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  • Q&A!

    I asked and you guys answered, so now it's MY turn! Over on my YouTube and Tumblr I asked if you were interested in a Q&A, and that answer appears to be yes! So on February 10, I'll be answering your questions by holding a Q&A over on my YouTube, so feel free to put any questions you have for me in the comments on YouTube, Tumblr, or on this post. See you guys then! Love, Artzy (≧∇≦)ノ

  • Hakuoki Tenun no Shou Chapter 1 is here!

    It took a long time but it's finally here! You can now 'play' chapter 1 of Hakuoki Tenun no Shou and explore Okita's, Iba's, and the common route. I hope you guys enjoy it. (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)

  • Kyoko: Like A Joro Spider

    After forming a closer bond, Lady Kyoko brings Yuriko a very special 'toy' which the two of them can 'play' with however they like. ⚠DISCLOSURE: Please keep in mind the content warnings of this scene which are: violence, sexual violence, sexual assault, drug/substance abuse. Translated Video Since then, Yuriko has encountered scenes similar to the one she witnessed at the restaurant. Each time, she stayed to watch in silence. Each time, Kyoko slept with a different partner. But what they all have in common is that they all have good physiques and a large build. Kyoko exchanges affection practically as a greeting. As soon as Kyoko meets a partner, they will find a hidden spot– no matter where the location is– and have sex. The lady is like a spider that ups her nest in many places and eats whatever prey she happens to pass by. Yuriko: (I can’t believe someone like her exists… She’s so promiscuous…) And yet, Yuriko can’t bring herself to stop peeping. Sometimes she was standing, sometimes she was picked up in the air, and sometimes she was on all fours. Kyoko seemed to be gradually losing her reservations. These days, she indulges in bringing men into her room. The room Yuriko is assigned to is next to Kyoko's room. She can often hear strange voices. While she felt a strong sense of disgust, Yuriko was unable to hold back her fever. Her injured area has almost healed, but Kyoko doesn't stop applying medicine to her. Every night, after coming back from playing around, she would spread her legs in Kyoko's room. Before she knew it, Kyoko's fingers had begun to move boldly. She had a feeling there that she didn't want to admit. Every time Yuriko sees Kyoko's lewd behavior, she remembers that feeling and rubs her thighs together. And then, one day… Kyoko: “Yuri! Do you have a moment? I want to show you something.” They just arrived at home after shopping, as per usual, when Kyoko called Yuriko to her room. And she can’t believe what’s inside. A naked man is kneeling on the floor. His entire body is tied up with rope, and a large, frightening object looms up from his crotch. Yuriko was stunned when she saw his sweaty and flushed face. Yuriko: “S-Saburo…?” Kyoko: “No. It’s a pest. It might have had a name when it was human, but I really couldn’t care less.” Kyoko bursts into laughter. At that voice, Saburo trembled and his crotch aroused. What is this filthy man doing here? Tied and gagged, too? Yuriko: “Lady Kyoko… What is this about?” Kyoko: “Hehe! This thing right here is my present for you.” Yuriko: “Wha—!? Y-You mean Saburo!?” Kyoko: “Yes. It’s yours now, so you can do whatever with it. If you want to boil it, go ahead. If you want to roast it, by all means, do so.” Yuriko: “I… I’m sorry, but… I’m not sure I’m following you.” Kyoko: “Oh? Oh, that’s right. You may not know… I’ll give you an example then.” Immediately after saying that, the lady lay down on the chaise longue, untied the hem of her kimono, and spread her legs wide open. Kyoko: "Come on. It's feeding time." Saburo: “Ah… hah!!” ~Picture~ Saburo's bloodshot eyes glared as he flopped over on his knees, snorted heavily, and sucked on Kyoko's crotch. Yuriko: “...!” Kyoko: "Hah... ah... ha... did you see that? My lady... did you hear that...?" Saburo licks Kyoko's pussy like crazy, sucks on her folds, and inserts his thick tongue between them. The sound of his ragged and ferocious breathing… All of it rings a bell for her. She can feel it— the moment her blood leaves her body. Yuriko: “Oh…! …Th-There’s no way! It was…!?” Kyoko: “That’s him, your assailant. I knew right away…  That’s why I caught and trained him for you.” Kyoko grins and smiles horribly. Keeping her thighs spread apart. Kyoko: "Ah, ah, ah... this guy loves to slurp up women's honey... he's been like that ever since I had him." “I think he just doesn’t have morals… He stabbed a servant during a fight, easily and without remorse. Luckily, the servant he stabbed was another troublemaker.” “Anyways, I decided to kick him out, ah, ha… because of all the trouble, hmm… he’d caused. And then, ah, he started working at your house, ah… hah...” Even while Kyoko is talking, Saburo doesn't stop feasting on her. Yuriko recalls the beast’s atrocity on that day, and she almost passes out. She’d had no idea—that it was Saburo who attacked her. That the horrendous beast from that night was the male servant who’s been working at her family’s manor. Kyoko: “This fool is addicted to opium and would do anything to get some, ah, so invited him saying that I would give him some, ngh, he practically came running… Ah, hah! Agh!” “Ah, hah, ha, coming, I’m coming!!! …Aahh!!” Kyoko became jumpy like a sweetfish. Then, a large amount of honey overflowed, and Saburo purred and drank every bit of it. Yuriko just stared at the scene in astonishment. Kyoko: “Aah… hah… So, Yuri? …What should we make of this… pest?” Yuriko: “...” Kyoko: “The one thing I couldn’t forgive this thing for is… the fact that he hurt you…” “This… damned beast!” Saburo: “Ngh— Urg!” Kyoko kicked Saburo in the groin and he fell miserably to the floor. However, it stood there even more firmly and tremblingly as he shook his head. Yuriko couldn't take her eyes off of it. That's what tore her apart that night. That ugly, dirty, dark thing… Yuriko: “I… don’t want to touch something like that…” Kyoko: “Yes, I agree… You’re an endearing and beautiful woman. You shouldn’t be tainted by the likes of men.” Yuriko: “...But you like playing with men, don’t you, Lady Kyoko?” Kyoko: “I do. I like interesting things. But I don’t care about men. I just care about playing and having fun.” “Most importantly, I like lovely young women. I like beautiful ladies… like you.” Yuriko: “Lady Kyoko…” ~Picture~ Kyoko pulls Yuriko in for a gentle embrace. The lady smells nice. She smells sweet… It might be the smell of milk. Somehow, it reminds her of her mother— the smell of her mother. The lady might be an awfully promiscuous woman, but she isn’t playing with men. She just likes interesting games. The lady who surrounds herself with beautiful dolls, who kicks a man rolling on the floor, who says that she likes lovely young women is now hugging her close. The reason she can’t think of Kyoko as weird, abnormal, or disgusting might be that she herself is starting to become someone similar… Kyoko told Yuriko that she’d gone through the same experience. Perhaps the lady’s preference had changed to the state that it is today since that moment. And now, she’s changing too… Yuriko: “...I like you… Lady Kyoko…” Kyoko: “Oh, really? Thank you, my lady… I’m happy to hear that.” Yuriko: “We don’t need this ugly beast in our life. We just have to care about enjoying our games, right?” Kyoko: “That’s right. Which makes this man our toy— a toy of warm flesh and blood.” Kyoko traces Saburo's shaft with her toes. Saburo cries like a beast in response. Men are filthy. Men reek. Men are hideous. Men are such ugly creatures. They serve no purpose. The only thing men are good form is eating, or being eaten. Oh. That’s right. She remembers that spider… The beautiful and ruthless Joro spider that she saw in the garden. At the time, she wished she could become one. She wished she could be a woman who preys on men and not a woman that the beats known as men could sully. Kyoko: “I want to hear cruel words from your pretty lips… Say it, Yuri. What do you want to do with this thing?” Yuriko: “...I hate its voice, so I don’t need its throat.” Her voice sounds foreign to her ears. And yet, her lips and her tongue are moving on their own to weave the words. Yuriko: “It has an ugly face too, so I don’t need its face. I hate its stench too, so I don’t need its skin.” “The way it writhes disgusts me, so I don’t need its muscles and entrails. I hate seeing it quiver too, so I don’t need its bones.” Kyoko: “Oh, dear… But then what will be left of it?” Yuriko: “I guess… we can let it retain bits of itself if you wish, Lady Kyoko… Kyoko: “Hahaha! You’re a genius! Let’s get on with the plan.” -Kyoko claps her hands like an excited little girl. Kyoko: “From now on, I’m going to teach you fun and interesting things.” Yuriko: “...Are you sure I’m going to have fun?” Kyoko: “Of course! Why else do you think I showed you my games? You’ve seen plenty, haven’t you?” “We were born as women. It’ll be our loss if we live without ever knowing the pleasure only women can feel. And I… will teach you about it.” Is Kyoko– the woman who waltzes with men under the soles of her feet— trying to make a carbon copy of herself? Or is she trying to make a favorite new doll? Yuriko’s mind takes her far to the manor of the Nomiya family while she’s burying her face in the lady’s soft bosom. The days when she was so motivated to find the person who killed her father and mother now seem like they belong in a distant past. Trying to find the truth behind her family’s chain of misfortunes has led Yuriko to a painful experience, and now, she has lost the desire to return to the manor. She’s tired. Now, everything seems like a pain to do. She can pamper her eyes with nothing but beautiful things if she stays by Kyoko’s side. She can laugh cheerfully. She can revel in sweet comfort. She likes Kyoko. No one in that manor was able to help her. She only has Kyoko. This is where she should be. Yuriko kicks Saburo– or what’s left of him– to the side. Then, she and Kyoko fall on top of each other on the bed. Their white limbs tangle… Much like a beautiful Joro spider with eight legs. ~END~

  • Kyoko: Kyoko's Meal

    When Yuriko went to Lady Kyoko, she discovered something she did not expect. She saw a whole new and beautiful side of Lady Kyoko and could not take her eyes away from her. Translated Video Just when she started to regret not asking anyone for directions, she hears a screaming voice coming from somewhere nearby. She freezes in her spot and gulps. Yuriko: (What… was that?) The shouting is intermittent… repetitive. Is someone being attacked…? The memory of her own tragedy flickers back to life in the back of Yuriko’s mind, and her hands move on their own accord to hug herself. Yuriko: (Oh gosh… What do I do?) What exactly is happening here? Should she ask for help? As she’s internally debating what to do next, a maid comes walking from the other side of the corridor. It’s the same woman who checked in on her and the lady in the tatami room earlier. Yuriko: “Oh! Excuse me!” Maid: “Yes? Oh. You are the lady who came here with Lady Kyoko…” Yuriko: “C-Can you hear the shrieking? Where is it coming from?” Maid: “Pardon? …Oh. That.” -The maid’s lips curve up to form a smile that looks strangely imbued with meanings. Yuriko: “D-Do you think we should probably call the police?” Maid: “Oh, no, no. That’s not necessary. We would not want the lady to get arrested.” Yuriko: “Huh? What do you mean…?” Maid: “If you’re curious, why don't you take a look? The cries are from the room in the corner. Hehe… The lady has a penchant for leaving the sliding door slightly ajar.” The maid laughs and walks away, leaving Yuriko behind. She blinks, unsure what to make of that information. Yuriko: (Arrested by the police…?) Who? Kyoko? But why? Then again, who do these shouts belong to? Nervous, Yuriko swallows hard and walks as quietly as possible toward the room mentioned by the maid. Just as the maid said, the sliding door of the room is slightly open, the gap enables her to take a peek inside. Yuriko’s eyes land on… ~Picture~ Kyoko. She still has her kimono sash tied around her waist, but the disheveled state of her sloths renders her practically naked. Next to her is a man, and she’s twisting her body against him like a beautiful fish swimming in the water. Kyoko: “Ah! Amazing! Simply divine!” Tanabe: "God, you're so tight... I can't believe you haven't loosened up even after playing with me this much." Kyoko: "Ah! Oh, yeah! You're so hard today too! Oh, you're going to spill a lot...!" Kyoko gasped, arching her white throat and twisting her hips. Her big, round, watermelon-like breasts were shaking as if they were about to spill out. As the man's large hands grabbed them and started massaging them, white material dripped from the tips of her grape-colored nipples. Tanabe: "Oh,'s here again." Kyoko: "Oh, that's right. Even though it's been years since I gave birth, my milk still comes out." Tanabe: “Maybe it’s because you started to let men suck on them after you finish feeding the baby.” Kyoko: "Hehe... I don't know... It might have already become poisonous..." Tanabe: "I see, it's poison… it seems sweet..." Kyoko: "Ah… Yes! Suck it more!!" Shaking her hair, Kyoko draped herself over the man. At that moment, the man's stuff inside Kyoko slipped out. Yuriko almost screamed at its size. It was slimy and glistening, dark red, and had a long, thick, rugged trunk with strangely smooth, round gills on top. This was the first time Yuriko had seen a penis. Yuriko: (That...... something like that...) It was inside Kyoko's slender waist. Yuriko knows that it must really hurt. If something that big and creepy got put inside, she is sure that it would hurt. However, although Kyoko is screaming, she is also happy. Now he buries his cock in her ass again. It makes a wet slurping sound as it slides inside. Kyoko: "Oh... oh... your cock is the best! Oh, yes, deeper! Mess me up!!" Yuriko stared at the scene for a while, forgetting to breathe. Kyoko... is enjoying herself. She takes in something so thick and long, rubbing it inside her and getting pleasure from it. Yuriko couldn't believe her. She said she was in so much pain that she fainted. Kyoko is straddling the man and shaking her hips as she pleases. While milk is dripping from her breasts, she is tasting the man with appetite through the slit between her thighs. Yuriko: (Lady Kyoko… She’s feasting…) The euphoric look on Kyoko’s face is none other than her real face– the face she makes when her instincts take over. Oh, that’s right. It’s the same. It reminds her of a female Joro spider that eats the male during copulation… ~END~

  • Fujita: A Private Club

    Welcome to the world of beasts and extreme pleasure! I hope you are prepared because it will be a wild ride. ⚠DISCLOSURE: Please keep in mind the content warnings of this scene which are: sexual violence, prostitution, drug/substance abuse. Translated Video Her eyes become hot and wet behind the blindfold. Heavy, wet breaths were everywhere. The rope digs into her smooth crotch, where her pubic hair has been shaved. Her skin coated in honey glimmers under the dim red light. She hung from the ceiling, exposing her entire naked body to the public eye. Yuriko: “Kyaaa!!” A searing pain runs down her back. Yuriko: “Ngh!!” “Ah…Aaahh!!” Sweat gushes out from the pores and splatters everywhere. Her flesh writhed in severe pain and her bones creaked. Every time the whip is swung, her body jumps like a sweetfish, much to the delight of the audience. Male customer: "It smells good… I can smell the lady's sweat all the way here." Female customer: "I can't get enough of it… her body looks so delicious..." She heard the vulgar words being whispered in her hazy consciousness. The blindfold comes off while she is writhing in agony. In a corner of a room clouded with opium smoke, she spotted a familiar-looking man. Yuriko: (...Fujita?) Why is he here? The shock of being whipped threw away those questions. Yuriko: “Aaagh!!” “Ah!! Haah…” “Mhg…” Suddenly, she loses consciousness. Endless darkness surrounds her as she is on the verge of fainting. Immediately, the rope hanging her body is untied and lowered. Then, the hyenas rush towards their prey. Her consciousness came flooding back by the horrifying yet excruciating pleasure. Yuriko: “Kyaa, ah, hah, ha!’ —--- Hot lips, wet tongue, loose fingers, and engorged genitals. A tongue that enters the nostril, a smoking pipe inserted between her teeth, a palm that kneads the breast, a tongue that rolls the nipple, a mouth that licks the armpit, a mouth that sucks the navel, and a lip that sucks the genitals. Differed hands, mouths, flesh, juices, breaths, and opium… They engulfed Yuriko like some kind of large monster, shaking her wildly with waves of pleasure. Eventually, a penis is pressed against the center of her genitals which are spread wide open. Yuriko: “Aaaaah!!” A huge penis is inserted deeply inside her. The love juice is pushed out and the string is drawn lazily. The hard, thick mass of meat almost splits her ass, and it feels horrifyingly good. Yuriko: “Heya,aaaaaaaaaah!!” When that long sheft pinched the innermost part of her ripe pussy, Yuriko arched in agony and let out a howl from the overwhelming pleasure. The penis begins to move with tremendous force. Unrelenting pleasure makes Yuriko fall into her beast. Female customer: "Oh, delicious, so delicious." Male customer: “So good, I can’t stand it.” Countless lips are sucking on Yuriko's shaking and screaming body. Every time she sweats from the extreme pleasure, a steamy aroma wafts around her. Yuriko: “Aha! Ha! Hah, ha, ha!” Yuriko goes crazy as a steel-like penis stirs the muddy honey pot. It hit her so hard that she thought it was going to burst her stomach, and she couldn't tell if it was pain or pleasure. Yuriko: “Ngh! Ah, hah, aah…!” “C-Coming!! I’m coming, ah, ha, aaaaah—!!!” Yuriko screamed and drooled like a beast, and reached her climax while dripping urine. His tongue sticks to her crotch to prevent her from leaking even that. Her entire body becomes sensitive and the waves of climax come as all the sensations cover her skin. While Yuriko is constantly flying to climax, the man is shaking her hips like an animal. Eventually, Yuriko's body is lifted up with the penis still in her pussy. Then, something slippery was pushed into her round hole and melted by the heat inside her body. As the insides of her rectum begin to itch, his penis is pressed against her behind. Yuriko: “Hiiiii—!!” Yuriko screamed with her eyes wide open like an animal as she took in an extremely thick penis from both the front and back. The hellish pleasure of the male genitals rubbing against her insides and flesh separating the rectum and vagina from both sides. The one sprinkled with chrysanthemums pushes up as if hitting her coccyx, and the other one inserted into her vagina continues to pierce the cervix. Yuriko: “Hii, ahng, ha, ah, aaah!!” Because of opium, all sensations are replaced by pleasure. Both her vagina and anus happily suck on the thickness of the penis, dripping fluids and peristalsis. Yuriko: “Hi, heya, ha, ah, good, so good!” “Give me your cum, hurry up, and give me your com!!” Yuriko cries out while being shaken violently, and soon, thick semen is spat out in globs. Yuriko accepts it in ecstasy, and she enjoys the feeling of a large amount of semen flowing inside her. Immediately another penis penetrates her, and her entire body convulses violently as she reaches an endless orgasm. While Yuriko drifts into her trance, she continues to struggle in the world of sensuality. Fujita: “...My lady…” In her hazy mind, she hears a familiar voice. Fujita: "I was trying to protect you." "It's strange… my Lady… she's the most beautiful when she's doing that..." A world of ecstasy. A hell pulsates beneath the ground where people live their lives with innocent faces. Was it her destiny to fall here ever since her father died? She can't go back now. She doesn't have to go back. The world of beasts, where there is nothing to hide, is more comfortable than the time when she was wrapped in cotton wool, treated with care, and protected from all filth. Who let her fall here? It doesn't matter anymore. Oh, push it in more, lick it, touch it. Then suck the skin and eat the meat. Until the opium-stained pink skull falls apart beautifully. ~END~

  • Shiba: Regrets

    Yuriko gets married to Shiba and starts plotting her revenge. While hiding her true feelings deep inside her heart, Yuriko acts like the perfect wife until her vengeance is complete. Disclaimer: I did not edit the entire ending because it's practically the same as the official translation. Translated Video Eventually, Yuriko agrees to marry Shiba. The feast of their wedding is held at the Teikoku Hotel. It’s a spectacular and lively affair. The union between a nouveau riche man and a daughter from a poor aristocratic family is the textbook definition of a marriage of convenience. As such, their wedding decorates the front page of many newspapers. The guests stare—rather rudely too—at the bride, but Yuriko does not shy away. Not with the flames of vengeance burning in her heart. Her father, mother, and brother are dead. This is a battle to mourn for them, and she is the only fighter. After she became his wife, Shiba acts like a different person. He’s extremely nice toward Yuriko. She presents herself like an ideal wife who is all smiles on the surface, but maybe Shiba decided to change his attitude because he knows that deep inside, she hates him. Or because he’s starting to feel guilty for every cruel thing he did to the Nomiya household. He lavishes Yuriko with gorgeous dresses, ornaments, and countless luxurious items, but her frozen heart refuses to melt. Her only moral support comes in the form of a small bottle. She asked Majima to get this item for her. It’s a magic bottle that will grant her most earnest desire. ~Flash back~ Yuriko: “Majima. I wonder if there is an item that can slowly kill someone.” A day after Yuriko decided to take her revenge on Shiba, she goes to Majima and asks him this question. Yuriko: “You’ve taken care of various kinds of plants. I bet you know a lot of drugs and poisons.” Majima: “...My lady… Why would you ask me that question?” Majima’s voice is stiff when he inquires back, and Yuriko scoffs. Yuriko: “Because I have decided to avenge my family and take my revenge on that man.” “I don’t want to carry out my revenge through normal means. I want him to suffer and grow weaker every day. I want to take my time, just like how he slowly dyed this manor with misfortunes.” Majima: “My lady…” Majima seems to be taken aback, overwhelmed. For a while, he doesn’t say anything. But then he weakly shakes his head. Majima: “I… I refuse, my lady… I cannot…” “I cannot let you be a criminal for a man like him…” Yuriko: “Majima…” Yuriko feels her eyes widen for a moment, not expecting Majima’s answer. Yuriko: “...Thank you. I don’t want to be a criminal for that poor excuse of a man either.” Majima: “Then please…!” Yuriko: “...So I want something that I can use to kill him without making it look like a murder.” Majima lifts his head, shocked to hear the cold words that have spilled from Yuriko’s mouth. Yuriko: “I think he has a personal doctor who regularly examines him. So I will need something that can gradually eat into his body and go unnoticed even by doctors.” “It can’t be something that causes blatant symptoms or something that stands out when he consumes it. Listen, Majima… I know you can find something that meets these requirements for me. Right?” Frozen in place, Majima stares at Yuriko. The second he realizes that his master has no intention of choosing another way out, Majima drops his gaze with a sad look on his face. Majima: “...I understand. I will see if I can find something.” Yuriko: “But you do have an idea, don’t you?“ Majima: “Yes. Some… poisons are indeed tasteless, odorless, and are capable of weakening the body little by little. But it is easy to detect them if the body is autopsied.” “That man probably makes enemies on a daily basis. If we use regular poisons on him, he will develop symptoms that are similar to food poisoning. We do not want that because he will suspect that he is being poisoned and start investigating.” “There is another, safer option… It does not work as fast as other poisons, but it will eventually make him ill. Right now, this substance has yet to even be acknowledged as a poison… So even if they find out about it, they will not suspect you, my lady.” Yuriko: “...Thank you, Majima.” “I will avenge my family… I swear.” ~End flashback~ Shiba: “Hey, I’m home.” She is still deep in her recollections when she hears Shiba’s voice from the distance. The household stirs awake in response to their master’s arrival. Yuriko returns to her senses and runs toward her “husband” who has just come back from work. Yuriko: “Welcome back, dear.” Shiba: “Thanks. I’m home.” Shiba looks at Yuriko and breaks into a smile of relief. He hugs her tightly to his broad chest. Feeling that he is going to kiss her then and there, in front of their servants, Yuriko blushes and turns away. Yuriko: “D-Don’t do that here.” Shiba: “I don’t see why not. I flew back for you. Come on… Let’s go straight to our room.” Yuriko: “Are you sure you’re not tired, dear…?” Shiba: “I’m fine. All the exhaustion left me when I saw your face.” Shiba wraps his arm around Yuriko’s shoulders and leisurely walks toward their bedroom. Yuriko: “I’ll bring you the usual liquor, so go ahead.” Shiba: “I don’t need it now.” Yuriko: “But you seldom come back for dinner, do you? I’d like to have a drink with you.” Shiba has been coming home late as of recently. He’s got a new factory now, and it looks like he’s going to be busy until things get on track there. For that reason, Shiba has been eating his dinners out, leaving Yuriko to often take her meals on her own. Shiba “Mmph. Got it. But make it quick, okay?” Yuriko: “Of course.” Shiba happily agrees to the demand of his new wife. Without knowing that she;’s been pouring her hatred, black like tar, into his liquor all this time. ~Next scene~ She brings a bottle of Western liquor and glasses on a tray, and when she reaches their bedroom, the door is wide open. Yurikok comes to a halt and takes a peek. Shiba is there– having only taken off his jacket— standing by the window and looking out. There’s something strangely tranquil about his profile, and she hesitates to call out. She didn’t know he was capable of making that face… Yuriko feels like she’s seeing something that she shouldn’t. And then, Shiba turns around, perhaps sensing her presence there. Shiba: “...Hey. There you are.” Yuriko: “Sorry. Did I make you wait?” Shiba: “Not at all. Time spent waiting for you never bothers me.” Even after they get married, he’s still capable of spouting such nauseating flattery. Shiba pours the liquor into a glass himself and upends it, emptying the liquor inside in one gulp. Yuriko watches his Adam’s apple with an ice-cold gaze as it bobs up and down. This is how the seeds of illness are slowly taking root inside Shiba. It’s been two months since she started poisoning his liquor and meals, but she has yet to notice any conspicuous signs. Is it really poison that she’s been feeding him? She’s worried that perhaps Majima gave her something that isn’t dangerous. Despite her worry, she knows that she can always find another method if nothing happens to Shiba after one or two years. Oblivious to his wife’s twisted scheme, Shiba genially thrusts a glass with the liquor inside toward her. Shiba: “You should drink too.” Yoriko: “...You know I can’t drink too much.” Shiba: “Then let me drink… From your mouth.” He acts spoiled, and Yuriko quietly returns his smile. Yuriko: “...Fine.” She takes the glass and pours the numbing liquor into her mouth. Then she snakes her arms around Shiba’s neck and presses their lips together. Shiba slips his hot tongue into Yuriko’s mouth at the same as she pours the liquor from her mouth to his. The sensation of his tongue makes Yuriko’s core tingle and her knees nearly buckle. Shiba is a skillful man. So skillful, in fact, that he’s able to make Yuriko forget about her revenge when they are in bed. Sex is a path that she has to tread upon, and she has recognized its inevitability since the day she agreed to marry him. But her mind is an obstinate one; it used to refuse to register the pleasure she would feel whenever they slept together. However, her stubborn will didn’t last long. Sex was agonizing at first, but maybe Shiba and Yuriko are physically compatible to begin with because now she’s already accustomed to enjoying the feeling completely. ~Picture~ Yuriko: “Ah, aah, ngh, hah.” Shiba: “Hah, hah, you're soaking wet tonight too." Her kimono was rolled up and she was thrust up from behind like an animal. Yuriko's white body fights as her most sensitive area is mercilessly stimulated, causing her love juices to spill out. Her ripe insides melt around Shiba's strong manhood. Every time Shiba's lower abdomen was pressed against her white, foamy joint, a sticky sound echoed. When her voluptuous breasts spilled out from her clothes and were roughly fondled by large hands, her uterus felt numb and painful. Yuriko: "Ah, ah, ah, I'm coming, I'm coming!" Shiba: "Ngh, oh, good, come, come all you want… ha, ha!" Yuriko: "Ha, hah, ah, ah." Her mind went blank from the pleasure. Her pores open and a hot sweat of pleasure gushes out. She stirred the mattress, her whole body stiffening and convulsing. A large amount of love juice leaks from her inside of the honey jar. Shiba slowly trusted his shaft in and out, enjoying the juicy wetness of her vagina. Shiba: "Ah...Ah, the sweet smell has gotten stronger...Your skin is also moist..." Shiba: “Hey… Are you still not up for it?” Yuriko is basking in the afterglow when Shiba asks in a whisper, and she grimaces. She has continued to refuse any action that may lead to the two of them having a baby with the excuse that she can’t afford to have children now. However, Shiba seems to want children so badly that he keeps asking this question every chance he gets. Yuriko: “...Not yet… We’ve only been married for a couple of months.” “I still want to be with you, just the two of us… I still want to experience living as a married couple with you.” Yuriko turns around, holds Shiba’s head with both hands, and kisses him. The excuse she’s just said is nothing but childish coquetry. But she knows that it works like magic on Shiba, perhaps way too effectively to be normal. This man seems to be deeply obsessed with her, for a reason that Yuriko can’t seem to grasp. At first, she thought he wanted to marry her just to earn the aristocratic title, and she expected him to treat her differently after their wedding, but the change in his attitude never came. Shiba: “You’re right… Maybe it’s still too early for me to give the right to hug you to our baby.” Yuriko: “Hehe… You’re such a spoiled child…” Shiba turned Yuriko on her back, grabbed her swaying white breasts, and sucked on her sharp red-plum-colored nipples. And he acts like a big baby himself. Yuriko keeps her hold around his head and hugs him tightly. It’s only during their pillow talk at night that she’s forced to leave her hatred behind. It’s the only time she has to play the role of this man’s wife whenever he wraps her in his arms– the only time she has to lock her heart deep inside her chest. They get physically intimate every night, and they’ve learned every inch of each other’s body. Shiba loves everything about Yuriko, and she lets him. She hates him so much, more than she can ever describe but she’d be lying if she says that she doesn’t feel; anything for him. But her feelings for him stir awake only at night. After Yuriko sees Shiba off for work, she returns to her room and clutches the amulet with her brother’s hair inside close to her chest. By doing so, she regains the will to take revenge. She will recall those painful memories and tell herself not to forget the humiliation and the hell that the Nomiya household had to go through, and not to let the fire of hatred be extinguished. Ever since Shiba appeared, tragedies befell the Nomiya household in succession. They were all cunning traps Shiba had set up in order to obtain Yuriko. He knew the Nomiya household was suffering from huge debts, but he pushed them into an even deeper hole of poverty. And then he deceived the gentle people who were trying to reach out to help her family. She recalls the miserable look of her brother’s swollen face, and he used to be such a beautiful man. Yuriko shivers, feeling tears prickle in her eyes. How much damage has her brother’s pride taken? How mortified he must have been? How suffocated did he feel when water flooded his lungs until he passed away? How frigid was the water? Yuriko: (I can’t forgive that man… Ever…) And so, with hands dyed with hatred, Yuriko feeds the man poison every day. It’s a tenacious task that she keeps up until Shiba collapses from an illness. At last, she begins to notice a change in Shiba’s Physique. He has lost his appetite, and his entire body often looks weary and tortured. The doctor has told him to refrain from drinking alcohol, but Shiba doesn’t listen. He keeps drinking. His secretary Yamazaki has asked Shiba to rest because he’s been working too much, but Shiba doesn’t listen to this advice either. Shiba must be confident in his own health because his physique is strong, and he has never had to suffer any disease before. Despite his weakened state, Shiba never stops sleeping with Yuriko. It’s like he’s driven by an obsession over something. She shudders in horror when she learns that even with his exhausted body, he can still make love to her intensely. Yuriko: “Hey, dear… Your complexion isn’t looking good. Why don’t you take a little rest?” Shiba: “You don’t have to worry about me. I’m alright.” Yuriko: “But…” Shiba: “I’m fine, okay? Come here, I’ll make you forget about such a trivial thing.” The involuntary words of worry escape Yuriko’s mouth, but Shiba tries to take her mind off his condition. It’s obvious that there’s something abnormal going on with his body. And yet, Shiba refuses Refuses to see the doctor. By this point, Yuriko has stopped giving Shiba the poison that she got from Majima. Shiba is growing weaker by the day, so she no longer sees the point of feeding him the poison. Before long, Shiba collapses. He is rushed to the hospital where he is later diagnosed with liver cancer… And it’s already terminal. Standing rooted to her spot, Yuriko feels a little shaken by the news. Majima’s poison does work. Naturally, not a single person suspects her hand in it. Shiba’s condition rapidly deteriorates. He’s now suffering from a high fever, and the nightmares cause him to grunt and talk deliriously in his sleep. She can barely catch a word. ~Picture~ Shiba: “Ugh… Yuriko…” Yuriko: “Dear, I’m right here.” He calls her many times, and she responds to each one, but he doesn’t even seem capable of registering her replies. There is always a doctor by their side, and a number of nurses are always busy coming and going from his room. But his condition only becomes worse at an alarming rate, and everyone is tense. Shiba’s breath grows heavier, large drops of sweat dotting his temple. His face is ashen. the shadow of death is looming over him. Finally… this man will die soon. They lived together as a married couple for about half a year. Only six months have passed since she set her heart ablaze with vengeance; since she entered Shiba’s manor with a ruthless resolution. Her plan went smoothly; so smoothly that the ending is honestly anticlimactic. No one suspects that she’s been trying to claim Shiba’s life by making him fall ill. Nevertheless, it’s still impossible for her to rejoice in the face of a dying person. Yuriko sits stiffly in her seat, watching closely and silently as the fire of Shiba’s life grows dimmer. Shiba: “Hey… Yuriko…” “I was… I was… happy… I was happy…” “Thank you… Thank you…” Yuriko: “...Dear!!” The cry leaves Yuriko’s mouth before she can stop herself. Shiba groans, and he quietly falls silent. The doctor heaves a deep sigh. The silence of death falls upon the place. Everything has come to an end… Yuriko stands in a daze in the room that has lost its master. Shiba’s death is followed by a grand funeral. the line of condolence callers, which is long enough to circle the circumference of the 106,500 square foot manor, symbolizes the prosperity of Shiba’s business during his lifetime. Shiba also left a will, although Yuriko still has no idea when he wrote it. His lawyer is keeping the will and according to it, he dedicates all of his property and assets to Yuriko.-The company’s senior managing director, who used to be Shiba’s right-hand man, is to be in charge of the company’s management while Yuriko becomes the largest shareholder. In effect, she has inherited all that Shiba had built during his lifetime. But she doesn’t care about the inheritance. The sense of accomplishment for having taken her revenge and the excitement for having avenged her family– she feels none of it. There’s only emptiness. No joy, no sorrow… These emotions have evaporated. Yuriko spends her days standing in the room where she used to spend time with Shiba, doing nothing. Now that she has lost vengeance– her goal and drive in life– she feels lost. It’s like she’s wandered into a thick fog but instead of finding her destination, she chooses to stand still in a daze. Yuriko: ( …What should I do with this room?) The space that has lost its master is awfully quiet, as if time itself has left it behind. Even now, she thinks she can see the illusion of Shiba standing by the window. Yuriko pads slowly toward the window and drops her gaze. Yuriko: “...Hm?” Her gaze lands on something caught between the wall and the desk. She reaches out–not suspecting anything–to pull on the item and it turns out to be a small key. Suddenly, her frozen heart begins to beat again. The drawer of the desk with a keyhole in it pulls Yuriko’s gaze. She inserts the key with apprehension and the key turns, too quickly for her liking. Inside the drawer is a thick, old book. Yuriko: “What is this…?” She flips through the pages and realizes that this must be Shiba’s diary. It looks like he has been writing for a fairly long period of time. Yuriko’s fingers move on their own, searching for the date of the evening party held to celebrate her birthday. Shiba: ...I’ve finally made up my mind. Up until now, I’ve been thinking about how to show up in front of her, but her birthday party should be the perfect occasion. Thanks to the madam of the household, I can attend the party as a formal guest. And the day where I can see her again is, finally, just around the corner. Since that day, I’ve been thinking of her and only her. Thinking about meeting her again, about all the ways I can make her happy. Now that the day is drawing near, I feel like crying whenever I think back on all the hardships I’ve been through. Those hardships were by no means easy to overcome, but soon I’ll be able to see her again. The suffering I had to experience will soon be rewarded. But should I keep it a secret from her? There’s nothing cool about my past self. I’ll save her without saying anything about the old days. That’s my mission. Shiba: …Oh god. She’s still as beautiful as I remember. Her honest heart, straightforward and without a stain. It hasn’t changed one bit since those days. I want to tell her about it right now. But if she knows that I’ve been keeping the handkerchief she gave me back when we were children, she’ll think I’m unmanly. Without a doubt. I can’t tell her. It’s frustrating, but this is the only choice I have. It’s enough that I get to see her now. I’m happy. So happy. Shiba: …Why am I like this? She hates me, that’s for sure. Whenever she rejects me, my brain can only process grief and anger. She’s all I’m living for; always has been. But for a noble and fastidious girl like her, I’m just a filthy and lowly nouveau riche man. It’s frustrating. It’s vexing. What am I supposed to do to make her accept my feelings? I don’t know the answer to that. But I know I need to try and make her understand. No other man yearns for her as deeply as I do. That’s the only thing I can say with conviction. Shiba: …I’m living in a nightmare. She is going to marry another man. Why? Why did it turn out like this? I can’t endure this any longer. I’ve suffered so much, wrung myself out until my last stretch of energy. Even so, am I going to die as a vile existence just because I was born in a vulgar place? This is frustrating. I hate her. I love her. This can’t go on forever. I can’t stand it. At the very least, I refuse to forgive Iiba. He knows I’ve been trying to marry her, but his family is trying to nab her without feeling the least bit considerate toward me. I can’t forgive him for that. I can’t forgive Iiba. Shiba: …Strange things have been happening lately. I did try to beat Iiba in business, but then a strange and awful rumor about his company appeared out of nowhere and blew a buffeting, favorable wind my way. Still, I don’t understand what’s going on. And that isn’t the only strange thing. The debts of her household have been transferred to a notoriously merciless loan shark. Someone apparently claimed ownership over all of her household’s debts. I don’t know the circumstances, but that someone transferred the debts to the worst person possible– the loan shark. I’m starting to get creeped out. It’s like the devil himself is on my side. Everything is going too well for me. She is now in the depths of misery. Rolling free fall to the bottom of hell. And it’s like I’m the one orchestrating everything. I have to make her happy– that’s what I’ve always thought. So where exactly did I go wrong? Shiba: …She became my wife. The dream I’ve been seeing for so many years has come true, as unbelievable as it sounds. A strong, deep-seated grudge is swirling inside her. I know. She puts something into my drink, every night. But so what? I don’t care what happens to me She became my wife. And every night, she smiles in my arms. I’m happy. So happy. I’m the happiest person in the world. My dream came true. I don’t care if it only lasts for a fleeting moment. As long as I can experience each and every moment of this heaven, I can soar to the summit of happiness. I love her. I love her. I’m happy. I am a happy person. ...She blinks her awfully dry eyes, having been too enraptured to even do that. The diary there. Her trembling fingers flip the page, but she only finds blank pages. When she reaches the last page, she finds something in between the page and the spine of the book. ...It’s a slightly dirty, white handkerchief. Yuriko: “...Oh…” Memories surge from the back of Yuriko’s mind, flooding her brain. ~Fleshback~ ...The summer days she spent at a summer resort, back when she was young. A boy covered in dirt and bruises that she met there. Some men were chasing him. The boy told Yuriko that he was playing hide-and-seek with them. She lied to protect him, pointing in a random direction in order to mislead the grown-ups. Then, she gave the white handkerchief to the boy who was crouching there, his face caked with mud. Yuriko: “Oh no… No…” The boy took the handkerchief from her, and he looked like he was about to cry. She didn’t understand why. He thanked her, telling her that he’d come to see her and return the handkerchief one day. The boy said his “boss” was the one responsible for the one responsible for the gruesome bruises on his body. He said his boss would beat him up if he failed to do his job well. Perhaps the boy had never had anyone let him have anything decent. He clutched the handkerchief Yuriko gave him like it was a precious treasure. That boy was… Shiba. Yuriko’s casual, whimsical act as a child inspired him and spurred him into chasing after her all this time. Yuriko: “...I had no idea… I had no idea! I didn’t know!!” The words Shiba wrote in the diary convey his earnest love for Yuriko. The words spell his simple desire to make her happy. And that goal was all he was living for. And… He knew Yuriko had been poisoning him. He drank every glass fully aware of that fact. He knew and yet… Yuriko: “No… No… Why…” She recalls Shiba’s last words. Those words resonate with what he wrote in his diary. Shiba: “Hey… Yuriko…” “I was… I was… happy… I was happy…” “Thank you… Thank you…” Yuriko: “Why…Why…?” “No…No, no, noooooo!!!” She screams, wailing until her voice is hoarse. Why did things turn out like this? Why is she breaking down, crying? She finds that she can no longer comprehend a thing. All she is capable of is wailing, screaming like a child. There’s only one thing that she knows. Shiba won’t come home no matter how hard she cries. He won’t come home… ~END~

  • Majima: Secret Feelings

    While Yuriko enjoys her married life, 'Yoshiki' continues his business as he protects Yuriko from all the dangerous secrets that would destroy their life together. ::>_<:: ⚠DISCLOSURE: Please keep in mind the content warnings of this scene which are: incest Translated Video ...I think it was the beginning of a tremendously happy and equally painful ordeal. The young lady - Yuriko - and I... got married. Yes. I married my blood-related younger half sister. Of course, she doesn't know. And I will probably take the secret to my grave. If I ever find someone trying to reveal the truth to her, I'll wipe them off the face of the Earth without hesitation. I will do anything to protect this happiness. Yes, I must be ruthless, more than ever... For the sake of my wife, my sister, the woman that I love. Majima: "So... What did the organization say?" Man in Black: "They said it's never been better. Even in the entertainment facility in the Concession, money is flowing. I'm sure they still can't contain their smiles." Majima: "They'll stay harmless as long as you let them inhale that appealing sao. The problem is the military... I'm going to Manchuria soon, but don't let your guard down. I want you to report in detail." Man in Black: "Understood... The war is about to start. We need to hurry before it does." Majima: "I know. That's the plan." The man wolfs down his beef hotpot, polishes off the last of his drink, and once he's had his fill, gets up from his seat. Sitting alone in the tatami room, I take sips of my tea. I still can't drink alcohol. Still find the smell unbearable. Absent-mindedly, I cast my mind toward the future... A big job is coming up, Majima: (The war, huh...) War is an ugly conflict where humans carve up countries to secure their own profits. War will continue to exist in this world as long as people do. Humans are demons, filthy with desire. They plunge forward on their own will to ruin. They're a lost cause. But... I'm a much more rotten existence even when compared to those foul humans. I'm a child who was born out of a forbidden relationship. That's who I am. To think that I used to be oblivious to that fact... ...Until that man showed up. Yasuyuki: "You demon!! I finally found you!!" The man bellowed, brandishing his sword and looking more like a demon himself. Yasuyuki: "I'll make sure to erase you from this world right this instant!" With a slash of his sword to my back, I thought I was going to die. Even with slash wounds of her own, my mother was still trying to protect me. I watched as she was being cut into pieces right in front of me. Soaked in the pool of my mother's blood, I lost consciousness. ...When I came to , I found myself lying on a big bed in a castle-like manor. I also realized that my wounds had been looked after. By some miracle, I seemed to have made it out of that catastrophe alive. It might have been because my mother shielded me with her body. Clearly, both my father and mother were dead. Murdered by that demon of a man. And... The person who had saved me, the sole survivor, introduced himself to me as my biological father... He said he had buried my father and mother, who had died for my sake, in secret. In other words... he had erased my parents' existence without a trace. In order to conceal the sin of my parents' murderer... and by extension, his own sin. That was the moment I started to grasp my true identity. A demon - that's what the man yelled at me. Indeed, I might be one. However, the madness didn't result in my death... but in the death of the innocent couple who raised me. As time passed by, I began to swear to myself that I would seek revenge. Revenge against what? Against everyone... who was involved in bringing me into this world. My biological father said he was going to raise me. But by the time my wounds were healed, I ran away from him. I started doing everything one could possibly think of to survive. I kept my will to seek revenge close to my heart, and I felt no remorse preying on abominable humans. Before I knew it. I was knee-deep in the world of opium trading. I went to Shanghai and anchored myself to an underground organization. China was an opium haven. I made a lot of money by establishing smuggling routes. Of course, I kept my mind fixed on my revenge in everything I did. It was my driving force in life. So much so that I didn't mind the idea of dying after exacting my revenge. Before that time came, I continued spreading opium in order to ruin as many people as possible. My initial plan after entering the Nomiya household as a gardener was to observe the situation and take my time killing them all. ...But Yuriko waltzed into my life and destroyed that plan. I knew I had a younger sister. What I didn't know was that she would snatch my heart the moment I first laid my eyes on her. Yes… This instinct itself is demonic proof. As someone who inherited that awful blood, I couldn't seem to avoid being attracted to my sister who shares the same scent as me. So I began to postpone the execution of my plan, little by little... All for the sake of being with my sister even for a while longer. But the day to carry out my plan - my resolve - came. I decided to execute my plot on the day of her birthday party... Because I knew it was going to be the very day another man would take my beloved sister away. So yes, I made the decision out of jealousy. I thought I'd destroy everything before my sister married another man. But then Yuriko confessed to me. On an impulse, I decided to cancel my plans. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me to inform Saburo, who had been preparing to do the deed. To alert him before he killed that man... Before he let the brutes break into the manor. Because I knew that once the plan of my revenge started, I wouldn't be able to stop myself. Yuriko liked me... She felt the same way as I did toward her. Alas, I must have inherited the very genes that I detest. I tried to fight the urge to make my sister mine right away and, through painstaking effort, turned her down. I should've continued with my revenge plot. The regret came nagging at me time and time again, but the desire to seek revenge that I'd nurtured and grown in me began to wane as the result of my sister's confession. It was foolish, really. Yuriko's feelings for me were earnest. For my sake, she left the manor to work as a waitress to prove to me that we weren't separated by the wall called social status. Her admirable courage broke my resolve... ...But who am I kidding? My resolve broke because I was already at my limit. Whenever I didn't know what to do anymore, I would go to the red-light district to enjoy the company of prostitutes who looked even the slightest bit like my sister. I never thought my demon blood would thirst so badly for someone who also has the same thing coursing through their veins. The instinct was a frightening and cursed force to reckon with. Perhaps the blood affected not just the people that I knew. Demon blood commits cunning crimes and gets purified without being judged... At that time, I justified my emotion by telling myself that. My reasoning being that in order to avoid prolonging this abominable blood's life, it would be best for my sister and I to be together instead of having children of our own. Maybe I no longer have the ability to have children. After being slashed by that man's sword, I spent days wandering the boundary of life and death with my consciousness lost to a high fever. That period may have robbed me of my fertility. That's the only thing I can thank that bloodthirsty homicide for. I look down and realize my cup is empty. I must have finished my tea during my vague reminiscing of the past. Majima: "Well... I should probably go home." The Japanese army in Manchuria is making a huge profit by conspiring with a man who's known on the surface as a figure in a private news agency. Behind the scenes. However, the man is someone who does opium trafficking and is referred to as the opium king. I was the one who connected that man, the very person who has the rights to the trafficking in Shanghai, with the underground organization. I still give instructions to the organization even today while I'm in Japan. Things will surely dissolve into war, There are no bounds to human foolishness. If China and Japan get caught up in the war, traders must change their methods of doing business and where. That's exactly the reason I have to go to Manchuria soon. But I don't want to think about it now if I can help it. I just want to enjoy every second of happiness with my beloved Yuriko, who is waiting for me at home. As our house comes into sight, warmth wells up in my heart. Yes... That's my home. The place where Yuriko is waiting for me... The place where I should come home to. Yuriko: "Yoshiki! Welcome home!" Majima: "Thank you... I'm home." As soon as I make it inside, Yuriko pounces on and hugs me. It's been several years since we got together. That's enough time for her to lose her lady-lide manner of speaking... Although it does turn up sometimes. Yuriko: "Aren't you early? I thought you said you were going to eat out." Majima: "I did. If you haven't eaten, I can eat again with you, Yuriko." Yuriko: "Are you sure? You don't have to force yourself, Yoshiki." I made her call me by my false name - Yoshiki. My real name is Kiyoshi, but it's a name that I barely even associate with myself anymore. Besides,I was revived and parted from the dark world from the moment I met her as "Yoshiki Majima"... So yes, strictly speaking, I am Yoshiki. Majima: "You're right... On second thought, I think I'd prefer to have something other than dinner." Yuriko: "Huh? Wha-- H-Hey, what are you doing!?" She's standing in the kitchen, and I hug her from behind and kiss her on the nape of her neck. At first, Yuriko makes a fuss about stopping, but before long, she calms down and begins to let out a sweet moan. I put my hand in the seam of my kimono and rubbed her hot breast a little roughly. A sweet scent wafts up from Yuriko's neckline, and when I smell it, I get more and more excited. I hastily open the hem of her kimono and reach inside. Then, her soft place that was already dripping with moisture, wistfully entwined around my fingertips. Yuriko: "Ah, ah, ah, Yoshiki..." Majima: "... You're already this wet? How lewd..." Yuriko: "I-I can't... Just being touched by you... ah, I can't... ah, ah!" Yuriko raises a cute voice and convulses. Even though I only caressed her a little. Her fine-grained skin is moistly floated with sweat of lust, giving off an even stronger and sweeter scent. I'm sure I smell the same. We were each other opium. I can't live without her... If I don't hold her for a while, I feel like I'm going insane. No other woman can compare. She's something else. I only have Yuriko. I'm the only one Yuriko has. From the moment we knew each other's tastes and smells, we became one and can no longer be separated. Majima: "Do you want it...? Because I do..." Yuriko: "Please... I want it... hurry up..." Majima: "... As you wish..." I took out something that had already reached its limit and pushed it onto Yuriko, who was still standing. I strongly hold Yuriko's waist and pierce it all the way inside. With a muffled scream, she ascends again. Majima: "Ngh, ha..., ha, ah, so tight..." Yuriko: "Ha... Oh, ah!" Majima: "Ha, hah, ah..." "I can't hold it, Yuriko... Oh, it feels so good..." Her insides tighten and squeeze. A large amount of love juice spills out, and Yuriko's body trembles and twists with pleasure. I push my need violently inside while feeling like I'm going crazy with the supreme pleasure that I want to put out immediately. Yuriko presses her butt against me and madly shakes her hips. Majima: "Ha, ah, ah, ha, ha" "Does it feel good, Yuriko...?" Yuriko: "Ah, it feels good! Oh, it feels amazing, I-I think I'm about to come, ha, ha." Majima: "Come all you want... come lots..." "Do you like it from behind? Here, take it!" Yuriko: "Ah.... Aaah...!!" When Yuriko's legs floated up, she threw herself into a convulsive convulsion and reached a great height. At the same time, I was squeezed by the undulating vaginal walls, and I felt a pleasant sensation that made my waist wither. Majima: "Haah...haah...ah..." "A lot of it came overflowing... it looks like it's going to melt even me..." Yuriko: " body is numb... I can't take it any more..." Majima: "Good... I can't hold it much longer either... Let's come together..." "Put your butt out more... ah, yes... ah, ah, more, deeper... ah..." I shake my hips like a beast while rubbing her round breasts that spilled out of her completely collapsed kimono. The thick love juice that overflowed from Yuriko's honey pot made a loud noise, running down her thighs and dripping onto the floor. Yuriko: "Haa, haa, ah, ah, ah, ah" Majima: "Ngh, ah, ha, ha, ha" "Ah, feels so good, ha, ah, ah, I think I'm going crazy, ha, ah, ah" Following my movements, Yuriko also innocently shook her hips. I knew that both of us were about to climax. Our hips were sticking to each other, and it's already moving on instinct instead of reason. To put it bluntly, the compatibility of mating with Yuriko was really the best. It was an act of terrifying pleasure that made me want to throw everything away and indulge in it forever. Majima: "Ah, ah, ngh ha, ah, ah, I'm about to come, ah" "I'm coming, coming, inside you, ah, ah" Yuriko: "Ha, ah, me too, ah, ah, ah, coming, coming, ah, ah!! " Majima: "Haa, haa, ah" "Ah, ah, coming, coming, ah, ah, ah..." "Ah...ha, hah...!" I spit out a large amount of semen while piercing the innermost part of Yuriko. Yuriko's cervix is looming and she has also reached her climax. The two of us reach a state of self-indulgence, and for a moment they are thrown into a pure white world, and we can't see anything. Majima: "Ha... ah, ha, ha..." Yuriko: "Haa... ah, haa..." Majima: "Ah... I'm dazed... that was amazing..." "Hey... Are you okay, Yuriko...? How was it...?" Yuriko: "Uh-huh... hmm..." I suck the sweaty neck of the exhausted Yuriko. Before long, Yuriko loses her ballans and is about to collapse, so I hurriedly hold her. With that beat, my need slipped out. It is still erect and does not look like it's withering. At the same time, the semen I released leaked out and smeared Yuriko's inner thighs. Majima: "A lot is coming out..." "...Do you want to continue in bed...?" I picked up Yuriko, who nodded silently, and headed to the bedroom. I put Yuriko down on the bed soaked with our scent, and immediately lifted one of Yuriko's legs and put it on my shoulders. Yuriko is looking up at me with sweet misty eyes. In that position, I opened Yuriko's entrance again and pushed inside. Majima: "Mgh, ah, ha..." Yuriko: "Ha, ah ah... ha!! Ah, no..." As soon as I put it in, Yuriko seemed to melt again. Her insides tightened tightly around my need, and I narrowed my eyes with desire. Majima: "Haa, ah, feels good, Yuriko..." "Ah... Haa, ah, I can't stop... Ah... it feels so great, ah, ah" Yuriko: "Hi... ha... ah, I... again..." Majima: "Are you going to come again? Ah, come all you want... Ah, I can't see my limit either... I want to stay like this forever..." "Here, keep going... come on." Yuriko: "Ah, hah, ah, kyaaa...!!" With a splashing sound, Yuriko squirts clear liquid. As if I had melted into a puddle, I continued to go down, and Yuriko climaxed in quick succession, panting with an ecstatic face. She had the face of an addict. But I'm sure mine looked the same. Yuriko's endlessly overflowing love juices soaked the sheets, and our skin was shining wet with sweat. I don't know how long we have indulged. The flow of time seemed to have stopped. Majima: "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha" "Oh, I'm going to come again, oh, oh, oh" Yuriko: "Give it to me... ah, ha, give me lots, I want it all." Majima: "Oh, alright, I'll give you lots, ha, hah, ah" "Agh, I'll let it out, oh, I'll let out lots, ah, ah, hah" “Ah, ah, ah, ah... ah ah...!!” I don't know how many times I have ejaculated and climaxed. Even so, It did not wilt. It is standing strong inside of Yuriko. Majima: "Haa...ah...ha..." Yuriko: "Ah...You came a lot...hehe...ah, I'm so happy...haa..." Majima: "You still want more, right? I'll give it to you until there's nothing…” "I'll give you more and more... without thinking about anything else... until I faint... forever and ever..." Yuriko: "Yes... give me more... Yoshiki..." Majima: "I'll give you as much as you want... Haa... Ah... I love you..." "I love you...ah...forever and always..." We continued our deep embrace while stealing each other's breath. Immersing ourselves into our own private paradise, we drown in heavenly pleasure. ...Yes, our entire world existed just inside this room. Yuriko and I only need a place to love each other. I want us to stay connected. I don't want us to part for even for a moment. After the storm has passed, I hug Yuriko and tell her the bad news. Majima: "Yuriko...I actually have to go on a business trip in the near future..." Yuriko: "Ah... that's right... back to Manchuria?" Majima: "That's right... I'll be back soon." Yuriko: "Really? ... I'll be lonely, but I'll wait. All I need is for you to come back safely..." Yuriko doesn't know what I'm doing. I don't tell her anything. The horrifying and cruel truth is best kept secret. I want to alway protect you from the painful and sad reality. Do you know anything about war? Do you know how many tens of thousands, hundreds of millions of people will die? If it's to protect you, I am willing to become both a god and a demon. I'll make you happy. ...Only you. ~END~

  • Majima: Destroy Me

    Finally, after much hardship, nothing stands in the way of Majima and Yuriko's relationship. Not even social status or family ties... ⚠DISCLOSURE: Please keep in mind the content warnings of this scene which are: incest Translated Video Majima: "...You have nothing to worry about. Please rest assured." Gently, Majima wraps his arms around Yuriko. The gesture makes her heart quicken its pace. ...Right now, in this room in the small inn, she is alone with Majima. Majima: "Did you know, Yuriko? Today is the day that we got married." Yuriko: "...Huh?" Majima: "In reality, we're practically a married couple because today is the day we decided to live the rest of our lives together." Yuriko: "Oh... Y-You're right..." Majima: "So please stop calling me Majima." Yuriko: "Huh? ...You're right. T-Then what should I call you?" Majima: "By my first name... Yoshiki." Yuriko: "...Yoshiki." She tries the name on her tongue and feels her cheek heat up. Up until now, she would refer to Majima as, well, Majima. But who would have thought calling him by his first name would be such an embarrassing and nerve-wracking experience? Yuriko forces out a laugh to hide her embarrassment. Yuriko: "Ahaha! I-It's kind of weird coming from me, huh?" Majima: "I could say the same for you. You were the one who told me not to call you 'my lady'." Yuriko: "Th-That's true, but... Calling you Yoshiki is different..." Yuriko squirms in Majima's hold and feels the top of her hair move as he laughs. Majima: "Do you... hate calling me by my name?" Yuriko: "N-No! Not at all. It's just... I still have a hard time wrapping my head around... this." Majima: "That we're together now?" Yuriko: "Yes..." She looks up at Majima. She takes in his features, there only a few inches away from her face. She rakes in the sight, studying his face as she's only looking at him for the first time. Majima's features are perfectly positioned and yet, his face doesn't appear cold-hearted. In fact, his expression is warm... She senses a sort of familiarity that feels like it's a part of her. Yuriko: "I was convinced that you would never accept someone like me..." Majima: "Oh? Where has your self-confidence gone to? Are you really the same person who ran away from home to work as a waitress?" Yuriko: "W-Well, I did all of those things in the heat of the moment... I couldn't just sit still once the idea hit me..." Majima: "Don't tell me you expected me to change my mind?" Yuriko nods silently. Taking in her response, Majima chuckles. Majima: "Sheesh... You either have a one-track mind or you don't think ahead at all..." Yuriko: "S-Shut up! I didn't have many options! That was the only idea that crossed my mind, so... I was so caught up in trying to make it work..." Majima: "Yes... I'm sure you were." The arms wrapped around her are getting tighter. Majima presses his lips against Yuriko's hair. Majima: "...But I am happy. I am happy that you went to such lengths for me..." Yuriko: "Majima..." Majima: "You mean Yoshiki?" Yuriko: "Oh! Y-You're right..." Majima: "Haha... It's fine. You can keep on practicing until you're used to it." Yuriko: "S-Sorry..." Majima: "Don't be... But in return, I'll keep calling you my lady." Yuriko: "What!? No! You can't do that!" Majima: "Why can't I? Aren't you being selfish?" Yuriko: "Because it's weird... I'm not a lady anymore." Majima: "...You are. To me, you will always be a lady." Majiima looked at Yuriko with passionate eyes. Yuriko's heart bounces loudly within her chest. As they hugged each other, they gazed into each other's eyes... Majima: "...I've always wanted to hold you like this..." Yuriko: "...Really?" Majima: "Yes... for a long time. Since the first day we met..." He buried his face in the nape of her neck. Involuntarily, she let out a hot breath. Majima: "I wondered what you smelled like, how it would feel to touch you... what kind of reaction you'd have..." "Time after time I imagined what it would be like, and shook it off each time.... Even in my head, I didn't want to defile you..." Yuriko: "I... I won't get defiled just by that..." Majima: "... But you are so pure. I am vile for imagining such things." Yuriko: "N-No, you're not... Even I imagined such things..." Majima: "What?" He raises his voice in surprise and stares at Yuriko. Yuriko made the embarrassing confession to Majima as she could hear the sound of her heart thumping inside her head. Yuriko: "...Every time I look at your shoulders or back… every time I look at your arms… ah, I thought you had a really nice body..." “When I saw you sweating and working in the garden... my heart would start to raise. There were many times when I wanted to snuggle up to you from behind.” With a strange excitement, tears began to well up. Yuriko: “I never imagined that I would be held inside your arm...” "Because I thought about you... all this time..." Majima: "...My lady..." Majima put all his strength into his arms and held Yuriko tightly. Yuriko gasped at the excessive strength, and her eyes grew hazy. Majima: "Don't say such things... I'll lose control..." Yuriko: "...I don't care, even if you do..." Majima: "It's no good... I won’t be able to hold back..." Yuriko: "Don’t hold back... I don't care if you do..." Majima: "Wh...why you...!" Majima grabbed Yuriko's shoulder and stared squarely at her. They looked at each other with misty eyes that seemed to be floating with desire. Majima's lips trembled. His fingers that held her shoulder were also slightly shaking. Majima: "Can I... kiss you...?" Yuriko: "Don't ask me... just love me..." Majima: "As you wish... my lady..." Majima's face came closer. Yuriko closed her eyes. Her lips were tightly pressed together as if to help. Majima: "Mnn... ah... My lady..." Yuriko: "Ma... jima, ah...ha" Majima's lips were warmer and softer than she expected. They embraced as they exchanged kisses, and their breathing gradually became rougher. When she opened her mouth as she tried to breathe, Majima's tongue slipped inside. His wet tongue licked the inside of her mouth, and Yuriko became dizzy. She couldn't believe that she was doing such embarrassing things with Majima. She feels like she's dreaming. She still thinks about the words that she had repeated in her head many times today. Majima: "My lady, my lady...!" Majima calls out to Yuriko while kissing her like he lost himself and begins to grope her body. Every time Majima stroked her body with his big hand, the part that he had touched felt like it was on fire. Then a hoarse whisper escapes Majima's lips. Majima: "Your obi..." Yuriko: "What...?" Majima: "Is it okay if I untie your obi..." Yuriko: "! ...Yeah... that’s fine..." Yuriko replied while in a daze. To untie her obi— that can only mean one thing. Oh God she wonders what will happen to her. While Yuriko was thinking in circles, Majima quickly untied her obi. Yuriko, who had never thought that a man would know how to take off a woman's kimono, was surprised and panicked. The tightness around her torso disappeared so smoothly that she felt lonely. Throwing the untied obi to the side, Majima pulled his lips back a little and stared at Yuriko with misty eyes. Majima: "Is it okay... if I take it off...?" Yuriko: "P-Please... don't ask me for every single thing..." Majima: "But... won't it be scary, if I do it without your permission...?" Yuriko: "I'm not afraid...because it's you... who is doing it." Majima: "... My lady..." Majima lovingly looked at Yuriko as he hugged her and cerested her cheeks. Majima: "Then... please undress me as well..." Yuriko: "Eh...? M-Me...?" Majima: "That's right." Yuriko: "T-Than I'll do it..." Yuriko put her trembling finger to Majima's kimono. As they awkwardly undressed each other, Yuriko wondered that her body itself would disappear if her cloth would peel off. It was as if the contents of her heart were exposed. She's embarrassed, but she can't take her eyes off Majima's bare skin. He was strong and had a well-built body. Skin burnt brown from garden work, thick muscles were breathing there that she couldn't see from the clothes. However, all she can see is his chest. She cannot see anything else as Yuriko closed her eyes and pressed her flushed cheeks against Majima's neck. Yuriko: "It's cold... Majima..." Majima: "...What are you talking about, when your skin is so hot." Majima's palm stroked her bare skin. With that feeling, she vaguely imagines what will happen next. However, she could not see the future. Feeling uneasy, she has no choice but to entrust herself to Majima. Majima's hand untied the last piece of clothing. Yuriko's whole body becomes like fire as she clings to Majima. Just like that, Majima collapsed on top of Yuriko and the futon. Yuriko panted with heat as their naked skins were in close contact. Something hard was pressed against her thigh... She's not naïve enough that she doesn't know what that tense thing is. Majima: "My lady... you are so beautiful..." Yuriko: "No... don't look..." Majima: "Why... Please show me everything..." Majima pecked at Yuriko's lips and caressed her bare skin. The palm of his hand traces the nape of her neck, enveloping her collarbone... and gently enveloping her breast. Yuriko's breath was disturbed while their tongues were entwined. Both their breasts started to pick up. She feels embarrassed as her nipples are stimulated and pinched between his fingers. Majima: "My ladies' breasts... are so soft..." Yuriko: "N-No... Don't touch them..." Majima: "You don't like it...?" Yuriko: "Ah, ah... It's embarrassing..." Majima: "...How cute... when you say such a thing, it makes me want to touch them more..." Yuriko: "Ah... Majima...ha" Majima's face moved downward, and he put her erect nipples in his mouth. Yuriko's hips jumped at the wet, soft, hot sensation. Yuriko: "Ah! Hah..." Majima: "...You're delicious, my lady..." Yuriko: "N-No... stop..." Majima: "Hmm... ah, hah" “I’m so happy… it’s nice and hard…” While sucking on one breast, Majima massaged the other nipple with the tips of his fingers and rubbed it up. Each time, an electric current ran through her lower abdomen, and she felt a gradual hot sensation spill out. Majima's actions are relentless. His lips are strongly attached to her nipple as the tip of his tongue is touching it. He's like a baby trying to suck the milk out. Majima: "Nn... fu, mnn, ha..." Yuriko: "Haa... ah, ah..." Majima: "Your hips are shaking... Does it tickle...?" Yuriko: "Because you... suck them too much..." Majima: "Is something hot...overflowing...?" Yuriko: "What...?" Majima: "Haven't you noticed...?" Majima's hand stroked her side and moved downward. Eventually, he follows her thighs and as he begins to stroke up between her legs, Yuriko starts to panic. Yuriko: "Ah... that's where..." Majima: "No, don't close your legs..." Yuriko: "B-but..." Majima: "Please, show me lady, everything..." Yuriko: "..." Yuriko blushed and closed her eyes. She slowly opens her trembling legs. Then Majima's fingers slide towards them. Before long, he arrived at a place that no one had ever touched… even Yuriko herself had never seen it. Yuriko: "Ah..." Majima: "...You're getting wet..." Yuriko: "Mgh...!" Even Yuriko knew that. Every time Majima kissed her and caressed her skin and breasts, she felt something damp between her legs. Majima's fingers slowly trace her folds. The slimy and wet feeling is transmitted to Yuriko as well. It felt embarrassing and funny. However, she could tell that Majima was terribly excited to touch it. Then, Yuriko endured the embarrassment and obediently clung to Majima. The smell of Majima's sweat is sweet. It's a very calming... pleasant scent. Yuriko was ecstatic. As Majima's body odor surrounded her, melted her tension, and she became able to accept his caresses obediently. Majima: "My lady... you're overflowing... How cute..." Yuriko: "M-Majima... I want to do something... for you too..." Majima: "Huh...? Something for me...?" Yuriko: "Please, tell me... What should I do...?" Majima swallows Before long, he leads Yuriko's hand and presses it against his crotch. Yuriko was surprised to be directly grasped, although she had felt it against her thighs. She couldn't believe that Majima had become so hard. Yuriko: "...Are all men... like this...?" Majima: "Yeah… that's right. Of course, it's not normally like this, but… this is what happens when we touch someone we love..." Yuriko: "What should I do with this...?" Majima: "...Please, hold it...and stroke it." Yuriko: "L-Like this...?" Yuriko timidly moved her hand. She doesn't know how hard it should be. When she moves her hand up and down while holding it, the thin moist skin expands and contracts. She thought that if she kept it as it was, his skin would be torn and it would hurt. Suddenly, as she wrapped the tip, she noticed something sticky spilling out of the depression in the smooth part. If this is involved, won't it hurt without friction? Yuriko wrapped her hand around and caressed Majima little by little. Majima: "Ah...hah, ah..." Yuriko: "Does it feel good... Majima...?” Majima: "Y-You're doing fine... my lady, ah... Ah, please don't stroke the tip so strongly..." Following Majima's words, Yuriko continued to stroke him. It was a strange feeling. It's a different part of Majima, but when she tampers with it, his eyes become moist and makes him gasp. The look on his face was so sensational that Yuriko could feel herself getting excited. Up until now, she had only thought about what Majima would do if she hugged him or kissed him, but she never thought that she would give him something like this. Majima was absorbed in kissing Yuriko and continued to caress her. Majima: "My lady... ah, ah... you too..." Yuriko: "Ah, ha... Ah, Majima." Majima's strokes gradually became stronger. Tracing her folds and stroking her sensitive part of the tip, he buried his finger inside. When his finger entered, she felt a dull pain, but even that sensation made Yuriko hot. It hurts even with just one finger, and if she gets what she's holding now, the pain must be so severe that she's sure she will die. But she wanted them to do so quickly. She wanted the pain to connect with Majima. She doesn't know why...even though they kissed and caressed each other for the first time just now... her whole body is already aching for Majima. It's like she has been waiting for this moment. Even though Yuriko didn't know the details of this act well... Majima: "...My lady..." Majima gently pulled Yuriko's hand away. Their hot gazes intertwined. Majima's hand spreads Yuriko's thighs. Yuriko clung to Majima's neck. At the center of it... she could feel Majima's hot mass. Majima: "Ah... My lady...ha" Yuriko: "Ah...ngh...ha" Majima rufly bit into Yuriko's lips. And at the same time, she moved her hips. She felt a heavy pressure on her crotch, and soon after a slight resistance, it was buried inside. Yuriko: "Hmm..." Majima: "Ah...hah...ahh... amazing..." There was a numbing pain in her limbs. Majima's need is inside her. It certainly hurts. It's a stabbing pain. It's a numbing sensation. But there was an unmistakable feeling of excitement. She feels Majima's thickness inside. Majima's body has entered into her own. Just thinking about it made her whole body burst into flames. Yuriko hugged Mashima tightly, pinching his waist with her thighs. Yuriko: "Ah... Majima..." Majima: "Ngh, ah, ha, ah" “My lady... my lady... hah... my... Yuriko... ha” "It's like a dream... holding you like this... ah... I can't believe it..." Majima enthusiastically hugs Yuriko and shakes his hips. Every time Majima moves, the pain burns inside her head. The combined skin is slimy with sweat, and their sweet fragrances mix together. The wet sound of their hips moving together reverberates. In a hot and humid room, Majima and Yuriko kissed passionately and entwined their tongues in a maddening closeness. Tears spilled from the corners of Yuriko's eyes. Majima licked them away and ran his tongue all over her face. Majima: "Oh...I love you...Oh, I love you so much...You're mine... You're mine alone...!” Yuriko: "Haa... ah, ah...Yoshiki ... ah, ah" Majima: "Call me by my name... once more... in your voice... Ah, so good... Ah, Yuriko, Yuriko!!" Majima's movements become more intense. Every time Yuriko called out Majima's name, she felt him tense up inside. Every time he pierced deep inside, she felt so much pain that the front of her eyes was foggy. However, she was thrilled that she accepted Majima so deeply. It was the first time that pain made her so happy. It was unbearable to see Majima furrowing his brows and having trouble breathing. Majima: "Uh, ha, ha, ah, ha..." "Haa, haa... Does it hurt? Are you okay...?" Yuriko: "I'm fine... keep moving... I want to feel you... deeper...!" Majima: "Ah, ah, don't... don't spoil me... I won't be able to stop..." "You love me too much... ah... I'm going to go crazy...!" Every time Majima moved, she felt like her body was floating. The pain gradually fades away, and all she can feel is Majima's heat and scent. It was a strange feeling. Even though there was only one part that was connected, it was as if her whole body had melted together... it felt like they had returned to being one body. Majima: "Haa, ah, your scent... it's so sweet..." "I have to calm down... but you're too lovely... Ah... how nostalgic... mine... you're mine... You belong to me!" Majima whispered passionately and hugged Yuriko even more strongly. Yuriko was engrossed as she clings to Majima while shedding tears of joy. She can't tell if it's pain or pleasure. She was just excited. She didn't want to leave. She wanted to be one with him forever. Majima: "Haa, ah, ku, uh, ha, ah" "Ah, ah, ah, I can't, ah, ah, hold it, anymore... ah, ah!" Yuriko: "Ngh, ha, ah, Yoshiki, ah, ah." Majima: "Can't, hold it, anymore... ah, ah... I'm coming... ah, ah..." "Haa, ah, ah, ah, ah...!!" Majima hugged Yuriko's body so tightly that her bones creaked as he moved violently. Then he shook and trembled several times, he shoved it so deep that sparks flew from her eyes. Yuriko: "Yo...shiki..." Majima: "Haa... ah... ah..." Even after that, he trembled several times, and before long, Majima relaxed on top of Yuriko. After a while, she felt something slip out. This... is his semen. Yuriko felt it to be true. In the small room, their rough breathing swayed. It was silent for a while, and their wet skin was piled up. He pecks her lips and brings their cheeks together. It was such a happy moment that she thought she could die like this. The two of them were still naked and dozed off after their intercourse. In Majima's chest, Yuriko is wrapped in his sweet body odor and is ecstatic. Majima gently combs Yuriko's short hair. The other hand wriggled from time to time as if checking the feel of the skin. Majima: "...I'm sorry for... overdoing it..." Yuriko: "Stop... don't apologize... I'm really happy..." Majima: "...I didn't know I was so animalistic." Yuriko: "...I like that side of you. Up until now, You've just been running away..." Majima: "...But I'm back, aren't I?" Yuriko: "Huh?... Ah..." Majima: "It's okay... Let's take our time to fix each other." Yuriko: "...Hehe. You're right..." Majima: "We have plenty of time, so..." Yuriko's eyes filled with tears at Majima's words. From now on, she's going to live with this man. She has no words to describe how happy she is. She gets to live with the man that she loves without having to be restrained by social status. Yes, she might be a child who lacks obedience and filial piety. But even with that sin on her shoulders, she still wants to be with Majima. Yuriko was immersed in warm happiness while feeling Majima's presence still remaining in her body. They will surely have to face various adversities in the future. But she has a feeling that she can overcome each one so long as Majima is by her side. This path must have been destined for them from the moment they met- no, from the moment they were born. She's sure of it. And the belief stems from the feeling in Yuriko's gut that she's reached the place where she belongs. ~END~

  • Mizuhito: Secret Accomplices

    What do you do when somebody finds out about your horrid secret? Make them an accomplice so that they can never speak about it without revealing their part in it... ⚠DISCLOSURE: Please keep in mind the content warnings of this scene which are: sexual assault, incest, prostitution, gaslighting, drug/substance abuse. Translated Video Yuriko didn't know she was so easily influenced until she got into this relationship with her brother. After eating lunch, she went back to her brother's room as he told her to, and even though it was still light outside and Fujita was downstairs, he gently hugged her. Since the sound of the bed echoe, she quietly and slowly exchanged acts on the chair where she was sitting as a model. Perhaps because it was done secretly and carefully, it felt even more obscene than last night, and although Yuriko was a virgin until yesterday, she had already felt the pleasure of being a woman. And then there were days like that. Yuriko spends most of her time in Mizuhito's room and enjoys her secret love affair with her brother. Mizuhito: "'re still open. Right here..." Yuriko: "Ah, no... don't trace it, ah, brother..." Mizuhito: "You can't close your legs... it's strictly forbidden for a model to move..." After deeply kissing Mizuhito's lips, he was observing her hidden part with her legs on both sides of the chair. On top of that, Mizuhito was having fun, playfully using a soft brush to trace Yuriko's still wet spots. Mizuhito: "Oh, it spilled again... I think I can draw something with this honey." Yuriko: "B-Brother... uh, ah, ah, you're terrible... stop it, already..." Mizuhito: "Why? Is this tickling brush not enough?" Mizuhito chuckled and continued playing with Yuriko. Every time the soft tip of the brush traced her labia and tickled around her clitoris, Yuriko trembled at the playful sensation. Certainly, this is a life-or-death situation. She wants a clearer feeling of pleasure. But she couldn't say it. It was still too difficult for Yuriko to directly ask her brother for things on her own. However, she is nearing the limit of her patience. Perhaps Mizuhito knew about her sister's condition and was playing around with her. Mizuhito: "Hmm...? What do you want? If you don't tell me, I won't know." Yuriko: "Uh... Brother, you're so mean... You’re terrible, this is terrible." Mizuhito: "What's wrong? Just say the word and I'll do anything you want." Yuriko: "Mmn..." Mizuhito: "Hey... what's wrong? You're my little sister, so it's okay to be spoiled by your brother, right?" Yuriko realizes that Mizuhito has no intention of stopping this child's play until she asks her brother to do so. Biting her lip, Yuriko hesitated, but finally surrendered. Yuriko: "I-I..." Mizuhito: "Hmm? What was that?" Yuriko: “…Brother, I-I want you…” Mizuhito: "Me?... What about me?" Yuriko: "Ngh..." Yuriko couldn't stand her brother's teasing, and she immediately clung to his head. Mizuhito: "Ahaha, I'm sorry, I went too far." Yuriko: "Brother, you big, big idiot!" Mizuhito: "Fufu... I wonder if this has angered the princess.” Mizuhito gently stroked Yuriko's hair and hugged her back. And then, pressing his lips to her ear, he whispered with a smile. Mizuhito: "Will you accept my apology...?" Yuriko nodded without saying a word. She has already passed her limit. She couldn't help wanting her brother. Staring at each other as the tip of their noses touched, they shared a deep kiss. And when her brother took out something from below, Yuriko almost came just by looking at it. However, just when she was on the verge of getting that long-awaited pleasure. Hideo: "...You two, what do you think you're doing?!" Yuriko: "Huh...?" Mizuhito: "Hideo..." Suddenly, the door opened. And beyond the door stood Hideo, still in his military uniform. Yuriko and Mizuhito were both frozen by the sudden intrusion and couldn't move for a while. Hideo's face turned pale, he stepped into the room and violently closed the door. Hideo: "...I thought it was strange." After Hideo's intrusion, Yuriko finally came to her senses and hurriedly fixed her kimono. Mizuhito also grooms himself and leaves Yuriko. Then he tried to walk up to Hideo. Then suddenly Hideo stepped back and put his hand on the sword on his waist. Hideo: "Don't get any closer!! You filth!!" Yuriko: "Hideo..." Yuriko was taken aback by Hideo's actions. In response to that reaction, Mizuhito seemed rather calm and asked in a calm voice. Mizuhito: "...Why are you here? What happened to Fujita?" Hideo: "....When I heard at the entrance that you guys have been in the same room lately, I had a bad feeling about it. I was allowed to go up here directly, after saying that I had received your permission." Mizuhito: "...Lying to be let in, huh? That's quite a dirty trick." Hideo: “Are you going to preach a sermon while acting like a beast…!” Hideo is shaking with anger. Yuriko turned pale and stiffened as it seemed that he was about to draw a sword. She never thought that Hideo would see such a scene... Hideo: "I've always thought you were a worthless man, but I never thought you'd even get your hands on your own little sister... I should have done more research back then...!" Yuriko: "B-Back then...? What are you talking about, Hideo-san..." Hideo: "When you asked me to run an errand for the entertainment district..." Hideo narrowed his eyes and glanced at Yuriko. Hideo: "This is just too funny... I was foolish enough to help you guys back then, even though I felt suspicious feelings for your brother..." "Ever since then, I've been curious about you, so I did some research… and then I found out something terrifying… what happened to this demonic brother!" Mizuhito: "...What the hell are you talking about?" Hideo: "Do you want me to say it? In front of your beloved sister? Oh, I'll say it!!" Hideo doesn't stop. With a demon-like expression, he looked like he was about to burst into flames. Hideo: "Listen close, Yuriko!! Your brother is the most filthy man in the world!" "Your brother sells his body to a woman... he's a male prostitute!" Yuriko: "!?" Yuriko was stunned by his outlandish words. Is her brother a male prostitute? Is he selling his body to women? What the hell is he talking about? This doesn't make sense. Yuriko: "What...? H-Hideo...what are you talking about...?" Hideo: "What, can't you believe it? Well, listen. It's only because there's a Russian woman who has a ‘dog’ with a nice coat..." Hideo looks at Yuriko with a mixed expression of sympathy and anger. He begins to speak in an excited tone. Hideo: "Of course, it's not an open rumor. Lately, I've been hearing from people in the red light district who have come to visit me often." "At first, I had a slight premonition. Normally, I wouldn't be interested in this story, but I was curious about it. I was allowed to investigate." Mizuhito: "...Enough already. I get it." A quiet but intimidating voice interrupts Hideo's speech. Mizuhito leaned against the wall and looked at his childhood friend in military uniform with his usual languid eyes. Mizuhito: "So? Because I'm an obscene male prostitute, did you come to see my sister out of concern?" Hideo: "That's about it. I found out about this this morning. I was nervous because I wanted to check on you guys as soon as possible." Hideo glared at Mizuhito with an annoyed look. Hideo: “I always thought it was strange that you were so obsessed with your little sister.” Yuriko: "Hideo, that's...! My brother and I aren't in a forced relationship!" Hideo: "You are being deceived!! By this guy's pretty words!!" Yuriko: "No, don't say that, Hideo!" She desperately tries to clear up the misunderstanding, but seeing the scene of a brother and sister's love affair is not very persuasive. Yuriko was impatient. Hideo is visibly agitated, and at this rate she doesn't know what he's going to do. Mizuhito, on the other hand, was just staring straight at the listeners with cold eyes. However, maybe he got fed up with Hideo and Yuriko's back-and-forth argument, and he finally opened his mouth with an annoyed tone. Mizuhito: "...Listen, Yuriko. What Hideo is saying is true. I'm actually in a situation where I have no choice but to sell myself." Yuriko: “Brother... you're really... a male prostitute?” Mizuhito: "I had no choice. It was an order from my creditor. I would do anything to protect you and this life." Hideo: "Is it to protect your sister's life ... ha! You're such a narcissist." Mizuhito: "A narcissist? Whatever do you mean..." Hideo: "That's right! The best thing a guy like you can do to find a good marriage partner, is to marry yourself!" "Selling your own body just because you want to keep her by your side… it's so disgusting that it makes me sick!" Yuriko: "No... stop it, Hideo..." Hideo: "No, I won't stop. I'm doing this for you, Yuriko!!" "This man will close your future and ruin your whole life!" "Today I learned...that my biggest mission right now is to separate you from this house!" Mizuhito: "...Pfft" Suddenly, Mizuhito burst out laughing. Hideo's bloodshot eyes move. Hideo: "What's so funny…?" Mizuhito: "Hey, Hideo-kun... Isn't that strange. Calling me a narcissist, huh?" "I wonder if that's really something you can say..." Hideo: "Wh-what do you mean..." Mizuhito: "You liked her, didn't you? You've always loved my sister." Hideo: "...!" Yuriko: "...Huh?" What did her brother say just now? Yuriko stare at the frozen Hideo. Mizuhito looked satisfied with Hideo's reaction and smiled. Mizuhito: "I've been with Yuriko all this time. That's why I know everything about my sister. And I also know who's staring at my sister." "You're too easy to understand. If you had honestly told her that you liked her, she wouldn't have been robbed by someone like me by now, and you maybe even got married." Hideo: "D-Don't say another word..." Mizuhito: "Why? You just barged in on your own and said all that stuff about me and now you’re expecting me not to talk?" Hideo: "S-Shut up... Shut up, SHUT UP!!!" Hideo cried out with a bright red face. Hideo: "I can't stand listening to you. You are a corrupt male prostitute that tampered with your little sister!" "I can't stand it anymore... I can't keep her in such a dangerous mansion! I'll take her right away!! I'll talk to my relatives later! Prepare yourself!!" Yuriko: "...W-Wait, Hideo!!" Hideo violently grabs Yuriko's arm and tries to drag her out of the room. Hideo is serious. At this rate, she will really be torn apart from her brother. Yuriko's hair stood up in fear. She never imagined that the happiness she had worked so hard to achieve would be destroyed in such a way. What should she do, what could she do..." She tries to think of something, but the furious Hideo's power is relentless, and Yuriko is about to be lifted up like that, and involuntarily screams. Yuriko: "No! Brother, help me, brother...!" Mizuhito: "...Hold on, Hideo." Hideo: "Don't call my name! You disgraced noble!!" At that time, Hideo turned around vigorously to curse. With unexpected agility, Mizuhito moved quickly. It was exactly the appearance of being taken by surprise. The moment when Yuriko wondered what she was going to do. Hideo: "Ugh..." Yuriko: "...!?" Mizuhito: "...You're too violent in someone's room, you..." Hideo fainted immediately after her brother pressed a white cloth from his bosom to Hideo's nose. Yuriko is surprised and stumbles when Mizuhito embraces her. Mizuhito: "Are you alright?" Yuriko: "Oh, brother... What did you just do?" Mizuhito: "I let him smell a medicine that makes you sleep a little." Yuriko: "Where did you get such a thing..." Mizuhito: "...I'm 'Russia's dog,' after all. I can do something like that." Yuriko: "..." With mixed feelings, Yuriko looked down at the silent Hideo. Come to think of it, Hideo said that her older brother sold his body to a woman. And even her brother said it was true. Of course, she was shocked by that fact. However, the appearance of Hideo disturbed Yuriko's chest like a storm, to the extent that such a thing was overshadowed. Yuriko: (Hideo-san saw me... He said Hideo liked me... Brother put Hideo-san to sleep with medicine...) (...Why the hell did this happen...) At that moment, she could hear footsteps approaching the room. Yuriko was startled... These are Fujita's footsteps. Fujita: "Excuse me, my lord, I heard a loud noise earlier..." Mizuhito: "Don't worry. Everything is fine." Fujita: "...Is lord Hideo still there?" Mizuhito: "That's right... We are having a little discussion right now. Even if it gets a little loud, please don't mind it." Fujita: "...Understood." Then, the footsteps grew farther away. Fujita is a man who is loyal to the head of the family. Even if he's suspicious, he doesn't express his feelings. Now, she was grateful for his thoroughgoing loyalty to his master. Of course, it would be a tragedy for Hideo. Looking down at her childhood friend sprawled on the floor, Yuriko felt guilty again. Yuriko: "But what are you going to do...? You've put Hideo to sleep..." Mizuhito: "...For the time being, let's get him off the floor. Shall we let him sleep in bed?" Yuriko: "O-Okay... I'll help you." Agreeing with her brother's suggestion, Yuriko helped carry Hideo's body. However, the unconscious body of an adult man was heavier than she had imagined, and Mizuhito struggled to finally lift him onto the bed. Her brother, who is a man, also had sweat on his forehead. Yuriko becomes exhausted and almost sits on her floor. Mizuhito: "Hmm...he is quite heavy...he looked slender, but as expected of a soldier, he seems to be well-trained." While saying that, Mizuhito dragged something out of the back of the cupboard. It was a thick rope. Why is there such a thing in her brother's room? Yuriko has a bad feeling and inadvertently asks. Yuriko: "B-Brother... what are you doing?" Mizuhito: "Oh? You mean this?" Her brother smiled with his usual gentle face. Mizuhito: "I'm going to tie Hideo up of course." Yuriko: "W-why...!?" Mizuhito: “…Yuriko, do you want to be separated from me?” Yuriko: "Well, of course I don't like that... but what are you going to do with Hideo-san tied up...?” Mizuhito: "...Make him our accomplice." Yuriko: "Accomplice...? What do you mean..." Mizuhito: "...Involving himself in what he calls filthy deeds." Yuriko: "....!" Yuriko understood what her brother meant. The fastidious Hideo would probably go through hell. And it should be a memory that he can never tell to others. That means that Yuriko and Mizuhito cannot be exposed either. Because it also leads to exposing his own shame. Yuriko understood this and stared in horror at her brother as he deftly tied up Hideo's body. And then, suddenly, she realized the abnormalities of her brother's act of playing with her secret place with a brush earlier. Yuriko: (...Since when did brother become so broken...) His act towards Yuriko, and this idea towards Hideo, are not normal things to do. Is it the result of Mizuhito's own spirit being undermined little by little by what Hideo said about him being a male prostitute? However, it was undoubtedly her fault that she let her brother go that far. Even if she realized that now, Yuriko didn't have the option of leaving her brother. Hideo called Mizuhito a narcissist, and Mizuhito also ridiculed Hideo for also being a narcissist. And maybe Yuriko herself is one as well... Hideo: "...Mnn..." She can hear Hideo moaning after being gagged Yuriko was taken aback. She shuddered with chills as her skin sensed an uneasy presence. Her brother looks at her and smiles with a dark look in his eyes. Mizuhito: "Well then... let's get started." Yuriko: "...What should I do?" Mizuhito: "Let's see... I don't think Hideo has any experience with women." Mizuhito glanced at Hideo with a pleasant look. Mizuhito: "Considering his personality, he probably never hangs out with geisha in the red light district. That's why I think you should be Hideo's first woman." Yuriko: "What..." Yuriko was terribly surprised by Mizuhito's remark. She thought we were in love until a while ago, but could it be that her brother didn't care about her? Mizuhito: "Oh, don't get me wrong." As if sensing Yuriko's anxiety, Mizuhito shook his head. Mizuhito: "What we do to Hideo is just a way to get him to keep a secret. The fact that you and I only love each other doesn't change... right?" Yuriko: "B-But... brother... I only want you..." Mizuhito: "It's okay." Mizuhito smiled softly and kindly. Yuriko's heart fluttered painfully. It was a beautiful smile that seemed to be out of this world. Mizuhito: "Leave it to me. If you do what I say, I'm sure everything will be fine.” Yuriko: "R-Really...?" Mizuhito: "Of course... Do you doubt your brother...?" Yuriko hurriedly shook her head at her brother, who had a slightly sad look on his face. Hideo: ", mnn" Yuriko was taken aback by Hideo's groans. Hideo, opening his eyes wide, is squirming on the bed. Mizuhito: "...Come, Yuriko…" Yuriko: "Okey..." Yuriko approached Hideo as if being manipulated. Hideo, who isn't fully conscious, does not react much to Yuriko's appearance in his field of vision. Mizuhito: “Take out his shaft... It must be your first time, so please lick it gently with your mouth.” Guided by her brother's soft voice, Yuriko opens the front of Hideo's uniform with slightly trembling fingertips. She quietly unties the exposed loincloth and undresses Hideo, who probably doesn't know the touches of a woman yet. Hideo: "Hmm...mnn...?" His lower abdomen touched the air directly, and Hideo shook his hips fidgeting as if he had regained full consciousness. Yuriko was shocked, and before she was completely awake, she immediately cringed and put it in her mouth. Hideo: "Nhg...!?" Yuriko: "Hmm... Ah..." Hideo: "Uhg...! Mnn..." This time, Hideo woke up. He found Yuriko's head moving up and down between his crotch and opened his eyes wide. Mizuhito: "Ahaha! Oh, that's funny... I've never seen Hideo's face like that. You're always so stoic." Hideo: "Agh! N-Ngh!!" Hideo is ridiculed by Mizuhito, his face flushes bright red and he groans violently. If he raises his voice too loudly, Fujita will enter the room. As if scolding Hideo, Yuriko sucked in Hideo's shaft. Hideo: "Hmmm!! Mnn... mgh…!" Yuriko: "Hm...mmm, uh..." Hideo suddenly becomes quiet and begins to tremble. The things in Yuriko's mouth became harder and harder, and eventually became too big to hold in her mouth. Hideo: "Hmgh, fu, uh, nk, uh" Mizuhito: "Oh, I can't believe it. It seems you really don't know women." "Ah, or is it because of Yuriko that you are so sensitive?" Hideo: "Nuu! Ngu, mnn, uu!" Hideo raised his voice as if to argue against Mizuhito's teasing tone. However, because Yuriko constantly sucks on his erect part, his waist softens and his snort becomes rough. As Mizuhito watched his little sister dutifully serve his childhood friend, he let out an annoyed sigh with blank eyes. Mizuhito: "Hey, what do you think...? What does Hideo taste like?" Yuriko: "Ah..., w-what... brother..." Mizuhito: "Wait a minute, doesn't it stink? You're probably sweating on your way home from military service, and you're a virgin anyway... so I don't think you've washed it much." Hideo: "!! Hmm... mgh... hm" Mizuhito: "Ahaha! Are you concerned now? But Hideo... the woman you love is licking your dirty and smelly part...?" "Isn't that wonderful? You should be thanking me." Mizuhito smiles cheerfully and walks up behind Yuriko, who is using her mouth with all her might. As she was doing that, he rolled up the hem of her kimono. Yuriko: "B-Brother...?" Mizuhito: "I'll moisten you too... as a reward for your hard work..." Immediately, Yuriko felt Mizuhito's moist breath, sending shivers down her spine. The wet and warm feeling of the tongue envelops her female genitals that are flushed. Yuriko: "Ahhh! Ah, uh...fu..." Mizuhito: "Oh, you're so wet... As expected, my sister is so adaptable..." With a giggle, Mizuhito carefully puts his tongue between her labia, then erects and gently puts the coral ball with her foreskin on his tongue. And, as he played with that bulging thing with the tip of his tongue, Yuriko looked up and gasped. Yuriko: "Haa!! Ha, ah, fuhi, fu, ah, ah!" Hideo: "Hmmgh! Ku, u, nu, u, u" Due to her brother's caress, Yuriko involuntarily puts her teeth on Hideo's tip. However, instead of withering away, Hideo's hardness increased remarkably, and the dew of the advance was overflowing. Yuriko has no choice but to writhe in pleasure while clutching Hideo. Yuriko: "Huh, ah, ah, brother, ah, with this, I can't concentrate, ah." Mizuhito: "'s already're so sensitive..." "But today I'll make you feel better...I'll show you a world you never knew..." Yuriko: "Ah..." Right after that, she felt something slipping into her vagina. Mizuhito pushes it all the way in with his finger and gropes the mucous membrane as if to rub it inside. Yuriko: "B-Brother... what are you doing..." Mizuhito: "It's a medicine that makes you feel good... you can get pleasure like you've never felt before..." Yuriko: "Eh... what? It's scary..." Gradually, the inside of her body became hot as if a vague fire had been lit. Her heart beat faster and she felt slightly dizzy. Hot, sticky sweat erupts from her skin, and she feels her whole body becoming sharper. Mizuhito: "Don't be afraid, it's okay... Now get on top of him..." Yuriko: "O-Okay..." Mizuhito: "I am with you... right...?" Following Mizuhito's words, she slowly straddled Hideo's erection. At that time, Yuriko knew that she was wet as if she had a rough round before. The moment she opened her crotch on Hideo, there was a loud noise, and an abnormal amount of love juice spilled out and slipped down her thighs. Yuriko: "Oh, wow, what's going on with me..." Mizuhito: "It's okay...just sit back..." Yuriko: "Ah, b-brother, agh..." Half forcibly, Yuriko's waist was lowered by Mizuhito's hand. Hideo, who was easily buried in Yuriko, was surprised by that first sensation, and his body stiffened. Hideo: "Agh...!!" Yuriko: "Haa... haa... ah, it's kind of weird...." The mucous membrane inside her honey pot was so hot that it was unbearable. She wants to rub her insides as soon as possible... Her primitive and intense desire drives Yuriko into a corner. Hideo: "Agh! Ah, ha, ha, hah!!" Yuriko: "Ah, hah, hah, ah, no, no, I, ah, I'm scared, what should I do, brother, brother." She can't stop her waist. She can't stop. It's unbearable to have Hideo's erect shaft roll up her mucous membrane and have it pushed up into her womb. Her insides are moving so much that even she can be conscious of it. Trying to squeeze out the man's semen, it moves like a different creature. Hideo: "Agh, hah, ah, ha" Yuriko: "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah" Hideo: "Haguu, ugh, hu, ah, hu, ah, ah!!" Hideo suddenly convulsed. Then, it pulsates in the flesh of Yuriko and spits out semen. In an instant, Hideo ejaculated. Mizuhito: "Oh...that was really early." While gently stroking Yuriko's flushed body, Mizuhito whispered in a slightly hoarse voice. Mizuhito: "But what do you think, Hideo... you don't seem to be withering...?" Hideo: “Ugu...Uh... ah....” Certainly, there was no sign of Hideo shrinking inside Yuriko. Despite ejaculating, it's getting harder and harder, and it's hot inside Yuriko. Mizuhito: "Fufu... You were rubbed by the medicine-soaked mucous membrane... It has that kind of effect..." Yuriko: "B-Brother, what should I do..." Yuriko shed tears before she knew it, but she still couldn't stop moving her hips and wriggled loosely. Mizuhito: "I wonder... how far it is opened..." After muttering that, Mizuto slowly put his finger into Yuriko's vagina, which was still holding Hideo inside her. Then, it will be buried without any resistance. Just like that, Mizuhito put a few fingers into it as if to test it. Yuriko: "Ah... b-brother... what are you doing..." Mizuhito: "'s already wide open..." Mizuhito smiled bewitchingly and licked his red lips. Mizuhito: "It seems that Hideo alone isn't enough for you here..." Yuriko: "Eh... wh-what do you mean..." Mizuhito: "Come on, Yuriko... Lean your body forward a little... Stick your butt out... That's it..." With a blank mind, Yuriko obediently followed her brother's instructions. With Hideo still inside her, Yuriko's back was gently hugged by Mizuhito as she slumped forward as if to fall onto the chest that was tied in front of her. Mizuhito: "...Chew this..." Yuriko: "Huh...? What..." Mizuhito pushed a towel into Yuriko's mouth. Just when she was wondering what it was for, Mizuhito's fingers pried open Yuriko's wet vagina. Yuriko: "Mnn...!?" Hideo: "H-Hmgh!!" Yuriko: "Ngh...!!!" Sparks flew in front of her eyes. A violent shock, like tearing. Her vision bursts into pure white. She felt like all the pores of her whole body were open. She heard a sound from her lower limbs like she had never heard before. Another phallus screwed deep inside. Mizuhito: "Haa...haa, this is amazing...hey..." "But... it's all wet... it's moving inside... How is it? Isn't it great?" Yuriko: "Mgh...mnn,ng...ha..." Yuriko was no longer able to reply. Her stomach was filled with two cocks in her vagina and she felt like she was going crazy with the sensation of an abnormally expanded entrance. She didn't know what the medicine Mizuhito used was, but her love juices overflowed endlessly, and the spread of the penis felt so good that she could die. Mizuhito: "You've gotten used to it...then it'll work..." Yuriko: “Ngu...!? Agh, ah, ha, ah, ah, haaaah!!" Hideo: "Ukuuu!! Uku, auguu, nguu!!" She felt the two shafts rub against each other inside her body. As Mizuhito moved, Yuriko's hips shook, and Hideo's penis was also rubbed by the entwined mucous membrane and Mizuhito's genitals, and it got excited. Yuriko: "Gugh, Ugu, mnn, ha, hah, AAAAAAHHH" Mizuhito: "Haa, haa, ah, fufu, what an amazing voice, ah, ah, it's unbearable, ah, ah, ah" Hideo: "Uh, uh, uh, fu, n, kuuh, uh" She can't think of anything. Her whole body becomes a volcano of pleasure, as if she existed for nothing else. Rubbing her forehead against Hideo's chest, Yuriko rolled her eyes and squealed like a pig. Already, there was no shame.There was no reason. Mating here are three beasts. They fell into Sodom, the city of immorality. But why does this pleasure feel like paradise? Mizuhito: "Ha, ah, ku, ha, ah, ha" "Nkuh, ah, ah, ah, ah, I should also come inside once, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah." Yuriko: “Hmm!! Mmn, mgh, nm, ngh!!" Hideo: "Haa, ah, fu, n, uh, fu, uku!" Mizuhito: "Kuh, ha, ah, ha, ah" "Ah, ah, ah, coming, coming, ah, ah" "Aaaah...!!" Mizuhito hugged Yuriko tightly as he came inside her. At the same time, Yuriko is attacked by a sensation of a small amount of water leaking out. But it doesn't smell like ammonia. Somehow, something else seems to have erupted from her pubic region. The semen that drips and flows into the interior of the vagina. Under Yuriko, Hideo is also cramping. Apparently, he had come as well. Mizuhito: "Oh... you've spewed tide... fufu... you're so cute..." Yuriko: "...Ngh...mnn...hmm..." Mizuhito: "Does it feel good...?'re amazing, Yuriko..." "See...I'm still fully erect… I wonder how long we can stay connected...? Shall we try..." Yuriko, who was messed up with semen for two people, is still happily licking and sucking their cocks. The penis, which had remained stiff and erect, began to move again. Yuriko let out strange animal-like sounds, drooled, and spouted many tides with her love juice. ...Ah. How long will this feast last?" When will the hideous, hellish rituals of keeping secrets end? However, her body, shivering with chills, also felt dreadful excitement. It wasn't just the drugs, it wasn't just physical pleasure, it was the kind of excitement that welled up from the depths of her heart. Madness can be contagious. From Mizuhito to Yuriko. And maybe to Hideo too... ~END~

  • Mizuhito: In The Storehouse

    While they're locked in the storehouse, their passion for each other burns as hot as the flames that are closing in on 🔥them... 🔥 Translated Video Yuriko makes her way to the storehouse, the place she hasn't been to since her childhood, with Mizuhito. The storehouse is located a little ways away from the manor and now it looks much smaller and older, obviously due to the passage of time, compared to the one in her memories. Yuriko: "I'm amazed you can nap in a place like this, brother..." Mizuhito: "It's surprisingly comfortable once you get used to it. You should try making frequent trips to the storehouse." Yuriko: "What for? This isn't exactly a place that anyone visits as often as you do. It's full of dust and dark... And I bet it's freezing here in winter." She heard that the family heirlooms had been sold off to help the household get by, so she thought the storehouse would be vacant. But when she got to the second floor of the storehouse, she's met with a cramped space with all types of trinkets haphazardly lying around. She turns around and yes, the place is indeed packed with objects, including wicker clothes hampers and other stuff she can't even name. Finding something worthy here now sounds like a real challenge. Yuriko: "Hey, brother? You come here a lot, so you must be familiar with where things are, right?" Mizuhito: "Actually, no. I'm just as clueless as you are." Yuriko: "Huh? Well, that's unexpected..." Looking at his sister's openly discouraged expression, Mizuhito gives her a broad smile and shrugs. Mizuhito: "What do you expect? I only know that most of the contents of those hampers are kimonos. There are some literary magazines here, but I've read them all." Yuriko: "Have you seen anything that used to belong to our mother? Her photographs maybe? Or a diary?" Mizuhito: "I think we will find something if we start searching. But be warned, I have absolutely no idea what stuff is where." Yuriko: "...I think your prediction is going to come true, brother. I'm going to be visiting this storehouse a lot." She sighs, already feeling a headache forming. It's going to take who knows how many hours to open all of these hampers. And there's no guarantee that you will find anything important. Knowing that this is going to be like trying to find a needle in a haystack, her motivation flies out of the window. She racks her brains, trying to come up with a better, more efficient solution. Mizuhito: "Relax, we can take our time. I mean, I don't see why we have to be hasty." Yuriko: "That's true, but... I don't know. this is starting to feel a lot like wasting our time doing something that may end in vain." Mizuhito: "...Why don't we do something that won't feel like a waste of time then?" Yuriko: "Huh?" Suddenly, she was hugged from behind. Yuriko's heart fluttered with excitement as her long, lustrous hair wrapped around her neck. She felt her brother's secret breathing on her cheek. The scent of that faint love affair heats up the depths of her body. Yuriko: "B-Brother...?" Mizuhito: "...Don't worry, even if you raise your voice, no one will be able to hear it outside.” Yuriko: "I-I don't think so..." Yuriko was taken aback. Could it be that her brother brought Yuriko here with the intention of doing this from the beginning? Was trying to find something just a pretext for this? When she looked back at her brother with a suspicious look, as expected, he was staring at Yuriko with a pleasant smile on his face. Yuriko: "Y-You're terrible... brother..." Mizuhito: "Why? Is it so terrible to want to hug you more?" Yuriko: "Well, it's not like that, but..." Mizuhito: "It's fine, isn't it? Or do you hate it...?" When he asks it in such a sweet voice, Yuriko will definitely not be able to resist her beautiful brother. However, it was frustrating that she was caught in a trap. Yuriko involuntarily stares at her brother who always has her at his mercy and she hates it. Yuriko: "...Only for today." Mizuhito: "Oh? Why's that?" Yuriko: "Because I don't want to stay in a place like this for a long time." Mizuhito: "...Fufu. I see..." Yuriko's ears turned bright red and looked down, Mizuhito let out an amused chuckle. Mizuhito: "Oh, of course, just for today. I promise." "So don't be so sulky, alright...?" It's times like this that she really feels like he's good at picking on women. If that was true, she should have been more angry, but for some reason she allowed her brother's tricks. Is there any woman who can resist this soft, ear-tickling, luscious voice? She felt her brother's fingers running smoothly on her neck. Yuriko closed her eyes, feeling close to giving up, to the sign of the sighing that came close. However, the promise of "only today" that we exchanged at the beginning gradually became meaningless. At some point, both Yuriko and Mizuto became obsessed with embracing each other in this dark storehouse. Wearing the lustrous kimono her mother used to wear when she was young, she opened her legs to her brother like a slut. That perverted situation was more sensual than ever. Yuriko: “Ah, ah… so good, brother, more…” Mizuhito: "Oh, that's fine... You like it from behind , don't you? ...When I thrust it deep, it will tighten so well." Yuriko: "Nn, hmm, ah, because it feels good there, ah, ah." Mizuhito: "Ku, ah, ha, ah, oh, I can't take it... Ah, I love you, I love you, Yuriko..." With a posture like an animal crouching on a tatami mat, when she accepts her brother from behind, she is tossed by a helpless pleasure that makes her want to tear the rush. With each repeated number of times, Yuriko came to understand the taste of love affairs. At first, she was happy just to connect with her brother, and she wanted to embrace him even if it meant enduring some pain. But now, the feeling of wanting to get pleasure together is growing. The pleasure of being embraced by her brother, deeply kissing, rubbing her skin, and being thrusted inside. It was really comfortable and Yuriko was absorbed in it. Only at this time, when she was embracing her brother, was she able to forget the sad and painful things that were happening in reality. And the space of this storehouse had a mysterious and profound atmosphere, like a different world, somehow separated from the world outside. It may be because, over the years, these plastered walls have been a kind of monstrous thing that has continued to exist over time. Yuriko: “Mnn, hmm, brother, more…” Mizuhito: "Ah, of course, I'll give you as much as you want..." At that time, they hear loud noises right outside of the storehouse's closed door. The noises are alarming enough for the two of them, who have been engrossed in their love affair, to snap out of it and exchange glances. Yuriko: "Brother... What was that?" Mizuhito: "I don't know... I'm going to take a look." Peeling himself away from Yuriko, Mizuhito fixes his kimono and walks to the entrance. Yuriko herself pulls the fronts of her kimono to cover her breasts, staring at the back of brother with worry. They can make all kinds of noises in the storehouse and people outside will barely notice. Perhaps that's why they were quick to get in each other's way and indulge in daring activities. Maybe someone heard them— there's always that possibility. And the two of them must have been so drunk on each other that they failed to be mindful of the noises they made. Mizuhito: "...?" Her brother is standing in front of the storehouse door, trying to open it, but there's something off about the gesture. Mizuhito keeps turning the doorknob. But then he grimaces and turns to Yuriko with a defeated look on his face. Mizuhito: "...Someone has locked us in. The door won't budge." Yuriko: "What!?" Yuriko pales, words die on her tongue. ...Who would lock them inside the storehouse? Anyone who walked close enough to the door would notice that there were people inside. They couldn't have been locked in by accident. Yuriko: "What do we do, brother?" Mizuhito: "We wait. Wait for Fujita to realize that we're missing. Or we can scream. I'm sure Majima will pass by at some point and notice us." Yuriko: "Hmm..." Knowing that they may not be able to get out, the lamps of the dim storehouse lose their warmth— they appear spine-chilling instead. But maybe her brother is right. Someone is bound to notice that they've been locked inside. Yuriko: "Then wait we will..." Mizuhito: "Yeah. The window on the second floor is covered with bars, so... this door right here is our only way out." A heavy silence falls upon them. They're most definitely not in the mood to continue their love-making anymore. After fixing the kimono that they have loosened for each other, they weakly lower themselves to sit on the floor. When will someone come to rescue them? Yuriko: "...Do you know where Fujita could be?" Mizuhito: "Outside, I guess. And he'll probably be back after dark, Aki will probably come first to cook us dinner." Yuriko: "But... I wonder if Aki will even pass by the storehouse?" Mizuhito: "...I don't know. All we can do for now is wait." "You can sleep. If you're cold, there's a lot of kimono inside the hampers. You should wear them." Yuriko: "Sure... Thank you, brother..." Summer has passed and the season is turning to autumn. Once the sun sets, the weather becomes a little chilly. And it's even more so inside this storehouse, given that it has no electricity. However, she must be too anxious because sleep refuses to claim her consciousness. So the two of them huddle together, leaning against the wall, while waiting for help to come. ...Eventually, the sun sets, sinking below the horizon. The vicinity of the storehouse is engulfed in darkness. The indistinct glow of the lamps dances over their faces, amplifying the paleness of their anxious features. Yuriko: "Why is no one coming to save us?" Mizuhito: "Yeah... And that's odd. The manor should be panicking right now, trying to locate our whereabouts." Mizuhito says and there's impatience in his usually poised tone. At that moment, they catch a faint noise filtering in from outside the storehouse. Mizuhito's reaction is instant– he quickly gets up from his spot. And then, he runs up to the second floor of the storehouse and opens the heavy window. He grabs onto the bars and looks outside. Mizuhito: "Hey! Is anyone there!? Hey—" But he doesn't seem to get any response. She looks up only to see Mizuhito staring intently at something with his fists curled tightly around the bars. Yuriko: "...Brother? What's wrong?" Mizuhito: "..." Mizuhito blinks and snaps the window shut. His strange behavior spooks Yuriko. Yuriko: "...Brother?" Mizuhito walks down the staircase with a blank look on his face. And then, he kneels down so that he reaches Yuriko's eye level before taking her hands in his and gripping them tightly. Mizuhito: "...Yuriko. I want you to calm down and listen to me." Yuriko: "Huh?" Mizuhito's eyes are glinting with a strange glow. It's an expression Yuriko has seen before and it terrifies her. The air around them is charged with tension and she can feel it. She doesn't want her brother to continue, but she also doesn't want him to prolong his silence. But she certainly never expected to hear Mizuhito's next words. Mizuhito: "...It looks like the manor is on fire." Yuriko: "!? What!?" Mizuhito: "The trees around the storehouse are also burning... Soon, we'll be surrounded by a sea of flames." The gears inside her brain stop. She cannot form a single thought. She cannot form a single thought. ...The manor is burning? But why? That's impossible. Yuriko: "But why? What would cause the fire— I don't understand..." Mizuhito: "Me neither. But... I can say for sure that it's on fire. I caught a glimpse of the fire and... I don't think a fire at that scale was caused by an accident." Yuriko: "So… whoever trapped us in here, also set the fire?" Mizuhito: "Very likely, yeah..." Mizuhito sags down against the wall, powerless. Mizuhito: "Okey... What should we do now? We can't escape through the window and the door is locked. The wall is too thick for us to destroy..." Yuriko: "Brother... What will happen to us?" Mizuhito: "...Storehouses are meant to protect the household's family heirlooms from fires, so I don't think this building will crumble. But..." Mizuhito looks up at the ceiling, his gaze hollow. Mizuhito: "If the storehouse is surrounded by fire... I doubt we can get away alive even if we don't get burned in the flames." Yuriko: "Which means... if we stay here, we will..." The temperature inside the enclosed warehouse begins to gradually rise. They can hear the sound of something burning and crumbling outside. The worst case scenario springs to Yuriko's mind in the blink of an eye and she trembles, clinging to Mizuhito. Their exposed chests were tough, pressed against each other. The situation is far from ideal, but her entire body is glistening with the sweat of desire. ...Yuriko and Mizuhito stare into each other's gaze. Then, they brought their faces closer to each other and violently kissed. Yuriko: "Ah, ah... Oh, brother..." Mizuhito: "...Tonight you're the prettiest you've ever been..." She was pushed down strongly and her chest ached. Her plumb, rounded breasts are massaged with an unusually violent force. Even before being touched, her nipples were hard and lumpy. Mizuhito violently sucked her tip, grabbed her by the waist, and pushed his swollen penis into her vagina. Yuriko: "Ahhhh!!" Mizuhito: "'re so sounds amazing, Yuriko..." Yuriko: “Oh, oh, brother is also amazingly big!!” Mizuhito: "You're so tight... Oh, it feels good, inside you, it's so good..." Her brother's erection was unusually large and hard. And his sister was terribly wet inside, and squeezed her brother violently as if he was convulsing. The inner wall that gave way to her brother was slimy and writhed with appetite as if sucking its entire length. Her brother let out a sweet sigh and gently sucked his sister's tongue. Mizuhito: "Ah...Your insides are so happy about my intrusion..." "I don't even have to move... I think I'm going to let you come just by staying still..." Yuriko: "Oh, brother...I want you so bad..." "Please come... come inside of me... until brother is completely empty... ah!" Mizuhito: "Ah, alright, I'll give it to you, I'll give it all to you!!" "I'll put everything in you, everything I have!!" Her older brother moved violently and ferociously, which is unthinkable in normal times. His little sister let out lewd noises like never before, wrapped her thighs around her brother's waist, and shook her hips with appetite. A terrible sound of water echoes in the storehouse. His sister writhed and gasped at the signs of the climax that had already arrived. Yuriko: "Hey, ah, ah, brother, I, I, I'm about to come!!" Mizuhito: "Oh, good, good, me too, oh, let's come together, together... Agh!" "Haa, haa, ah, ah, ah!" In no time her brother ejaculated. Her womb was pierced violently, and his sister came at the same time. Deep inside, she felt her brother's warm semen pouring inside. The feeling made Yuriko burst into hot tears. Yuriko: "Ah... Brother's things are inside me..." Mizuhito: "I released it deep inside you... but you haven't had enough yet, have you...?" Yuriko: "Yeah, more... give me more, brother..." Mizuhito: "Of course... I'll give you as many times as you want... for the rest of my life...!" Her brother's need didn't wither even after having come before. As if imprinting semen into his sister's vagina, he let his hips undulate again. Yuriko smiled enchantedly as she felt a vague feeling of floating and sweet happiness in the endless pleasure. Her brother, who was looking at her from above, had the same expression on his face. Both of them had gentle smiles on their faces. Yuriko: "Brother...I'm so happy..." Mizuhito: "Me too... my sweet Yuriko..." "I'll hold you, forever... forever, inside you..." While madly entwining their tongues and sucking each other's lips, the brother and sister enjoyed a great pleasure that they had never experienced before. Even though they felt that the area around them was turning into a sea of flames, the two did not stop intertwining. Eventually, even when their consciousness began to fade, they didn't try to leave. The end came to their long, long love affair. There they saw a sure paradise of happiness. ~END~

  • Mizuhito: Hair In The Shades Of Night

    After an evening ball in Paris, Mizuhito and Yuriko are enthralled in a passionate 'dans'. ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ Translated Video A few years later... Yuriko looks at the sky from the hotel's spacious balcony. Under the sky is a road, full of dressed up ladies and gentlemen and the four-wheeled carriages. The road is bustling with activity. But Yuriko likes the sky more than the glamorous spectacle. The beautiful and twinkling stars. The clouds that appear pale pink because they reflect the lights of the city beneath. Japan is also under the same sky, she thinks, the thoughts are enough to put her mind at ease. Mizuhito: "What are you doing here?" Mizuhito silently steps into the room while loosening his necktie. The air around her brother is as tranquil and clear as she remembers. Mizuhito: "Paris is a little chilly tonight, huh? Be careful not to catch a cold." Yuriko: "I'll be fine. I'm not cold at all. It's actually perfect because I felt so hot from all the dancing." Mizuhito is now a famous painter and when he was invited to a party held at the palace, Yuriko came with him to Paris. They actually get invited to balls almost every night which is why Yuriko has been taking full-fledged dance lessons here. She's become better at dancing now, but she still thinks that her body isn't mode for dancing. And Yuriko still doesn't like the boisterousness that accompanies every ball. As a popular painter, everyone wants to talk to Mizuhito, who is now referred to as Vicomte (Viscount) Nomiya. But since he has absolutely no intention of being away from Yuriko during parties, she always finds herself in the center of a circle of people. And most people have noticed that the model of Vicomte Nomiya's painting is his younger sister. The most admired among all of Mizuhito's paintings is "Hair in the Shades of Night" and it features a delicate and minute depiction of a woman's beautiful black hair, drawn using fine-point brushes. Mizuhito: "Oh! It's such a beautiful starry sky." Mizuhito steps out onto the balcony and gently circles his arm around Yuriko's shoulders. Mizuhito: "You looked gloomy tonight... What's the matter?" Yuriko: "...So you noticed. I should've known better than trying to fool you, brother." Mizuhito: "Of course I noticed. My eyes have been following you since the day you were born." Yuriko: "Pfft! And you're still as masterful with words as usual. Maybe we won't ever change, brother... You and I both." Mizuhito: "...Is it something about the past?" Yuriko: "Yes." Yuriko smiles sadly and looks to her side, at her brother. Yuriko: "The memories of those days are rushing to my mind... Tonight, they're even more vivid than usual." Tonight's evening party has reminded her of the evening party that took place years ago- the one that marked the beginning of a series of misfortunes that befell her family. She knows very well what caused those misfortunes. But Yuriko still isn't sure if she should discuss it with her brother. Yuriko: "...Father and mother passed away. The manor was burnt down... and Majima disappeared." "A lot of things have happened since then... Coming at us like a hurricane." Yes, various things happened after that... The night the manor was set on fire was the last one of the misfortunes that the Nomiya household had to suffer. After the incident, several strange events occurred. But maybe they weren’t strange at all; maybe they were fortunate instead. The first miracle that happened was this- the debt that had swelled to a large sum of money was written off, completely. One day, Fujita told her that there was no more and Yuriko didn't have the slightest idea how it was possible. When Yuriko asked her brother for an explanation, he revealed something that she had never known before. There were supposed to be multiple creditors involved with the Nomiya household's debt, but someone bought all of the claims. This person was an unknown nouveau riche and the same figure who secretly used their influence to enable Mizuhito to earn money by selling his body. But neither Fujita, who took care of the transactions related to the household's debt, nor Mizuhito, who agreed to work as a prostitute, had met this person before. There was always someone else acting as the mysterious person's representative. The debt certificate containing all of the household's debt was later sent to Mizuhito. In other words, their household had no more debt to pay. The Mysterious person who had been holding the Nomiay household's fate in their hands disappeared after that, vanishing like a cloud of smoke. The mysterious person's disappearance was clearly related to a certain missing man, but no one in the household talked about it. However, the fact that they no longer had any debt to pay didn't mean that their burnt manor would rebuild itself. A few days after the fire, their grandmother from their mother's side offered her own manor for them to live in, but they knew they couldn't stay there long. After leaving the manor, the siblings were ready to face countless hardships in order to make ends meet. However, the two of them were saved by an unexpected figure- Mizuhito's biological father, Count Shirakawa. Although to be precise, it was Viscountess Fuijtani, the older sister of the late Count Shirakawa, who made the arrangements to help them. Fujitani knew that Mizuhito, her brother's child, had been growing up as an illegitimate child of the Nomiya household. Since Mizuhito's mother was not just any maid but a servant of Viscount Nomiya's household, the Shirakawas' distant relatives, the fact that Count Shirakawa had gotten her pregnant caused a skirmish among the count's extended family. But then Viscount Nomiya declared that the newly born child was his own illegitimate child. Thanks to the viscount, the Shirakawa family was able to hide the immoral deed committed by one of their own and they had always felt indebted to the Nomiya household. When the Shirakwawa family learned about the many hardships that had befallen the Nomiya household, resulting in the loss of their home and reducing their number to just a pair of siblings, they decided to reach out and help after considering the situation. They helped Mizuhito so that he could go to an art school and devote himself to painting. But being a free spirit, Mizuhito hated the popular realism behind them for it valued only superficial and formulated techniques. He graduated and submitted his works to various exhibitions, but he got rejected each time. He fell into a state of despair then. But he decided to fulfill his dream of studying abroad in France, just like the late Count Shirakawa who went to Europe to study painting. Mizuhito insisted that Yuriko come along, so she did, on the pretext of looking after her brother and studying foreign languages abroad. Yuriko herself immediately agreed to her brother's offer because she was getting fed up dealing with endless marriage affairs. And so Mizuhito and Yuriko went to France together. They got a place with cheap rent and lived a modest life at the beginning. But Mizuhito never stopped putting out his works at the Salon and he gradually gained fame as a painter. Before long, his popularity rose rapidly. He began receiving financial support from Japanese businessmen in France who were also active participants in high society there. By this point, the two of them could live without relying on the allowance remitted to them from Japan. Now, There is not a single person in France who hasn't heard of Mizuhito the painter. They live in a gorgeous house in luxury, and they socialize with well-known figures. Mizuhito's paintings which were not accepted in Japan now bask in acclamation in France. And Yuriko finds it ironic. Her brother is a Japanese man through and through and she thought her brother would never have anything to do with Europa at all. Mizuhito: "...Did someone at the party say anything that upset you?" Mizuhito peers into Yuriko's gloomy expression and he seems genuinely concerned. He looks worried as he strokes the stray strands of her updo along her nape. Yuriko looks up at her brother and smiles. Yuriko: "No, not at all. Why would you think so?" Mizuhito: "Well... I don't know, I guess it's because I've met many unsatisfied ladies recently. They hate that I keep drawing you." Yuriko: "Oh? I don't think it just started recently, though. I think you have more women who are obsessed with you than you know, brother." Mizuhito: "Haha! Please, I've heard that one a lot. But then... Why are you looking so blue?" Yuriko shifts her gaze down to her feet, Her brother doesn't seem like he's willing to drop the subject, but should she tell him about it? Then again, her brother is bound to find out one day. She should probably talk to him about it now so as not to lead him astray. Yuriko heaves a small sigh, making up her mind. She really doesn't want to talk about it, but she has to. She's recalling her past more clearly than ever today because she ran into someone unexpected today. Yuriko: "...I met Shiba." Mizuhito: "What!?" Mizuhito exclaims in surprise, something she seldom does. Yuriko fixes her eyes on her brother, unsure what kind of face she should be making now, and continues. Yuriko: "Yes. He was at the party. He said he was doing business in Germany, but recently moved to France..." Mizuhito: "What? Oh god... That man is here, in France?" Yuriko: "He told me he wanted to buy your paintings, brother...." Mizuhito: "Well, he'd have to kill me first!" Mizuhito spits in anger and Yuriko flinches in surprise. It's truly rare of her brother to raise his voice in anger in this manner. In fact, Yurio doesn't think she's seen him get mad ever since they started living together in France. Yuriko looks at her brother as if she's only seeing him for the first time and clenches her jaw. It doesn't escape Mizuhito and he immediately relaxes before enveloping his sister in a tight embrace. Mizuhito: "...I thought Lady Amami talked him into giving up on you, but I guess he's still trying." Yuriko: "...He told me he saw your one-man exhibition. He complimented you a lot." Mizuhito: "Mmph. I bet he said an obscene word or two to humiliate you, didn't he?" In fact, Shiba did. But Yuriko chooses to hold her tongue. Most of Mizuhito's paintings depict Yuriko. And one of the most appreciated ones is a nude painting of her. Her black hair looks neat against her kimono, but when those dark strands drape against her bare skin, the combination is imbued with a bewitching sort of beauteousness. Shiba used a few choice words to point that out. He said Mizuhito's paintings are oozing with his deep love for her and it’s so palpable that the audience will shudder in response if they gaze at the paintings long enough. It's true that Mizuhito's paintings can be intimidating. Vicomte Nomiya is known for his paintings and they all have the power to stifle the audience with his obsession as each strand has been drawn with incredible tenacity and precision. Mizuhito: "I would know. Among critics, there are those who say nasty stuff too- acting as if they know everything about painting." Yuriko: "...I don't know much about painting either." "I like your paintings, brother, but I really don't understand a thing about cubism art surreal realism." Mizuhito: "Hehe. That's okay, you don't have to force yourself to learn about those terms. I myself am not completely familiar with everything about painting. I just know that I find original expressions attractive. Each one of them is exhilarating and exciting." "Nowadays, foreign painters like me are popular because we offer unique expressions as a result of our homelands traditions. That's why painters like me are able to make a living." Yuriko: "I'm just as clueless about the current trends- why people like what they like. But... I know your paintings have the ability to grasp the hearts of the people. I don't know if I'm making any sense, but... I think your paintings are really attractive." Mizuhito: "...And it's all thanks to you. Do you know that?" Mizuhito says, his voice thick with adoration. Mizuhito: "You might find this surprising, but I can actually relate with that man's obsession." Yuriko's hair falls to her shoulders. When did her brother take the comb from her hair? Mizuhito's fingers are slowly stroking her hair, as gentle and hot as the fingers that used to wash her hair back then. Mizuhito: "Anyone who catches a whiff of your sweet scent will never forget you..." "People are buying my paintings not because I'm good at painting. All of my buyers- they want you." Yuriko: "...But not just any painter can paint me. It has to be you, brother." "I mean, have you looked at the hair strands that you drew? If you hadn't been touching my hair so much, you probably wouldn't be able to draw my hair with such detail." Mizuhito: "Yeah... You're right." Mizuhito lovingly caresses Yuriko's hair, which was entwined around his fingers, and places a kiss on it. Mizuhito: "Your hair belongs to me… like your skin, your eyes, your lips, even the tips of your nails...they are all mine..." While whispering sweetly, he groped Yuriko's body from on top of the dress and rained kisses all over her face. Yuriko's body easily burns even with love through the cloth. In France, her brother wanted Yuriko more passionately than when he was in Japan. As the heat rises, the tip of his tongue sneaks caress Yuriko's sensitive mouth. She never kissed anyone else, but a kiss with her brother is now tantamount to sex itself. Yuriko was no longer able to stand still at the kiss that was so deep that the sound of water resounded. Yuriko: "Oh... Brother..." Mizuhito: "...Shall we go inside?" With a blank head, Yuriko nodded absentmindedly, and Mizuhito picked Yuriko up in his arms and returned to the hotel room. And just like that, they lie down on a luxurious bed. Just when she was wondering if she would take off her clothes next time, a hand suddenly rolled up the hem of her dress. Yuriko: "B-Brother...?" Mizuhito: "...I want you right now... Can I?" Yuriko: "Eh... R-Right now...?" She hasn't taken off her shoes yet, and she is still wearing stockings, garters, and underdress. No way, she wonders if her brother wants to do it while she is still wearing all the dresses and underwear. Yuriko: "B-But... the dress will get dirty, so no..." Mizuhito: "Don't worry. I'll be careful." Yuriko: "N-No we can't, I..." She can't speak beyond that, and she turns bright red and keeps her mouth shut. Yuriko was the type to get very wet. During the act, she would overflow endlessly. Already, her shorts are quite damp from just his caressing. Even though she always ends up getting the sheets wet, she can't let the dress look like that. However, Mizuhito didn't seem to care. Mizuhito: "It's fine if one or two dresses get dirty. I'll buy you as many dresses as you want." Yuriko: "B-But brother..." Mizuhito: "Don't worry... Ma petite princesse..." Mizuhito half forcibly spreads Yuriko's legs, pulls her shorts aside, and hides his fingers there. She protested with a small voice, but soon as his finger found that it was already moist. Mizuhito: "What... you want it too, don't you?" "Just take off your shorts... leave everything else to me, and spread your legs... like a whore..." Mizuhito's enchanting whispers make Yuriko tremble with embarrassment, but for some reason she obeys. When she pulled the shorts down with her hot fingers, a moist thread was pulled from there. Listening to her thumping heartbeat, Yuriko spread her legs wide on the bed as her brother told her. With a wet sound, her congested labia opens its mouth. A thick honey leaked out from the gap, and the pink interior was twitching open and close. Mizuhito: "Fufu... What a dirty view..." Yuriko: "Please... don't be so mean... brother..." Mizuhito: "Why? You're excited, aren't you..." Mizuto knelt down in front of Yuriko and without hesitation pressed his lips all over the gap. Yuriko: "Hyaaa. Ah..." Mizuhito: "Hmm... fu... ha" "Ha, mnn, uh. Hmm, ha..." "Haa... fufu... You're so wet..." "You like being licked here, don't you...? You're wriggling happily..." Cover it with his lips and bury the tip of his tongue in her vagina. That alone makes Yuriko tremble and almost come. Mizuhito: "Here too, it's so bloated..." Yuriko: "Ah, ah, no, brother..." Mizuhito: "You hate it? Don't you love this place...?" "Nn, nmu, fu, ha..." Mizuhito smoothly peeled off her foreskin, exposing her most sensitive coral colored ball. He kissed it, after sucking on it, he rolled it with the tip of his tongue as if playing with it, and flipped it up. Finally, Yuriko could no longer endure it, and her hips convulsed. Yuriko: "Hyaa, no! Ah, ah!" Mizuhito: "Hmm... ah... See, I told you..." She can feel her vaginal walls moving in small increments. The love juice that leaked from deep inside dripped down, and Mizuto deliberately slurped it down with a loud sound. Mizuhito: "Nfu, nn, nn, uh..." Yuriko: "Haa...haa...ah, hya, no, don't lick it..." Mizuhito: "Fufu...then it's about time, can I get inside you...?" After carefully licking her sensitive vagina, Mizuhito finally lets go. Yuriko: "Well, that's... b-but, at least let me take off the dress..." Mizuhito: "...No way. I want to hold you in your ball gown." Yuriko: "...Brother...?" Only then did Yuriko realize that her brother was acting a little strange. Then, at the same time Mizuto forcibly leans over Yuriko. Mizuhito: "I love you... Yuriko..." Yuriko: "Ah...! Ngh, uhm, ah!!" Mizuhito: "Kuu... uh, fu, fufu… you’re already simmering inside..." Yuriko was trembling with hot pleasure when Mizuhito opened it up with his tongue. With everything going on with her body, something hot is pushed into her, and she feels like she's drowning in a strange sense of immorality. It was the first time for Yuriko doing the act while wearing a dress, and Yuriko felt an unexpected excitement rushing up from the depths of her body in a somewhat perverted atmosphere. Mizuhito: " usual, your insides, they're the best..." Yuriko: "Y-You’re terrible... Brother's clothes are wrinkled now, ah..." Mizuhito: "It doesn't matter... just think of it as the two of us dancing a little violently." Yuriko: "I-I can't, ha, ah" Her legs were strongly held as she swallowed her brother even deeper. When Yuriko's deepest feeling is hit in quick succession, the bottomless pleasure opens her mouth. Every time her brother's hard and hot shaft, which is buried tightly, rubs against the ripe mucous membrane, some love juice spills out. While being shaken shallowly and deeply at different speeds, Yuriko couldn't help but let out a loud cry as he rubbed her breasts that had spilled out of the corset. Yuriko: "Eek, ah, ah, ah, ah" Mizuhito: "Oh...amazing...You really drive me crazy… pulling me into the's irresistible..." "Haa...ah...Are you an angel or a demon...sometimes I'm not sure...ah, hah..." Mizuhito passionately sucked Yuriko's lips and shook his hips violently as if surrendering to his impulses. The intense wet sounds and the rustling of the dress swayed her ears. Her toes in high heels sway against the backdrop of her canopy. Looking down from above, her brother was still in a tuxedo, with his tie slightly loosened. Falling into the illusion of being hugged in the middle of an evening party, Yuriko felt unsettled, as if she was doing something wrong. Yuriko: "Ah, no, brother, no~...!" Mizuhito: "Why...? What do you dislike about making your body feel good?" Yuriko: "B-Because, ah, ah!" Mizuhito: "Isn't it nice... The sound of this rustling of clothes is just like another wonderful performance..." "Your wet sound is even louder today...fufu, it's proof that you're overflowing more than usual..." Skillfully thrusting deep inside, his voice became hoarse. She was dizzy by the dripping beauty of her brother looking down at her with misty eyes. Her brother is always good-looking, but when he's in the act, there's a bewitching scent about him. Mizuhito: "Haa, ha, ku, mnn... fu, ha" "Fufu... you must be a little excited, too? Tonight you seem tighter than usual..." Yuriko: "No, brother is always ... ah, ah" Mizuhito: "Ah... that might be the case... I'm so tense, I can't help it... I want to eat you, I can't help it..." Certainly Mizuto was bigger and stiffer than usual. Yuriko's body, which is made to remember its shape by nightly love affairs, is sensitive to even the slightest change. Her brother's alter ego tonight was as rigid as he could have been. He was so tense that it looked like she was being pearsted with a hot stone. Even though the face in front of her is her brother's, she falls into the illusion that the lower half of her body is being controlled by someone else. Mizuhito: "You belong only to me... you promise me you won't leave me..." Yuriko: "B-Brother..." Mizuhito: "Every time I go to an evening party, I feel uneasy... People who are enthusiastic about my paintings will surely fall in love with you... I feel uneasy about losing you..." Suddenly, Yuriko remembers that her brother used to sell himself. Her older brother who didn't confide in himself and was toyed with by rich people's entertainment every night. A nobleman by nature, her brother must have been deeply hurt by selling himself for money, even if he himself indulged in idle love affairs. To be honest, even after coming here, Yuriko was worried that her brother would make the same mistake again if they ran out of money. In fact, there was no such worry, and the period of poverty was short. Her brother's career as a painter soon paved the way, and Yuriko no longer needed to worry. But even so, Yuriko feels a strange sense of turmoil when her brother is surrounded by famous ladies in society. Her brother was tall for an Asian, but his slender and lean appearance made him look like a young boy in the midst of sensual Westerners. Mizuhito probably thought the same thing about his little sister. In fact, in this land of intense racism, no matter how much fame you have gained, there are many people who look at the Asian siblings with disrespectful eyes. As the popularity of Vicomte Nomiya increased in this foreign land, her brother was worried that his sister would be kidnapped, and she was worried that her brother might be taken as well. In addition to that, tonight's appearance of Shiba made Mizuto's eyes go mad with fever. Mizuhito: "That man... if he appears in front of you again, I won't let him..." Yuriko: "... Nothing will change, brother... No matter who shows up or what happens..." Mizuhito: "No, no, that's all I'm saying... I want you..." Mizuhito throbs inside Yuriko. Because he violently put something big and hard in and took out, her entrance had already melted, smeared with love juice and opened softly. Hugging his panting sister tightly, and her brother let out a hot breath. Mizuhito: "...Can I come inside you...?" Yuriko: "What...?" Yuriko's heart beats wildly at the sudden question. Until now, he was always throwing up semen outside her body worried about the what-ifs. However, her brother suddenly says that he wants to put it inside. Yuriko couldn't fathom what that meant, and was perplexed. Yuriko: "But brother...then..." Mizuhito: "I want proof of my love for you..." Yuriko: "...!" So that's it. Yuriko felt like she was witnessing the depth of her brother's attachment to her, and she trembled. Even if they are not blood related, they cannot get married because they are registered as siblings in their family registers. Even if they were able to legally marry by some means, they would already be known as siblings in Paris. If it comes down to it, Mizuhito would probably brush off any rumors, but Yuriko wanted her brother to stay in the sunshine. Yuriko: "...But what if something happens, what will we do..." Mizuhito: "We'll say they were adopted. You secretly gave birth outside the country, and then say you took them from an orphanage.” "Besides, eventually I will give up my Japanese nationality... I'm thinking of becoming a French citizen. I'm sure it won't be impossible for me to marry you then..." Yuriko: "Brother...Do you really want this...?" Mizuhito: "Of course. I've been thinking about that for a long time..." "I want to start a family with you...a happy, bright family...!" Yuriko: "...A happy family..." Overwhelmed with emotion, large tears spilled from Yuriko's eyes. And if she took a closer look at her brother, tears were also shining in her brother's eyes. Yuriko wasn't the only one who remembered the tragedy of the past when Shiba suddenly arrived. They have a tragic past. At that time, they lost everything, were exhausted, and the frozen sadness healed little by little with the warmth of each other's skin. Still, their wounds were too deep. Those gruesome and shocking events will never fade away no matter how many years pass. Yuriko: (And... brother... has always been worried about his birth...) Mizuhito must have been starving for the love of his family for a long time. He tried to fill it with a woman's skin, and misplaced his feelings for Yuriko. It wasn't that Yuriko didn't want to have a child with her brother. She only thought that she didn't need her desire to be a mother for her brother's success. But it may have been a misplaced dedication. It was her brother who wanted a family more than anyone else. Yuriko: "...Alright, brother..." Mizuhito: "Really...? Will you forgive me, Yuriko...?" Yuriko: "There is nothing to forgive... I want one too... I want to give birth to brother's child." Mizuhito: "Ah..." "You... I didn't think you would say such a thing...!" Mizuhito kisses his sister deeply. They pressed their lips together deeply, entwined their tongues, panted, and ate each other's lips until they were out of breath. They looked at each other passionately, embracing each other, and began to shake their bodies. Mizuhito: "Haa, haa, ah, ah" "Ah, ah... amazing, I can't... ah..." Yuriko: "Hmm, uh, ah, ah, brother, I want it... brother took it out and put it in me..." Mizuhito: "Kuh, ha, ha, fu, uh..." "Ah, yeah, I'm coming, I'm coming..." He pushed up the back of Yuriko's knees and thrust violently against her hips. Unbelievably, Yuriko felt her brother's shock deep inside and convulsed. The deep and powerful thrust causes the vagina that is soaked in the throat to cramp and the uterus to contract violently. Mizuhito: "Haa, ah, ah, nn, ku, haa" "Ah, ah, ah, already, I'm coming, coming, ah, ah..." "Haa, ah, ah, ah, ah..." Yuriko: "Hyaa, ah, ah... ah...!" Mizuhito thrust something hot into Yuriko's innermost part, and she trembled. Yuriko flew to an unprecedented climax. She felt, in the hazy corner of her consciousness, that she had received her brother's semen in her womb. Mizuhito convulsed several times while burying the full length, and Mizuhito released everything into Yuriko's body. Only their rough breathing shakes the air in the room. While stroking her sweaty hair, Mizuhito looked at Yuriko lovingly and smiled. Mizuhito: "...I am extremely happy right now..." Yuriko: "Me too, brother..." Yuriko rubbed her brother's cheek with a pout. She will protect this person— for all eternity. Naturally, such determination springs up in her heart. Her first acceptance of her brother's semen also seemed to bring out Yuriko's inner motherhood. Mizuhito continued to caress Yuriko's hair lovingly. Now and as in the past, with the same delicate fingertips. ~END~

  • Mizuhito: On The Cushions

    Don't mind them. They're just two 'siblings' cuddling each other. (●ˇ∀ˇ●) Translated Video Mizuhito: "...Are you absolutely sure?" Feeling her mind trapped in a daze, Yuriko gives him a small nod. Yuriko: "...I am. I want to be... yours, brother..." Mizuhito's Adam's apple bobs up and down. For an instant, Yuriko catches something akin to grief in her brother's eyes, but she can't understand why it's there. And then, her brother punches her gently down on the bed. Her world turns; her vision filled with her brother's face and the ceiling behind him. There is no sight of his usual buoyant and frivolous expression there. Instead, he looks like he's at his wit's end and in pain. But then there's something about the look on his face that appears menacing as if he's also furious. Mizuhito cups Yuriko's flushed cheek with his cold palm. Mizuhito: "I love you, Yuriko..." His voice cracks at the end, but the words ring terrible sweetly in her ears. Her eyelids flutter shut on their own as she feels him closing in. Mizuhito: "Mnn..." Yuriko: "Ngh-" Its'a deep and feverish kiss. Mizuto's tongue relentlessly traced the mucous membrane inside Yuriko's mouth, as if trying to carefully trace everything in her mouth. Heat runs through Yuriko's body like electric currents and her breathing grows uneven. Yuriko: "Ngh- Ah..." Mizuhito: "Haah... You're so adorable... So Precious..." Mizuhito showers her with whispered sweet-nothings in between their kisses. Mizuhito: "Why are you so beautiful? My little sister... Why..." While sucking Yuriko's lips madly repeatedly, Mizuto deftly peels off her clothes. With deft movements, he loosens her kimono sash-- the process isn't supposed to be so well understood by a man-- and Yuriko immediately mourns the loss of the tightness around her chest. Even the thin undergarment with transparent skin was exposed, and she unintentionally hugged her shoulders with both arms. Mizuhito: "...Do you want me to stop?" Yuriko: "No... I'm just embarrassed..." Mizuhito: "You have nothing to be embarrassed about. I've practically seen every inch of your body, so." Yuriko: "What!?" She cries and Mizuhito laughs, looking triumphant. ​ Mizuhito: "I still remember what you looked like when you were a newborn. So this little monkey is my sister, I thought to myself." Yuriko: "You must be kidding me... Brother!" Face red with embarrassment, Yuriko hits her fists against her brother's chest. Her brother laughs, feeling amused at her expense, and apologizes to her. Mizuhito: "Haha! Well, my paint is- you don't have to shy away from me." Yuriko: "B-But my body isn't that of a baby's anymore!" Mizuhito: "Really? I beg to differ... Your skin is just as fair as the day you were born." Mizuhito says and rests his cheek on Yuriko's bare clavicle. His shiny long black strand dances on Yuriko's skin before they land there and the sensation takes her breath away. Yuriko: "B-Brother..." Mizuhito: "And this sweet floral scent... It hasn't changed one bit.." Her brother's tickling nose and lips gradually descended. The undergarments that had barely covered her breasts slipped onto the bed with that casual movement. Yuriko: "Ah..." Her brother breathes on her exposed nipples. Embarrassed, she lost her breath. Mizuhito: "...They're beautiful. They look like cute red plums." Yuriko: "N-no... don't look..." Mizuhito: "Why? I'm the only one here. Don't be shy, show me everything about you." Yuriko: "B-but... Ah" The tip of the breast is wrapped in a warm, wet feeling. Yuriko couldn't believe it for a while, and her head went blank. Mizuhito: "Hmm... ah... um..." "Your... flower nectar tastes sweet..." Yuriko: "...Ah..." Mizuto gently sucked Yuriko's nipples. He covers them with his lips and slowly traces its outline with the tip of his tongue. Then, occasionally, he sucked a little harder with a whistling sound, and handled the papilla as if crushing it with the belly of his tongue. Mizuhito: "Hmm, hmm... huh... hmm..." Yuriko: "Ah... Ah, Ah..." Yuriko lifted her hips with an indescribable sensation. At first, she thought it was like a baby sucking, but this is completely different. Certainly, it was an indecent act to lead Yuriko to pleasure. Mizuhito: “Hey… the buds are changing colors, like a blooming flower.” The movement of Mizuhito who whispered with a smile gradually became bolder. While gently rubbing Yuriko's breasts, he relentlessly rubs her nipples with the tip of his tongue. With one finger, he picks, rolls and caresses the other nipple. She can't help breathing out and letting out a nasty voice. Yuriko felt frightened when she was easily caught up and wanted to run away. At this rate, she feels like she's losing herself. Yuriko: "Oh, brother... ah, ah... n-no..." Mizuhito: "No...? Doesn't it feel good?" Yuriko: "N-No…ah... this is scary... I feel strange..." Mizuhito: "....I know. This is all new to you..." Staring at Yuriko with hot eyes, he gently embraces her lips. Mizuhito: "So... entrust everything to me. Accept me..." Yuriko: "Brother...ah" Mizuhito: "That's right... you're not scared anymore, are you? I know you better than anyone else..." He tightens his hold around her and her nose catches the familiar smell of her brother's oil paintings. Her brother's body doesn't have a particular scent. But for as long as she can remember, he's always smelled like oil paint. Somewhere along the way, he started smelling like women too. But now, that smell no longer lingers on him. Yuriko: (Yes... I should remember. My brother has chosen me...) He has walked away from countless women and their temptations and headed toward where she is. She is the only person that her brother loves now. Her brother belongs only to her now. The realization hits her and affection wells up inside her, overwhelming her shyness in the most magical way. Yuriko reaches out to cling to her brother. Yuriko: "Yes... I'm not scared. Because you're here with me, brother..." Mizuhito: "I am. You're such a good girl, Yuriko..." Mizuto's hot lips stick to Yuriko's lips. With his tongue entwined, his hand slides down on her skin and strips her of all her clothes. Yuriko accepted her brother's hand crawling all over her body with a violent palpitation. Those delicate fingertips that once gently washed her hair are now caressing her naked body that no one has ever touched. And it was never unpleasant. On the contrary, she couldn't stop herself from trembling with indescribable comfort as the part her brother's hand touched became hot. Yuriko: "Aa...Ah...Brother..." Mizuhito: "Your skin seems to stick to my hands... everywhere I look, it's as cute as sweet candy..." Yuriko: "Y-You're just saying that... ah..." With a slip, the hand slides between her inner thigh. Yuriko took a deep breath. Her brother's fingers slowly headed for a place that no one had ever touched or, of course, had ever shown. Involuntarily she swallowed. Her whole body was on fire from her embarrassment. Mizuto's finger gently caressed there. Her body, already engulfed in polite love and nothingness, was filled with moisture and accepted his finger. Checking the warm sliminess with his fingertips, Mizuhito suddenly smiled. The face above her was the most beautiful that Yuriko had seen. Mizuhito: "...I'm so happy... you seem to have forgiven me..." Yuriko: "Forgive me..." Mizuhito: "I'm relieved to know that no one has taken you from me..." Yuriko: "...Mnn" Yuriko tightly closed her feverish eyelids, implicitly mentioning that she was wet. Yuriko: "Please...don't such thing...Brother" Mizuhito: "Why? I just want to tell you how I feel." Yuriko: "Please... I'm embarrassed...don't make fun of me..." She wraps her arms around her brother's neck and brings her red cheeks to his chest. Then, she felt her brother's small laughing breath. Mizuhito: "When you say such cute things, it makes me want to bully you even more." Yuriko: "What...? ah... ah" Mizuto's fingers began to move lasciviously. With his finger, he traced the cracks where the nectar was spilling out, and rolled the swelled flower core with the pad of his wet finger. Yuriko: "Ah...n-no… ah..." Mizuhito: "...You're so sensitive... Really, how cute are you..." Yuriko: "Hey, stop it, brother... ngh, ah, ah" Mizuhito entwined Yuriko with familiar movements. The honey gradually overflows, and Yuriko's ears are pierced by the embarrassing sound of her nectar. Yuriko: (What should I do... I'm going crazy...) Yuriko didn't know that there was such a pleasure. She felt a tremendous sense of shame that her brother's gentle fingers were dragging such sensations from the depths of her body. His slender fingers occasionally show movements that seem to burrow inward. At that moment, even though she felt a slight pain for a moment, even that seemed like a forbidden pleasure, and Yuriko's breathing was disturbed. Yuriko: "Ah, ah, ah... ah, ah" Mizuhito: "...You're tightening around my're such a spoiled child…” The sound of wet squeaking grows louder. Her clitoris that was relentlessly rubbed and rolled completely erected, and just by being stroked like tickling around it, her waist jumps. With her folds traced, her vaginal mucous membrane occasionally stroked, and persistently groped, Yuriko's lower abdomen overflowed with hot mucus, and she couldn't stop her inner thighs from getting wet. Her brother's fingers were terrifyingly dexterous. Yuriko now knows this for the first time. It was her first time doing such an act, and she could only think that it was due to her brother's sleight of hand that she felt so much pleasure with just one fingertip. Looking down at his sister, who was trembling with pleasure on the bed, Mizuhito let out a small laugh between his quick breaths. Mizuhito: "...Fufu. You've gotten so wet... my fingers are about to get soggy." Yuriko: "No, don't say that... ah, ah, ah" Mizuhito: "...I can't hold it anymore, I'm at my limit... Let me hear your cute voice..." Yuriko was shocked at her brother's words. Yuriko doesn't know anything. From the desperate look on her brother's face, she could guess what was going to happen next. But she didn't have the courage to look down on it. She just clung to her brother and stared into his moist eyes. Yuriko: "I-I'm fine, brother.” Mizuhito: "...Are you sure...?" Mizuto narrowed his eyes sadly with a slightly raised voice. Yuriko nods. Yuriko: "Make me yours... brother..." Mizuhito: "...Alright..." Mizuhito let out a sigh, and his lower body made a rustling sound. Then, he opened Yuriko's legs wide. Without even feeling embarrassed, Mizuhito immediately moved his hips slowly toward the center. Immediately after feeling a hot lump there— In a shocking instant, it invaded Yuriko's interior. Yuriko: "Ah..." Mizuhito: “Ah… ngh…” Then the pain followed. It was a forcible pain, as if a foreign object had been forced into a place that shouldn't have entered. Instinctively, she was in agony trying to escape from the pain, and desperately endured it. Yuriko involuntarily frowned at her and bit her lip so as not to let her groan in pain. Because she felt that if she screamed that it hurts here, her brother would stop immediately. Mizuhito: "Are you okay, Yuriko?" When she opened her eyes slightly at the worried voice, her brother's distressed face appeared in her field of vision. For some reason, Yuriko's heart ached at his pain-filled expression. Yuriko: "Oh, brother... does it hurt...?" Mizuhito: "No...I'm fine, it's a little tight, but...compared to you, I have no right to complain." Yuriko: "I'm fine...I'm just happy that I'm doing this with you brother..." Mizuhito: "Yuriko..." Mizuto kissed Yuriko's face, who looked like she could not endure it. While being hugged and kissed by her brother's hot body, the feeling of the parts that were slowly connected to each other began to become ambiguous. Inside, she sometimes feels her brother's pulse. Yuriko: (I really have brother inside me...) Yuriko felt strangely moved. It seemed like a miracle to her that she had accepted a part of her brother's body into her own. Even though they weren't actually related by blood, it felt like they had a real connection for the first time. It was like a merging of spirits through physical union. Mizuhito: "Haa...mnn, ah" "Oh... how cute... I can't let you go... I won't ever let you go..." Yuriko: "Oh, ah... oh brother..." Mizuhito: "Haa, ah, so good, I can't take it..., ah, ah" Mizuhito naturally began to move his hips. The bed creaked, and Yuriko's body began to shake along with his movements. The pain was still there. But more than that, Yuriko was dominated by the love of being connected, the joy of being able to feel each other in the deepest place. Mizuhito: "Ah, ha, ah, fu, ha, ah" "Uh, ah, ah, Yuriko, I don't want to show you to anyone anymore..." "That man named Shiba, Hideo, Majima and Fujita... I don't want to show you to anyone!" Mizuto continued pouring possessive words into Yuriko's ears as if he was in a fever. Yuriko got drunk with that sweet bondage. This pain is proof that she connected brother. When she thought that, she even felt like she wanted more pain, more intense pain. Mizuhito: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Yuriko...I want to lock you up..." "Promise me... if you must be embraced by a man, let it be me... Promise me that you will be mine only...! Yuriko: "Ah, ah, brother, ah, ah..." While shaken by her brother, Yuriko gasped in a dreamy mood. Yuriko: "I promise... I'll only hold you brother... ah, ah." Mizuhito: "Ah...!" Mizuhito groaned and hugged Yuriko tightly. Mizuhito: "I love you, I love you... I've been in love with you for such a long time... Ah, Yuriko... finally you're mine..." Yuriko: "Hmm, ah, hi, ah, ah" Mizuhito: "Ha, oh, oh, feels great, oh" Mizuhito's movements became more violent. Pain, heat, and pleasure mixed together made Yuriko burst into tears. The movement that rubbed the inside with tremendous force seemed to be imprinted with the emotions that her brother had suppressed for many years. Yuriko doesn't understand anything anymore and desperately clings to her brother's back. Mizuhito: "Kuh, uh, ha, ha, ah, so tight, ha, ah" "Haa, ah, ah, ah, already, ah, it looks like I'm about to come, ah, ah" Mizuhito's movements continued to become more violent. The embarrassing gurgling sound of water echoes, and Yuriko feels as if she is intoxicated with shame and affection for her brother. Mizuhito: "Haa, haa, ah, ah, I, I can't..." "Ah, ah..., ahhh...!" Yuriko: "Ngh...!" At the end, her brother trembled on top of Yuriko. At that moment, Yuriko was startled by the feeling of something warm splashing on her stomach. When she looked at her lower abdomen, there was white stuff scattered there. She finally knew that her brother had reached it. Even after the big thing came out, Yuriko lost her senses for a while, and it was hot and swollen. Mizuhito took out a handkerchief from his pocket and quickly wiped the stain on Yuriko's skin. His movements seemed, after all, very natural and familiar. Mizuhito: "Haa...ah...Yuriko..." Yuriko: "...Brother..." The brothers and sisters stared at each other, kissing each other, and entwined their tongues as if they were drawn together. As it was, they hugged each other without straightening their disheveled kimono, and hugged each other for a long time on the bed. Yuriko's heart was filled with the greatest happiness. She felt that she had made her beautiful brother completely her own. The world outside the window grows darker. Although they know Fujita will soon come to call them for dinner, Yuriko and her brother are still unable to leave each other's side. Before he knew it, Mizuto had spread a cloth under Yuriko's waist to prove her virginity. As a result, the bed was kept clean, but Yuriko secretly resented her brother for being so thorough. Her brother's familiar appearance undoubtedly represents the number of female itineraries. Mizuhito: "In all seriousness, though... I still remember very clearly the days when you were a newborn..." Mizuhito begins to speak, whispering his word as he endearingly strokes Yuriko's hair with his fingers. His delicate fingers feel gentle on her scalp, as usual, and Yuriko feels none of those complex emotions. She's simply there, feeling perfectly content and comfortable. Mizuhito: "Mother and our maids wouldn't let me look after you, obviously, because you were just a tiny baby... But I remember worrying about you, wondering if anyone could actually survive in such a small body." "And then we both grew up. You started following me and wouldn't stop calling me 'brother'... You were such a sweet kid." "The manor was a suffocating place for me to be, but... I realized breathing was easier when you are by my side." "My love for you might have begun to bud then... But it became crystal clear to me after I started washing your hair." "Your glossy black hair was so beautiful and I wanted to touch it... So one day I asked you, on a whim, if I could wash your hair. My feelings of love for you undoubtedly began when I actually started washing your hair." "My head was full of stubborn thoughts of not wanting another man to see your beautiful hair, to wash it, to touch it..." Her brother's husky and soft voice is a sweet lullaby to Yuriko's ears and she nearly dozes off while listening to him. But then he stops talking. The loss of her brother's voice fills the room with silence and Yuriko blinks her eyes open. There in front of her is her brother, fixing his clear eyes on her in the dim room. Mizuhito: "I'm sorry, Yuriko...." Yuriko: "...? Why are you... apologizing?" Mizuhito: "Because I know the feeling you have for me... It isn't love. At least, not yet.." Her brother's words stun Yuriko. What is her brother talking about? Yuriko isn't sure she's following him, so she holds her tongue. Mizuhotio studies her expression and, as if he's spurred on by something, quickly opens his mouth to add. Mizuhito: "I wanted to bind you to me... I didn't want you to love another man, didn't want you to be touched by another man, didn't want you to belong to another man..." "So I took advantage of your confusion and led you to sleep with me... I love you, a lot, and I didn't want to let you go..." "I'm sorry I'm such a coward... But I couldn't bear it anymore. I wanted to have you, I always have— all these years. Every day, I'd deny myself for wanting you... And I... was at my limit." Yuriko: "Brother..." Watching Yuriko intently with pain clear in his eyes, Mizuhito looks as if he's just committed a crime. Her brother's long years of torment. It must have etched a wound on his mind, much deeper than Yuriko can even begin to imagine. They've slept together, but her brother is still suffering. He thinks he's deceived his little sister into sleeping with him and he wont' stop apologizing to her. Yuriko: "You know, brother? I'm the coward here..." Yuriko mutters. Mizuhito watches her with worried eyes and inclines his head. Mizuhito: "No, you're not. Why would you say that?" Yuriko: "I am. I took advantage of your pain and suffering, brother..." "When I heard that we aren't related by blood or when I heard about your history with that geisha... I know full well that I'm going insane." "I couldn't even bear the thought of letting you go to see someone else... I want you to stay here, inside the manor, with me. And if being a coward is the only way to achieve that goal, I'll gladly turn into one." "You were right, brother... Maybe I can't call this feeling love, but does it matter?" "I was happy that you wanted to have me so badly, brother... I was so happy I could finally make you mine." Mizuhito: "Yuriko..." Mizuhito looks at Yuriko with astonishment. He clearly has never expected to hear those words and Yuriko finds it just a little hard to breathe. Yuriko: "Brother, you keep telling me I'm cute and you probably think I'm just a pure, lovely little girl, but... but I'm not." "...Do you hate me now? Have I fallen short of your expectations?" She asks, feeling compelled to make sure— to hang onto her brother. But Mizuhito's expression changes into the gentlest one he's ever shown her and his lips curve to form a beautiful smile. Mizuhito: "You don't even need to ask... It's more likely for the earth to turn upside down than for me to come to hate you..." He says, reaching out to engulf his sister in an affectionate embrace. ~END~

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