as far to even do such a thing on your own accord…” Shinpachi Nagakura: "Men, this is bad. The matter of adoption, but more than that..." Hachiro Iba: "Of course I know very well that you would never do such a thing." "But considering how the shogunate and the Aizu clan would feel about the Shinsengumi when they heard this rumor..." “I decided to check the truth of this rumor as soon as possible, so that’s why I came by without prior notice.” Toshizo Hijikata: "...Thanks a lot. That bastard Tani, to do something like that behind our backs." "Kondo, have you heard anything from Tani?" Isami Kondo: "Yes... He mentioned the adoption, but I thought that only a few people here had heard about it." Souji Okita: “I knew it, I should have killed him sooner.” "I see no need to keep him alive anymore." "When I kill him, I’ll make sure he’ll regret ever pulling such a stupid stunt." Toshizo Hijikata: “That voice, don’t tell me…” Shinpachi Nagakura: "No, calm down Souji! Don't be hasty!" Chizuru Yukimura: "He's right, Okita!" Souji Okita: "Don't stop me. That bastard, even though he doesn't have great sword skills, he always causes problems." “Having him stay here any longer will only cause trouble for Kondo.” Toshizo Hijikata: "Oi, you guys! What the hell do you think you’re doing here!?” Shinpachi Nagakura: “Ack, Hijikata!” Toshizo Hijikata: “If you are trying to eavesdrop, do it more quietly. You're going to get in the way of our conversation." Souji Okita: “Since the three of you were holding a secret meeting, I got curious and so I got to ask–” “What are you going to do about Tani?” Hijikata gave no answer to Okita's rage-filled question. Toshizo Hijikata: "...So you guys heard all that, huh. For now, let's go inside. If you make a fuss out here, other guys will find out." Souji Okita: "I'm warning you, if you don't have a satisfactory explanation, I'm going to kill Tani." We were invited into the room while Okita seemed to be in a bad mood. Souji Okita: "...Hey, Kondo. What's the truth about the situation?" “Are you really going to adopt Tani’s younger brother and make him your successor?” Isami Kondo: "Ah, well... it's not like I have made a definite decision." “Putting aside whether or not I'll adopt him, I don’t think it’s a bad thing for the Shinsengumi to have a connection with the Bitchu Matsuyama clan.” "And I think Tani is thinking about the future of the Shinsengumi in his own way..." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Well, if you look at swordsmanship skills, and think about people with a close relationship with Kondo..." “I think Souji would be the best person to succeed him." "If that were to happen, Tani won't be able to go around spewing nonsense about the adoption any more." Isami Kondo: "That is something I‘ve talked about with Souji before..." Souji Okita: “I have no intention of becoming Kondo’s successor.” Okita snapped back and the room fell silent. Hachiro Iba: “...May I ask why?” “I heard that Okita’s house was inherited by your brother-in-law.” “If that’s the case, it wouldn’t be a problem if you were to become Kondo’s adopted child and inherit his family and Tennen Rishin style.” Souji Okita: “I don’t see how that’s any of your business.” “Since this got nothing to do with you, could you kindly stop sticking your nose into other people’s private affairs?” Toshizo Hijikata: “Souji…” Hachiro Iba: "It's fine. I said something pretty intrusive." “I apologize, Okita.” Souji Okita: "…Don’t worry about it. I’ve always known you were insensitive, so I don't really care." Toshizo Hijikata: "Don't mind him, Hachiro. This guy has always been like this." “At first, you were going to become the successor of Tennen Rishin-ryu, right?” Souji Okita: "That’s right. But it would be decades away before I were to take over.” "Only when Kondo has become so old that he won’t be able to hold a wooden sword, I will think about taking over." Toshizo Hijikata: "...And there it is. There's no speaking sense into that guy." Souji Okita: "Well I am the Shinsengumi blade." "Any day there is a chance I might lose my life in a fight with ronin." Chizuru Yukimura: “......” The reason Okita is so quick to dodge things about this topic– Is probably because there is a disease eating away at his body. He’s suffering from an incurable disease… I think he probably thinks he won't live longer than Kondo. The only people here who know about his disease are Okita and me. Souji Okita: "In any case, I think it’s better we do something about Tani." “It would be okay if I were to cut him down, right?” -Okita's unflinching words made the atmosphere in the room turn tense. Hachiro Iba: “Okita!” Toshizo Hijikata: "Hold on a sec, Souji. What the hell are you saying?" Souji Okita: "Well, he's only causing trouble for the Shinsengumi, isn't he?" “Back in Osaka, he almost caused an incident and pissed off the Tosa clan.” “He may have been Kondo’s adviser before, but Itou has now filled that role.” "So the Shinsengumi doesn’t need him anymore, right?" Toshizo Hijikata: "This isn’t a problem we can just solve with bruteforce." "We don't know how far Tani has spread the story of the adoption." Hachiro Iba: "This isn’t just a problem within the Shinsengumi..." “If the Bitchu Matsuyama clan is also involved, this will become a lot more complicated.” Shinpachi Nagakura: “It would be nice if the people Tani spread the word to would just not listen to his nonsense.” Souji Okita: “Man, what a pain in the ass.” "Why do we need to go through such a hassle when we can just kill the people who are bothering Kondo?" Okita is clearly frustrated. If we leave him be, I fear he might actually go and kill Tani. Toshizo Hijikata: "...Souji, don't make such treats so lightly." Souji Okita: "Why are you trying to stop me and protecting Tani?" "Please do something about this bullshit, Hijikata." “It’s because of him that the Shinsengumi is in this mess in the first place!” After shouting at Hijikata– Okita left the room. Toshizo Hijikata: "...Shinpachi, keep an eye on Souji and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Got it. I'll tell Sano, Heisuke, and Saito to keep an eye out as well." Hachiro Iba: "Kondo, Tosh, what are you going to do now?" "If the current situation continues, there is a possibility that it will affect the trust between the shogunate and the Aizu domain..." Toshizo Hijikata: “For the time being, I will try to find out how much the Aizu clan knows about this matter.” Hachiro Iba: "I will do my best to help wherever I can. If there is anything I can do, please feel free to tell me." Toshizo Hijikata: “Thanks, it’s much appreciated.” Isami Kondo: "...I wonder how all this is going to play out." "Tani has caused his fair share of problems. But he did what he thought was best for the Shinsengumi." "...I don't want to make any harsh judgment if possible." Toshizo Hijikata: "We'll do our best to not let that happen… Shinpachi, Yukimura." Nagakura and I raised our heads as he suddenly called our names. Toshizo Hijikata: "I’m sure you already know this... but don't tell anyone else about what you just heard. Got that?" Shinpachi Nagakura: "...Yeah, I got it. Ya won’t have to tell me twice." Chizuru Yukimura: "I understand." Shinpachi Nagakura: "Well then, I'll go and tell everyone to keep an eye on Souji." After he said that, he stood up and left the room. What should I do…? Check on Okita. Attend to Iba. Go back to my tasks.

  • Hakukoi Reimeiroku: Sakamoto Side Story

    A story from before the events of Kyoto Winds. Sakamoto receives a letter from a friend with some very exciting news. Translated Video Spring, 1863— I was staying overnight at an inn in Osaka. Ryoma Sakamoto: "Man, it's freezing. According to the calendar it's supposed to be spring, but it's still so cold today." I muttered while sitting next to the brazier that I had borrowed from the innkeeper. According to the locals, it has gotten a lot warmer lately, and it seems like spring has finally arrived... But to me, who was born and raised in Tosa, it still feels like winter. I just want to warm up as soon as possible. As I was thinking that... I could hear the sound of footsteps approaching from the other side of the sliding door. Is the hostess coming to clean the room? Well then, it would be better to go outside so that I don't get in the way... As I was about to get up– The door slides open and someone rushes into the room. ???: "Yo, big bro Ryoma!" "What are you doing, shut yourself in with sunny weather like this?" As soon as he entered the room, the man spoke in a casual tone– Ryoma Sakamoto: "Oh it’s you... Kameyata! Men, you should have told me you were coming to visit." Kameyata Mochizuki: "Aw, don’t be like that. We’re practically brothers." As Kameyata said that, he sat down on the tatami floor. This guy is Kameyata Mochizuki. Born in Tosa, same as me, he is a member of the Tosa Loyalist Party led by Mr. Takeichi. And well, he's like a little brother to me. Kameyata Mochizuki: "...Ah, but, if I were to interrupt you while you were entertaining a woman, it would probably be pretty bad." Ryoma Sakamoto: "What are you talking about? Do you think I have time to fool around with a woman?" Kameyata then cut back half in disgust. Kameyata Mochizuki: "You're really popular with women, you know." “Even back in Tosa, the women who I was courting were more interested in you than in me.” "What's the big difference between you and me…? I don’t think I am so bad looking." Kameyata seemed unconvinced and shook his head. Man, I have no idea what is going through his head... Ryoma Sakamoto: "...Don't tell me, did you come all the way here just to talk about that?" Then Kameyata perked up like he just remembered something. Kameyata Mochizuki: "No, it's not! I was in charge of delivering this letter." Ryoma Sakamoto: "Letter? From whom?" Kameyata smiles teasingly as I ask the question. Kameyata Mochizuki: "From who else could it be? It’s from a geisha from Shinmachi. You know, the one you’re ‘acquainted’ with." Ryoma Sakamoto: "... Oh, you mean Oran Chiiyurou? How is she?" Kameyata is a hot-tempered guy and gets easily carried away. He also has a tendency to pull too many practical jokes. Kameyata Mochizuki: "Tsk, how boring. You could have given me a better reaction." While saying that, Kameyata took out a letter from his pocket. As I checked the sender of the letter... Ryoma Sakamoto: "! This is a letter from Master Katsu! You should have told me sooner it was from him!" Master Yuuga Katsu is like my mentor… He taught me, who only knew about Tosa and Edo, about the wider world and the flow of the times. Impressed by Master Katsu's teachings, I always wanted to help him. That’s why I am now in Osaka, in order to make my mentor's ideas a reality. So this letter is news I've been waiting for all this time. Full of excitement, I opened the letter and read it through. I was so absorbed by the contents of the letter that I barely even had time to blink. And when I finished reading it… Ryoma Sakamoto: "...As expected of master Katsu! Japan can finally take the first step towards becoming a modern nation!" I clenched my fist and shouted in excitement. I couldn’t contain my excitement and wanted to start running right now. Kameyata, who was sitting next to me, looked surprised. Kameyata Mochizuki: "Why? What did the letter say?" While looking at Kameyata, I shout. Ryoma Sakamoto: "I'll be able to sail a black ship! Me, a Japanese citizen!” Kameyata Mochizuki: "Wha?" Ryoma Sakamoto: "Let's do this. Let's go, Kameyata!" Just like that, I ran out of the inn. Kameyata Mochizuki: "W-Wait up bro! Calm down!" After reading the letter from Master Katsu, I felt like I couldn’t sit still. I was exhilarated and went to a port where many ships are docked. Perhaps because I was born and raised by the sea, I feel calm when I hear the sound of waves. Kameyata Mochizuki: “So, what was written in the letter earlier?” "You said something about being able to sail a black ship..." Ryoma Sakamoto: “The Naval Training Center, which Master Katsu has been talking about for a long time, is going to be built in Kobe.” Kameyata Mochizuki: "The Naval Training Center...?" Maybe it's because my explanation from earlier wasn’t clear enough… But Kameyata still seems to be unable to fully understand the situation. Ryoma Sakamoto: "It's a place where you can study how to sail black ships. If we study there, we Japanese will be able to sail black ships." "Just like the British and Americans!" This time, Kameyata seemed to have finally understood what I was trying to say. Kameyata Mochizuki: "That's amazing! Is it possible for Japan to become a strong country like the West?" Ryoma Sakamoto: "Yeah, that's right!" "We can be reborn into a strong country that no other country in the world will pick a fight with." Kameyata Mochizuki: "Alright!!!!" Kameyata clenched his fist and jumped up, unable to contain his happiness. I also felt the same as Kameyata. Seeing him honestly express his joy like this, filled me with joy as well. Kameyata Mochizuki: "When can we study there!? I can't wait!" Ryoma Sakamoto: "According to the letter, they will open somewhere this spring. So it's coming soon, I'm looking forward to it." Kameyata Mochizuki: "Ugh... I can't wait!" After inhaling the wind that smelled of the tide, Kameyata turned his innocent eyes my way. Kameyata Mochizuki: "Of course, I'll invite Master Takeichi, Izo, and Nakaoka to that naval training place, right?" For a moment, I was at a loss as to how to answer that honest question. Ryoma Sakamoto: "Ah... that's right..." Master Takeichi, Izo, and Nakaoka are fellow members of the Tosa Loyalist Party. Of course, I would be more than happy if they wanted to come to the training center. Ryoma Sakamoto: "... If Master Takeichi and others agree with our ideas, it will be fine." A surge of anxiety washed over me. I always thought that if I’m going to force Japan to open up, I should use any means necessary regardless of whether it's connected to the shogunate or not... In regards to that, master Takeichi seems to think that the open-country faction who is in close contact with the West should be eliminated. Rumor has it that Izo will kill people who support the opening of the country on the orders of Master Takeichi. Nakaoka, too, often says that my method is lukewarm. I wonder if those guys will listen to my ideals... With such things running through my head, I couldn't reply right away... Kameyata Mochizuki: "Hey, what’s wrong? Making such a serious face doesn’t suit you." Ryoma Sakamoto: "That's quite a statement to make… Saying that it doesn’t suit me." "I'm a serious man you know, I don’t have much time to fool around." Kameyata Mochizuki: "Yeah, you do that, just keep it cool like you always do." "I find your attitude very encouraging." Kameyata's words caught me by surprise. Ryoma Sakamoto: "You find my attitude encouraging? Really?" Kameyata Mochizuki: "Yeah, really!" Kameyata nodded without hesitation. Ryoma Sakamoto: "I see..." The moment I heard these words— I felt the anxiety in my chest fade away. Ryoma Sakamoto: "You're right. From now on, I can't worry about every little thing." Kameyata Mochizuki: "That's the Ryoma I know!" It reminds me of when I saw Perry's black ship in Uraga when I was in Edo for training in swordsmanship. I had never seen a ship of that might and size before... I couldn't imagine what kind of Westerners would be able to make something like that. After that, I met Master Katsu and Professor Koryu Kawata... I’ve been taught many things by the people I’ve met. Both Japanese and Westerners are made of the same stuff. So someday, we Japanese will be able to sail black ships with our own hands. The time has finally come for that dream to become reality. Ryoma Sakamoto: "I'll definitely get my own ship someday." "Using that black ship, I want to do business all over the world." "Then, I’ll become the richest man in the world!" Kameyata looked dumbfounded at my words. Kameyata Mochizuki: "...You’re out of your mind. You, becoming the richest man in the world…?" Ryoma Sakamoto: "Don’t be like that, it's good to have big dreams." I’ve told Kameyata this before... In fact, I don't think it's such a wild dream. 'Cause when I first saw Perry's ship... Back then it would be impossible to guess if the Japanese could manipulate or build a black ship. But now, it doesn’t seem so unreasonable. I don't think there is that much of a difference between Japanese and Westerners. To prove that— I’ll become the richest man in the world, and let everybody know that it isn’t an impossible dream. But, I don’t just want to get rich… Ryoma Sakamoto: "...From now on, I will only do business with the other side of the sea." “I want to create a country where we can do business on an equal footing.” "I'm going to be pretty busy from now on!" There are a lot of difficulties standing in front of us… But still, I am able to take a big step towards realizing my dream. –After I’m done reforming Japan, I’ll start chasing an even bigger dream. ~END~

  • Hakuoki Reimeiroku: Souma Side Story

    A story from before the events of Kyoto Winds, about the meeting between two young men and the origins of a certain picture. Translated Video Kazue Souma: "Um... It should be somewhere around here..." I took out a piece of paper from my pocket and opened it to confirm the written address. It's been a long time since I've been to Edo, so I don't really know my way around. Although I’m trying to find a destination based on the written address… Kazue Souma: "Ah... I'm sorry!" Because I was walking while looking at a piece of paper, I bumped into someone. Not good. At this rate, I seem to cause trouble for others... For now, let's ask for directions at a nearby store. Kazue Souma: "The shopkeeper said it was here, but... is it really the right place?" No, he has no reason to lie to me... There are rows of rather poorly built tenement houses. I can't imagine an ukiyo-e artist living in a place like this... I stand in front of the building written on the piece of paper and call out. Kazue Souma: "Excuse me, I'm a messenger from the Kasama domain. Is anyone here?" After calling out to the other side of the entrance door, it stayed quiet for a while. Then the sliding door opens and a person appears from inside. Ryuunosuke Ibuki: “You're from the Kasama domain...?” Kazue Souma: "That right, I'm Kazue Souma from the Kasama domain. Are you master Ibuki?" Then the man scratched his head with an embarrassing look. Ryuunosuke Ibuki: "I wouldn't call myself a 'master' just yet." "Anyway, come in. I've prepared some of the sketches you asked for." Prompted by a blunt gesture, I walked inside the building. The room was filled with the peculiar smell of paint. Judging from the state of the room, this man doesn't seem to have it easy... Perhaps this is what the painter's life is like. Ibuki brings some paintings from the back of the room. Ryuunosuke Ibuki: “You asked me to do a scenery of swordsmanship training, right?” "I have drawn a few rough sketches, but please choose which one you like most." I looked at the paintings that he had displayed in front of me. All the pictures he displayed depict a young man practicing swordsmanship. Kazue Souma: "Hmm... I see." I carefully inspected each picture that was presented to me. Although they are just sketches, they are all quite impressive. Kazue Souma: "Personally, I think this one is the best. Please proceed with the work with this picture." I chose a picture and handed it to Ibuki. Ryuunosuke Ibuki: "...I see, I thought so. I also actually thought that this one would be best." Kazue Souma: "Is that so?" Ryuunosuke Ibuki: "That’s right. Of course none of these paintings are lacking..." "But I can tell when a picture will be good before you finish it." Kazue Souma: "I see... That's what it is." I rarely have the opportunity to exchange words with an artist... So I had no way of knowing what they were thinking when they were painting. Ryuunosuke Ibuki: "...I understand. Well then, I will carve the woodblock with this picture." "I'll let the Kasama Domain know when it's finished, so please wait until then." Kazue Souma: "Please do." The Kasama domain ordered illustrations for a book aimed at the younger children of samurai... Its purpose is to encourage swordsmanship and the training of the mind and body. It seemed that young people would rather read a book with illustrations than a book with only words. That’s why this time they had decided to add illustrations . Ryuunosuke Ibuki: "...Even so, I was interested in why you're asking an unnamed painter like me to work often." “Does the Kasama domain have considerable curiosity for unknown painters?” Kazue Souma: "Well..." I wasn't sure how to answer. The Kasama domain should have the budget for a famous painter... But why did they end up asking this young painter to do it instead? …I don't know the circumstances around their decision. Seeing me struggle to come up with an answer, he could guess what was going on... Ryuunosuke Ibuki: "... Well, I won't pry." "I'm also having a hard time making a living, so I'm grateful that you're giving me a job." Kazue Souma: "... If you say so, we’re glad to help. Besides–" I picked up the picture he showed me earlier. Kazue Souma: "Your paintings are powerful. In particular, the scenery of swordsmanship training makes me feel like I was there..." "It looks like someone who knows a lot about swordsmanship drew it." "You may be unknown now, but I'm sure you will become a famous painter someday." Then Ibuki looked away embarrassed. Ryuunosuke Ibuki: "... Flattering you won't get anything." Kazue Souma: "I'm not trying to flatter you. I'm not very good at flattery." I just giving him my honest opinion Ryuunosuke Ibuki: "...Come to think of it, I haven't even served you tea yet. Please wait right here." After that, he disappears behind the shoji door as if escaping. …Maybe I said too much? As I was thinking that while waiting for the tea, I casually looked around the room. The room is carelessly littered with drawings that look like they were failed drawings or sketches. As a painter, it’s only natural that he draws a huge number of pictures. Kazue Souma: "...Hmm?" Among the paintings, one caught my eye that was clearly different from the rest. It depicted a white-haired demon standing majestically in a landscape painted in red and black. It caught my eye in an instant, and I unintentionally reached out to it. When I looked at it up close, I was overwhelmed by a strange and ominous force. Kazue Souma: "Is this kimono from... Kanadehon Chushingura? No, he's wearing Asagi's haori so that can’t be it..." If I remember correctly, I've heard that there is a ronin formed corps in Kyoto that wears light blue haori. I think they are called the shinsen-something... As I was deep in thought... The shoji door opens, and Ibuki returns to the room. Ryuunosuke Ibuki: "I'm sorry I kept you waiting. It may not be the best tea, but-" He suddenly froze mind sentence when he saw the picture in my hand. And then... Ryuunosuke Ibuki: "You! Why do you have that picture...!" Kazue Souma: "I'm sorry for looking around without permission. But as soon as I saw it, I was intrigued..." Ryuunosuke Ibuki: "That's fine, now give it back!" The teacup in Ibuki's hand tumbled onto the tatami. Ryuunosuke Ibuki: "Ah... Hot!" Kazue Souma: "Are you alright!?" Ryuunosuke Ibuki: "No, I'm fine. Rather than that, give that back...!" Ibuki seemed to have no time to worry about the spilled teacup, and tried to approach me. Kazue Souma: "Please hold up. There’s something I want to ask you about this painting." Ryuunosuke Ibuki: "What do you want to know about it? It's just scribbles, it's not worth anything!" Earlier, when he showed me the pictures I had requested, he was totally calm... I wonder if he really doesn't want anyone to see this painting. Kazue Souma: "Scribbles....? I think it's much more powerful and well-made than the drawings from before." Ryuunosuke Ibuki: "What are you talking about? Just give it back!" I should have returned it immediately... But still, I was curious, so I asked. Kazue Souma: "This picture isn't about Chushingura, is it? Is it about the Shinsengumi... the ronin group from Kyoto, right?" The moment I asked that, Ibuki almost stopped breathing. Ryuunosuke Ibuki: "No! It's not Shinsengumi!" Kazue Souma: "But this light blue haori is from the Shinsengumi, isn't it?" Ryuunosuke Ibuki: “Do you know the Shinsengumi!?” Kazue Souma: "I've heard of them." "They’re a group of thugs who cut down ronin in order to make a name for themselves." Ryuunosuke Ibuki: "...Yeah, I heard similar rumors, so I tried to draw them from my imagination." It's a common practice to depict historical heroes as transformed yokai... For an ukiyo-e artist, it may not be such an outlandish idea. Kazue Souma: "Is that so, that's why I drew him as a demon-like figure?" Ryuunosuke Ibuki: "Y-Yeah, that's right. Now that's enough... give it back!" But... I faced Ibuki head-on as he tried to retrieve the painting. Kazue Souma: "...Ibuki. Can I keep this picture?" Ryuunosuke Ibuki: "Huh!? Why are you so drawn to that picture?" Kazue Souma: "I don't know why, but I really like it" "Besides, I thought that this Enma-like fearsomeness would work as a good talisman against evil." "Of course, I won't take it for free. I'll pay you properly." Ibuki was staring at me with a dumbfounded expression. But eventually.... Ryuunosuke Ibuki: "It’s like an Enma amulet, huh?... Haha..." "...You really like it alot, don’t you." "It's fine. It's just some sketch I drew for fun, so you can have it for free." Kazue Souma: "Really? Thanks alot!" Ryunosuke Ibuki: "But don't show or talk to anyone about it." "If it's known that I drew the Shinsengumi as demons, I'm afraid I'll be in big trouble." Kazue Souma: "Oh, I understand. I'm just going to use this as my personal amulet." I put the picture Ibuki gave me in my pocket. Of course, at this point, I had no idea what was still to come... I had no way of knowing that the person depicted in this painting was Kamo Serizawa, the first head of the Shinsengumi. Nonetheless, I was fascinated by this painting... Maybe it was a calling from deep inside telling me about what fate had instore for me in the not so distant future. ~END~

  • Hakuoki Reimeiroku: Iba Side Story

    A story from before the events of Kyoto Winds. Iba returns home after a day of teaching and is surprised to receive some news about his friend in Kyoto. Translated Video Hachiro Iba: "Well then, I will take my leave. I look forward to working with you tomorrow." After saying my goodbyes, I left the dojo. After walking for a while after leaving the dojo, I let out a sigh. Today, I'm on my way home from teaching swordsmanship to Hatamoto's children at the shogunate training facility. Hachiro Iba: "Even though I've been doing it for a while... it's still hard to teach people swordsmanship." I myself am still in training. Am I really qualified to teach swordsmanship to others? Hachiro Iba: "... No, it's not the time to be thinking such things." The Tokugawa family, which I serve, is facing an unprecedented crisis at the moment. We hatamoto must take the lead in protecting the shogun and his family. Then a sudden cold autumn wind blew in and made me shiver involuntarily. It may be time to change into a cotton-lined kimono. As I was thinking that. Hachiro Iba: "...!" An indescribable good smell floats in the air, and I unintentionally stop my tracks. The smell seemed to be coming from Kidoban's hut. This smell is... stone-baked sweet potato. I was just getting hungry, so I have no choice but to buy some. Hachiro Iba: "Excuse me. May I have two sweet potatoes?" I called out to the shopkeeper and asked him for some of his potatoes. Carrying the baked sweet potatoes in my pocket, I made my way home. Hachiro Iba: "I'm home" When I called out to him, my adoptive father, Gunbei Iba, who was sitting down, looked up at me. Gunbei Iba: "Oh, welcome home Hachiro." He seemed to be in the middle of his reading. In my father's hand, there is a book that seems to be an instruction book for swordsmanship that I already had finished reading. His demeanor is very peaceful... It was hard to believe that he was the master of the Iba Dojo. Then my father twitches his nose as if he noticed something. Gunbei Iba: "Hmm? Something smells good..." Hachiro Iba: "You notice? On the way home, they were selling baked sweet potatoes, so I bought some." Saying so, I unwrapped the bamboo skin and handed him a potato. Then my father's eyes beam with excitement. Gunbei Iba: "Are you sure?" "But you're the one who bought them, don't you want to enjoy them yourself?" Hachiro Iba: "It's fine, I bought this for you, father." Of course, I have an eye for delicious food... But sharing delicious food with others makes it even more delicious. That's why I wanted to share them with my father. Gunbei Iba: "Thank you Hachiro. Well then, don't mind if I do..." As he was saying that, father accepted the baked sweet potato I offered to him. Then, he nibbled on the still-warm baked sweet potato and smiled satisfactorily. Gunbei Iba: "Ah, it's delicious. If autumn had a taste, this would be it!" My father and I are not related by blood... However, people often say that I look exactly like him when enjoying delicious food like this, and I’d have to agree with them. Hachiro Iba: “I agree, but when it comes to the taste of autumn, saury and persimmons are also a staple of the season.” Gunbei Iba: "Certainly. This may be a more difficult statement to make." I burst out laughing at my father who nodded with a very happy look on his face. I also nibbled on the still-warm baked sweet potato. A rustic sweet taste with a warm texture fills my mouth. If happiness had a taste, I think it must be something like this. Then.... Gunbei Iba: "... I'm happy that you want to share some delicious food with me." "But on the other hand, it also makes me feel a bit lonely." Hachiro Iba: "...?" I blinked, not understanding the meaning of my father's sudden words. Why would he feel lonely? Then my father looked at me sideways and said… Gunbei Iba: "Well, you are about that age–" "Where it wouldn't be strange to have a girl or two to share delicious food with." I never expected him to say something like that— Hachiro Iba: "...! *cough*, *cough*!" I nearly choked at his unexpected words. Hachiro Iba: "Father, what are you talking about...?!" Gunbei Iba: "Don’t act so surprised. You're a man of age, aren't you?" "Isn't there at least one girl who you’re interested in?" This wasn't the first time that my father gave me this kind of talk. Of course, it's not that there isn’t a girl that comes to mind... Hachiro Iba: "...I'm still in training, so I don't have time to think about such silly things." After I answered, I pushed the baked sweet potato into my mouth. Seeing me like that, my father shrugged his shoulders. Gunbei Iba: "...Every time I ask you this question, you answer with that." "When will your training end?" "I feel sorry for your real parents if you miss your chance for marriage and end up alone forever." Hachiro Iba: "Even if you say that..." Swordsmanship is a profound thing, and your life may come to an abrupt end at any moment. I can understand why my father is worried about me, but... Hachiro Iba: "At least… until I catch up to Tosh and the others, I can't think of women." In response to the recruitment of Roshigumi, they went to kyoto. The Shieikan people, who are now working in Kyoto, which is now at the center of politics, have been on my mind for a long time. Ever since the first day I met them, they have always been my goal. At least, the next time I see them, I don't want to show them my embarrassing appearance. Gunbei Iba: "...Ah" As soon as I mentioned Tosh's name, my father hit his knee as if he remembered something. Gunbei Iba: "Speaking of which, I forgot to tell you something." "It’s about the Shieikan guys who went up to Kyoto as members of the Roshigumi." Hachiro Iba: "! Did something happen to Toshi and the others?" Ever since they left Edo, I've been curious about the recent situation of the Roshigumi. Since it's Kondo and Toshi, I believed they're doing well, but... Gunbei Iba: "It seems that they are officially in charge of maintaining public order in Kyoto as the custody of the Aizu clan." "And in the incident where they drove the Choshu out of Kyoto the other day, it is said that they behaved with dignity." Hachiro Iba: "Really!?" Gunbei Iba: "Do you think I made this all up?" Hachiro Iba: "No... Of course not!" I vigorously shook my head. A tingling sensation creeps up from my feet. When they were still in Edo, Toshi told me something. He said that he was envious of me, as someone who was born with a samurai family. I've never seen anyone born in a Hatamoto family look as samurai as they do. For them, it must have been a gap that could never be filled. Gunbei Iba: “I hear that Lord Matsudaira Katamori of the Aizu clan is a very loyal man.” "I'm sure he will recognize their work." Hachiro Iba: "Yes, I believe so too." Toshi's dream has finally come true, and they are now recognized for their work as samurai. Of course, I'm happy about that, but... Hachiro Iba: "I can't afford to lose to them." I want to catch up with them as soon as possible, but… Due to my position, I cannot help but feel compelled to stay here in Edo. I want to work with them for the Shogunate. As if could read my thoughts, my father continued. Gunbei Iba: "...There's something else I need to tell you." Hachiro Iba: "What is it?" I became nervous at my father's formal tone. What is he about to tell me... It doesn't sound like bad news. After a short silence, he spoke up with a smile. Gunbei Iba: "Hachiro, you have been given an unofficial notice of the Shoguns Okuzume." “Official notification will be given at the beginning of the year, but after that, you will be working as Lord Iemochi’s bodyguard.” Hachiro Iba: " Okuzume?" This is a great honor. But that wasn't the only news from my father. Gunbei Iba: "Yes. When lord Iemochi leaves for Kyoto, you will accompany him." Hachiro Iba: "...!" The moment I heard those words, I was at a loss for words. I was so surprised, it didn't feel real... However, I know very well that my father would never say such a thing as a joke. The next moment, I was smiling and asking this question. Hachiro Iba: "Really? ...Can I really go to Kyoto?" Gunbei Iba: "Yes. But not right away." "The day will come when you can show Hijikata and the others how much you have grown..." "Yes, it's not long now." I'm so moved that I'm about to burst into tears... I deeply bowed my head. Hachiro Iba: "Thank you so much! I will gladly accept that role." And then I got up again. Hachiro Iba: "I can't stay like this. I'll have to practice for when I can see Toshi and the others again!" Gunbei Iba: "Isn’t that a bit much? Even if you become an Okuzume, you are not going to go to Kyoto immediately..." Hachiro Iba: "I'm sure I'll go someday soon!" I couldn't stay still, so I ran outside. I carefully pulled out the sword that was attached to my waist. Then, with all my might, I swung my sword. It was as if all my blood was welling up. Even though the autumn wind is blowing, I don't feel the cold at all. Hachiro Iba: "I can go to Kyoto...! I can go see Tosh and the others." Toshi, Kondo, Sanan, Okita, Saito, Nagakura, Toudou, Harada... I'm sure everyone is raising their arms. Day and night, they are fighting for their life against ronin who disturb the peace and order of Kyoto. I want to meet them soon, and see how they have grown their skills with the sword. Hachiro Iba: "Toshi, please wait for me." "Until the next time we meet, I'll train even more..." The feeling of cutting the wind with my sword feels good. It's as if they're answering my words on behalf of Toshi and the others. Hachiro Iba: "Oh, that's right..." At that moment, something crossed my mind. If I ever have to leave for Kyoto... I should go visit her before I leave. Of course, I'm not confident enough to walk up to her, but... Even so, if I can just see her from afar... Hachiro Iba: "...No, I should stop." As I am now– I'm not convinced enough to meet her. I want to go see her after I become a man who is worthy of her. Hachiro Iba: "So... please wait until then." "Someday, I'll definitely go see you." While gripping my sword with all my strength... I called out to the girl for whom I would risk my life to protect. ~End~

  • Live Q&A

    Hey hey! I have put all the questions I answered during the Q&A here (plus a few extra)! If you still have some questions you like to ask me, feel free to comment! Q: Are you gonna make more R18 translated content? A: YES! I have another game already in the works and will be released a little after Chou no Doku is finished! Q: Where will Iba’s route be done? A: Soon I hope… It should be done before the end of April, so I’ll do my very best! Q: Are you going to translate the other chapters of Hukuoki Tenun? A: I plan to! They are fun to make and to play through. I will however not be translating Saito’s route since that one has already been translated by someone else! Q: Will you be translating other Hakuoki games? A: Yes! I have some short translations planned but I won’t translate an entire game since I’m still focused on working on Tenun. Q: Do you know any Japanese? A: I know very little Japanese, But I am currently following Japanese classes! Q: What progremess do you use? A: I use 3 programs for translating. EasyScreenOCR: to capture the Japanese text, Google translate and Yandex translate for wel... translating. For video's I use Wondershare Filmora.

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